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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Smallmen are at it again.
>'Tiananmen code' embedded in Univ of Tokyo website may have limited views from China
TOKYO – A string of characters suggestive of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre was temporarily embedded in the source code of the University of Tokyo graduate school's website, possibly restricting views from China, the Mainichi Shimbun has learned.
>Interviews with university officials and others revealed on Dec. 6 that the string was five kanji letters meaning "six four Tiananmen" – possibly referring to the June 4, 1989, massacre of civilians by the People's Liberation Army in Beijing.

816 Nuclear Military Plant is an unfinished Chinese underground nuclear weapons production facility and the largest man-made tunnel structure in the world.

possibly? so they don't know?

in the hall of the xi jinping

Top: burgerpunk
Bottom: multipolarist computer god

PRC is bourgeois socialist state.

>BAD is bad good bad

it's socialism with bourgeois characteristics

What has this world come to when people can't tell good from bad and based from cringe?

>good from bad
sbooks XD

>Varoufakis mentioned

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so what baldy is saying is that I should buy USD because Dondolf Trumptler is gonna make me moni with a stronger dollar due tariffs right…

Oh shit USD is about to get rugpulled crypto style

It's over for the McNuke, now is the time of Recreational Nuclear Tourism.

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Content from other websites, coming up!

A family of Chinese-born USA citizens.

Good is good good good

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I wonder if that family is christian or not. Chinese evangelicals are batshit insane.
<Han ethnonationalist

Cantonese people are Han or to go by the endonym, 唐人. Whats funny or ironic about that?

Cantonese are Han but have a very mixed/minority background, its like seeing a Latino or Irish WN.

I don't know what you are talking about, I'm cantonese & anybody regardless of region from southern or northern China can be a Han ethnonationalist. Cantonese people aren't considered to be akin to some kind of American minority group.

Also the dad's fixation on African migrants can be explained by the large community of African migrant workers in Guangzhou that have been there for over a decade.

Luigi is a global phenomenon

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Mr. President, it appears TikTok has now entered realspace.

wow look at all those people not giving a shit

as evidenced by the million phones recording it

Does anyone have a redpill on China's healthcare system?
From what I understand, there is a basic insurance system that covers 95% of the population. There are however (subsidised) premiums to pay, and out of pocket expenses, to be able to get on it.
It essentially seems like ob*macare, the main exception being a private company is not extracting surplus via providing the insurance and running the hospitals, so it's more cost effective.
Why has China not pursued a genuinely universal and socialised healthcare model?

Maybe because China is capitalist?


just blow in from stupid town?

maybe cause the infrastructure isn't distributed evenly yet

>Why has China not pursued a genuinely universal and socialised healthcare model?
Why should people paying their taxes to their local govt and healthcare also pay for healthcare of outsiders? UNIVERSAL healthcare makes sense if you live in a really poor country where you have to introduce healthcare by force, or in some kind of a petromonarchy where the only way to finance healthcare is through state oil revenues

Regardless, Chinese system(s) covers everyone, and they get much, much cheaper prices on everything on top of that. The situation is basically when Westoids were talking shit about USSR's universal healthcare and claiming that USSR had no healthcare because of Soivet free healthcare being tied to residency

I can't speak to the Soviet model and discussion surrounding that.
I do not also think that universal healthcare has to be 'universal' in the sense that it applies to non citizens.

More to the point, can you explain the benefits of the current Chinese healthcare model over one that applies premium free and gap free coverage to all citizens? These could be funded via national government, local government, or the danwei.

It is gap-free. It just requires more bureaucracy. Today it's computerized, and everyone knows everything about the patient, but before that it required from the patient to transfer their hospital ID card between hospitals.

Also, in China state hospitals, just like state schools are considered higher quality and higher prestige than private ones. It's the opposite of USA, really

Is it actually gap-free?

If you consider Mangione; the Chinese were murdering doctors a decade ago for similar economic reasons.

universal healthcare makes sense for catching people who fall through the cracks. because class and economic inequality still exist in the prc and some people move outside the system to pursue better economic opportunities (this is simply a reality, i'm not making a moral judgement of the people or the government policy). for example they violate the rules that constrain their residency and employment to their home province (this is simply a reality, i'm not making a moral judgement of the people or the government policy). people like that are more likely to be outside the system and in precarious economic situations. those people then cannot get healthcare and a medical crisis would push them further into the economic hole. those people die quietly and relatively out of sight. even if you have no sympathy for them and think they deserved it for going against the breaking the law, this ends up being a negative for the country because it puts people into desperate situations where they might turn to crime, underground sex work (yes the usa is worse, but it still exists in the prc), become homeless (yes it's worse in the usa but it still exists in the prc)

The problem is that socialism needs workerism.

The Chinese attempted a UBI trial, but met with pushback by proles and peasants because people were getting money for nothing.

