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I misread the title, thought the game was a remaster or sequel of sim city 4. Realized what it was and frowned :|


If they tried to remake Simcity 4 they would fuck it up anyway. The videogame industry has been de-skilled.


fuck sim city, city skylines is the future


Yeah when they fix the infrastructure to population ratio first and make building space efficient cities more rewarding


you may seethe, but you know deep inside sim city is dead, and city skylines is the only future left


Yeah cuz ea fucking killed it by preventing the modding community from adding any replay ability to the games. Something that didn’t occur to skylines. Outside of that I still occasionally play 4 and love it more than skylines just because of how much more you can build in the base game without as many restraints seen in skylines that tries to hard to be realistic with its roadway system that I personally couldn’t deal with


yeah which sucks but what can ya do


Babe it's 50 000 population, time for your 3rd hospital and yet another highway entrance

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