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/edu/ - Education

'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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Does anyone have good sources on brainwashing during the Korean War? Or in general anything about how American POWs were treated. Everything I've learned about it have come from western sources, some of them older than others, and some probably less accurate.

Brainwashing is a meme

Yes. But dickwashing isn‘t. Are there any historical records on that for during the Korean War?

No, Jordan Peterson had not been born yet.

you don't control your brain in the first place. everything to receive is outside yourself, there is no pure thinking, always an object of thought. language, words, images, cultures, organizational categories, all have histories of biases they carry around and thought patterns they uphold and implicitly support whether its user/receivers realizes it or not. your thoughts regurgitate out of your subconscious, you are not the one forming the thoughts in your head.
we brainwash ourselves everyday.

i know the book "Patriots, Traitors and Empires" but don't got much else for you.

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