Ironically, you need East Asian-style workaholicism to make socialism work.

you should post with a pseudonym

When will the PLA liberate the Diaoyu Dao

baldy is saying dondolf trumpler can't simultaneously get the benefits of protectionism and free trade. he has to pick one or the other

>you need East Asian-style workaholicism to make socialism work.
Wait till you learn about Stakhanov and how Westoids were in wild disbelief and called it all propaganda

Already know about him. I'm fundamentally a Stakhanovite, and the USSR departing from him was what led to its eventual dissolution.

Why? If you're getting at filters, I did implement a filter by flag option

Because China has turned away from socialism for "socialism with chinese characteristics" meaning capitalism controlled by a bourgeoise state.

>ITT: conflating different definitions of 'socialism', and 'capitalism', forever, until you like it

PRC says it isn't socialist yet though. PRC is in a transitional phase. Much like "constitutional monarchies" appeared at the historical crossroads between feudalism and capitalism

>losers workmaxxing in the age of robotics and AI

That's why communism always fail. Gommies wörk wörk wörk and dont think.

There is bourgeoisie and they have cronies inside the party but they have to do what the CPC wants, else they end up in gulag, because the vast majority of party members are loyal dengists, socialists, communists with chinese characteristics (or whatever they are). The PRC is NOT a bourgeois state. That's why the west and cosmopolitan "investors" from all over the world are butthurt about China. Thanks to the CPC's power the bourgeois can't fuck around there like they can everywhere else, but China thrives…

Officially it's socialist.

State capitalism is the economic system of AES states; surplus value is extracted by states, not individual businessmen.

Basically, it is at least DotA, dictatorship of the apparatchik.

You have bourgeois businessmen screaming for ultra stimulus to end deflation, because profit margins are becoming extremely thin, while the Party and PBOC says no.

You're in a state where revenues are up, wages are stagnant, but profits are down due to state-mandated overproduction, and the CPC is acting in the interests of the proles instead of businessmen, where real wages keep on increasing due to deflation (cheap Russian energy, overcapacity).

And if the robot factories and AI researchers are workmaxing? DeepSeek's open-source AI model beats ChatGPT on a fraction of the budget while being locked away from the best Western AI chips.

>PRC says it isn't socialist yet though
Phrases like "is socialist" are vague and the cause of many a useless argument. It's best avoided, and called out.
It's a communist state, which has not reached a socialist mode of production. It is run by a communist and therefore socialist party.

^^ also tagging >>2100179

Universal health coverage is supposed to be achieved by 2030 (the CPC's target date). So far they're on track to meet that goal.

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Uyghur people from Douyin platform VS Uyghur people from BBC film

CCP was/is absolutely right in dismantling fundamentalism among Uyghurs and not fall into muh culture muh traditions trap of these reactionary dogs.

Specially when what NATO claims to be uyghur culture is not that at all, it’s ISIS straight from the middle east.

I just came home from China, little over two week trip. I visited Beijing, Luoyang and Fuzhou. I have thoughts so I might post some pictures and reflections on stuff I saw over the coming days.

Is China TRULY socialist?

In China you can buy "The Governance of China" in random coffee shops

Poster seen in Beijing

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Yes but they will be even more socialist by 2050.

You’re retarded.

I'm very interested in your perspective anon, thanks for making the effort!

China is at least not capitalist, even a western Marxist economist like Michael Roberts admits to that. Although, he still parrots the usual liberal euro-chauvinist talking points about mUh dEmoCracY. Politically I regard the PRC and the CPC as Marxist-(Leninist)-Legalist.

it is some degree of capitalist and some degree of socialist and it is harmful to communists in the PRC and around the world to pretend otherwise. like it was for the USSR to pretend they had abolished class.

Socialism, much like Capitalism, is a spectrum. China's more socialist than Sweden and Denmark, but less socialist than Korea and Cuba.

It’s by far the lesser of the two evils when compared to the US, which is a slave empire

In all three cities I visited (Beijing, Luoyang, Fuzhou), some variation of this poster (different designs but same text) was absolutely everywhere. It's the "core socialist values" which are:

< 富强 (Prosperity)

> 民主 (Democracy)
> 文明 (Civility)
< 和谐 (Harmony)
> 自由 (Freedom)
< 平等 (Equality)
> 公正 (Justice)
< 法治 (Rule of Law)
> 爱国 (Patriotism)
< 敬业 (Dedication)
> 诚信 (Integrity)
< 友善 (Friendliness)

Thoughts on the "core values"?

Seen in Beijing. Meaning:
<Closely unite around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core and strive to achieve great victories in building socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

integrity seems silly and friendliness is funny. everything else is correct, it's more about the fact that everything else is lacking

That has nothing to do with China itself thoughbeit.

