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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.1468946[Last 50 Posts]

Hilo latino flacos, tratemos de mantenerlo mas activo que el hilo pasado. Ameribros as always we allow you to speak english, we are not Ukrainian fascists.

Para luego buscarlo en el catálogo:
Latinoamérica, Latin America, LATAM, /lat/, latinoamérica, latino américa, hispanoamerica, /ñ/


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Alguien sabe bien que esta pasando en Ecuador? Se viene Peru 2.0?


Alla es legal al parecer. Muerte cruzada sancionada por el tribunal supremo y a plena discrecion del presidente.
O al menos asi lo repite la hegemonia derechista.
Ademas que buenos poderes presidenciales dejó Correa y que se atraganten con uno bien gordo los indigenistas, cria cuervos y te sacaran los ojos


Que paso con bukakele para pasar del "partido de guerrilla" a "dictador zoomer"?


El "partido guerrilla" quedo sumergido en escandalos de corrupcion incluyendo pactar con las maras para bajar los numeros de muerte, cosa que al parecer Bukeke tambien hizo es una que siempre les achuntan se cayo electoralmente, pero maaaal; mientras que el tomo las riendas de un partido no me acuerdo si de centro o medio fascista (asi como el MAS en su momento) y le dio puntada final a la debil democracia burguesa salvadoreña para instaurar su napoleonico reino. Jum, ahora que lo pienso nunca via a nadie compararlo con Don Napo. A ver que diria Marx de eso.


Nah, es legal y constitucional cuando la derecha lo hace, cuando la izquierda lo hace es de narcoterristas chavistas y futuros dictadores.


En Peru la derecha rechino los dientes y Castillo cayó en una tarde.
En Ecuador la izquierda chilló y a un soldado le dio un bostezo.
Como siempre es que el ejercito te vea con buenos ojos (y en segundo plano una justificacion para la "comunidad internacional"). No tiene mucha ciencia.


/nuestrocompa/ Ben Norton hizo un vídeo sobre el tema.


Waw, tocó el que Ecuador tiene una clausula en la constitucion donde el presidente puede disolver el parlamento para compararlo con Castillo, por Dios.
Castillo hizo el golpe mas retrasado de la generacion (perdonen, es falso, el mas retrasado fue el de los exiliados venezolanos, se lleva todos los premios ese fiasco), tan estupido que hasta Peru Libre (ese partido del lapiz donde se canta la internacional en sus reuniones a veces) voto a favor de su destitucion esa misma tarde.

A Lazo su tribunal supremo le dio la razon y a Castillo no. Una cosa es citar la constitucion y otra es haber cumplido los mecanismos constitucionales (cosa que Castillo ni podia hacer ya con las modificaciones que le hicieron desde el TC) y que los encargados de ese mecanismo te den la razón despues que se calman las aguas.
¿Como uno dice que algo es constitucional? Porque esos cerebritos que dicen llamarse abogados consitucionales lo dicen y principalemente porque la cupula primaria de ellos que se llame Tribunal Supremo, Tribunal Constitucional,etc. lo avale. Tampoco tiene mucha ciencia. Eso lo paso de lado rapidisimo solo porque VOA lo dice y porque da mas prensa mostrar a los milicos dandole la mano a Lasso..

Decir que ambos fueron igual de "democraticos" -sin todo el idpol y llantos de plañidera por lo triste que Castillo esta junto con Fujimori ahora- es solo cantos de sirena para gringos idiotas.
La mierda, su nota sobre Peru voltea el orden de las cosas para seguir la historia de que Castillo no violo la constitucion. Que no joda, que eso es quemarse con un cohetecillo chino cuando la vida esta llena de misiles continentales apuntados a uno.


¿Es Torcuato di Tella llena de derechistas? Es la universidad de Javier Millei. Pienso hacer un semestre en este universidad porque tiene un acuerdo con mi universidad (no estoy Argentino).


no tengo idea, pero no es lo que te tiene que preocupar de una univeridad.


Buena comedia latinoamericana?
>Les Luthiers
>Pinti (a mi parece)
>Los comicos ambulantes? (a veces tienen sus momentos)
Pasen recomendaciones


Es de o estudió allí?
Yo revisé ambas constituciones y lamentablemente en Ecuador es más claro que el banquerito puede hacerlo. pero es que la crisis que él cita en la constitución es porque lo iban a destituir. el tribunal supremo debió haberlo rechazado, pero que va, ya eso estaba seguramente acordado bajo mesa.
Ahora lasso gobierna sin un congreso y seguro está firmando cada acuerdo entreguista que se le pase por el forro.
Castillo sí que no tenía esa figura tan linda, pero igual el prometió algo a sus votantes, una constitución nueva, y ganó por mayoría. los otros poderes lo bloquearon por todos lados (y su propio partido lo abandonó, porque ellos tenían el congreso). un asco.


>La delegación encabezada por Massa llegará este martes a la ciudad de Shanghái para mantener una agenda intensa que seguirá luego en Beijing y que prevé, junto con la ampliación del acuerdo que ya está en marcha para la utilización de U$S 5.000 millones del total aproximado de US$ 18.000 millones, sumar inversiones en generación de energía, en minería y en transporte ferroviario de carga.
>También está previsto un encuentro con directivos de la empresa China Gezhouba Group Corporation (CGGC) para monitorear el estado de ejecución de las obras de las represas del río Santa Cruz, como también anunciar el incremento de las exportaciones argentinas en el rubro de la carne y derivados con la apertura de nuevos mercados por parte de la República Popular, informaron fuentes diplomáticas y de Economía.
>Durante su estadía de seis días en dos de las ciudades más grandes de China, Massa mantendrá reuniones con el directorio de las empresas CET-State Grid Corporation, la mayor distribuidora de electricidad de ese país; Tibet Summit Resources (minera); Ganfeng Lithium, la mayor productora de litio de China y la tercera más grande del mundo, y Tsinghan Holding Group (productora de acero y níquel).
>El objetivo de la sucesión de reuniones es "promover inversiones en distintas provincias argentinas vinculadas con el desarrollo de la minería", informaron desde el Palacio de Hacienda.
>Desde las prioridades del gigante asiático, un momento clave de la visita será la firma del Plan de Cooperación de la Franja y la Ruta, que Massa suscribirá en representación del Estado argentino junto con el presidente de la comisión nacional de Desarrollo y Reforma, Zheng Shanjie.
en principio buenas noticias ¿no? pero tengo la sensación de que el compañero sergio va a volver con la valija pesada y en un año va a estar como diputado votando para cancelar los acuerdos y rescindir los contratos


De que lo bloquearon, sin duda. Y aun menos eso de que Lasso va a aprovechar el tiempo para favorecer a sus congeneres burgueses aun más y sin pieddad alguna.
Lo de Castillo, el partido era el que proponia (y toda la izquierda se reconozca como tal). Y puedes prometer la Luna, pero del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho, especialmente cuando no tienes mayoría para llevar los planes, y aun así se busco con el referendum hasta que tambien ahogaron esa posibilidad (ademas que "gano por mayoria" es una exageracion; ganamos con un 18% en primera y con las justas al 51% en segunda vuelta, con un plan de moderación incluido; mas por los pelos que eso no existe).
Mil veces dije que no se ahoguen de optimismo que para gobernar comodamente necesitas al menos controlar un minimo del congreso, no hubo ni eso. (toda la izquierda no llega a mayoria simple, con las justas a vetar cambios constitucionales/ un veto).
El partido no lo abandonó, solito se jodió. Se piensa que frente a una traición decidió seguir hacia adelante antes de que sus magisteriales se le volteen. Y ahora esas mismas fichas cantan al son que Boluarte y el Ministerio de Economia les den.
Al final el plan de los 100 dias fue lo que se avanzó, eso y unas cositas mas que fueron a morir en votación en el congreso.
Con tal de bajar esa inflacion y mantener un poco de esperanza de ganar todo vale, no sorprende ¿quien haria lo contrario?
Inversión para un país seco de divisas, y al ser de estado a estado seria concentrarse en la corrupcion y un poco menos en que un burgues con alma de oligarca reenvie la plata a Suiza ¿o no?


>¿o no?
el problema no son los acuerdos y los contratos que se van a firmar, que de hecho son buenos
para resumirlo para los que no son de acá, el problema es que en un año cambia el gobierno. el actual ministro de economía que va a encabezar la visita, sergio massa, en un año va a estar o de legislador o de presidente, cancelando los acuerdos que él mismo firmó, como sucedio con la ley de medios en su momento
no es algo nuevo, esto es lo que pasó con esas dos represas en la patagonia que se mencionan, con atucha III y IV, con la ampliación del astillero de ensenada, y todo así



Hola gordos playos, aquí representado a Costa Rica
>mcc jornadas 4x3
>volvemos a jornadas de 12 horas


estoy completamente fuera del tema, pero ya que te ofreciste, te pregunto
¿lo de 4x3 significa que el máximo por semana sube a 4 días (96 horas de las 168 de la semana)?¿o es más bien que lo de los 3 días libres es mentira y la ley es una abolición de derechos laborales lisa y llana?


wad da fug D:


la vara es desbaratar las horas extra y permitir a los dueños de fábricas el contratar menos gente para un mismo trabajo. Si el mae quiere tener su fábrica 24/7 tendría que pagar horas extra, o pagar más trabajadores, pero con este combo no tiene que hacer eso. Y la gente va a seguir trabajando lo mismo por menos plata, ya que con horas extras y demas ya se trabajaba como vaca. Asi que probablemente la gente tenga que trabajar 2 trabajos para sustentarse a huevo
En fin es una completa violación del derecho laboral (haber si esos hijueputas no se ponen a sacar energía de la tumba de Calderón Guardia, el pobre debe de estar rodando tan rápido que podría convertir en millonario al primer idiota que lo conecte a un generador) y un favorcito a los hijueputas que pusieron a Chaves a gobernar.


latanons what's this about the US sending troops to Peru to supposedly protect the embassy or some other bullshit reason. When you have US congress also talking about military operations in Mexico, it feels like something is happening


The blowback from invading mexico would destroy the empire, it's like Afghanistan with three times the land and population. It would be a civil war among the Spanish speaking diaspora within the US. They couldn't catch Pancho Villa.


War with Mexico would be the end of the US empire and maybe the US itself. They would need conscription and that would kill liberal democracy instantly. And if the retards try to pull of all NATO into that, Atlanticism would collapse. The US has to get pushed hard by something to make that decission.


War with Mexico would be another 1841. Roomstomp the mexicans again.
The problem would be another occupation or the role they would get in the aftermath. The empire knows that is better to leave them to their device.
About Peru, there were already US troops in here, and the DEA too. Now it just has been increased. Their bigger problem is having the door open by Boluarte, but they have step in worse waters, Boluarte is nothing more than common change for their PR managers.
Peru Libre and their inbetween put a proposal to expel the US troops and bases. Of course it died in congress too.


>About Peru, there were already US troops in here, and the DEA too. Now it just has been increased.
I know nothing but this feels like something different, a model that could be applied to many scenarios. Ironically, at this moment, latam nations might be better positioned to resist hegemony more than any other region. Maybe just because the memory of exploitation is more recent and people are more radical.


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Las elecciones argentinas van a estar muy /kino/ para ver, no puedo esperar mas. Ojalá Milei no pierda en la primera vuelta, perdería toda la gracia si pasa eso. Ustedes como van a prepararse argiebros?


>Ustedes como van a prepararse argiebros?
Con una 9 en la boca.


lo más interesante va a ser cómo resuelve el peronismo la interna y si van a las paso. en las elecciones de verdad la suerte ya está echada, de una forma u otra va a ganar un candidato del ajuste


Evo morales just called out Gabriel boric


We could've had a real one, Palestine's very own son


feels so good that Morales and Lula are back


Boric is such a fucking loser. Even with all his CIA shilling he couldn’t get a non-fascist constitution lmao


What did it say?


nta but last week evo told boric to remember allende's legacy and stop parroting CIA narratives about venezuela


Some "socialists" use Allende's image to ask for votes, but when they are in power they apply Pinochet's policies. Instead of condemning the coups done by the US, they accompany with their silence the defense of the coupists in Bolivia
Saying that the CIA supports him is too much, he does their job for free. The Dems international machine in the other hand…


> Muy apenados por la actuación del hermano presidente de Chile @GabrielBoric que se olvida de la vocación antiimperialista de Allende y repite ataques de Trump contra el pueblo de Venezuela. La lucha por la soberanía y dignidad de América Latina debe ser coherente y consecuente.


¿Alguien me dice qué está pasando en Colombia, o porqué hay un golpe blando?


Chifacels keep seething


Esperando a que los Kirchner terminen como los Romanov


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Basado o no?


Odio vivir en Venezuela maldita sea


el ultra muestra su verdadera cara
mirá cómo será la laguna que el chancho la cruza al trote


Cuál es la situación actual de Venezuela? En dónde están parados?


No te preocupes, los paises BRICS estan construyendo un sistema de pago alternativo y pronto podran evadir las sanciones


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Can he win?


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got a question why do other latin countries hate mexico?


Nope, Mexico's gonna get a neolib girlboss


We hate chile more


hating countries besides amerikkka is so dumb


Odiar a los chilenos es impresindible en latino que vive al sur del ecuador.

Los trotskistas argentinos volvieron a romperse? jajaja



because Mexicans online have a tendency to think that they are a representation of "Latinos", kinda older brother to everyone else

which may be more or less true in Central America, but absolutely ridiculous in South America

probably they got psy-op'd by their own representation in the US media


>because Mexicans online have a tendency to think that they are a representation of "Latinos"
>probably they got psy-op'd by their own representation in the US media
Whenever someone does that I usually assume it is a Chicano rather than a Mexican
>which may be more or less true in Central America, but absolutely ridiculous in South America
It is ridiculous anyways, Mexicans from different regions are very culturally distinct, people from different countries even more so.


Hugo Blanco
Cuadro historico de la izquierda peruana ha muerto.
Abogado, luchador social y cuadro trotskista formado en la Argentina que combatió desde poco más allá de la medianía del siglo pasado, quien protagonizo hechos como escupir a Nixon (entonces Vicepresidente) en Lima, dirigir sindicatos fabriles y formar parte del proceso de La Convención, de formación de sindicatos de colonos y tomas de tierras a las haciendas a ser constituyente en el año 78-79 ha dejado este mundo.
Aunque no comulgué nunca con sus ideas, fue un alguien luchador y siempre presente.


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hay una lista que no se rompe sino más bien lo contrario, para desgracia de la argentina
it's over


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recuerda no puedes tener trenes, salud publica ni drenajes decentes por que tus gobernantes estan muy ocupados en fiestas que valen el sueldo de toda tu vida
>dios mio


Me encanta como todos los partidos de """izquierda""" argentinos (con la excepción del trotskismo) entregó el ocote sin titubear a Massa. Militar a la derecha neoliberal para detener a la derecha neoliberal, un nuevo punto alto del comunismo argentino.

