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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Why did ISIS run to Africa of all places? And why west Africa?

l guess that's because poor people are the easiest to be radicalized, there is weaker law enforcement, and ability to track down also there are a lot of Muslims in west africa/nigeria

political instability and established salafist presence, e.g. boko haram. most of the ISIS there are more "franchises" because ISIS encourages international salafists to spread their propaganda and embrace their methods and if they get big enough some contact will be established. its a very decentralized organization for the most part. it wouldnt be surprising if some syrian and iraqi ISIS members moved there to take advantage of the situation, but also not surprising if salafist group calling themselves ISIS has no formal contact with the original iraq/syria ISIS. ISIS will take credit for individual attacks in the west carried out in their name, for example, even when its just someone who indoctrinated themselves on the internet and has no formal contact whatsoever with any other militant islamists

Islamic State of Wet Ass Pussy?

Islamic state in the west African province. There is also another jihadist group called he ‘Islamic state in the greater Sahel’ that the Sahel confederacy is busy fighting.

No. Most of the trainees (and for the longest time fighters too) are migrants. I remember watching old videos from years ago of ISWAP and ISIS fighters in Nigeria turning out to be fighters from Syria and Libya.

ah really? didnt boko haram claim to be a branch of ISIS at least? and i believe some berber and tuareg groups in the sahara as well

Maybe. BH was more Bantu than mixed during its initial years. However, book haram has been dissolved, reformed, and spread out so much that it feels like just another generic Islamic group again.


This article goes into some detail about the economic roots of Salafi jihadism in the Sahel. The jist of it is that a combination of colonial-era and post-colonial laws regarding land has disposessed/damaged the (especially Fulani) pastoral societies, leading to large masses of people who have few options and resent their governments. ISIS and other groups have taken advantage of that.

>ISIS and other groups have taken advantage of that.
…and who has a history of creating or controlling Jihadi groups?
Like military, think tank, diplomatic and intel figures openly talking about it.

No he's right. Watch an ISWAP video for yourself lol, most of their fighters are black Africans.

Boko Haram preexisted ISIS, pledged loyalty to them as a franchise and then acted like such brutal retards (there is a famous video where the leader of BH, Shekau, takfirs like 20 categories of people including Salafis) that they got kicked out of ISIS. Then ISWAP went to war with them and defeated them. That was in 2021. There are still some BH left but they are nowhere near as relevant as they used to be.

Since the Franco-American withdrawal from the Sahel I wouldn't be surprised but before that it would've made no sense. Even if you think the play was to keep Islamism a viable threat in the region in order to justify an endless military presence, you do not need insurgencies so strong they regularly overrun major cities to do that.

ISIS is basically a Lumpen gang that uses jihadist ideology as it's justification just like how Yakuza, triads, mafia, gangs tend to have there own honour code

wow okay im very out of the loop in that case. thanks

Yeah the main two groups in the Sahel now are ISWAP and JNIM (AQIM + a few smaller African jihadist groups + Tuareg separatists essentially)

Literally because their American handlers told them to.

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African militaries aren't all that great, and even a mid-tier rebel group can be a serious threat to a government. This is not a racist view, by the way; even Che ended up agreeing with this. The rebel groups and the army they were facing in the Congo were both hopelessly incompetent and didn't have a culture for war. Therefore, Arab Islamists will be miles above local rebels.

Control of smuggling routes and weak central states.

>Bouteflika also defeated the Western project to create a “Sahelistan,” which would have been formed to the detriment of Algeria, Mali, and Niger. This para-Islamic state, in the image of the Gulf States, would have confiscated the rent extracted from exploitation of petroleum, uranium, and other minerals for the exclusive benefit of its emirs. The project was completely in line with the objectives of the U.S. strategy of domination.

>De Gaulle had entertained the idea of a “Grand French Sahara.” But the tenacity of the Algerian FLN and the radicalization of Mali under the Union Soudanaise of Modibo Keita put an end to the project for good in 1962–63. Today, the Sahelistan project is not French—even if Nicolas Sarkozy did come to support it. It is a plan formulated by a loose nexus of political Islamist groups and benefits from the possibly favorable view of the United States, followed by its European Union lieutenants.

>“Islamic” Sahelistan would allow for the creation of a large state covering a good part of the Sahara found in Mali, Mauritania, Niger, and Algeria, an area endowed with important mineral resources: uranium, oil, and gas. These resources would not be available mainly to France, but primarily to the dominant powers of the triad (the United States, Europe, and Japan). This “kingdom,” modeled on Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Emirates, could easily buy the support of its scattered population, and its emirs could transform the fraction of the rent left to them into vast personal fortunes. The Gulf remains, for the triad powers, the model of the best ally/useful servant, in spite of the fiercely archaic nature of its social system, based in part on slavery. The established governments in Sahelistan would refrain from supporting acts of terrorism on their territory, without necessarily refraining from possibly supporting them elsewhere. France, which had succeeded in preserving out of its abandoned “Grand Sahara” project control over Niger and its uranium resources, would have only a secondary place in Sahelistan. The Algerian government showed that it understood the aim quite well. It knows that the formation of a Sahelistan aims to include southern Algeria and not just northern Mali.