As an aside, I find it strange that this kind of lesser-evil-ism doesn't apply domestically. People in the West will gladly throw their support behind imperfectly socialist states like China, but as soon as they encounter the wrong kind of socialist at home they freak the fuck out and start screeching about how anyone who doesn't share the exact same perspective that they do is le bad.

for example, why is solidarity lacking? it seems like an obvious simple virtue socialists should have

>it's more about the fact that everything else is lacking
Notably, nothing about class struggle or anything of the sort. Although these are such general Good Things that pretty much anyone can agree with regardless of ideology. It's cute but pretty much meaningless.

Were you there for business or pleasure?

Pleasure and to visit a friend and their family

>As an aside, I find it strange that this kind of lesser-evil-ism doesn't apply domestically. People in the West will gladly throw their support behind imperfectly socialist states like China, but as soon as they encounter the wrong kind of socialist at home they freak the fuck out and start screeching about how anyone who doesn't share the exact same perspective that they do is le bad.
Can you name some of these improperly malligned Western socialists?

What did the Chinese you met have to say about socialism with Chinese charecteristics?

I thought this one was interesting. From Fuzhou, Fujian province. Translation:

The Constitution of the People’s Republic of China is the fundamental law of our country. It serves as the general charter for governing the nation, embodies the concentrated will of the people, possesses the highest legal authority, and lays the foundation for the culture of socialist rule of law. Our current Constitution was enacted in 1982 and was amended in 1988, 1993, 1999, 2004, and 2018. It accompanies us through life, guarding and influencing our lives.

As citizens of the People’s Republic of China, all individuals aged 18 or older, except for those deprived of political rights in accordance with the law, enjoy the right to vote and stand for election, regardless of ethnicity, race, gender, occupation, family background, religious beliefs, education, property status, or length of residence.

This fundamental right to participate in elections is protected by the Constitution and plays an essential role in demonstrating the democratic rights of citizens.

>Can you name some of these improperly malligned Western socialists?
It's not a one-way thing. MLs, Trots, Anarchists, Demsocs, etc. all consider every other group reactionary fake socialists who need to be murderized as fast as possible.

I spoke to a couple (friends of my friend). They are small business owners, spoke decent english but my friend had to translate back and forth now and then to help. They were very open to talk about politics, I didn't ask them really it just came up naturally. They said they read western social media and news ("Great Firewall" is basically a joke, everybody uses VPN and it's no big deal), so they know how China is viewed.

They basically emphasized that even though the Chinese system might not be for other countries, it has worked for China. They said the western capitalism "has been tried" in China and it meant China was a poor (semi-) colonized country. It was mostly like "yeah you guys don't like our system but just let us do our thing, we're letting you do your thing". They also said the thing you always hear Dengists on here say, about how the government owns all land and it can only be leased, and how many major parts of the economic system is under state control (they brought this up unprompted, I didn't ask about it specifically). Honestly it kinda amazed me how similar what they said was to what pro-China leftists say down to specific talking points. They complained a bit about taxes and stuff lol (again, business owners) but they were broadly supportive of the CPC (they called it "CCP" lol) and China's path. Also they really don't like Japan lmao.

My friend (Chinese citizen living abroad) who I traveled with said that what they said is basically representative of most Chinese people's opinion, including her own parents.

(pic from a shitty little store in Luoyang lol)

Fuzhou: Parents and grandparents put up flyers in the street with information about their single children/grandchildren to hopefully find a match for marriage.

About Xinjiang they said they genocide narrative is "fake news", but also said it's a pretty bad situation there and they have sympathy for uyghurs. A lot of people used to be scared of muslims due to the terror attacks but the issue with anti-muslim bigotry have become better in recent years.

English atatus? Digested.

> (they brought this up unprompted, I didn't ask about it specifically). Honestly it kinda amazed me how similar what they said was to what pro-China leftists say down to specific talking points.
That's because all my posts are psychically channeled to me by the CPC.

>be PRC petty bourg
>call it "CCP" instead of CPC
defend this dengoids

IIRC that line came from the songwriter overhearing hearing a schizo ranting in public, so it makes sense that it doesn't make sense.

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Western media moments of the day…

Thats nice to hear

The real abreviation should be GCD or GCT (共产党, Gòng chǎn dǎng) like their counterpart the GMD or KMT.

It's been known that most chinese are socdem/apolitical

>muh orderable linear spectrum
fuck off. It's complex and non-binary, but it sure as hell isn't a spectrum. Have a drink of water and get some rest, comrade.

Vague question due to unspecific use of term 'socialist'. Unanswerable. Choose a more specific term then try again.

Still better than dating apps.

What acronym the party's members are going with when they speak english anyway?

Not a dengoid, but explain how a person reading English news sources is likely to come across the CPC acronym.

For what it's worth, corruption (was?) a serious problem, and a great route for CIA assets to quickly climb up the ranks of the party - they would just pay to win.
My basic understanding is that this was a big part behind the "tigers and flies" anti-corruption campaign.
One aspect was podcast rel (also briefly touched on in that wikipedia article under "Counterintelligence rationale" section) - from 2009 to 2013, the Iranians had found an Internet covert channel used by the CIA to communicate with assets (think like regular hobby websites which secretly have a hidden chatroom with your handler) and then were able to passively discover many other covert channel websites due to a CIA design fuckup and then gave these tips to other states, including China, who proceeded to clear house.