El trotskismo va de nuevo a definir sus internas en las PASO. Si eso es un indicador de que el FIT-U se va a romper a corto plazo no tengo la menor idea, pero se viene acumulando mucha tensión entre las dirigencias del PTS y el PO. No se va a perder mucho de valor, pero el trotskismo es lo único que queda en términos de organización obrera independiente a la burguesía en Argentina. La movida territorial (Polo Obrero) está completamente adicta a los planes que tira el ministerio de desarrollo social pero sindicatos combativos perderían terreno si se dispersa el trotskismo. (btw, es trot o troskismo?)


la izquierda y derecha son la misma mierda


el PO ya se rompió hace un par de años. los dos partidos tienen la costumbre de cada cierto tiempo auto-purgarse, para romper las pelotas nomás. todos los años reciben nuevos militantes y sin embargo su presencia ha disminuido tanto en universidades como sindicatos (aunque en papel hayan aumentado el número de organizaciones)
de una forma u otra, el objetivo de las organizaciones en el contexto actual ha de ser el de extraer y mantener concesiones para la clase obrera
incluso en una anomia total, ninguna organización obrera en la argentina está en condiciones de hacer otra cosa


Guatemala bros its over
Centrist ghoul vs Centrist liberal ghoul


>>1519070 (cont)
Los liberales con banderas rojas solo lograron 2.67%
Millions must move to Amerikkka
(suena mejor en ingles creo)


La Jacobin le acaba de publicar copiar un obituario en honor a Hugo Blanco.

Desde que se inauguro de facto el parlamentarismo en el Peru, los redactores en politica y los interesados en ella (porque el resto de la poblacion o le da igual o quieren quemar el congreso) buscan ver la relacion del proximo año de PL y la mesa directiva del congreso. En pocas palabras, si lo que los liberales dicen que es el "fujicerronismo" se materializa en presidencia del congreso.
Con su batallita estilo /Isg/ perucha como bonus xD
Personalmente, estoy entre los que le da igual. Pero el vicio de ver no se quita en absoluto


Quien es?
They don't, at least I haven't seen much hate. Mexicans and the rest of South America are kind of separated. We don't really know what the fuck is going down there. There's definitely a feeling of brotherhood but its more like we're the distant brother of the family. Argentinians are hated way more, or Chileans, as far as I've seen. At least many Mexicans tend to think of Argentinians as being arrogant, and in my experience it is more true than not. Sorry babes.


Este pobre y olvidado hilo, tan lejos del socialismo y tan cerca de Usapol
Para los otros compas latinos, en Peru se acerca una marcha nacional el 19 de julio. Tercera toma de Lima para los amigos. La prensa burguesa mas recalcitrante obligada a estar al lado del gobierno trata de poner una manta a esos fuegos que a su vez no existen y por otro lado van a venir los senderos del monte a tomar Lima jajaja. Los mas tibios solo alaban a los polis y chancan al gobierno. Y la prensa alternativa recibe palos de todos los anteriores.
¿Realmente estaran tan estresados los que hacen la finta de cortar el jamon para terruquear tanto? Personalmente lo hallo increible, manifestación de que como recien convertidos a la derecha les falta muñeca politica.


pasa que no quieren que el discurso se corra para la izquierda, aun sea un centímetro. la apelación al terrorismo se les está quedando sin filo


I particularly don't hate Mexico people. I only hate rancid pro-us bourgeoisie and the gusanos alikes.
ojalá puedan hacer algo hermanos peruanos.


exclusively hating america is dumb.
Nah, everybody secretly wish they could be mexican.


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Boric is such a fucking embarassment holy fuck.


Shame on the nirvana shirt, Kurt Cobain would spit on him


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Succdem to Succdem communication


what an insufferable hippie faggot. reminds me of juan grabois from my country


camaradas, hasta que punto la cultura de barrio es reaccionaria/alienada?
como un ejemplo, la cumbia villera que surgio en una situacion de crisis en los 90s en argentina tenia mensajes de critica socioeconomica. al dia de hoy, el unico mensaje de generos como el rkt no es mas que alienacion, agite, putas, y motos rapidas
no quiero caer en clasismo cuando realizo una critica a la cultura de base


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el arte es alienación y/o escapismo. pero para hacer una crítica así de básica mejor no te gastes
¿no tenes algo más importante para ocuparte? qué necesidad hay de criticar la "cultura de base" hermano


>el arte es alienación y/o escapismo.
fuente: tu orto
>¿no tenes algo más importante para ocuparte?
y tu mama estaba laburando en calzada hoy asi q me quedaba a trasmano visitarla


Free Malvinas Bloody Sunday incident 1972


buena compa, de pensar en serio ni hablar ¿no?


Perdón por el post de newfag pero sólo quiero preguntar, por qué /leftypol/ es pro-russia?


y con un gil arrastrado como vos imposible
yo la pregunta la hice por una razon, si en vez de aportar algo queres verduguearme ni te molestes en contestar


Es un conjunto de gente:
>Odian a NATO
>Odian el estado Ucraniano
>Fans de Putin
>"Mi opinion es todo lo contratio al status quo liberal"


Gusanos aun sufren en carne viva la victoria del antiimperialismo sobre ellos en Cochinos.
Ni aun con los aviones yanquis hubiesen vencido, porque un tigre de papel no tienen negocios que hacer con cucarachas.


El poder de que los anglos ya no contaminen la chingana con sus infulas de imperio mas allá de la senilidad.


Al andar buscando algo sobre eurocomunismo estos muchachos aparecieron en el buscador.
¿alguien conoce ya este canal? Han hecho un huevo de videos. Parece ser un canal de como dicen, divulgación historica /ML


pls reply in that thread if you know the answer >>1528118
>I'm looking for a webm about the 2019 coup in Bolivia.
>It was basically just showing a bunch of bot twitter posts that said something like "everything is fine and there is no coup in Bolivia"


Boris es un liberal larpeando de izquierdista
Si prioriza la riqueza del narco o el clasemediero emergente o la "creación de empresa" de forma no critica, es reaccionaria
Oi mate, como les decimos a los cunts en las Malvinas ahora?
>Porque los mafiosi rusos siguen siendo mejores que los nazis ucranianos
>Porque es ucrania siendo un títere gringo contra Rusia, más que la OTAN estando por la independencia de un país tercermundista


Todo apunta a que Sheinbaum va ser la candidata de Morena. Osea, neoliberalismo pero en version mujer.

Pero igual, espero Noroña gane, no es que sea socialista o comunista, pero es mas de izquierda que Ebrard, sheinbaum o cualquier otro liberal de Morena.

Igual la veo dificil que le dejen ganar.


I know what video you're referring to but I don't have it, sorry mate.


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Ojalá hayan tenido un buen día del Apóstol Santiago.


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Un saludo a los camaradas de Colombia. Aprecio grandemente a Gustavo Petro y estoy atento a cada paso político que realiza. Mi pregunta es: ¿cuándo va a cerrar Semana y los demás noticieros de derecha? ¿Por qué los colombianos no hacen que esto pase?
Muchas gracias.


Hola! Pues petro ha tenido que rebajar su discurso para que nuestra nación reaccionaria le permitiera ganar a pesar de todos los daños de la clase burguesa. No cuento con que se ponga las bolas y cierre esos panfletos reaccionarios. Además, petro ganó por un margen no muy amplio, así que aún falta camino


La pregunta es, por qué alguien apoyaría al estado fascista de Ucrania?


Acaban de empezar el lawfare contra Petro


Bueno camaradas latinos de lefty.
'''¡Semana patria en Perú!
¿Que nos dejo estas bonitas fechas llenas de banderas, comparsas, marchas escolares, militares y Insertar comida tipica o tradicion familiar?
-Se eligio al nuevo presidente del congreso, REMEZON EN PERU LIBRE. Al final no hubo lista de centroizquierda, sino lista multipartidaria de Peru Libre junto a los Fujimoristas, Acuñistas y Somos Perú. (todos derecha). Los liberales se regocijan al decir que siempre existio el Fujicerronismo mientras que la militancia bota bilis por la boca (y uno que otro abandona el partido).
-TERCERA TOMA DE LIMA fue reprimida como siempre, por los siglos de los siglos amén. Bueno, se marcho como siempre tambien principalmente del sur, y se llego a unos 20 000 como numeros bajos/confirmados. Dejando varios heridos por perdigones, lacrimogenas, palos y piedras. Ademas de presos que al parecer los van a mandar a la cana con ganas (oi por ahi que a un chico le dieron 9 meses de preventiva, es decir 9 meses adentro hasta que comience el juicio). Tambien la gran prensa fue golpeada, porque cuando los tombos se sienten con la libertad de golpear no preguntan, pero las casas editoriales ni mus de condena, como era de esperarse.
-Mensaje de Dinamita Boluarte / Dina Asesina / Barbie dictadora; una tortura de andar oyendo promesas que se la llevan el viento con dinero que no tenemos y que aun peor, significan que ella se quiere quedar hasta 2026
-Marcha militar, la tradicional marcha militar duro tambien eternamente. 5 horas en las cuales volvieron los muchachos que le dieron el mal ojo a Castillo (a pesar de sus credenciales de rondero) como el GEIN historico / sobrevivientes y los miembros del escuadron Chavin de Huantar.
Espero no olvidarme alguna otro noticia politica remezadora. Añadiria que con ese canje por la mesa directiva del congreso PL perdio dos congresistas mas al renunciar estos.




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Ecuadorian presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio was just assassinated. Video related.



>Para cuando el Bukeke ecuatoriano.
>Un ecuatoriano probablemente


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¿Cual es la real chance desto cambiar el resultado de las elecciones, compañeros? ¿Que opinán ustedes?


Solo hará que algo que ya era prioritario (la seguridad) siga en modo URGENTE

No pasa nada a mi parecer


Quick run-down on Ecuador politics? Why are the indigenistas anti-correa?


Because in the past he was open to development of extractivist projects in areas with indigenous mayority and he doesn't abide by the US State Dep idpol.
Which one goes first? You decide!
Right now correismo goes strong. But strong enough for the second round?
The US plant Perez has dropped off, whom shall swallow his vote?


Ahora viene la peor parte, buscar medios de la zona que no sean de derecha y sean "imparciales".
O al menos que sean graciosos
Buscando info me aparecio este comediante que es procorreista (ahora el titulo seria gonzalista xDDDD)
Si alguien tiene mas canales que tener en la mira posteelos


venezuela es revisionista?
si el crimen y la pobreza son tan extremos, por que poronga el estado no hace las cosas como corresponde y expropia a la mierda a los burgueses para poder industrializarse? maduro tiene muchisimo poder de decision en el pais, mas alla de la dependencia petrolifera y el embargo impuesto por estados unidos


I think this is the summary for the Ecuadorian situation, someone correct if I'm wrong.

>the lefty, Correist candidate was quite possibly winning on the first round

>the second placed candidate, Sonnenholzner (Dios mio…), stooge of the current, flopped president, is desperate for a gambit
>with Villavicencio's death, his voters will in all likelihood migrate to Sonnenholzner
>the climate of crisis will be milked for all its worth to try to radicalize people to the right
>state of emergency declared for 2 months
>election isn't postponed, will still happen in 1 week
>the murderer was merced while in custody
>FBI agents going to "help" solve the case

Yep, its a coup attempt. But it's a messy one, in which multiple half-assed maneuvers are piled on top of one another instead of one straight plan like in the days of the Cold War. This is not unique at all (see Bolsonaro) but it shows that neither America nor local elites can quite mobilize their own resources for a coup like they used to.


I just want the Correa to come back and take power again Ecuador has been stuck in right wing hell for over half a decade at this point.


But this can backfire, too, no? Dude was anti-correa, 'anti-corruption' and sinophohic as well and second in the polls.


I guess it will be a week of intense war of narratives in Ecuador. The very reactoids who murdered Villavicencio will cry rivers worth of crocodile tears over his body and stir up all sorts of moronic and evil accusations and conspiracy theories – bullshit about Foro de São Paulo was flying in social media before they were done counting the bullets wounds in his body. The left, I presume, will emphasize how Sonnenholzner was the obvious beneficiary of the murder and play up (very justified) fear of gringo intervention.


>Alma Mater: German School of Guayaquil

Lol, just like Kast and many others. Those German international schools are breeding grounds for chinlets.


Interview with Correa post-assassination (Spanish)



Adoctrinamiento liberal…
Aún creen que ser lenientes con la hamburguesia va a hacer que las sanciones se vayan y que no sigan haciendo jugadas traidoras


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Puedo derramar rios de tinta sobre lo que prodria o no hacer el PSUV pero para eso estan los del PCV jajajaja
Siempre se puede explicar con lo mas simple, la posibilidad de poder obtener beneficios para las arcas sociales y personales mediante el comercio con EUA y la UE son infinitamente superiores a la perspectiva de crear un mercado interno o un mercado en competencia con los chinos (jaja termine derramando una lagrima de tinta)


So what are LatAm comrades takes on the split between the PSUV and PCV? My knowledge is limited, but from what I understand, the communists were consistent supporters of the PSUV from the beginning of the Bolivarian Revolution, but have split over a rightwards turn by Maduro involving privatizations, austerity, and a thaw in relations with the US. Is this a result of Maduro taking advantage of an improved economic situation to bring more bourgeois elements into his ruling coalition, and appeasing them by punching left?


If Maduro has to eat poop in order to improve the mess that his country's economy is, then good for him. It makes no sense for the government to turn left if the people there overwhelmingly do not want it.


Que opinan de que Milei ganó las primarias? Va a ganar en octubre?


Don't you think its foolish to alienate a reliable ally to appease the people who are the most likely to side with the imperialists once they turn their attention back to Latin America? Plus if the drift to the right continues, it will alienate poor workers who have been the most important political base of the PSUV.


electoralists everyone


According to trots that has been happening since who knows when and has only aggravated with the economic collapse.
But then, they are trots.
I second this, gringos and euros hasn't seen the rives of migrants that the tailspin of the Bolivar has caused. (Rivers that were of course given a soft hand by Washington until it reached them)
They played the oppositionist hand and got what the opposition gets. Not even a mention on Telesur but on AFP. (But better than appearing on VOA)


>I second this
Wanting to promote economic growth after years of a serious crisis is fine, but this still raises a few questions. First, is a privatization and liberalization the best way to do this? What about the political consequences of empowering the bourgeoisie in a country targeted by imperialism? Finally, even if this is the best option, is it necessary to engage in repression against the PCV?


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Es un análisis acertado?


