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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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This past year's "beef" between Kendrick Lamar and Drake was nothing more than a contrived plot in order to distract the masses from the genocide in Gaza. Both rappers are signed to labels which are under the umbrella of UMG which is owned by ultra-Zionist Lucian Grainge. Every stream from Kendrick's music is being used to fund Zionist genocide of Palestinians. But this goes far deeper and I'm entirely convinced Kendrick Lamar is being covertly funded and propped up by the CIA.

Starting in the 1940s the CIA launched the Congress for Cultural Freedom, a think-tank designed to channel funds into the anti-Soviet left. They funded intellectuals, musicians and artists who appeared "leftist" but were actually anti-Marxist and anti-proletarian. This included propping up hideous and meaningless modern "art" as a means of alienating the working-class from the arts and ensuring art could only be appreciated by pompous cultured elites.


There is zero doubt in my mind the CIA has been behind the rise of hip hop for this exact same reason. Hip hop is primarily an anti-working class genre of "music," made by the black lumpenproletariat AKA the criminal underclass. Marx pointed out how the lumpen are an adversary of the genuine working-class, used by the elite classes to offset class struggle. The lumpen in no way threaten the power of cultured elites, hence why they use the lumpen as a substitute revolutionary subject. The Ivory Tower loves and pushes hip hop for this exact reason.

Now Kendrick has been receiving an unbelievable number of accolades for the past 12 years. He's won a Pulitzer Prize and upheld as the greatest cultural icon of recent history. Why? Because as American workers are starting to rise up, CIA-backed intellectuals promote rap as a way to offset any true proletarian culture from emerging.


This is evil.
406 posts and 62 image replies omitted.

Both are important. I don’t get your obsession with pitting “technical skills” against academic skills. I’m entirely certain you’re just being a contrarian troll.

Technical skills are looked down upon as unnecessary and detrimental to education.
Most people think their kids are too good to need skills on power tools and food prep.
They want their kids to be as learned in algebra and language arts.
They want their kids to be in spelling bees and advanced placement classes.

Everyone thinks academic skills are the only essential skills nowadays.
And guess what? It has contributed to consumerism.
Schools are becoming more and more like social clubs and even secondary homes.

Schizo and inaccurate by all accounts.

Please leave.

How am I wrong though?
But yea I will leave because you guys here are solipsistic

It just hit one billion streams. You can’t really fake that unless you have a ridiculous number of bot farms.

I agree with you and it is an objective fact that the CIA helped found "gangsta rap" alongside their work starting the crack epidemic and trade in disparaged communities; THOUGHBEIT, I think Kendrick *is* part of the working people. All of his music throughout the "beef" has been saying "FUCK THIS SOCIETY, FUCK THIS BULLSHIT, FUCK GANGSTA RAP AND KILLING EACHOTHER BECAUSE WE'RE POOR."

This doesn’t explain anything. Why has hip hop gotten such extreme critical praise compared to any other genre of music?

The ruling class wants us to be “cultured” because it drives a wedge between us and the rest of the working-class. Working-class people don’t care for big abstract ideas. They long for pragmatism and order. They demand art and music that speaks to their values that they can digest. I shouldn’t need a humanities PhD to “appreciate” the music which your university professor is telling me to appreciate.

Kendrick Lamar’s music largely promotes the values of the old school aristocracy, not the values of the proletariat. Hip hop in general is extremely Nietzschean.

Pseudo-leftists be like
>Why should proletarians understand their conditions of existence when they can do practical shit like physical labor 🤡

Don’t respond to that guy. He’s a concern troll.

>Working-class people don’t care for
>They long for
>They demand
Working class Americans like hiphop, and modern country music that contains heavy hiphop elements. These are far and away the most popular genres here, and I can tell you from experience that if you have a get together with these people, this is going to be the music they'll put on.

I don't get why you take such an idealistic view of the proletariat. Is it perhaps because you're not one of us?

Explain how Kendrick's music promotes "old aristocratic values".

>This past year's "beef" between Kendrick Lamar and Drake was nothing more than a contrived plot in order to distract the masses from the genocide in Gaza. Both rappers are signed to labels which are under the umbrella of UMG which is owned by ultra-Zionist Lucian Grainge. Every stream from Kendrick's music is being used to fund Zionist genocide of Palestinians. But this goes far deeper and I'm entirely convinced Kendrick Lamar is being covertly funded and propped up by the CIA.

Cool story bro. Boycott Kendrick and Drake out of self-righteous "solidarity with Palestine" and you'll soon find yourself boycotting the entire music industry. In fact, if you're American you might as well stop paying any taxes.

Most American universities receive federal funding and that includes funding from the CIA. Because despite what fedjacketers want you to believe, "the CIA" isn't a single thing but a bunch of different agencies all operating under the same umbrella agency, The wing of the CIA funding NYU and Kendrick's record label isn't the same wing of the CIA that's overthrowing governments in LatAm and instigating colour revolutions in pro-Russia nations. That's why the whole "the CIA funds modern art and French theory" thing that Caleb Maupin and Hinkle love propagating is a canard. Academia and the arts are given loads of government funding in most countries. It's just that America does it so sparsely that every time it funds a slam poetry festival or something it's immediately assumed to have a nefarious agenda.