The point being, if you skim that anti-corruption wikipedia article, there's clearly incentives for the CPC to engage in vicious anti-corruption efforts and I hope they did a good job of it.

My hunch is Chiang Kai-Shek would be happier with modern China than Mao.

>They also said the thing you always hear Dengists on here say, about how the government owns all land and it can only be leased, and how many major parts of the economic system is under state control (they brought this up unprompted, I didn't ask about it specifically). Honestly it kinda amazed me how similar what they said was to what pro-China leftists say down to specific talking points.
Maybe because its the literal law there and you could've just looked it up all this time.

i really wish there was a darknet diaries that didnt dick ride western intelligence so much.

>Also they really don't like Japan lmao.
I wanna hear the anti-Japan rants…

>MAO would have a heart attack seeing modern China

BROOTAL, how maoist cope with the fact that China is a state capitalist nation?

Simple question for you guys: why do bourgeois economists say that China having virtually zero inflation is le bad and that it should be at least 2-3%? The only justification I've read is that having zero inflation means stagnation, which is the same shit they've been saying about China since a couple of years ago.
I apologize in advance if this is actually too basic to understand, but I don't know shit about economics. I only read philosophy, that is, Marx and all those guys but I will never get into astrology for men, I just find curious that most bourgeois media equates zero inflation with stagnation.

Because inflation = profit that's all there is to it

No inflation in a capitalist economy is unthinkable, the deflation that exists in China would, if we are to believe that there is no proletarian control of the government, be an indication of economic crisis, a result of the market contracting and the government being unable to use the taxpayer's time to bail the companies out. The fact that China let the housing market contract is either a sign that they are unable to bail their companies out or that they, for some reason, don't see that deflation as a bad thing. And its assumed that the latter is impossible right off the bat.

simple answer: western economists think 2-3% inflation is necessary in order not to dip into the negatives, i.e deflation. it breaks their brains to see China not prioritizing profit above all else

In a nutshell, inflation means there's more money being created, and typically this comes as a result of borrowing, eg businesses taking on loans in order to expand production or increase distribution or whatever. Orthodox economic ideology would say that no inflation means that there's no borrowing because there's no growth or plans for growth, and in the absence of growth there should be contraction, say because companies are scaling back production to more reasonable levels, or because they made bad bets that aren't paying off, or some other kind of market "correction."

This generally sends alarm bells ringing to conventional economists because it means that some one or ones bet wrong, and someone's not going to get paid. Assets get reevaluated and all the sweet, sweet value that was based off these inflated valuations disappears. The (conventional) best case scenario is that you're looking at a recession, worse a depression, or even a total market crash.

Mao would love that the ultras are gone from the party

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The woman showed me their Japanese CD player / hi-fi system and then went "even though I hate japanese". One example she brought up was japanese politicians going to temples to pay their respects for the soldiers who died in WW2, and said it would be like germans paying their respects to dead SS soldiers. Then a lot of general stuff about how japanese people are arrogant and act like their culture is superior even though so much of it is stolen from chinese culture. The guy (husband) clarified he doesn't hate all japanese people but still agreed with pretty much everything she said. They're really pissed that the crimes committed against China by Japan have never been properly addressed.

pic: From a temporary exhibition at the National Museum about different iterations of CPC and PRC flags. A lot of children saluting in front of the national emblem with proud parents taking pictures lol.

>One example she brought up was japanese politicians going to temples to pay their respects for the soldiers who died in WW2, and said it would be like germans paying their respects to dead SS soldiers.
vid somewhat related

Yes I think she mentioned this! Something about a chinese guy pissing on something

Based guy

The Yasukuni Shrine thing is something else when you know that apparently there's English text on museum-like plaques inside justifying Japanese imperialism through co prosperity sphere/anti Western imperialist rhetoric.

increase in productivity + not printing money = deflation
increase in productivity + printing money = no change to the value of money

stagnant productivity + not printing money = no change to the value of money
stagnant productivity + printing money = inflation

decrease in productivity + not printing money = inflation
decrease in productivity + printing money = superinflation

Should I smoke it or keep it?

Live a little. It's really good.

fuck i love smoking dude

shmork dat thang

From a shitty little restaurant in Beijing called "educated youth" or "sent down youth". Not really a tourist-y place. It was full of drunk 70+ year olds smoking hella cigarettes and having a good time. When they left, one guy saw me and jokingly told the staff "oh wow you're eligible to have foreigners here now". Food was good and very cheap. I liked their fried mushrooms.

One thing I gotta say, Chinese beers are horrible. At different places I tried some local beer and most of them had added sugar and some kinda fruity flavor. Gross.