¿eso te parece un análisis a vos? son palabras desparramadas en una red social. sin números, sin evidencia, sin nada básicamente ¿como probás una cosa o la otra?

bastante estúpido el mensaje en general, es corto y ni aún así vale la pena leerlo o mencionarlo
>es el candidato de
ya arranca mal. cuando decís que alguien es el candidato de una clase, significa que va a intentar usar el poder político a favor de esa clase. todos los candidatos están forzados a apuntar el marketing a las clases más numerosas, pero eso no implica ningún alineamiento

>apelar a la clase X
>ganar las elecciones
>gobernar a favor de la clase Y
target =/= backer

para hacer un análisis yo empezaría por una de dos puntas: lo que ha hecho en el congreso, o sus fuentes de financiamiento
las dos cosas son información publica pero consumen tiempo y esfuerzo, la conclusión seguramente sea más aburrida. es más fácil inventarse algo interesante, tirar unas palabras largas, y sumarse al spectacle



The most meme candidate ever. The likes of Trump and Bolsonaro are sociopaths first and foremost, but Milei is a legit autist, a broken person whose ascension is enabled by capitalism's abstraction of all social success as money, fueled by post-modernity and boosted by the attention economy. I can't help but think of the old cliche about "the sound and the fury", because there's really nothing else to him. His populism is pure Spectacle and no gibs – in fact ending gibs is part of the point – and yet simultaneously sincere, as he has so far rejected alliance offers from other reactoids. He will no doubt fall in with them in order to be able to govern, of course, but the fact that he hasn't immediately sold out testifies that he is indeed defined and driven by his utterly broken personality. Old demagoguery akin to "draining the swamp" is purely hollow catchphrases for the Trumps and Bolsonaros of the world, but I think that Milei actually would do it and he might even thinks he can do it, the poor bastard. Absolutely everything he says is a cliche or catchphrase, and he doesn't know anything about anything. Milei is a Chris-chan who was lucky to be born into wealth and managed to leverage the morbid fascination that his ridiculous self attracts into a meteoric career at that most lumpen of all modern occupations, the e-celebrity. He's a morbid symptom of late stage capitalism in more ways than one, someone who wouldn't even exist if only Argentina had proper social services and UHC.

And lest anyone think I'm using "morbid" lightly:
>As the half-full stadium chanted his slogan, “Que se vayan todos” [Get rid of them all], Milei mentioned six names in expressing his gratitude: El Jefe [The Boss], as he calls his sister Karina, his emotional rock and campaign manager; and Conan, Murray, Milton, Robert and Lucas, the five English mastiffs he refers to as his “little four-legged children.”
>Milei studies telepathy and has a medium to communicate with the eldest of his mastiffs, who died in 2017, and that the politician asks the deceased dog for advice. “What I do in my house is my business,” he answered when asked about it in an interview with this newspaper. “And if, as they say, he is my political advisor, the truth is that he wiped the floor with them.”
>At the end of May, his response to a taunt bordered on nonsense. “Javier Milei is a disheveled panelist who screams on a stage and sleeps with eight dogs and his sister,” said Victoria Donda, a former left-wing congresswoman and director of the National Institute against Discrimination under the current Peronist government. “I don’t have eight dogs; I have five,” he replied on the set of a friendly television program that asked him for a response.
(I fucking love this bit, from the perfect comeback which his moronic self stumbled upon by complete accident to the fact that she's called Donda, it's all too delightfully absurd)
>“Very powerful things have happened to me that defy any scientific explanation,” says Milei, who grew up Catholic and knows the Bible well. Today, one of his closest advisors is a rabbi, and he says that he is “studying” to convert to Judaism.
>The son of a bus driver, who became a transportation entrepreneur, and a housewife, Javier Milei grew up in a violent home. “They are dead to me,” he used to say repeatedly about his parents in 2018, at the height of his career as a TV talk show host. At the time, Milei had gone a decade without speaking to Norberto and Alicia, who beat and verbally abused him as a child. Inhibited at home and supported only by his maternal grandmother and Karina, his younger sister […] He is also back on speaking terms with his parents. He will turn 53 on October 22, the same day as the presidential election. He could end up getting the gift of a lifetime.

I confess I feel nothing but morbid curiosity at the outcome of this shitshow, because the only unknown factor here is whether he'll allow the usual ghouls to run Argentina further into the ground in their typically boring old way, or whether he'll hog the reins of power and do it in his own hilarious new way.



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No jodas
y ninguna mencion de lo de Venezuela xd


[decades intensify]


What I keep hearing though about milei is that he isn't militant. Like not super authoritarian type. Like let us the islands issue of Argentina that he isn't even interested in pursuing that. That he is simply a true believer in ancap stuff and thinks it works


Exactly. Unlike Trump and Bolsonaro, he actually believes the bullshit he spouts because he's autistic.

Has anyone called him Milei-chan? If not, I just invented it, original meme do not steal.


>Siquiera considera que eso no ha pasado
Realmente no conoce los niveles de aislamiento disponibles en la internet
Cercano eso si


Oh well. What about shoops of Milei with the striped sweater and the Sonichu medallion?


Someone has the webm with the 'Ancap-Man' costume?


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like seriously the Gadsden snake here is just begging to be replaced by Sonichu


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No, but I have converted one in yt


This is a 50 year old man btw.


that's so XX century, we are all teenagers in old bodies now


hahahaha holy fuck I didn't even know about this when I made the Chris-chan comparison

he really is the first meme candidate, isn't he? any plitician plays a public persona different from his real self; trump and bolsonaro are such grotesque creatures that the personas they play are effectively cartoon characters hiding the ghouls underneath; but Milei really doesn't have a persona at all, that ridiculous character is the real deal


Javier M'lady


This is country he is talking about in video btw



it seems like if this guy was actually elected he would cause a social-economic-financial disaster


ironic considering he's probably virgin

I for one welcome a new virgin world leader, to produdly follow in Hitler's footsteps


can't wait for Argentina to recreate the behavioral sink experiment


Bueno, va ser divertido que arruine el país si aplica su autismo libertrolo o que resulta que como derechoide no le queda más que bailar al ritmo que los burgueses le pongan…
>in order to improve the mess
Kek, it only can be worse now that he showed weakness…


From what I can gather, this is a case of protest vote writ large. There's no shortage of people electing terrible candidates because they have legitimate grievances with all the mainstream ones, tho they're usually not this terrible because of the total exhaustion of Argentina's political landscape. When the so-called opposition to Macri's ruinous imbecility is feckless peronists, the autist who claims he wants to flip the table start sounding nice.

I'm certain that a leftist leader outside of peronism would have prevented this shitshow.


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His government plan reads exactly like a lolbert blogposting. All cliches and power fantasies with zero argumentation and historical examples. I can't help but be reminded by praxeology, existing solely on principles and rejecting all empiricism i.e. talking shit without backing it up.


*be reminded of praxeology


>no one has mentioned the 20% devaluation from 2 days ago yet
I work in retail and I was told to take the rest of the week off because the owner doesn't have a price for most products. distributors apparently can't give him even an estimate of what the restock costs are going to be next month
massa (with the help of the imf) is doing everything in his power to lose the elections. I hate capitalism so much it is unreal


Argentinbros are they based?


what can i say… fundamentally, all bark no bite. some of them truly want a better country and fight for it. grabois had good propositions for this election. but like every major party, including the leninists and maoists in the union por la patria coalition, bureaucracy rot them to the core. hardly putting up a fight against fmi lackeys like massa, and even supporting their candidacy


>That'll show those dirty commies to oppose our failed social democratic bourgeois reformist project!!! How dare they promote the interests of the proletariat!!! putting chevron executives in charge of state oil companies is revolutionary you fucking ultra!!!
lmao bolivarianism has completely degenerated and shown us once again that social democracy is objectively the left wing of fascism


>Primoting bourgeois power and crushing the working class and its revolutionary movement is good sometimes actually. We need privatisation for our GDP growth and dirty commies get in the way of that.
Why do social democrats and campists hate the working class so much?


>revolutionary working class is when one (1) of the many existing leftist parties calls itself communist




"Leader" in this context is a bit misleading, he was not the presidential candidate


as toothless as any other non-marxist leftist group


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Things are not looking good for Petro, the rats are coming for him and his family with fake charges and warfare.

Is she ready to take over when push comes to shove?


Now talk about how he invited NATO into his country with open arms to "patrol the Rainforest"
More like the rat(s) are in govt, hiding behind roses again

Also, are you doing Girlboss(TM) posting unironically?




>Nooo they are going to privatize
This has been told since Chavez was alive lmao. A tale as old as time.
>He invited
Again with the fumes. Confusing invited with "proposes one as" is streching the truth like gum.
Proponer un pacto mutuo por el amazonas (que ni se firmó) es igual a invitar, que cabeza en serio. Pinches gringos o ultrones, ni saben leer
Con suerte Luisa Gonzalez y RC gana la tan ansiada mayoria. Aunque no se, el voto se ve partido. Segunda vuelta ella y el alemancito burgues


Amigues, estoy super desconectado con la política. Ni puta idea que está pasando en ningún lugar x_x
Hay demasiado que saber y poco tiempo para aprender e investigar.


Increible, desde la epoca de 8 no habia vuelto a oir de esta señora antiidpol (que por ahi alguna vez llegue a sondear sus videos), al parecer que la reaccion llegase a tal punto de ebullicion permitio que la invitasen.
Otra vez, increible jajajaja
Pero en serio, nada tan calmante como oir una chicoteada a la izquierda idpolista, especialmente aqui en latam.


Bueno, las crisis economicas (y sociales) dan un duro golpe a las izquierdas -desde la mas tibia y amiga de los gringos de Chile hasta el faro libre de America de Cuba-.
Hoy tenemos elecciones en Ecuador y en Guatemala. En Ecuador se espera segunda vuelta entre correismo socialdemocrata y liberalismo burgues. En Guatemala leí que al centrista socialdemocrata Arevalo se espera que gane a Sandra.
Te entiendo completamente, tengo tantos libros y tanto por practicar y hacer. Aun si lograse optimizar mi tiempo al 95% faltaria tanto para leer, pero estoy seguro que se podrá de alguna manera (seria interesante la propuesta de hacer audiolibros de algunos clasicos de izquierda o lecturas sudamericanas libres de derechos en yt ahora que lo pienso)


Electoral Commission of Ecuador has announced that various cyberattacks (DNS probably) have targeted their websites throughout the electoral day.


me gusta la idea.
Gracias por la actualización :)
Esto de Milei me parece bastante interesante. Es básicamente un adolescente libertario que nunca creció y ahora está a cargo del país. Mucha suerte a los argentinos….


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Tenemos anons ecuatorianos aqui? Que tan atroz esta la situacion alla?


82% participation rate (electoral commission)


There have now been some reports that those attacks have caused outages and difficulties for overseas voters in Spain and Italy, confirmed by the electoral commission.


With a fraction of votes counted correistas starting strong with a 8% lead


Results pretty stable so far


Looks like pink tide is coming back to Ecaudor. Who is this Noboa guy though?


>especialmente aqui en latam.
¿sos pelotudo hermano? mirá que hay cosas para hacer, y vos estás mirando a una vieja negando que haya violencia machista en argentina - en medio de una de las recesiones más grandes de las últimas décadas


>Negando la violencia machista
Hum, justo que ella niega que esa violencia haya dejado de existir. Ataca que el estado se ponga integramente en el lado de la mujer, cosa que cuando a alguien le cae una denuncia falsa ese alguien arde como judaizante en los tiempos inquisitorios. (Y mira que hay que tener mala suerte para que la "justicia" mueva un dedo en algo).
En fin, lo que hago con mi tiempo es mi lio, no es que en ese espacio vaya a ponerme a hacer el siguiente marco teorico para que los chinos lo prueben en su nuevo laboratorio espacial y así vencer a la crisis.
Don't be so sure, last election the Correista lost the second round to millionarie Lasso (with support from the finest marketers money can buy in latam). Now that Noboa seems like 2nd generation grandbourg originally from agroexport (banana lmao), he is too a grandporky of hundreds of companies valued on millions, exasambleist, vulgar bourgueois multipolarist lol since he travelled to Russia to lobby for his banana selling there after the war began cheated on his 1st pregnant wife, then married an influencer, did well on the last debate and now here we are. It seems time keeps being cyclical.


>Ataca que el estado se ponga integramente en el lado de la mujer, cosa que cuando a alguien le cae una denuncia falsa
Mito de derechas que no ocurre a gran escala.


no solamente es falso, es un mito deshonesto y malintencionado con la intención de sabotear y destruir los pocos instrumentos institucionales contra la violencia machista. y sin embargo hay boludos acá mismo, en este hilo, que se comen el verso


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What is their stance on Taiwan? I can't find anything.



>Arevalo, who is running against Guatemala’s former first lady Sandra Torres in the country’s presidential runoff election on Aug. 20, made the comment in a teleconference with the Washington-based Atlantic Council.

>Guatemala is one of 13 countries that recognize Taiwan, including the Holy See, and the relations with the country were established in 1933.


Welp, but this was pre-election.


Anyone know if it's true that if a country recognizes Taiwan as the legitimate China then the PRC does no commerce with them? Sounds too extreme to be true.



any readings on the venezuela phenomenon?


What specifically?


Russia has not conspired with the country's (br) development for 150 years


>my country


What’s weird is recently, I’ve seen some pro-China Trotskyists.
^these guys are one of them.


Ahora si lo he visto todo en esta calentada tierra.(Although I remember something akin being mentioned in the china thread)


something comprehensive. i want to understand the what how and whys of its rise and fall


Anyone knows what's going on with this supposed Arce-Morales feud in Bolivia?


at plain sight it seems like a pissing contest


>tfw no novia tica comunista hispanofila


fuerte como piña de gorila la gordita


Luego comparto a un tipo que sigo en tiktok. No está mal la verdad, pero tienden a no tener contenido avanzado.

Luego también está Diego Ruzzarin que ha perdido mucho del liberalismo que tenía cargado. Anda entre teoría crítica medio liberalona tipo Plastic Pills y Marxismo normal anti-imperialista, tipo Midwestern Marx.

Creo que si hiciera contenido no me iría mal pero siento que me van a venir a matar 😭


Porque habla como Petro esta mujer?


Una pequeña historia de como un regalo de los gringos y la manía por obtener resultados y algo que mostrar llevó a la muerte del jefe gorila de El Salvador alla por los ochentass


>Creo que si hiciera contenido no me iría mal pero siento que me van a venir a matar 😭
grabate explicando algo y subí el audio acá, yo te digo si tenes futuro o no

hace unos días fue la reunión anual del "council of the americas" en argentina, es una organización muy influyente pero no hay mucha información fácil de acceder ¿alguien tiene idea si en argentina tenemos algo como el "tax exempt organization search" del irs norteamericano para ver los titulares y la plata de las ong locales?



Not yet!
Now is the time when the democratic elements from an army would do a coup sanctioned by the people and those who cut the pie internationally but one can wait.


Fuck you for posting news from 4 days ago.
Lol, he was proclaimed president elect meanwhile. And as I said, now is the time for promising military and civilian cadres, but knowing how mild Semilla is…. Check the interview for that



I know, I know. Another attempt of the oligarchy of Guatemala to curb even the most liberal attempt of a less corrupt democracy.


Is the threat of Milei overhyped by a bourgeois media that would want him to win? Is it actually likely that the final round of voters will pick him?


Yeah, he will get all the rightist vote.


But the Argentine populace has voted in Justicialists and Peronists consistently for decades. Clearly there are big chunks of consistent center-left and center-right voters. Milei specifically appeals to right-wing extreme Austrian neoliberals and will be facing off against a center-right and centerist candidate. The previous Justicialist voters obviously won't vote for him and will most likely Lesser Evil Massa, who at least is part of the Unión por la Patria (UP) alliance.


Argentina is not some special place, most people voting Milei will be vengeance voting



Se murió el jefe del PC chileno


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Rafael Correa
Querido Gustavo. La mejor respuesta a un chiflado como Milei son los versos de nuestro poeta -y expresidente- Luis Cordero:
«Si un can me muerde con furia,
lo siento, mas no me inmuto,
porque él, como todo bruto,
lastima, pero no injuria»😉


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estoy formando una comuna en peru quien quiere unirse?




Por qué Perú?


