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For bethesdas first real shooter this actually turned out to be a pretty good game on a such a “dated” engine. Yet things like real time shadowing for objects, actors and items is fully possible, the team did have cinematic camera animations(admittedly for first person but there’s some rare 3rd person ones aswell). They even got a pseudo train by attaching a train to an NPCs head which just makes me ask, how much of the constraints behind this engine really a victim of its age and how much of this was to avoid save bloat and wasting time before release?


At the time of Fallout 3, it was probably fine, but it was outdated by the time NV was finished.


Quest scripting doesn't have a good flow, which is pretty shit for making an rpg


I wouldn’t really call any 3d fallout quest a quest. Maybe in 76 but the rest feel more like campaigns. Quests typically are one off stories or levels game design wise while in Bethesda titles they’re typically generally fleshed out with a lot of content which is why most quests in 3d fallout are packaged as dlcs and not quests like that one in new Vegas where you climb up black mountain to stop some weird looking nightkin from spreading propaganda. Or the other quest line in fo3 related to the lone wanderer and a bunch of cannibals underground


Bethesda has been using the same engine more or less since Morrowind. It was already pretty much outdated for RPGs by then and now the cracks show big time with games like FO76.


netimmerse 2 was their engine then and i think they upgraded the engine a lot since then so it is not really the same as gamebryo or whatever they were using for skyrim, its been upgraded many times


They upgraded the graphics and animations I’ll give them that but the physics and ai is cartoonishly bad.

I think the physics will improve from starfield due to flight mechanics and new updates but the ai for me is expected to stay the same ignoring scripted encounters


File: 1685390015001.png (495.59 KB, 964x690, ClipboardImage.png)

My brother in Atom, I…


Honestly that’s just impressive to me. Really shows how much the team for 3 understood their own engine to pull off shit like that


Why hat thought? Would it not be simpler to make train its own creature? Like changing model of dog to train.


making a whole new creature would probably take longer than this

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