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What should I expect from veteran difficulty from both of mw and mw2?


Modern CODs on veteran are piss easy. You just inch forward 2cm, kill all the soldiers you see, then inch forward another 2cm, etc.
COD Veteran campaigns are more like hide and seek than an FPS. It requires no real strategy, just an awareness of where the enemy is coupled with abuse of cover.


Not really. One old respawning is infinite and where enemies are is influenced by your companions positions aswell which adds a layer of rng meaning unless your playing a level like mile high club it’s unlikely that youll do well in veteran without reliance on peeking and your marksmanship skills. Cod single player content doesn’t play like doom, you have to play a lot more carefully and prioritize your aim and your position relative to the bots a lot more than you would in a game like ultra kill where projectiles are slow enough to be dodgeable


Waw has the hardest campaing if u think you got what it takes, go for it

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