¿qué pasa con este coso que son todos come gordas? está hecha mierda hermano


I wouldn't call it overhyped - his base of electoral support is solid, and tho he isn't the bouregoisies preferred candidate (they would take Bullrich or Massa over Milei's extreme platform) he can definitely take an election and the subsequent ballotage since he has the support of plenty of important peronist governors and their punteros.
If this election has proven anything is that the peronists consistent electoral base is shrinking and is consistently shifting rightwards or not going to vote. Speaks volumes of the failure of both the national and trot left in the country.


re gay este post


>t. bagayero



Bueno, mal que bien mi mente sigue siendo Perulibrista.
¿Porque? Porque entre la improvización que fue Castillo y dar una vista a lo que queda de la izquierda cosmopolitana/caviar estamos jodidos


Acaba de sacar unos videos de Platón y Aristóteles. A pesar de ser sumamente idealista y reaccionario en ciertos aspectos, me gusta leer los diálogos de Platón. Sumamente interesantes y fáciles de leer, recomendado.


¿Ya paso un año del atentado contra Kirchner? Increible


>t. muerdealmohadas


Sheinbaum won, fukkkkk




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Salgan del hilo, quiero estar solo…


>t. cogebagres


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>t. tragasemen


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Brazilian here, why are Hispanic subreddits so right-wing? /r/brasil looks progressive in comparison.


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Fotos que saqué hoy.


Well Reddit is primarily used by petit-boug westernized pigs in the third world


Most of us just recently have a leftist government…


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>BeLoW libs and succdems who either actively or indirectly persecute the revolutionary vanguards!
Bet you adore Allende who effectively gave the country to the US on a silver platter because "humanism", "reform", "pacifism", "peaceful coexistence".
People like you are not only part of why LatAm keeps underachieving, but also why OP's pic related keeps happening. It is this which makes the PCP-SL's persecution of sucdems and and non-cooperation with revisionists not only justified but frankly prescient.
Enjoy being stuck in the loop of capitalist hell you fucking idiot loser. Every successful socialist revolutionary that you picked for your top two tiers would have unironically laughed in your sorry face before pushing you down a well and high-five:ing their people's armies and cadres.


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Succesfull salt mined


… Vaya, era resposteado ambas cosas. Que raro.


Expansion of Mennonite farmland in Bolivia encroaches on Indigenous land
>Life goes at its own pace in the town of Chihuahua, where the modern mixes with Mennonite traditions. To one side, horse-drawn carts pull up at a plot of land that stands in the middle of the plain. To the other, an almost-new car parks in front of a chalet-style house. Such is life on this Mennonite colony located in the eastern Bolivian municipality of Cuatro Cañadas.
>The colony’s 280 families are considered rebels by other Mennonites, having drifted from the denomination’s strict way of life, which forbids the use of many forms of modern technology. The town’s streets are lined with heavy machinery; residents, many of whom have forgone the traditional Mennonite dress, walk around with mobile phones in their hands.
>However, like those of other Mennonite communities in Latin America, Chihuahua’s Mennonite families are masters of agribusiness and soy cultivation — and are continually expanding their industrial farms.
>Mennonites first began settling in Bolivia in the 1950s, primarily in the department of Santa Cruz. This region of Bolivia holds more than two-thirds of country’s cultivated land and is characterized by large-scale industrial agriculture of commodity crops destined for international markets. Today, Bolivia’s Mennonite population numbers around 150,000.
>The Mennonite colony of Chihuahua was founded in 1989 and lies 132 kilometers (82 miles) from the nearest large city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra. Access to the colony is strictly controlled; each entry point to Chihuahua is manned by security guards and equipped with CCTV cameras and communication systems.
>The colony’s soy fields stretch for miles beyond the town. Indigenous residents say they now extend into contested land near the Indigenous community of San Miguelito, and that the Mennonite community is responsible for it. Community members say cattle ranchers are also trying to expand their ranches into the territory.
>Some local residents told Mongabay Latam they have already been persuaded to sell their property to agribusiness and Mennonite entrepreneurs. Others say they have held out; of those, many add they see it as nearly inevitable that they will one day be forced to sell.
>“They are drawing near from the Chihuahua colony. It’s the Mennonites who are the ones who grow soybeans and other crops, but there are also cattle ranchers, said Marco Vera, who lives in Lomerío Indigenous Territory and has land in San Miguelito. “People are divided here, but many have already given in and sold their land. I don’t know how much they are paid, but there are a few of us who are resisting.”
>Large scale deforestation in the area is encroaching on two of the region’s formally recognized Indigenous territories: Zapocó and Lomerío. Satellite data and imagery from monitoring platform Global Forest (GFW) Watch show agricultural expansion and associated road development gobbling up forest along the borders of the territories as recently as January. For Lomerío, clearing appears to have spread into the territory itself in 2022, according to GFW data.


The cheap soy for your vegan burgers must come from somewhere.

En otras cosas, algo que nadie nunca ha mencionado hasta ahora en todos los hilos sobre la imagen de portada del hilo.
La posible crisis economica que se cierne en unos años sobre El Salvador (gracias dolarización) -A partir de un poco mas del minuto 12-


BolivARYAN bros not like this…


That soy is used to feed animals for your meet burgers idiot. can you imagine how much less land would be needed if we cut out the animal part of the chain?
I think you know this and are being intentionally disingenuous though.


Felíz 18 cabros.


>The cheap soy for your vegan burgers must come from somewhere.
And the meat for your non-vegan burgers just grows out of thin air?


I can only speak for r/argentina and I believe its seriously astroturfed. Combined with a general liberal consensus in media and a predisposition towards right wing populism in hispanic subreddits and you get that kind of terminal brainrot you see there.

Dios santo flaco que carajo es esto


aflojale a la izquierda en ingles


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>trolling Mexican /pol/ beaners just by being white
Hehehehe. What a sad country.


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Mileibros…it's SO over…


Que clase de grupos andas anon? jajajaja


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Jajajajaja misma pregunta


>Bet you adore Allende who effectively gave the country to the US on a silver platter because "humanism", "reform", "pacifism", "peaceful coexistence".

As opposed to Gonzalo who had the shining path oppress indigenous communities, massacre civilians and throw boiling water on children, on top of creating a cult of personality around himself.

Allende was at least gave us Cyber-Syn.
>Every successful socialist revolutionary that you picked for your top two tiers would have unironically laughed in your sorry face before pushing you down a well and high-five:ing their people's armies and cadres.

Fidel Castro had respect for Allende and even gifted him his ak-47 and offered him aid.




Any thoughts on the fight between Evo and Lucho Are?


What happened?


Luis allegedly called Evo a cocaine jefe and the party is threatening his expulsion should he insist on being the MAS candidate for the next election


>>1617888 (cheka'd)
Weird he would say that, I haven't kept up with Bolivia at all ever since Arce won in 2021 so I have no clue what this falling out between the two could be about.


Seems like Evo just wants to be the #1 in the party again so he's splitting the fuck out of it. This won't end good


>because "humanism", "reform", "pacifism", "peaceful coexistence"
Those were never Allende's reasons you fucking retard, as a militant marxist he always praised and got along with revolutionary leaders from other countries. That he discarded armed revolution in the conditions of his country doesn't make him a "socdem" in the way you're thinking


Looks like anones need to read about the split on the MNR revolution. Read on it.
People sometimes just want to type angry letters just because


I mean this because leaders fighting out and leaving the playing field to the right doesn't seem to be new, not in history neither in Bolivia.
I'm waiting for the El Alto congress to see how this shitshow is going to advance.


this. and it wasn't just words. in fact, many years ago gorriaran merlo (erp co-founder) gave a very long interview where he casually mentioned that allende helped them smuggle guns and establish relations with cuba. but I guess the english-speaking ypg flag needs everything explained to him


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It's kinda funny how the Spanish rightoids' main (and only?) argument to defend the Conquest is that we shouldn't judge the past by today's morals and standards, and yet they say that the colonization of America was a good thing because it "civilized" the "savage people" of the region…

It's actually quite pathetic how much October 12th means to Spanish nationalist retards. It's like it's the only thing they have to be proud of in the history of their country.




armesilla y vaquero son dos rojipardos chupapijas que compiten por ver quien es mas nazionalista y tiene mas conservadores en los comentarios de sus videos. resulta que parte de la teoria y de la praxis es ver que movimiento resulta mas digerible para los fascistas. """""marxismo""""" de la salada diria yo


The dude really has a punchable face.


Por quien maneja el cotarro por algo de un año hasta que termine el mandato original de Lasso.
<Novoa: 51.47% (derecha)
<Gonzales: 48.52% (correismo / socialdemocracia)


Pd: Que carajo con esa propaganda de tallarines jajaja


Perdio el correismo (︺︹︶)


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Que onda la tele argentina? Es mi idea o se brasifilizó un montón? O siempre fue asi?


Siempre fue así


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Apañan a hacer un hilo de la elección hoy o lo vemos acá nomás?


Aca nomas
A ver si llega a existir una argentina y el peso para la segunda vuelta jajaja


¿Que livestream recomiendan? Yo prefiero ver Matear a canal RED (no soporto a iglesias).
Al parecer los argentos de siempre estan mudos


Considerando los resultados, que podemos esperar para la segunda vuelta? Muchos de los votantes de Bullrich se iran a Milei o que onda?


Pues si, y una suma de los peronistas de ¿Jujuy? y tal vez los votantes/troskos con UxP


Dialectics status = halted


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Javier Mellei isn't beaten yet!!! There's still the second round! Aaaaaaaaaghh!!!


argentina bros, we might win fr


6% de diferencia


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>be the minister of economy
>fuck up your country and make the lives of everyone worse
>still manage to win the majority of votes because your opponent is a psycopathic autist
is that really the story or am I missing something argiebros? saludos desde huelandia


Can anybody here give an ETA on Venezuela? How is their government? Is it better now? Did the refugees come back somewhat? I keep hearing about electric problems over there from Twitter users


Is this about Argentina?


When did it fall?


Are you retarded? Leftypol is pro Russia because they are currently fighting against the fascists and Atlantic imperialists. Nobody here is a fan of Putin, in fact everyone hates him for being a weak leader


like with everything else, it is a little more complex, but you might as well describe it like that. the crisis is systemic and started in ~2013. massa is, first and foremost, an opportunist and a career politician. he has served different interests through his career, and is currently the representative of industrial, and to some extent financial, capital
he had a critical role in sabotaging and finally subduing the remaining "progressive" elements in the peronist movement. where peron would give a hand to not lose the arm, massa lends you a finger at an above-average interest rate
had it not been for milei, he would have probably lost the election to another opposition candidate, another candidate of financial capitals and landowners


since it turned into an inflationary shithole and had a massive population exodus starting in 2015? tf is maduro doing, chavez had everything under control


Para la segunda vuelta mejor un hilo para darle visibilidad.

Me da un coraje lo cringe que es Milei, con lo popular que es. Espero que no gane con todo mi corazón por el bien de los hermanos de allá en Argentina ❤


lo sarparon de clonas y ya no es un payaso griton


yo espero que gane, nada mas para ver hasta donde es capaz de caer mas bajo allá en Argentina ❤


>t. shitleno


jajajaja no mames.
Una parte de mi quiere pensar que la gente se dará cuenta que la ideología de derecha no funciona pero lo que probablemente va a pasar es que van a culpar a los izquierdistas y seguirán votando por derechistas, mientras tanto las condiciones de pondrán peor.


El problema no es que la gente no se de cuenta que la ideología de derecha no funciona… mas bien son pendejos y les gusta el chimpancé mas ruidoso que se apegue a su cosmovisión
< pero es una cosmovisión reaccionaria
si, pero al final sigue siendo su cosmovisión
estamos condenados en latam


>Súmate led a petition drive for the 2004 Venezuelan recall referendum of Hugo Chávez, the then president of Venezuela. According to CBS News, Chávez branded the leaders of Súmate as conspirators, coup plotters, and lackeys of the U.S. government.[14] After the referendum, members of Súmate were charged with treason and conspiracy, under Article 132 of the Venezuelan Penal Code,[15] for receiving financial support for their activities from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). In 2005, The Wall Street Journal said Machado faced conspiracy charge stemming from the $31,000 grant from the NED for "non-partisan educational work".[12] That same year, The New York Times said she was "the Venezuelan government's most detested adversary, a young woman with a quick wit and machine-gun-fast delivery who often appears in Washington or Madrid to denounce what she calls the erosion of democracy under President Hugo Chávez", and stated the Venezuelan government considers her "a member of a corrupt elite that is doing the bidding of the much reviled Bush administration".[10]

>Machado is anti-Chavista and has disagreed with other sections of the Venezuelan opposition.[71][72][73] In 2011, she campaigned as a promotor of "popular capitalism".[73] Machado supports the privatization of state-run entities in Venezuela, including oil company PDVSA.[60][74][75] Machado has supported the international sanctions during the Venezuelan crisis,[60] and has advocated for foreign intervention inside Venezuela,[76][77][78] believing that Nicolás Maduro could not be removed democratically.[79][80] In 2023, she changed her stance, participating as a candidate in the opposition presidential primaries and asking Venezuelans to participate "overwhelming" in the elections.[81]

>She has described herself as a centrist liberal, saying in an interview with El Estímulo that the categories of left and right were invented by Marxists and that she is the only non-socialist poitician in the Venezuelan political spectrum. Machado said: "We are a centre liberal party, so they say it is from the extreme right, because for the Marxists if you are not from the left you are from the ultra right, but Vente is a party of centre liberals." She also stated that the division of the country and life between rich and poor sought to manipulate, simplify and appeal to populism as a control of the person and the individual.[73] Her discourse has no religious bias, it does not raise conservative arguments in the social field and does not promote prejudice nor stigmatize minorities, even if some of her followers have.[58] Machado has been described as a radical and a right-wing politician.[58][71][72]

>Domestically, Machado has called for the banning of reelection to political offices in Venezuela, is in favor of same-sex marriage in Venezuela, supports the legalization of medical cannabis, and has called on a national debate regarding the legality of abortion.[82] She defended the claim that "being rich is good", and criticized Hugo Chávez as a president of the poor, saying that "Chávez was the president of the poor, yes, very poor that he loved them, because there is no more effective way to control a society than to subject it to dependency. Dying with outstretched hand."[73]

I hope the lighter sanctions are worth it because letting a reactionary American puppet like this anywhere near the presidential elections seems like a bad idea for Maduro.



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El segundo presidente mas odiado por los grupos de DDHH en latinoamerica va a por su reeleción. Y el primero en encuestas de aprobación (seguido por AMLO)
¿Cuanto creen que saque el FMLN? La ultima encuesta (hace 1 mes) le da 68 al Buke y un 3 para el frente


Pd: ya se que las encuestas no son exactas, lo he vivido en persona como todos


Bueno, el bukakele necesita volver a ser presidente, porque todo su esfuerzo montando un estado policial se va a ver afectado cuando liberen a los inocentes y los mareros quieran venganza por el trato recibido


Las chances de que pierda Bukele son 0 y no lo digo porque crea que sea una eleccion fradulenta; su popularidad es simplemente altisima a si que lo veo imposible que no sea reelegido.


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Hoy fue in día muy malo para Petro pero fue culpa del pacto por no haber tenido presecia regional fuerte.
Esto y lo de gaza me tienen muy maluco.