The capitalist class pays wages in exchange for labour power, while the proletariat have only their labour power. The state starts printing money, increasing its supply. The capitalist class sets the prices of their products and the wages they offer for a set amount of labour power. The reserve army of labour ensures that proletariat will compete for the same measly wages and it takes time for people not bothering to even apply to the shittiest paying jobs. Meanwhile, the capitalists can just raise the prices of their products (or remain on the same price but doing shrinkflation) while he is not spending more on wages. That means more profit.

The state eventually may raise minimum wages but by that time the damage to the working class is already done. Job market competition may eventually set wages higher but by that time the damage to the working class is already done.

The bourgeois state aids the bourgeoisie with inflation.

We see the exact opposite happening in China: their productivity is growing and the state is not printing money, reversing the entire process: the workers know they produce more and can demand more wages from the same employer or get better wages from the competition. This is also why we get those "horrific" videos from China "signalling the next inevitable (tm) collapse," namely p-bourg restaurant owners having to sell more food for the same amount of money (the opposite of shrinkflation).

Once again, China is proven to be a DotP.

>One thing I gotta say, Chinese beers are horrible. At different places I tried some local beer and most of them had added sugar and some kinda fruity flavor. Gross.
What is the dialectical materialist explanation of why China can't get into good beer?

Different agricultural production lead to different cooking lead to different acquired tastes.

Hot pot place in Beijing that Tony Blair apparently had visited

From Luoyang, Henan province. Phone numbers along with text saying "beautiful woman come to your door" and similar messages. Advertisements for prostitution, basically. Online there were also ads for escort type services, and weird places where you could go to play video games together with pretty girls (?).

Henan province is poor relative to many other provinces and it's immediately apparent. A reminder that while China has developed very rapidly, parts of the country are still third world-ish and there is still work to be done. Lovely city but hopefully the government can help it reach the same level of development as other cities. My friend said Luoyang is a bit like Fuzhou (a tier 2 city) was like ~15 years ago so hopefully it's not too long.

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increase in productivity + burning money = superdeflation

>and weird places where you could go to play video games together with pretty girls (?)
Honestly, probably more fulfilling than most prostitutes. It's still money-based relationships which I consider insincere and best avoided, but at least you're doing something more social.
I went to a bucks party a couple of years back with 'topless waitresses' and the younger of us honestly had more fun just talking to them like regular people instead of being pathetic oogling creeps like the older ones, some of the women were great fun to chat with. Holden Caulfield was a whiny jerk but they were right about just chatting with sex workers.

Any AES is state capitalism. State capitalism is just rightoid slander against socialism, which some (including myself) embrace as African Americans embrace the N-word.

Of course, not all state capitalist economies are socialist. As mentioned elsewhere, the reason Russia isn't socialist isn't because of their socio-economic structure, but because they lack a DotP.

inflation is a function of money supply AND velocity of money. Deflation can make workers worse off if it's driven by a drop in the velocity of money.

That said, deflation screws porkies the hardest, as dropping prices and dropping demand eats into their profit margins.

Deflation is in fact bad, but it's bad primarily for capitalism.

>left-communists are rightoids
The French Revolution and the National Assembly was a mistake.

Quite a few of them glow, so yeah, they're rightoids. If they're not, they're praxis-free, or zhetengeers (Xi: don't Zheteng, meaning struggle fruitlessly).

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>Economists dropped $10M in rural Africa. It changed economic science forever.

The right answer is be socialism first, and move goal point toward Proletariat socialism later if you got borg socialism first.

>increase in productivity + burning money = superdeflation
Is there a single historical example of this being done on a large enough scale for there to be noticeable effects?

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>borg socialism

Porky socialism is a dead end because once RoP goes too low, the place goes neoliberal. Happened in the West.

Apparatchik socialism isn't that promising, but only European socialism collapsed.

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>parts of the country are still third world-ish

Was unsure what to call it. Third world is probably wrong, so I added the -ish but might still not be a good description. What would you call Egypt? Developing? Felt kinda like that. Yeah there are cars. But also a lot of poor people, beggars here and there, old crumbling buildings etc.

There's also a bunch of tourists there, no foreign tourists (at this time of the year) but tourists from other parts of China. Unrelated but Chinese teenage girls and young women apparently love to dress up in fancy Qing dynasty (I think) type attire. They were absolutely everywhere.

>Third world is probably wrong
We all understood what you meant. >>2101278 is just a dengoid coping.

Jut say poor. Some parts of the country had capital redirected at thel, some other much less so.
Simple as.

>We all understood what you meant.
Nice thank you, sometimes I'm not the most articulate but whatever.

>is just a dengoid coping.

I don't know why he would need to cope. Pro-China socialists usually point out that China is still a developing country when others criticize them for not being "socialist enough". I really want to emphasize that I'm not trying to start shit with either side of the China debate here, just wanna share my observations.

Vid from Luoyang: old guy playing music outside a cozy hot pot restaurant.