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XXXTentacion was able to get billions of streams in an entirely organic manner given he was blackballed from the music industry for being a serial domestic abuser.

People act like the entire music industry is fake and manipulated ahead of time, and while that's true to a large extent there's still a very decent organic element to it. If the industry was entirely concocted someone like Ice Spice wouldn't have gone from the biggest name in music to a complete has-been within less than a year.

All of these "Zionists In" accounts be like:


Proles already understand their circumstances. Why are you so against technical skills?
Why you people think theory is the only thing proles need?

Yeah going to some Zionist NGO event made to oppose BDS is the same as getting a coffee. Kill yourself retard.

> Proles already understand their circumstances

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>This retarded thread has more bumps than any the interesting stuff

>le rap queef
Lamest shit ever. Never understood the appeal of such feuds beyond petty celeb gossip. Or maybe I'm not a hip hop nerd and I just don't get it.

ive heard this song on the radio or in dj sets all year whenever anybody has music on, this chart popularity exactly matches my anecdotal experience of hearing the song. i can entertain plenty of reasonable doubt about fed interference in much of the medias output but this just sounds like schizo shit to me. if music wasnt able to be organically popular it wouldnt be such a profitable industry in the first place and its veering directly into idealism and towards reactionism to think the only way something can be culturally prominent is if it was very precisely manufactured and promoted by elites

I still want to know why OP thinks the CIA would waste their time propping up Kendrick of all people.

>the zionist entity
Stop trying to make that a thing! It sounds fucking gay.


Those pages are just unhinged. They’re even attacking people for donating to LA instead of Gaza

<the zionist entity
>Stop trying to make that a thing! It sounds fucking gay.
You have to be over 18 to post here.

Dismissing an entire music genre offhand is idealism to the extreme, not to mention extremely closeminded. And I'm saying that as someone who thinks the vast majority of hip-hop is unlistenably bad.

It really does thoughbeit.

What do you think of modern art?

Nah it does make you sound like a dork tbh, it’s like writing Amerikkka

Not the first time tankies attacked and entire musical genre.

If it's good enough for the real resistance to israel it's good enough for me.

I mostly like early-mid-20th-century stuff; things that are squarely Modern but not Postmodern. Kandinsky, Picasso, Matisse, etc. There are some Postmodern-era artists I like though, particularly Basquiat and Haring.

>>2111198 (me)
I want to make it clear that I like this stuff mostly because I think it looks nice, not for its content.

Not Like Us is soft shit.

This is what a real evil diss track sounds like.

I think the Stasi were clued into a specific dynamic at work with subcultures like this. The "exchange of information and ideas" part means these people liked to have venting sessions to their West German anarchist peers if they had a chance, bonding over how it's literally Nazism if your country isn't completely americanized yet.

It literally doesn't matter if any of them ever were CIA stooges. The western part of their subculture was shaped in such a way as to facilitate extraction of intelligence about the east and insertion of cultural trends that led to an eventual colour revolution. Just by being innocently part of that culture they were being instrumentalized. Ever since 1989 you will notice every single colour revolution trying to recapture the spirit and self-image of being a punk in oppressive East Germany, regardless if that has any basis in reality. They tried to pull this in the already Libtard-occupied Georgia ruled by a Pro-EU party.

I would like all Kendrick redditors to be reminded that Drake killed X over less when the hacker who leaked his gay vid wasn't even X himself,yet he still killed him. If the beef was not manufactured, Kendrick and Drake would both be trying to send hittas at one another not this pussy shit. One or the other would be dead or in the hospital minimum, plain and simple.

>The western part of their subculture was shaped in such a way as to facilitate extraction of intelligence about the east and insertion of cultural trends that led to an eventual colour revolution. Just by being innocently part of that culture they were being instrumentalized.


Drake is a child actor, the idea that he has killed anyone is laughable

If Dax’s killers were paid assassins or Manchurian candidates don’t you think they would have snitched on their handlers by now?

He was a teen actor in a Canadian teen sitcom called Degrassi

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>Drake is a child actor, the idea that he has killed anyone is laughable
He doesn't kill anyone, it's Mossad that does it for him.

The CIA bungles just as many operations as it wins.

They spent $6 MILLION installing a camera and microphone into a cat as part of a spy mission, only to see the cat get hit by a car.

They also tried to assassinate Castro hundreds of times only for comrade Fidel to basically die of old age.

Anyone who thinks the CIA is some all-powerful puppeteer is literally retarded.

poor cat :(

>The wing of the CIA funding NYU and Kendrick's record label
EVERY SINGLE FUCKING GOVERNMENT funds universities and the arts.

University profs writing books on hip hop's greatest and TDE "receiving money from the CIA" means very little to nothing.

>everything I don't like is CIA ops

That was like watching a satanic ritual.

retarded blood feud death cult

I almost said the same thing a month ago but didn't wanna bump it more. now look at us.

Everyone knows the best music is postmodern classical

Well, now that a ceasefire has been officially announced we can all go back to listening to Kendrick again.

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