Did he go through with kicking out the Israeli ambassador yet?


As a brown queer non gender conformed tlaxcaltecan-tarasco indigenous person I repulse the (((lefty))) movement that has led to irreparable poverty in my country, specifically the (zapatista) movement.

Fuck this board it aint has the geographic location option, but either way, i think i made my point

see you never again faggots
I hope sheinbaum and all the other pro zogbot governments like that of (((Milei) are overthrown, and genuine pro-local people governments are set up instead.


Couldve been worse for you mexibro. You couldve ended up with cartels instead of the zapatistas.


uygha the PRI regime drove Mexico to poverty, not some literally who red bandits down South


Is Bukele based?


on what?


Cuál es la situación actual con Milei y Argentina? Sigo sin superar el hecho de que existe ese imbécil y gente lo toma en serio.

Y lo escribe en inglés…
Mega ultra cringe.
Una vez conocí a un "nacional socialista" moreno en México. No les miento que el pendejo portaba un fedora.
Petro es una bendición increíble para todo latinoamericana. Bendito sea. El rant que se echó sobre pissrael en twitter y haber hecho ese incidente diplomático con la entidad sionista está absurdamente basado.

Como dicen, Colombia era el isra*l de latinoamérica.


Y…por lo que se ve Massa está para ganar el ballotage. Milei tiene presencia fuerte y va a sacar muchos votos, y muchas personas vamos a votar en blanco o no se van a molestar en ir a votar.


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No, Bukkake is gigacringe


Interesante. Sindicalismo o MLismo. Basado supongo.


En Mexico: Le primer magistrade no binarie de todo América latina en la historia fue hallade sin vida junto a presuntamente su pareja también sin vida.

>Ociel Baena Saucedo, el primer magistrade del Tribunal Electoral del Estado de Aguascalientes, fue hallado sin vida este lunes por mañana. 

>Le magistrade era un impulsor de litigios estratégicos electorales con perspectiva LGBTIQ+. El cuerpo sin vida de Ociel Baena fue hallado en su domicilio, junto al cadáver de otra persona. La tragedia despertó las alarmas de derechos civiles debido a que murió la primera persona no binaria en ocupar el cargo de magistrade y activista mexicano.


En redes sociales se celebra su muerte, o se racionaliza su muerte afirmando que el asesinato también afecta a personas heteros cis. La violencia en México está muy normalizada y el narco es esencialmente fascista, como lo fueron los narcos gringos en su auge.

>Al Capone on Communism

>AL CAPONE, Chicago gangster boss, said:
>Bolshevism is knocking at our gates, we cannot afford to let it in. We have got to organise ourselves against it and put our shoulders together and hold fast. We must keep America whole, safe and unspoiled. We must keep the worker from Red literature and Red ruses. We must see that his mind remains healthy.
>OF FASCISM Al Capone said, (echoing some people in Australia) "It's a swell racket if you can keep the boys in line."


Del hilo de hoy de Gracias Anon de Noticias Basado (GABAN)

>>1678047 (hilo de noticias TYBNA)

Thousands in Mexico demand justice for LGBTQ+ figure found dead after death threats
>Thousands marched in Mexico’s capital Monday night demanding justice for Jesús Ociel Baena, an influential LGBTQ+ figure who was found dead at home in the central city of Aguascalientes after receiving death threats. Baena was the first openly nonbinary person to assume a judicial post in Mexico, becoming a magistrate in the Aguascalientes state electoral court, and broke through other barriers in a country where LGBTQ+ people are often targeted with violence.

Lo último que he escuchado es que no se ha encontrado evidencia de una tercera persona. No existe grabación que indique que existe una tercera persona. No seria la primera vez que el gobierno miente o toma decisiones muy rápidas.

Se me hace difícil pensar que fue "un crimen de pasión" como dicen los medios. Me trae una increíble tristeza ver los comentarios en redes sociales bajo estas noticias. La reacción enfermiza de latinoamérica de verdad es un asco. Se quejan y retuercen del uso de lenguaje inclusivo pero de las calles desbordándose de sangre es una indiferencia completa.


¿Qué creen que pasaría si Venezuela decide entrar en el Esequibo? ¿Guerra proxy con los estadounidenses/británicos o más sanciones contra el gobierno?


Nah it was the fat guys up north who wanted to fuck up LatAm


¿Qué piensas de AMLO? ¿Qué opinas del Tren Maya? ¿Es imperialismo interno o están aumentando las fuerzas productivas?


Reflexiones de los zapatistas después de la reestructuración de su autonomía:

> O sea que, como resumen, te digo que los MAREZ y JBG sirvieron para que aprendiéramos que la teoría sin práctica es pura lengua. Y que la práctica sin teoría, pues andas como ciego. Y como de lo que empezamos a hacer no hay teoría o sea que no hay manual o un libro, pues entonces también lo hemos tenido que hacer nuestra propia teoría. A los tropezones hicimos la teoría y la práctica. Creo por eso no muy nos quieren los teóricos y las vanguardias revolucionarias, porque no sólo les quitamos la chamba. También les mostramos que una cosa es el palabrerío y otra la realidad. Y aquí estamos los ignorantes y retrasados como nos dicen, que no podemos encontrar el camino porque somos campesinos. Pero aquí estamos y aunque nos nieguen, existimos. Ni modos.

Ultra basados, como siempre.


>que la teoría sin práctica es pura lengua. Y que la práctica sin teoría, pues andas como ciego
Ultra basados
>Creo por eso no muy nos quieren los teóricos y las vanguardias revolucionarias, porque no sólo les quitamos la chamba. También les mostramos que una cosa es el palabrerío y otra la realidad.
😭😭😭😭 La JCM y el nuevo colectivo regio toman explícitamente a los zapatistas como referencia y son ampliamente generosos con los elogios a los zapatistas. 😔 zenpai didnt notice


Ta bueno
Porque no los dos?
Pero como esta Vz es lo mismo (y a la vez totalmente diferente) que lo que pasa con Palestina. Todo el mundo quisiera meterse -el mundo arabe- pero no hay presupuesto ni voluntad politica. Al menos los chamos no viven en una ocupación como esa, solo perdida de soberania.


<Boluarte propone declarar el día del golpe de Castillo "día de la democracia" / 7 de diciembre
Jajajajajajajajajajajaja ay csm, y pensaba que lo de la bicameralidad y sus añadidos eran suficiente metida de rata.
Bueno, lo aprendido de sus viajes al exterior es que nadie de la socialdemocracia latina quiere a Boluarte excepto los grandes poderes de EEUU y China, ellos jugando su "gran juego" con latinoamerica.
Y claro, aprobaron la bicameralidad en Perú, a medias porque es en 2 votaciones pero con los votos de unos cuantos de la izquierda castillista ya la tienen en la bolsa los bastardos de la patria.
Y como se darán cuenta, el pesimismo se siente en el aire en este querido terruño, ya sea de la derecha (por X razones, mas que todo economicas relacionadas a la reseción), la izquierda (por su rotundo fracaso en el caso de los progres comunes, en PL porque a Vladimir Cerrón lo tienen de profugo y en el resto porque son partidos enanos, y la obvia reseción) y en general por esa palabra que comienza en Re y termina en ón.
Boluarte puso su estado de emergencia para atrapar a las bandas de venezolanos y peruanos y al parecer lo obvio era esperable, la policia es chica, con poco equipamiento y así asá.


Xi no da puntada sin hilo. Y los gringos no quieren quedarse atrás. De ahi tanto cortejo a la Dina. Ojala les vaya bien a los argentos el domingo, que el pasantito es la versión esteroidea del tipico lacayo yanqui


> ¿Es imperialismo interno o están aumentando las fuerzas productivas?
Aumento a las fuerzas productivas, pero también es un proyecto totalmente cooptado por capital privado. A la par, es un motor de movilidad social como son todos los medios de transporte eficientes y condena a comunidades mayas de la zona a ser subempleados del sector turismo dominado por resorts trasnacionales. Como muchos mega-proyectos para aumentar fuerzas productivas, es también un desastre ecológico. Y además es una punta de lanza para un ambicioso proyecto de reconectar la república a través de vías férreas.

>¿Qué piensas de AMLO?

Lo voy a extrañar cuando se vaya solo por ser bien pinche chistoso.


Como estan mis Argiebros hoy? Ya votaron mis panas?


El señor está demente. Que le sucede jajajaja



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A ver que queda de Argentina en 5 años.


Argentina se va directo al abismo compañeros. Preparense para mas re-ajustes económicos, más austeridad y sobre todo, más prestamos del FMI para que terminen como subsidios al capital privado y para ser usados para recortar aun mas impuestos a los ricos.
No los culpo aregentinbros, culpo a la dictadura que se los jodio, y a la socialdemocracia que no se animo a mamdar a todos los colaboradores de la dictadura a la carcel, o a tierra del fuego a pasar un buen rato con los pinguinos.
En fin, suerte gente de Argentina, espero que por lo menos esto radicalize mas a la gente y no solo a los troskos


Igual mas que los planes de reajuste economico de Milei, lo que me preocupa es la vicepresidenta, que es una total apologista del terrorismo de estado de la dictadura. No me sorprenderia que empiezen a cancelar los juicios a los milicos torturadores y a toda la demas escoria que estuvo implicada en la dictadura. O que se normalize aun mas el apologismo al terrorismo de estado.


uh did the milei thread get deleted


Reached its limit
Someone can just make a new one


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Vgghhhhh…. VRSAL…….. MI HOGAR…


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>PANAMA CITY, Nov 28 (Reuters) - Canadian miner First Quantum's contract to operate a lucrative copper mine in Panama is unconstitutional, the country's Supreme Court declared on Tuesday following weeks of protests against the deal, putting the company on the long and unpredictable road of international arbitration.
>First Quantum on Tuesday said it company had suspended commercial production and is applying a "program of Preservation and Safe Maintenance."
>First Quantum shares fell 5%. The company's shares have lost more than C$10 billion ($7.4 billion) of its market value since the protests started and the mine was forced to suspend production.
>The ruling will have consequences for the copper market, as First Quantum's Cobre Panama mine accounts for about 1% of global copper production. Benchmark copper on the London Metal Exchange was up 0.9% at $8,441 a metric ton.
>Dwindling copper supply from Panama and Peru could wipe out global surplus in 2024, analysts said.
>It is an equally significant business for the Central American nation, with the mine contributing about 5% of Panama's GDP. J.P. Morgan warned this month that the odds of Panama losing its investment-grade rating would rise significantly if the contract is revoked.
>The contract gave First Quantum a 20-year mining right with an option to extend for another 20 years in return for $375 million in annual revenue to Panama.
>The fierce opposition toward the deal is becoming a major factor in the country's May 2024 presidential election. Candidates are pushing for more state control of the mine as they seek to assuage public anger.
>For First Quantum, the Panama ruling would be a repeat of its decade-old experience in the Democratic Republic Of Congo. The company exited DRC in 2012 after it filed an arbitration procedure against the African country for cancelling its mining contract.
>First Quantum sold its assets to Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation PLC for $1.25 billion and settled the dispute.
>The company has spent about $10 billion in developing the Cobre Panama mine in over a decade.


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Una lagrimita por los inversionistas.

Noticias politicas de Perusalem.
Trayendo al Perú de nuevo a su estado de duelo mexicano a 3 bandas, en primer lugar el estallido del escandalo de corrupción en el poder por parte de la Fiscal de la nación, Patricia Benavides, quien ahora esta siendo investigada por el presunto delito de trafico de influencias en el congreso por la inhabilitación de su predecesora (a cambio se presume que diversos casos relacionados a congresistas fueron mandados a dormir con los peces).


A su vez, la fiscal llegó a destituir a la fiscal de un equipo especial encargado de investigar la corrupcion en el poder, (creado en la epoca de Castillo, con el fin de debelar la corrupcion que existia en su gobierno). Al parecer como las diligencias y prisiones recientes indican lo que parecia obvio, donde pones el dedo salta la pus.

Ojala fuese a terminar con esto, pero la fiscal apunto con sus cañones a Palacio de Gobierno, especificamente a Dina Boluarte y a Otarola, mandando el día de ayer un pronunciamiento donde anuncia la reanudación de las investigaciones por las muertes en las protestas tras la caida de Castillo. Un cinico movimiento politico ante la perdida de confianza entre los poderes.

Y para guinda de este pastel de manicomio. El TC dominado por gente puesta por el actual congreso (donde Peru Libre fue determinante en romper el estancamiento) ha rehabilitado el indulto a Fujimori. O al menos eso se dice.

Pd:Nunca inauguren estatuas propias, Fidel en eso fue un grande.


¿Qué carajo pasa con Venezuela y Guyana?


Jugando juegos estúpidos, a punto de ganar premios estupidos


¿vamos a tener un grupo wagner sudamericano?
¿grupo silvio rodriguez?


What's up with Venezuela-Guyana ? Nothingburger? Any context? Thanks


Nothing burger since Venezuela is currently in a thaw with the US.
It is just patriotic posturing for the upcoming elections between Chavismo vs Opposition. Both sides are playing the patriotic card and although the Guyanians can't boast of having an impressive army they can feel as they are Kuwait 2.0.




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When can we expect venezuela to join BRICS?


who is that



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El país mémé


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>La firma Datanálisis dijo de manera reciente que la decisión de participar se encuentra dividida entre los venezolanos. “El 40% dice que va a votar, el otro 40% dice que no, y el 20% dice que no sabe”, comentó José Gil Yépez, director de la encuestadora en una entrevista radial esta semana.
>Por su parte, la compañía Dataviva dijo que una de sus encuesta señala una intención de voto de 68,88%, mientras que el 31,12% de los consultados dijo no querer participar.
>De acuerdo a datos del CNE, unos 20’694.124 electores inscritos en Venezuela podrán participar en el referendo consultivo.
Jodidos esos de Bloomberg, no dejan copiar asi nomas de su web.


>La Venezuela de Maduro, una inspiración para Milei

>Ante la disputa entre Venezuela y Guyana por el Esequibo y el referéndum llamado por Maduro


la pyme electoral haciendo de las suyas


México tendrá elecciones pronto y uno de los candidatos tiene un escándalo 🤡 payaso 🤡 en el estado donde es gobernador, Nuevo León. Como es de costumbre para todos los gobernadores que dejan su gobernatura para lanzarse de candidatos a la presidencia.

Throwback a las elecciones anteriores cuando El Bronco propuso introducir Ley Sharía en México para cortarle las manos a los ladrones. Mashallah, el estado de Nuevo León produce los mejores rancheros payasos libertarios. Así lo quiso Dios.


>>1694792 (yoplait)
Pinche nuevo león. Donal Trom por favor sálvanos tirando bombas en el estado.


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💀 que pitos está sucediendo en Perú


Porque Perú é tão hitlerista?