You've put fairly normal and developed looking streets in the background of your photos where you talked about third world-ish regions of China. As simple as

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In Fuzhou's "Three Lanes and Seven Alleys" area, there are many little museums and exhibitions with free entry. One of them was an art exhibition featuring only (contemporary) Taiwanese artists which I thought was cute. Another one was about Taiwanese history. And apparently there's a yearly culture/art festival or something with Taiwanese stuff. There seems to be a friendly relationship between Fuzhou and Taiwan despite the obvious.

Pic from the Three Lanes and Seven Alleys area. Apparently the heart shaped tree is some sort of local icon. You can buy little trinkets and souvenirs of it.

no mention of "money" "deflation"

>Vid from Luoyang: old guy playing music outside a cozy hot pot restaurant.
uygha too drunk to keep a beat

still, peak vibes

It's a bookshop
But we don't say like that
>everybody uses VPN and it's no big deal
It IS a big deal when it is, also technically we don't use VPN for that, none of them are VPN protocols
From what I've heard a lot of Korean tourists are in Shanghai recently, Luoyang doesn't sound attractive to foreigners it seems

VPN is Chinese marijuana, most elites use it for business purposes, and most of the Chinese dev community is on it, despite it being well-illegal and authorities willing to prosecute.

>It's a bookshop
Bookshop where they sell coffee and milk tea then

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Buddhisd gommunism :DDD

Luoyang airport

>Bookshop where they sell coffee and milk tea then
That's pretty common, in the west at least.

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Smoke em but keep like 1 if the cigs look cool

Just did a google searc on "how many countries accept Taiwan" (as souvereign).

Result was 12, of which like 11 are island nations + Vatican.

Meanwhile, Westoid media is like 110% behind Taiwan, burgers are arming them non-stop. What a fucking joke, honestly. They will get Honkonged in 5 years.

No wonder China refuses to accept any official religions controlled from Vatican, btw.

Taiwan is de facto supported by most of the world tho

>They complained a bit about taxes and stuff lol (again, business owners) but they were broadly supportive of the CPC (they called it "CCP" lol) and China's path.
That's funny. Yeah the insistence in Chinese state media to write "CPC" in English and Western media to do "CCP" is political, but you could do a dumb guy thing and be like "hell yeah I love CCP." I can't find it now, but I saw some patriotic Lay Zhang music video awhile ago that had clips from a movie where an actor portrayed somebody from the 1940s writes "C-C-P" on a chalkboard and then turns around looking like a cool dude.

>What is the dialectical materialist explanation of why China can't get into good beer?
I think they just suck at it, that's my materialist explanation. The best Asian beer I've had was Beerlao which I read had its production set up by East German technicians.

Paraguay Island

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>>parts of the country are still third world-ish
For what it's worth, they're far from alone there: http://undocs.org/A/HRC/38/33/ADD.1 (english version attached)
Some quick selections:
>About 40 million [of the USA] live in poverty, 18.5 million in extreme poverty, and 5.3 million live in Third World conditions of absolute poverty.
>65. The opioid crisis has devastated many communities, and the addiction to pain-control opioids often leads to heroin, methamphetamine and other substance abuse. Instead of responding with increased funding and improved access to vital care and support, the federal Government and many state governments have instead mounted concerted campaigns to reduce and restrict access to health care by the poorer members of the population.
>69. In Alabama and West Virginia, a high proportion of the population is not served by public sewerage and water supply services. Contrary to the assumption in most developed countries that such services should be extended by the government systematically and eventually comprehensively to all areas, neither state was able to provide figures as to the magnitude of the challenge or details of any planned government response

Luoyang: Ad for the app "Xuexi Qiangguo" which was created to educate about Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Xi Jinping Thought. Here's the wiki page for it, I assume it's full of propaganda and half-truths so take it for what it's worth.


motherfuckers living in the USA like the anon you're responding to actually think when foreigners tell them the truth it's a "talking point" because they can only internalize everything as media pundits putting forward various "post-truth" illusions


I heard vietnam have some good beer (due to colonial influence or the boat people coming back I dont remember)

those countries aren't even accepting "taiwan" as sovereign either, they're just recognizing the ROC as the legitimate government of china instead of the PRC. no-one recognizes "taiwanese sovereignty" because taiwan is not a sovereign state, it's a province of china. the issue is taiwanese separatists using linguistic ambiguity to claim actions and defense of the ROC government as assertion of taiwan as a separate entity.

oh that makes it ok then

At this point they can claim separate identity by the political history too, nation states are a spook.

