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the game cube world apparently is getting an update on it called cube world omega which has been shown recently in a blogpost from the game's creator

so if anyone is interested in talking about the game then this thread is here



Are you the creator? That's a very impressive engine, with the procedural character creation especially. But what makes this game different than something like minecraft?


I played it a bit in the past. It is more like 3D Dot Game Heroes and Diablo than Minecraft, with one common thing with Minecraft being procedurally generated maps. You got things like cosmetic race selection, multiple classes with distinct skills, ability to modify weapons by attaching material cubes to them and also NPC towns with merchants and inns. Pretty fun but also laggy.


It's weird seeing that this game actually got released. I remember being in 8th grade and people were calling this vaporware online a little over a decade ago. Is it good?


Last I checked this was vaporware from 13 years ago, and I don't have high hopes


it was released 10 years ago, I remember playing it with my high-school friends
it wasn't bad, I played it for like 30 minutes before getting bored
there is a similar open source game, veloren, which can also be entertaining for 30 minutes and it runs better and has native linux support



i remember seeing comparisons between this game and trove back around 10-8 or a little less years ago, but i never really played it until 2019 which is when a version of it released on steam

there was an official steam release in 2019 but it was controversial and people didn't like it very much. basically the creators made it so that levelling was removed from the game and progress was reset when you move out of regions, so your progress is locked inside of a region, if you move your character out of a region in the game you lose your items and stuff and have to restart from zero but if you go back in that region your stuff that you got inside of that region comes back. i personally played it and i think it wasn't that bad despite its flaws but the original alpha version was obviously much better, and it is repetitive to constantly have to restart from zero in the game after completing the content in a region

the creator got bullied off the internet from the backlash of the update, and only came back a few days ago to post this update to the game which we don't know much about yet


no i am not


Oh my Woolay has been fast with that update.

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