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hello comrades how big of a presence does zionism or judaism have in south america? i only ask because for some reason herzl proposed argentina out of anywhere in the world as an alternative to israel for the settlement of jews and with javier millei doing the zionist virtue signalling it makes me wonder. is this a common thing to happen in at least argentina's politics?


is called judaism and yes is very powerful in Brazil and Argentina especially by hijacking pastors and with upper class elderly, but the rest of the continenthas it clear regarding the JQ


ya estaba previsto desde 2016
por que péru ya fue socialdemocrata y vivio una revolucion marxista que fallo y traumo al pais para siempre


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Un capitulo más en la historica batalla entre fujimoristas y antifujimoristas. All cards now are in the hands of conservatives/fujimorists. This pardon goes against international tribunals so it will take time and money until Chino is back in his little palace.
Don't be a radlib, don't mix hitler here, this is just common conservatism with a hint of autocracy


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Mañana es el aniversario del golpe mas lelo de toda latinoamerica.
Se anuncian paros y ya se aumento la pena de carcel a 15 años por tomar carreteras.


bait merda


más allá de la debacle institucional ¿ha crecido el movimiento obrero en peru en los últimos años, desde la elección de castillo hasta ahora? ¿se ha formado un partido propiamente dicho, con una base y una estructura partidaria por encima de los ciclos electorales?


No estoy muy enterado pero algo se puede decir de las demostraciones masivas en el país este ultimo año. Solo falta que se transforme a organización concreta o se perderá como BLM, Sanders, AMLO, etc.


>Comenzará en 21 horas
>Ha crecido el movimiento obrero
Tendria que chequear los datos del ministerio del trabajo, y lo intente pero solo vi el numero de sindicatos reconocidos, sin miembros.
>se ha formado un partido propiamente dicho
Tampoco hay una respuesta clara o una flecha señalando al real representante de una clase trabajadora socialista, todos se hallan mochos, especialmente Peru Libre que perdio a su Sec. Gen. Cerron quien paso a la clandestinidad por un juicio.
Y hasta ahora ese me parece el movimiento mas claro, cuando no esta consiguiendo reditos en el congreso o partiendose como buen partido de izquierda. El resto son puro ZZZZZZZZZ
Aunque cabe mencionar que Antauro logro que el Movimiento A.N.T.A.U.R.O. (Alianza Nacional de Trabajadores Agricultores Universitarios Reservistas y Obreros) logro ser inscrito y pasar el periodo de tachas. Entonces al parecer la papeleta tendra 25 partidos por ahora
Me parece que si Dina aguanta hasta el 26 como todo indica se repetira el mismo escenario del 21 o del 20 porque los requerimientos para la inscripcion han sido nuevamente elevados. Juntos por el Peru la alianza de la nueva izquierda con el Partido Comunista-Patria Roja y Peru Libre solo por otra lado, pero gomas para juntarlos a todos espero que existan.


"British Guyana-Essequibo (along with the Malvinas) is another front of multipolarity against unipolarity.

Overall, we are dealing with five potential or actual fronts:

1. Russia is at war with the collective West and American (Anglo-Saxon) globalism in Ukraine. Essentially, this is a civil war of Russians – imperial Russians against Atlanticist Russians who have betrayed their Russian identity, but the Atlanticist 'Russians' are being used by the unipolar forces of the West.

2. The Islamic world is consolidating (with a serious delay) against Israel, which is carrying out a systematic genocide of the Arab population. At the same time, the unipolar West is again on the side of Israel (as its Middle Eastern proxy).

3. The bloc of anti-colonial countries in West Africa (Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Central African Republic, Gabon) is united against pro-colonial (Atlanticist) regimes and against Macron’s globalist France. Here, too, open conflict can break out at any moment.

4. Taiwan's potential front against mainland China is perhaps what the United States cares about most. (And here a direct conflict is waiting in the wings).

5. The declaration of Venezuela's rights to Essequibo, an artificial colonial formation of the Atlanticists. This is also related to the issue of the Malvinas, which could become acute after the removal of the degenerate who has come to power (this is what happens if revolutionary Peronism is crossed with liberalism, as Sergio Masa, who lost, did).

India (Bharat) holds a special place in the multipolar heptarchy. This is a completely independent State-Civilization, which is strategically closest to the USA (due to the conflict with China and Pakistan, and the broader Islamic factor).

At the same time, India is friendly to Russia, Africa, and Latin America. There are no direct zones of conflict with the globalists (except for the memory of the monstrous era of British colonization).

Previously, the West supported radical Islam and Pakistan, and although this has partly remained, it is no longer so pronounced - India is needed by the globalists to confront China."


Zionism has a strong presence in Argentina, many lobbying groups here that will accuse anyone with anti-Israel positions of being antisemitic. Even just rejecting Israel's recent mass slaughter can be "antisemitic". The Israeli embassy was blown up during a terrorist attack in the 90s and still remains fresh in memory. Neonazis have their own conspiracy theory about Herzl called Plan Andinia, but it's just an exaggeration over Herzl's original proposal. The new president is a hardcore zionist, so it'll likely get worse.


I was being hyperbolic


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Milei se metió con los gamers… con los gamers


So how's the Bitcoin "legal tender" fiasco going in El Salvador?


Under the rug, since it is not a great success, but neither a catastrophy. Specially since bitcoin is up in value. I found some crunched numbers here (in spanish) where it claims that it may be up 50%
In the end Bukele's victory over the gangs mantain his credibility and now he is pushing for a second term.


“Victory over the gangs”. People still actually believe this?


Have you seen a gang resurgence reported on the news? Are you Salvadorian?


The Salvadorian people obviously do it seems.


El Salvador got a resurgence in gang activity?




Argiebros, wtf is happening in your country rn?


les muy triste, a enorme mayoria de movimientos obreros, sindicatos, marxistas y demas en peru son gente que no baja de los 40 a lo mucho 30 pero en su mayoria gente de 40-70, quizas algun que otro sanmarquino o de la cato con sus bombos que va pal tik tok y nada mas
cerron es un groomer fracasado, nada que ver con el LORD PUKA BELLIDO


bros. A bunch of Latams have arrived in my region to work. What's worse is they are all tidy footballers and are cleaning up the regional league. If there are any comrades in this community, how would I make contact with them? Yes, I still hold some naive internationalist delusions.


Milei has just made it so work contracts may be paid with any crypto or even with stuff (food, to put an example).


So basically this guy, Javier Milei, which you probably already heard about, used a DNU (decreto de necesidad y urgencia) to bypass Congress and remove a bunch of laws, which would have devastating consequences for national sovereignty and the working and middle class. Some of these are the Rural Lands Law, which forbids foreigners from buying more than 1000 hectares of land, the Rent Law, which regulates which currencies can be used to pay for rented properties along with the terms a contract might set, the Generic Medicine Law, among others. He also reformed the labor law to remove the right to strike to certain strategic sectors, such as teachers and truck drivers and privatized ARSAT (a public satellite company) to pave the way for Starlink to come to Argentina (this was admitted by Milei himself). Now vast sectors of the population are calling for a general strike, and the DNU has been condemned by most political figures. Only time will tell if this will resolve itself peacefully or otherwise.


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>What's worse is they are all tidy footballers and are cleaning up the regional league.

the chances of a (what I'm presuming) low skilled labor immigrant being a communist are almost non existant, those guys have probably worked their entire lives and had no time to think about marxism leninism (also schools in latam are shit).
tell them some jokes and cuss words in their language and you'll earn some friends, maybe ask what they think about milei/bolsonaro/etc but don't be too preachy


at my uni the cleaning staff were latin American and some of them had names like Lenin and Stalin. it was pretty cool to see when the toilets were signed off. idk if they knew anything about communism or theory though


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Yeah we just had right-wing president Lenin Voltaire Moreno down on Ecuador. Sudaca fathers are on another level.


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Ese puka xD
Una lastima que continue la pasión que tenemos por fundar partidos de 3 pelagatos. A ver cual de los pescados que salieron del arroyo de PL logra remontar su cauce cuando este maduro.
<Return to barter
Mas arriba hay pintas de cuando un Hitler se enfrento con un Lenin por la alcaldia de un pueblo.
En el congreso actual de Perú hay un congresista llamado Hitler tambien


Y por cuestiones de trabajo conoci a un niño llamado Antauro. Xi no estan popular como para que aparezcan pequeños Xijinpincitos todavia, todavia…




Me pregunto cuantos peruanos llevan nombres como "Mao", "Abimael", "Gonzalo" como resultado del conflicto armado interno. Ya sé que hubieron al menos unas cuantas niñas que recibieron "Ila" como nombre (que viene de "I.niciar la L.ucha A.rmada", consigna con que los senderistas desataron su lucha armada).


Hay cacerolazo hoy otra vez? Espero que si


disculpa no sabria decirte. estos dias estuve muy ocupado, se q hubo un par de convocatorias pero sin tanta fuerza como la del 20


La de ayer fue bastante grande, hasta en Cordoba hubo manifestantes, algo casi imposible. Tambien hubo mucha represion, pero no se esperaria menos de este gobierno


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>ser "anarcocapitalista"
>utilizar la fuerza del estado para reprimir protestas


>Only time will tell if this will resolve itself peacefully
it won't, bullrich is already bracing for a violent confrontation, it's going to suck.


Basically Condor Plan 2.0


Like the Bukele miracle, Argentina's overnight miracle has proven people wrong. People like Milei and Bukele are saving their countries.


This is nothing like it. The dictatorship was run by competent people. Evil, but competent. Milei is stupid and has as of now practically no foreign support. This will be hard, but comparing it to that is an insult to the CIA


Los ancaps no odian el Estado, en realidad lo aman. Solo odian las partes del Estado que ayudan a los necesitados. Eso los pone de los nervios


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¿Qué opinan de Roberto Vaquero? He oído muchas ideas mixtas sobre él.


>Argentina's overnight miracle
What the actual fuck are you talking about?


the miracle of selling your entire ass country to the highest bidder


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Un duelo entre el y Antauro seria la mar de divertido.


Are there people rioting on the streets?


Un tipo abiertamente derechista. Solo le falta reivindicar a Israel, si es que no lo ha hecho ya.


99% of what he does seem to be pointless idpol shit aimed at "owning the libs". Also it probably isn't the best sign that his comments are always full of right wingers in agreement with him.


Abolishing capital and commodity production? What else, the doing away of the State?


I hear Cuba is collapsing
Is this true?


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Feliz navidad

prácticamente un nazbol con énfasis en lo 'naz'.


wachting a neoliberal act like a ancap and saying U.S.A buzzwords without the original definition is funny


>China has suspended a US$6.5 billion currency swap agreement with Argentina, and the freeze remains in effect until President Javier Milei demonstrates a clear intention to engage with Beijing, Argentine media have reported.

>News of the move comes just 10 days into the tenure of the new president, who campaigned on breaking ties with China, and underscores the challenge Milei will face in trying to follow through with those pledges.

>Asked to comment, Zhicheng Xie, the spokesperson for the Chinese embassy in Argentina, declined to confirm the reports.

Daría risa si no fuera trágico.

Ojalá lo saquen pronto.


In 2 weeks yes


>depender completamente de mercado negro y contrabando
>Ancapman corta el mercado negro boliviano
>Bolitas mueren de hambre
>gobierno Masista seethea
por mierdas como estas los fachos ganaran en latinoamerica
vino para quedarse, no hay ganas de sacarlo por parte de la enorme y aplastante mayoria de la poblacion ya la izquierda argentina esta manchada ante los ojos de la poblacion por hacer cosas como el feminismo liberal gringo cof cof Ofelia,cagarse en balotarios, o querer meter ideas progresistas americanas a una poblacion conservadora ademas que los Pubertarios de mierda vienen metiendo sus ideas de apoquito hace decadas asi que las nuevas generaciones ya se criaron con esas ideologias ademas que estas ideologias "anti-woke", "libertarias" etc fueron rechazadas por los boomers convirtiendose en la nueva contra-cultura, ASI les muestres datos y les digas que es culpa de Macri y el FMI JAMAS recapacitaran los argentinos, Argentina ya debe declararse territorio perdido y le sigue Chile luego Ecuador, Peru y ya por ultimo Colombia los unicos que resisten y resistiran seran Brasil (y esta en duda por que Lula solo tuvo exito gracias al petroleo que se descubrio en su mandato y no a sus "politicas") Venezuela y nadie mas


Que la etapa de reacción y barbarie absoluta retroceda y que la rueda del socialismo avance elevaneo a los trabajadores con ella


Lo mismo paso en Perú cuando se cerró la frontera (de contrabando) con los bolitas en la convulsión posCastillo.
La munición favorita de la derecha era que Castillo representaba a los mineros ilegales y contrabandistas jajaja


qué manera de decir pelotudeces. más leer y menos opinar, que estás quedando mal


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Very unrelated to politics, but I need info from Latinos:

I visited Forest Lawn Mdmorial Park in Glendale, CA a few weeks ago before Christmas and noticed many graves were adorned with poinsettias. Most of these graves had Spanish names so I’m assuming they were Mexican or Central American. What’s the cultural significance of this flower on graves during Xmas time?


In mexico at least, poinsettias which we call "Christmas eves" in Spanish and "flower that withers" in nahuatl, is a plant used to adorn during Christmas time, so starting around early December all the way to new years eve.

I can't think of a more ceremonial or burial tradition related to it.
Feliz año!


AMLO reconoce el genero de una diputada trans.
Basado boomer retrasado.

No parece mucho ni significa demasiado pero es la primera vez que un presidente mexicano reconoce el género de las personas trans tan explícitamente.



¿Qué mierda está pasando en Ecuador? bruh


Pasa el chisme.
Dont know them.


The country is in a state of civil war right now.


I was told he's supposed to be one of the originators of "decolonization theory." I'd never heard of him before either, but I can't pretend like I'm an expert on Latin American political theory.

>Aníbal Quijano (1928-2018) has been the critical intellectual par excellence in Peru and Latin America, one who acted according to his principles. When he emerged as a sociologist in the 1960s and 1970s, criticism of the status quo was at its peak. Quijano never gave in to the siren calls of the Marxism-Leninism that reached its most barbaric expression in the Shining Path. In the 1990s, at the height of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund’s influence, his condemnation of the subalternization of certain social categories eventually brought him to make a crucial contribution towards explaining the processes at work in contemporary Peru and in Latin America at large.

I feel like "he never gave in to the siren calls of Marxism-Leninism" tells me everything I need to know, but at the same time I didn't want to reject him out of hand. Still, in "Coloniality of power," in the conclusion it seems like he's rejecting socialism.


Warlordism. Señores de la guerra. El futuro del mundo entero.



Whoever wrote that is an idiot. Quijano was for sure influenced by people like Marx and Mariategui and while he may not have embraced Sendero Luminoso, he was definitely an active part of the socialist movement in Peru. Give him a read.


I know he is a prominent theorist from Peru, sociologist and saw a recopilation of his probably ultraleft maoist magazine done in conmemoration of him, and also a book about turning down socio or anthropology.
Although I have never read him. The book was like 150 or more soles, akin to 45 dollars
Ecuador se haitianizo xd
Hasta Correa (que segun lei por ahi ya tenia una alianza en el parlamento con el presidente hace ya algun tiempo) se puso detras, las ideas para mas tarde, ahora a romperle la columna al lumpen


Ojala me de tiempo de leerlo.
>Gave in to the siren
That means that he was part of the non-SP left, from the maoist Red Fatherland to everyone else on the left. Kind reminder that the SP was antialbanian, antisoviet, anticuban, antiChina after the 4 were purged,etc,etc,etc
He was a marxist from the top of his hair to the nails of his feet


Thanks for the answers re Anibal. I was somewhat skeptical considering his work and publication history, but it sounds like he's worth a look.