Yet the catholitic church operates here, even julibee here, with luce

it doesn't. the vatican doesn't appoint bishops in china the way it does in other countries. instead bishops are elected by the chinese catholic patriotic association. the vatican at for many years didn't recognize appointments made by the ccpa until recently in 2018 when it bent the knee and decided to recognize the chinese government appointed bishops. so in practice the vatican has 0 say in any catholic affairs in the prc

a cucked pope is the only good pope

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the cybertruck is already dogshit quality, can you imagine a chinese made one? lol

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Chinese mean highquality

we dont see him as cuck tho, some are seeing him as a liberation theologist

Behold. The power of communism

>implying that Chinese EVs and manufacturing are worse than Tesla
lol yeah that's why the west sanctions Chinese EVs and the euros beg for technology transfers

based moralistic China

imagine unironically watching Unruhe

they sanction chinese evs because they're cheaper

It's cheaper because the production methods are more high tech, fyi.

don't deflect. that has no bearing on their quality. which is bad.

byd is having a scandal now
its not quality issue

>quality. which is bad.
quality is when overpriced shit is pushed by a westoid billionaire

>don't deflect
hahaha you spinning retard. Even lib hero Adam Tooze has been talking for the last year about how western EV manufacturers cannot compete on quality or price with Chinese EVs.
TLDR China spent the lockdowns evolving RV manufacture. The West cannot compete therefore it applies tarriffs and begs for tech transfers.
>don't deflect


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I watched it so you don't have to
>trust me, I'm not falun gong
>I can never win an argument against a mainland Chinese! Why is that?
>mainland Chinese can't into Universal Logic™ only inferior chinese logic
>I know this because unlike them, I studied in the UK
>The three pillars of inferior Chinese logic is: 1. focus on attitudes, not facts; 2. question motives, not right or wrong; 3. prioritize relations over reason
<anecdotal evidence follows of her interaction with mainland Chinese who are being backwards, devious, unhygienic, and then telling her she's an upper class stuck up bitch trying to lecture everyone
<China is in 1984 george orwelles groupthink wrongthink pact with USSR now Russia
If there were a yearly Gusano Awards I'd definitely nominate this bitch.

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>half of Chinese are actually already dead the official population data is a lie
>and those few Chinese who still live? they don't wanna work!
>and they piss me off
2025 – the official date of Chinese collapse, which is imminent.

Only the last one you don’t need to defend since even CCP media didn’t bother to defend it. Today, most Chinese tourists are instructed before leaving the country, and now they behave much better overseas compared to what happened several years ago.

Stop giving lolcows views

we have seen some loud korean tourists here in china recently according to xiaohongshu(rednote)
>Today, most Chinese tourists are instructed before leaving the country
no instructions ever existed at airports
or customs afaik, except for southeast asia due to scam farms in the sea region, but communicated by the police days before the flight that would require documents to prove intentions(not scams)
you clearly havent seen youtube in chinese, one reason i no longer consume overseas chinese content

China people are indeed rude and extremely unpleasant to be around, they are extremely un social people

>T. Has dealt with china people

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<China’s new-generation fighter jet programme is pushing the boundaries of stealth material technology against multi-angle radar illumination across all frequency bands, according to scientists involved in the project.

You met one person and decided 1.4 billion people are rude?

>American tourist doesn't get his ass kissed
<WOW how rude!

china will be national socialist but not the anti semetic fake national socialism. No china will be a genuine nationalistic socialist state combining nationalism with marxist socialism
china will be national communism

That’s a really cool Stealth fighter (it looks like it has a large bomb bay that can carry Cruise Missiles and Anti-Ship Missiles, so it could very well be a mini Stealth Bomber in addition to its Fighter role), and I am very impressed that China is publicly flying a Six Generation Fighter Jet before the U$, though I’m sure the U$ has flown one in secret (remember that most “UFO” sightings are either peoples hallucinations that are drunk/high/mentally disturbed or are U$ DARPA projects such as the OG Stealth Bomber in the 1980s and the latest Drone and Stealth Fighter/Bomber prototypes today), but it is still nice that China is flying one in public before the U$ and that their program seems to be at the same level, if not slightly ahead of the U$ one, ✊😜🇨🇳!

I’m also very impressed that the Chinese were smart enough to avoid the illiterate Russian Copium/Hopium that “Muh Stealth isn’t real/doesn’t work”, and chose to invest Billions of dollars into developing advanced Stealth Fighters like the J-20 (Chinas equivalent to the F-22), J-35 (Chinas equivalent to the F-35), and now this one which I think is called J-36 (Chinas equivalent to the future NGAD), and hopefully soon a true Stealth Bomber (the much awaited H-20, which is suppose to equal the B-2/21), as a massive part of U$ Air Supremacy is their massive amounts of Stealth Aircraft that can penetrate even the most integrated Air Defense system and destroy any target with essentially zero opposition (I get that a Serb got lucky in the 1999 Kosovo war and shot down a F-117, but with the exception of one lucky crap shoot, Stealth Jets have had a 100% success rate of penetrating enemy IADS, as seen by Desert Storm, the U$ Invasion of Iraq, and the Zionist Airstrikes on Syria and Iran, etc.), and the only way to have a chance against this is to build your own Stealth Air Force, not to put your head in the sand and embrace magical thinking that some upgraded Soviet-era SAMs (the S-400 is essentially an upgrade of the 1970s era S-300) will protect you against Aircraft with the radar signature of a small bird, and I think this is a testament to the fact that the PLA learned from Desert Storm that the future of Modern Warfare depended on massive Air/Naval Campaigns with Stealth Aircraft combined with Standoff Cruise Missiles launched by Bombers, Ships, and Submarines destroying an Enemy Force (ie. Air Bases, Naval Bases, SAM sites, Ballistic Missile Launchers, Armored Divisions, Command and Control sites etc.) before the ground troops (both infantry and armored divisions) come in and sweep up the stragglers, not the Anachronistic WWII style fetishization of Artillery, Infantry, and Tank battles that has retarded Russian military strategy since the USSR collapsed, 😂🤣✊😜🇨🇳!