Samir Amin, roughly a decade ago

A similar thing happens with Islamsits from the Balkans and the Caucasus, who tend to be the most successful because even with the most limited period as conscripts in their home countries, they were able to outclass most Generals and every other miltia group in the Middle East.

Their CIA handlers told them to so the USA can expand AFRICOM’s remit and budget

When African armies became independent, Africans had only been allowed to serve as low level officers a few years beforehand, and in very limited numbers. As a result, the most senior officer would have generally been at most a major with limited experience, while there would be an insufficient number of lieutenants and captains. When they tried to recruit more officers, the low level of education in the population and demand for educated people to serve all recently vacated skilled positions made finding qualified candidates very hard, and that was made even worse by the fact that inexperienced and scarce African officers didn't really know how to train them. On the other hand, in the settler states, there were good education systems for white people, and (for Portugal and South Africa) military academies or (Rhodesia) officers who had experience training officers. Into your already functional army

Men there generally don't get pussy because they're broke as shit. Pussy is only for the well-off in Western Africa due to their culture of bride prices and the like. So of course, if you're some already poor dude with nothing else to gain, whose condemned to a life of loneliness due to your poverty, why not join a militant group and at least die for some kind of cause?
>inb4 guhh INCELLLLS >:(

>This is not a racist view, by the way; even Che ended up agreeing with this
The fact that ANYONE feels EVEN SLIGHTLY WORRIED about allegations of fucking RACISM… for saying that an economically deprived nation has a weak military, should show you how fucking buckbroken at the very least this board's culture has been by Occupy Wall Street and the flood of idpol.

I'm not complaining, just stating the obvious and reminding everyone that this isn't normal and needs to be worked out of our minds.

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Not everything is betof lack of pussy.
But economic deprivation is a good reason.

Have you considered that Africans aren't used to that kind of fighting?

I mean lumping all these groups together with yakuza is kind of insane
I don't think ISIS is capable of doing a furuto style atrocity, they mostly kill in a quick and painless way at least

There's two kinds of Jihadis in Africa:

- literal criminals (drug lords, traffickers, etc.) who wave the flag of Islam, because it's more glorious than being a mere petrol and cigarettes smuggler
- ethnic groups fighting ancestral wars for land and resources, who wave the flag of whoever gives them money and weapons (whether it's the soviet union, the CIA, Arab countries, or in the future some libertarian mega-corporation out of Hong Kong, etc.)

That map explains precisely nothing.

International mining groups are also investing in Australia. Yet you don't see Jihadi groups in the Australian bush.

What you are doing is eliminating any agency from Africans. Nothing can happen *from* them, or *because* of them, but only *to* them. Anything bad that happens there is necessarily because some white people somewhere is doing something to them.

It can't be because they are split along sectarian or ethnic lines, because they believe in superstitions (and indeed often reactionary ideas).
No, the black man is NOBLE. The black man is BEAUTIFUL and PEACEFUL.

So by definition anything bad happening in Africa cannot possibly because of Africans.

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because "international mining groups" are owned by australia and are integrated into the supply chain of western imperialism. why would the US use their secret police to arm and train terrorist to attack their puppet that pays them tribute? the whole point is that they attack people who try to get out of paying them tribute
>Anything bad because white people
no this specific bad thing that happened that the thread is about was done to them by people working for american capitalists

the maps explain that the CIA started arming and training terrorists because African countries were moving away from being neocolonies for the US and France dependent on resource extraction to working with China to independently develop their own economies, and that threatens the petroleum monopolies bottom line

CIA backed glowies fighting the anti-imperialist Sahel coalition

Quick and painless like stoning and burning alive?

To conquer the world!

>ISIS is CIA backed

Retarded take, why would the USA special forces send troops to fight them then?

since i learned ISIS cells sell merchandising it really put a new light on how it all works

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because,unlike what people here may think,being "backed" doesn't mean being a loyal roboslave that perfectly follow the master,and just means the CIA gives them shit and sent them towards a direction 5 years ago,and now they're doing whatever the fuck they want

>In mid-February, a CIA-armed militia called Fursan al Haq, or Knights of Righteousness, was run out of the town of Marea, about 20 miles north of Aleppo, by Pentagon-backed Syrian Democratic Forces moving in from Kurdish-controlled areas to the east.

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