What the hell is going on in Ecuador? And what are they doing "wrong" as compared to El Salvador and it's so called miracle? It seems that their militarization of the police is the same thing that El Salvador did but somehow it doesn't "work" the way it "worked" in El Salvador?


Noboa anunció un plan para atacar el crimen organizado y muchas bandas se organizaron para responder conjuntamente haciendo lo de invadir una estación de TV y secuestrarlos en vivo, aunque ya detuvieron a los malandros.

En otros lugares explotaron carros bombas, incendiaron carros al azar y han hecho riñas en cárceles donde han terminado muertos varios carceleros por ejecución.


You didn’t answer my question at all. The previous president also fought the gangs and narco traffickers but it didn’t work at all, and neither will this. The reason Bukele was able to “pacifiy” gang violence in his country is because he’s literally part of the narcos and gets cut backs from the narcos, this created leeway for him to have a temporary peace. Bukele tiene una pas temporada. The only way to end gang violence and or cartel or mafia violence is by “attacking” the root of crime. Nationalization and jobs for everyone enforced. Argentina did a full on government public works project where the government did a jobs guarantee for all which was temporary and it literally ended the majority of narco crime and built up the economy until it was ended because the masses made their bag. La misma rason que paso en Argentina es lo mismo que esta pasando en Ecuador. La jente no tienen guarantidad de trabajo entonces se ponen a comitar violenca. Bukele didn’t change anything in El Salvador economically so he brokered a peace with the cartels. Ecuador van a fallar porque ellos no son amigos de los cartel.


>Bukele is friend with the cartel while Ecuador isn't
Fuente: Miami me lo confirmó
<There is a spook haunting this user mind, the Bukele's spook
I literally know nothing about Ecuador apart from the basics and somehow I feel that I have done more reading that this guy.
The first guy "who didn't anwer you at all" told you what literally happened. The state announced a hardenship on the law and the lumpenproles and lumpenbourg attacked first.
The Ecuatorian narco (with ties to the mexican cartels) seemed more prepared (they had 6 months of preemtive calls of a president elected on security issues to do this) and now are triying to bring Ecuador to the barganing table with ransoms and open combats, like its done in Mexico.
>What went wrong?
Failing to prepare for such a reaction, hopefully they win.
Last time I heard Rosario was a narcorepublic, Milei is still in power, so much words for that.


>Last time I heard Rosario was a narcorepublic, Milei is still in power, so much words for that.
Argentina was fine when it did it's full employment project where it employed basically the entire population which collectively raised wages and stabilized the government. It's like I said, it was a temporary measure rather than a permanent measure which meant eventually the private sector would begin cutting corners and getting back on their bullshit once the labor markets were free again. Milei is obviously the result of such a failure of consistency and permanent measures.


it's bait. he is intentionally writing broken spanish as he thinks a non-native speaker would
the temporary full employment bit is funny (it obviously didn't happen), can you imagine a drug dealer giving up the money and street cred for a shitty construction job


He's kinda right though, with the topic of narco shit being largely an issue of shit employment conditions in LATAM. Also correct about the narco-state but about Bukele making a deal with narcos I don't know basically anything but I find it unlikely.

In Mexico, it is said that the president that started the war on drugs started them because the narcos didn't give enough bribes. There's no solid proof. What is extremely evident though, is how integrated narcotraficking is integrated with the state, the economy, and society more generally.

What the other anon said about Ecuador was correct too.


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Qué opinan?


Un socialdemócrata recontra tibio que posiblemente luchará contra la oligarquía guatemalteca.
Si buscas su campaña es recontra moderada, lo único que quisiera es que deje de reconocer a Taiwan


He is nowhere as GOOD as Xiomara Castro, destroyer of Ancaps, emergency state declarer and recognizer of fellow socialist nations.


>que posiblemente luchará contra la oligarquía guatemalteca.
va a perder
tiene base por lo menos?


Te juro que ojalá, ojalá de los ojalases los vientos geopolíticos americanos vayan a su favor (por decir, los gringos le han hado no solo la mano sino el hombro para evitar un golpe legal estos meses). Supongo que parte de las medidas pedidas por los demócratas/gringos es no reconocer a Beijing
Tiene sus años, no es ave de un día ese movimiento, de que se haga partido y funcione como tal supongo que demorará, no ganó mayoría en parlamento (como si tiene Castro) así que ni esperen una socialdemocracia a todo vapor


>crime happens because people are just evil!


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Sera???? Jajaja


Entonces lo único que ha hecho ukelele es mover el problema de un país a otro?


>nunca vas a comer tortas al lado del rio en pionyang


Algún día! Algún día….


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Evil dark lord, Schwab, actually likes 'el loco' Mieli


So what's the deal with Nicaragua and the Church?


How fucked is the Argentinian communist movement


Church helps the poor → Good
Church helps the pro-yanqui oposition → Bad
Easy as that, nothing to thank about


Trots are the hegemony there
Crazy 'morenismo' is pro US and pro liberalism


Creen que Milei durará todo su mandato?


si, lo único que tiene que hacer es no renunciar. no tengo ganas de explicar bien pero básicamente la clase trabajadora argentina no tiene la organización política para sacar un presidente


>básicamente la clase trabajadora argentina no tiene la organización política para sacar un presidente
cómo que no? 2001 no te suena? y había muchísima menos organización política en ese momento


lo estoy diciendo justamente por el 2001. de la rúa renunció de gusto, podía decir "no" y dejar que la policía siga matando gente sin consecuencias - que es probablemente lo que va a pasar este año o el próximo (como el año pasado en perú)
si vos pensás que grabois o los troskos pueden sacar un presidente, tengo razón en no perder el tiempo explicando cosas acá


¿Qué piensas de Juan Velasco Alvarado?


Un gran lider dentro de lo que era el mundo tercermundista, su gobierno logro canalizar la lucha social nacionalista en ganancias materiales de reforma agraria, desarrollo de la industria y nacionalizacion del petroleo. No era comunista, ni siquiera socialista, sino nacionalista, como Nasser, como Perón. Los mas nacionalistas lo extrañan aun mas por haber sido quien mas cerca estuvo de dar el puntapie a Pinocho y tomar Arica y Tarapacá alla por los 70s.
Lastima que no olió de quien era su mano derecha le iba a dar el Tacnazo, que el proceso del plan Inka se detuvo. Y que esa mano derecha iba a alinearse a medias con las otras dictaruras militares.


>Es real


Jajaja, estaba pensando que los coreanos tenian algo parecido a la apertura de pequeños negocios que alguna vez oí tuvo la turistica Sofia, Bulgaria o Cuba actualemnte pero ese Conalep es una ducha de agua fria.
O es una troleada o es el barrio latino de Pyon gyang, apuesto a lo segundo


Whats going in Peru


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so uh how is argentina doing? I heard inflation is even higher and industrial growth is in the shitter




why's the comment section even dickriding him so hard


I mean it's the WSJ so…


Reminder that he won with 55% of the popular vote, (and with a 30% in the first one, 8 million more or less ¿loyal?)
Hope is a powerful drug. Getting a hundred dicksuckers is no problem I guess


fair i do find it kind of weird to see how many people like deregulated economies in this time..even now when communism is still hated, i thought deregulation was mostly seen as bad nowadays
So it's all of them just huffing copium and good vibes?


Yes, since they are waiting for Milei's shock law to pass congress one way or the other. Hot potatoes now, lava ones tomorrow.
Of course the trade unions have done a show of force and moved tens of thousands.
Overriding the legislature is plainly the next step again, one way or the other


Hoy NB consigue su segundo mandato.


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Tienen idea si esto es un intento de guerra psicologica de quinta generacion usando bots o si existe una cultura organica no astroturfeada de gente que usa un string de nombre+apellido+numero de 4 digitos como usuario?


Le aprobaron los superpoderes a Milei, unica esperanza ahora es que a el y a Villaruel se le ocurra subirse a un helicoptero y que pase un Piñera.

Voto a favor casi toda la UCR, Alfonsin les dijo 80000 mil veces que Macri y la derecha eran una mierda y que preferia al Kirchnerismo pero lo hicieron igual huehue, si terminan como el APRA en 2 años ya seria un destino demasiado bueno.



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Why isn't Evo Morales allowed to run again? Did Arce's government pass a bill putting caps on how many times you can run? If not, why did the Supreme Court reverse the decision it had made before the coup allowing Evo to run for a fourth term?


So is AMLO based or not? Were any of those leftish guys that caused a storm on leftypol over the years based when they got into office?


>leftish guys
LaTam leftish politicians specifically


Evo was based.
Lula was ok but is getting more based now.
AMLO was incredibly based, best Mexican president in a century.
Boric was absolutely horrible and fumbled everything.
Kirchner was bad.
Pedro is based but he is in a tough spot.
Arevalo, too early to tell.
Maduro is worse than Chavez in every way.
Ortega based.
Castillo, based retard without the based.


My Aregentinian friend's work schedule is hell now, if that's any indication


AMLO was based on foreign policy (with the big notable exception of not cutting diplomatic relations with the zionist entity like Petro did) but he is a tepid socdem internally, though to be fair he's at least smart enough or the right wing is incompetent enough and AMLO left them in utter shambles for the next election cycle.


Tepid socdem who nationalized the entire Lithium deposits and renationalized the oil. Kicked off huge infrastructure programs while also expanding social programs.


es una troleada, varios de esos nombres de negocios son memes


He didn't expand social programs, he actually reduced their scope and offered financial assistance programs instead to compensate. Kicked off a pair of important infrastructure programs but the mayan train track was virtually tailored made for big resorts, and a ticket to ride it is not particularly accessible to locals (lol). He renationalized oil as interest in oil extraction among private investors simmered down, nationalizing lithium was good, i'll give you that. Still, as tepid a socdem as he is, he probably is the best president in at least half a century, which is sad.


On the objectively good shit he did, he raised the minimum wage to historic highs, raised tax revenue collected from big corporations, returned pensions for old people, and is about to push an omnibus that covers objectively based stuff like prioritizing domestic water consumption over private consumption. he is often a mixed bag i guess, but his popularity isn't a mystery either.


He also didn't interfere with the abortion/feminist movement that swepped through Mexico for example. He did some dumb shit like with university funding iirc but whatever.


On the objectively bad shit, he keeps championing shit politicians from parties outside Morena even though they keep flipping once elected and/or do badly on elections, he installed a cacique on chiapas who has been waging a silent war against indigenous people and zapatistas through PMCs and cartels for a few years now, slowly dragging chiapas into a civil conflict, and he also choked a state crime investigation in an effort to protect current politicians in Morena involved in the ayotzinapa massacre


Where's my bro Mujica? Probably my favorite pink tide leader after Evo.


He isn't part of the current pink wave


Nor are Evo, Lula or Kirchner though.


Lula is the current president of Brazil. But it's true that Evo and Kirchner aren't part of the current pink wave, though for Evo you could argue that Luis Arce is a continuation of Evo, and he isn't part of the pink wave just because of a tecnicality (the technicality being a coup lol)


The way I'd divide it is:
>First wave (1999–2010)
Chávez, Evo, Kirchner, Lula, Mujica
>Second wave (2018–now)
AMLO, Arévalo, Boric, Castillo, Petro


karmas a bitch amirite


I personally don't even consider Boric to be a leftist he's just a lib and an american boot licker.


He's a Vaushite.


Which tendency, lolicon or bestiality?


>communism is when the bourgeois state gives you a bit more money
wow we really are fucked arent we

>he's just a lib
so a leftist


Literally yes lol, the Interamerican Human Rights court said that reelection is not a human right so it can be curtailed so they did lol.
The MAS keeps hitting itself to a wall isn't it?
Yes, things got a bit better as is usual when a "not-neoliberal socdem" gets in power.
Except Argentina…and Venezuela, but then, Maduro is in power since 2013
"Leftism" >>1743585
didn't emerge from monarchism so its true.
Pink tide =/= Red tide.

Also, Castillo got mantained his year and a half of preemptive prison by the supreme court like half a week ago.
His nephew (a wanted man for alleged corruption in his uncle's gov) came back from Venezuela and appeared near the Bolivia frontier, right now appears to be in Lima's Max prison -Castro Castro-
Dina boluarte got her hair pulled by a widow of one of the 67 that died in the unrest postCastillo fall and she purged the secret police and interior ministry, congress aproved a law that made easier to destroy forests, Keiko Fujimori got into more shit because an informant rat her
And carnavales have started, time to sing, dance and throw confetti, water, talcum powder in the streets.


Literally no one is calling it communism, dumbass. You can appreciate policies like nationalization, workers' rights, anti-imperialism, etc. while still acknowledging they're not revolutionary.


>You can appreciate policies like nationalization, workers' rights, anti-imperialism, etc.
and you call me a dumbass LOL
gushing over national-developmentalist projects and bourgeois nationalism is fucking retarded lmao, only workers' rights is the good one in that list


if you can't see the connection between nationalisation and socialism you're a literal retard


>you're a literal retard
Don't project.

The existence of capitalism is not dependent on the presence or absence of individual capitalists. This argument was refuted by Engels in SUS as well as Lenin in 1913 ('There's A Trudovik For You!'). Socialism is not nationalization, not at all. It means the abolition of value. Even if a workers' state did nationalize property it would still operate under a capitalist mode because it still employs wage-labor to produce commodities.


and how do you think you get to 'true communism' where nobody owns anything without an intermediary stage of state ownership?


>an intermediary stage of state ownership
LMFAO and im the retard right?


no really can you explain how?


'Socialist transitional stage' isn't a thing, you are committing the Maoist error of equating the proletarian dictatorship with socialism itself.

Socialism and communism are the same thing. The distinction is that in the first "stage" there is distribution according to labor versus need (in the form of, say, labor vouchers) and remnants of the division of labor. Both are fully classless and moneyless with no value.


>The distinction is that in the first "stage" there is distribution according to labor versus need (in the form of, say, labor vouchers) and remnants of the division of labor.

and how is this going to be administered without a state or a 'I can't believe it's not a state (TM)'?


In the Communist Manifesto Marx calls for a progressive income tax, I guess you think he's a socdem like Bernie Sanders right?


only pseuds care about the manifesto. read another book


You can't develop the DotP nationally because the function of the dictatorship is to destroy capital internationally as a social relation, not accumulate it within national frontiers.


so if communism doesn't occur everywhere at once should we just give up then?

also even if communism was administered globally that's still a state


I said DotP, not communism. There was already a wave of revolutions in the early 20th century.

>if communism was administered globally

You have a liberal and childish notion of communism. Do you actually read about this shit?


You didn't answer my question, you just shifted the topic

how is "the first "stage" there is distribution according to labor versus need (in the form of, say, labor vouchers) and remnants of the division of labor." going to be administered without a state or a 'I can't believe it's not a state (TM)'?


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El Salvador es un estado títere de Palestina


Socialization means abolishing commodity production. State-owned enterprises are not an indication of socialization. The DotP is defined by its programme, a state that claims to be socialist while being a mercantile society, pushes forward bourgeois industrialism (ie, capital accumulation) and does not spread revolution cannot be a DotP. It's that simple.


So what is socialism to you? Are you saying that if everything isn't bartered individually then it's not socialism? How are you going to run society without labour vouchers or similar?


So you admit you're not a Marxist? Because a progressive income tax and government ownership of the means of production are both things he supported.


Meant to quote >>1757298


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Meant to quote >>1757320


A state that replicates capitalist relationships and the conversion of the means of production into capital systematically is a bourgeois state. To industrialize nationally means extracting surplus-value and enforcing the proletarian condition rather than abolishing it.


>How are you going to run society


Foreigners criticizing the pink tide is hilarious. They know nothing about the political history of the region and think they're exactly the same as Europeans socdems or something

Look I'm all for criticizing phonies like Boric but if you say people like Chávez or Evo were just "bourgeois dictators" you're legitimately retarded


>you can only talk about this thing if you're from this country
hello tumblr


that doesn't explain anything

why do you refuse to explain your views in simple terms and can only side on the sidelines and be snide?


>bourgeois dictators
Nobody has said this. Did you even bother reading the posts?

>think they're exactly the same as Europeans socdems or something

So welfarism in South America has special magic properties as opposed to when Europe does it?


Because you keep confusing the DotP with socialism.


I don't even know which one you're saying is better


why do hispanics hate africa


Better? The DotP is a very temporary measure to ease the transition into socialism.


Look I think you should post in ISG if we're going to continue this because we're just spamming the latam thread but I don't get what you're even trying to say anymore. Your list of what something needs to be the DOTP seems very idealistic, as if a state making some compromises means it's not socialist at all.


It's always amusing whenever anyone brings up a basic Marxist position and these dimwits proceed to label them a 'Westerner' or whatever the fuck as if all Marxists are white or as if that's an insult in the first place somehow.

El único retrasado aquí eres tú, cabronazo. Ponerte a pelear por cuál liberal es mejor que otro es ridículo, más aún cuando tu única defensa es que son latinos en lugar de blancos.


Ironic you say that because the Latin American left is way less identity politics-focused than the Western.
>So welfarism in South America has special magic properties as opposed to when Europe does it?
The difference is that we don't have to pillage the third world to pay for our free college and healthcare.


Oh poor white Marxists. Get a fucking grip faggot


They are trots trotting trouble


>>communism is when the bourgeois state gives you a bit more money
good thing nobody argued this


western leftist always enter these discussions reeking of failure, which is why they can't help but stink these threads every single time. they know they can't even even manage to extract minimal concessions for the working class from their ruling class, so they come here trying to convince everyone else that they're failures too.



he is baiting you, you fucking retard. yeah, waste three hours arguing about his retarded definition of socialism (which only purpose is to be a convenient excuse for not supporting any progress in the real world) or why fighting imperialism isn't good for the cause in latam. even if you wasted your time looking for quotes or trying to reason, he would just keep throwing these garbage pseud points name-dropping maoism out of nowhere, what a dork. some people are just too weak minded to hold any real conviction, so they settle on idle fantasies

no sé para qué me gasto. cómo se nota que no trabajan los moderadores, hasta las 12 no se levanta ninguno


>cómo se nota que no trabajan los moderadores, hasta las 12 no se levanta ninguno
Bitte bring dich um
Und vor zwölf ist es auch


Did Bukele actually solved the gang/crime issue or did he just paid off the cartels to keep it down for a bit like some people speculate?
Surely this wasnt the first LATAM leader trying to use the police state+military to get rid of cartels? Why did it work this time and not the thousand other times in other latinx countries?


You fucking gringo
No proof of him paying cartels have emerged. Again. The opposition press (El Faro) exposed his alleged negotiations with the gangs (like the FMLN did before, alleg too) but this was cut short with the killing of 17 or 70 and that whole crackdown began
>Why it is successful?
Because when your enemy bears tattoos marking themselves they put targets on their heads.
One of the principles of guerrilla is passing inadvertently, they do not. They pass like elephants in glass houses, of course everyone with a tattoo has a chance of getting lockdown for a while too.
Also he got like in a lot a LOT OF DEBT for the police equipment, jails, salaries, etc. All of this with the blessing of China and the US.
Plus, personal freedoms are suspended so a lot of paperwork and delays are avoided, in theory moving everything faster.


>insinuando que frenó el narcotráfico
>el tipo que legalizo el lavado de plata
imaginate ser así de payaso e impresentable


Is it true that Milei is actually converting to Judaism ?


who cares about bukele? are we going to simp for a bourgeois state just because theyre "tough on crime" (just like all bourgeois states lol)? absolute state of third worldists


(he is baiting, don't reply)


Mexican right-wing candidate is currently at the OAS to lobby for an 'election observer mission' for the next Mexican election.


>who cares about bukele?
well, a lot of people. He's undoubtedly the most regionally popular latam president right now, kinda like a reverse-Maduro. I don't remember any leftist leader with that ammount of popularity outside of his borders, maybe Mujica for some time.

>are we going to simp for a bourgeois state just because theyre "tough on crime"

who's "we". The boomer construction worker who simps for Bukkake obviously doesn't know shit about El Salvador's history and politics, just has the reasonable idea of "massively purging gangs in order to feel safe once in his life = good".


>just has the reasonable idea of "massively purging gangs in order to feel safe once in his life = good".

the country wasn't like this before all the social services were destroyed though


He idealizes the nordic type of socdem, so maybe EU boot licker is more accurate. Hardcore USA stans are dudes like Kast, Milei, etc, those who go to the unnecesary extreme of supporting Israel and Taiwan.


>SSocial services
You mean under the US lapdog military regime? The civil war? Or the neoliberal restoration?


If Bukele was a socialist and did the same exact thing he would still be as loved as he is now. Turns out when you noticeably improve peoples lives it doesn't matter what political ideology you have, the masses will support you. There's a reason why almost every leader in South America is trying to emulate him now.


Ok I dunno man, maybe I was thinking of Ecuador


Lol, that is ok.
Every socialist (add comunist as a tail, as ) party should and will have to demostrate that they are not timid with security.
But cracking down on lumpen has never been the problem, the problem is who enforces it, being always the same, an anticommunist security aparatus. How to make them do their job while losing that character is the Next question
>Ecuador; Police strike/coup. 2010
>Bolivia; police surrender 2019
>Argentina; police strikes
>Peru, police strike/riots 1975,1987
I know already some historical answers but some contemporary ones or following the development of those who survived such strikes is needful


>He idealizes the nordic type of socdem
So like all so-called "socialist presidents"?


>noticeably improve peoples lives
Building gigantic prisons isn't improving anything.
<communism is about what 'the majority' wants
Come on.


Clearly those savage brownskins are too stupid to understand communism so they must make do with social democracy.


Are you seriously going to say nothing has improved under Bukele because at that point your being delusional


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>In the last several weeks, El Faro verified the absence of gang members in communities where their power was strongest. Residents, teachers, and communal leaders told El Faro that the gangs had largely disappeared and that their power had dissipated since the start of the state of exception in March 2022. They pointed to palpable signs like the suspension of extortion and other “taxes” on parking, real estate rentals, or cable TV contracts. Some marveled that restaurants, taxies, and ride hailing apps like Uber now offer services in their communities.
>Gang turf borders are also dissolving. For example, residents of Villa de Jesús, Soyapango, have returned to Ilopango Lake after nearly a decade’s prohibition by MS-13 of communities controlled by an opposing gang — in their case, the 18th Street Sureños. Some communities are beginning to recover communal spaces like sports fields or parks that for decades had served as invisible borderlines. In the colonia Las Cañas, in the municipality of Ilopango: The leaders of both sides of the community, once controlled by rival gangs, met and even organized a youth soccer game, as part of the start of a unification process in the colonia.
Don't worry, I just checked and they have an article calling him a dictator and a fraudster so they continue to oppose him.


That article states in no uncertain terms that the gangs dissolved because Bukele co-opted their leaders, it means that Salvador is actually enjoying a temporary truce mantained by god knows what means, which implies an expiration date. The jails are there for show and to get rid of political enemies.


>Surely this wasnt the first LATAM leader trying to use the police state+military to get rid of cartels?
The mistake is claiming that Bukele is successful already, likely it's a combination of a single gang monopolizing most of the power which facilitated negotiating with ranflas. None have been captured, some of them have been liberated and are silently operating within Mexico and have even formed alliances with the CJNG. Likely ranflas mantain sleeper cells hidden because as >>1757689 said, they can't operate in broad daylight because they're inked ot hell and back. But if all it requires to operate is just recruiting new members without tattoos, then I guess it's just a matter of time until MS-13 reconfigurates and emerges again. After all, killing a bunch of people is a fast way to get brand new concessions from the government, which is why seeking truces from criminals is retarded and eventually fails.


Pretty much every argument you make is some form of reformism, economism or even Kautskyism. Your understanding of imperialism is a joke because you do not understand that imperialism and monopoly-stage capitalism are one and the same.

Still being excited for the pink tide in 2024, when it has so clearly exposed itself as a bourgeois reformist movement that can neither advance further, nor even reliably protect the meager reforms it earned for the working class, is merely a sign of how deeply the latin american workers' movement has been derailed by the influence of the labor aristocracy and the petty bourgeoisie.


>Why did it work this time and not the thousand other times in other latinx countries?
because the US needs an ideologically aligned LatAm ally it can point to as a kind of success story in this current moment of it's global fuckup. It suited them to have El Salvador chaotic before.


>being excited for the pink tide in 2024
??? There's barely any elections this year. Only big one is Mexico but everyone already knows the current party is going to win again.


>a sign of how deeply the latin american workers' movement has been derailed
none of this is exclusive or more pronounced in any one place (not that it matters when the communist movement must be global anyway)


99% of leftypol is closeted liberals who think capitalism stops being capitalism if the 'right' people are in charge instead.


what is it saying? need a translation asap


> is merely a sign of how deeply the latin american workers' movement has been derailed by the influence of the labor aristocracy and the petty bourgeoisie
Not surprising since the old guard were sacrificed on the altar of capital for +20 years during the Junta. As far back as the 90s people understood people like Lula and his party were traitors.


If you are going to be late answering me in the next 3 seconds, you better not answer me 👍




The primary thing is how fast the world is moving towards communism. Whether China, Bolivia, Cuba, DPRK or whichever country is socialist or not is not immediately relevant. That said, when a country is fulfilling the primary task of communists, and the government calls itself socialist, then why squirm and cry? Sure, not everyone in the government will be communist, but as long as the goals are being met, and apparently most of them call themselves communist, what is the issue? Unless, of course, you don't think that communists primary task is to bring about the conditions to allow for socialism to come about.


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People often forget how crazy his junta defending VP is also.



Pixar mom built


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>these thighs crush communists


Only reactionary I want crushing me with her thighs is Gina Carano.


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Mexicano aquí. ¿Les va bien a los argentinos?


Cuando han estado alguna vez 'bien'


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oh mama


lee a Marx pelotudo


Leelo tú, babosa.


>Leelo tú, babosa.
¿Qué mierda estás diciendo, pendeja? ¿Acaso tienes un cerebro de mierda? Anda, métete un pepino por el culo y deja de joder.


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>Nicolás Maduro, President of Venezuela, shows a painting gifted to him that depicts Jesus helping him steer a boat called "Venezuela".
>He also asks to join in prayers for his country


nd they say Socialism is anti-theist!


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>16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.
<16 Por sus frutos los conoceréis. ¿Acaso se recogen uvas de los espinos, o higos de los abrojos? 17 Así, todo buen árbol da buenos frutos, pero el árbol malo da frutos malos. 18 No puede el buen árbol dar malos frutos, ni el árbol malo dar frutos buenos. 19 Todo árbol que no da buen fruto, es cortado y echado en el fuego. 20 Así que, por sus frutos los conoceréis.



Nada nuevo bajo el sol

Cayó el Primer ministro de Perú, no por las muertes que vá, sino por un contrato dirigido a una "amiga" suya. Solo que esta vez con un audio donde el solito canta de pe a pa.
En vez de el entra el escudero de Dina en Roma D.C.


recuerden la culpa no la tiene el capitalismo, el capitalismo nace del patriarcado, los hijos deben ser criados por la comunidad sin necesidad de la idea de "propiedad" , si no eres radfem no eres feminista


File: 1709928286807.pdf (676.34 KB, 194x255, Union-obrera-Tristan.pdf)

Bueno, un poco de literatura en vista de la conmemoración de las obreras de Nueva York


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I have this feeling he is going to make it even worse


Lula didn't fix it in 2004, no chance a guy with even worse politics can do it. You have to let Haitians decide if they want Barbecue as their president.


>Que nos paguen
Ya conozco esa historia, descansa en paz Dr. Najibullah


Lula was succesful only becouse during his term, massive oil deposits where discovered in brazil not becouse he was somewhat competent


I'm only talking in regards to Brazil's military intervention into Haiti, not Lula's performance domestically


>You have to let Haitians decide if they want Barbecue as their president.
Sounds more like they want to bbq their president.


>Ian Miles Cheong
>The video has not been independently verified by any news agency. However, according to Times Now, agencies on social media have revealed that the video is two years old and has nothing to do with the current unrest. Although the incident may be true, it is not related to the current situation in the Caribbean nation. One user shared the video with the caption, “It turns out that this video is from over 2 YEARS ago of a battle between the Gran Grif and Ti Mepri gangs in the Artibonite Valley. It has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with Jimmy "Barbecue" Cherizier or today's uprising. The man pictured did this gruesome act to terrorize his rivals.” The post added that the reports came from journalists who covered the Haiti situation for years.


This is the same argument the Brazilian right uses to explain Lula's success and it's bullshit, the pre-salt layer was only discovered in 2006 when he was already in the end of his first term. But MINUSTAH was a mistake.


What are the implications of Milei stripping import taxes?

All I can see is that in attempting to level prices with international trade, the end result will be a devluation in labor within Argentina that will just further depress wages.


¿Por qué Jesús es rubio en esa pintura? Pensé que Maduro era un justiciero social.


even better, he was a cuck president anyway, i hope they leave a thigh for me


What do you guys think of cartels\big organized gangs -which arent mexico, or colombia- as para-State agents? a sort of warlord guerrilla movement, or nefarious opportunists and failed capitalists who prey ,exploit and dupe the workers?
for examples; in venezuela theres Organizacion R, tren de Aragua, el tren del llano. in Ecuador: los tiguerones, los choneros and los lobos. In Peru there's a mix of ex-SP with guerilla. it is hotly debated wether they actually believe on maoism anymore, or if it's just a "folkloric" aesthetic (MPCP and the rivals, quispe palomino group.)



Marry a mexican and then move to mexico


which draft?
are you a russian?


the soon to be sino-american war draft which will probably happen next year if this election doesnt devolve into a civil war


am black
senoritas are fine asf


Learn Spanish, move to Mexico and reclaim your status as a honorable Mexican.


>man consumed by Lust is too chicken to go to war


thanks fam
man is made for loving, bitch. also dont be racist


Whats that? You are lustful, racism is the LEAST of our concerns.
I myself have no issue with racist banter. but your problem isnt being black. its being so pathetic you worship a specific branch of women


All men worship at the mound of venus whether they admit to it or not.


some alternatives are rising. i started helping a newly established party called via socialista
good proposals, good analysis of our current material conditions. too technocratic and small, but its the most decent party ive seen so far



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