know plenty of chinese people and they're fine, just sounds like you're kinda racist

No way, ESL bot talks about China people.

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Holy kek, What's up with Falun dafa getting lashed out lately? May be CIA doesn't want them anymore.

>china will be national communism

So Chinese Ba'ath Party. BTW, Socialism in one country is true national socialism.

there are worse cults in the USA so it's not that bad

too crazy and unpredictable.

Maybe they just finally got sick of seeing constant Shen Yun ads

it will be as national as national socialism and as socialist as national socialism :)

I mean yeah no one that stans the PRC has even read the Erfurt Programme and internalized that a fundamental demand of communism is the lowering of the working time. 12-11.5-10-8. Unironically, Spain (a monarchy) and Japan (a fascist dictatorship) are closer to communism with the 6 hour working day than the PRC with its 996.

Something being better than the USA means nothing. Sober up, seppocentrist.

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The new spokesperson for China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Guo Jiakun, made his appearance.
Guo Jiakun, male, of Mongolian ethnicity, was born in August 1980. He is a university graduate and a member of the Communist Party of China.



Reddit is not accessible via VPN. Screenshot it with a narrow window for easier legibility. Thanks.

>When you see how leftists talk about China, they still insist that Reform and Opening Up was a step backwards and that China is now a "social democracy" and therefore capitalist. They still complain that China is not really socialist because there are markets, wealth inequality, billionaires, consumerism etc, critiques which ironically have nothing to do with Marxism.
That people "don't understand china" is just a classic dengoid cope which infantilizes their opposition by prentending that if they simply got more propaganda they would see the light; and does absolutely nothimg to address criticism. Garbage post.

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the conversation is good too

>people who support China fell for propaganda
<unironically saying this

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Bidensisters, what happened?!

I’ve only heard of the 'sino' subreddit. I guess their pro-China stance isn’t the core reason, but rather a way to oppose the West. Although it’s quite interesting to see them alongside shenshen on Reddit.


Which part of China are you from? If you're ok with sharing

Only a raccoon whould call this garbage good

Proletariat and bourgeoisie have been replaced by proletarian and bourgeois nations in a lot of pseudo-ML's conceptions of Marxism

Jiangsu, although my parents are from Henan.

Those posts were 100% correct seethe harder.

Engels himself:
>It seems to me, by the way, that there is in fact a connection between Jones’ new move, seen in conjunction with previous more or less successful attempts at such an alliance,
<and the fact that the English proletariat is actually becoming more and more bourgeois, so that the ultimate aim of this most bourgeois of all nations would appear to be the possession, alongside the bourgeoisie, of a bourgeois aristocracy and a bourgeois proletariat.
>In the case of a nation which exploits the entire world this is, of course, justified to some extent.

So this is the power of social democracy

That's Engels coping there wasn't a revolution in England like in the rest of Europe.

If not for Trump, we would have defeated China ages ago!

I've seen articles published by burger NGO/Soros funded news websites shitting on Chinese cults lately. It's possible they were deemed inefficient at fomenting regime change in China and now as a net detriment/embarrassment.

Just above was a gusano discussed who starts her video with "I'm not Falun Gong" >>2102109

You know shit's not working when even China basher Chinese expats have to declare non-affiliation with a dangerous cult you helped create. I wonder if the West will sanction them or not.

After China purged most of its sects they moved almost entirely to the West and became a Westoid problem.

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>this is how the West still can win

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>he said hiding his smirk behind the teacup quite labor-aristocratically

how did you find this site if you don't mind me asking?

That's Engels actually understanding why there couldn't have been a revolution as opposed to denialism practised to this day by the Western radical left.

You are never going to defeat the international bourgeoisie seated in your nation without confronting their exploitation of the rest of the world. That's the source of all of their political power, their ability to politically organize the sorting of poorer nations into a hierarchy kept as linear as possible to enforce competition and keep the growth of costs minimal, prevent them from achieving food independence, enforcement of all of this with a military+policing+intelligence apparatus more than powerful enough to take care of you as an afterthought. Western Marxists see themselves as God's gifts to the world but you are mediocre farts out of the Great Satans' asses.
You will not succeed by splitting the global working class via your isolation and selfishness. You will lose to the alliance of your international & national bourgeoisie, the petit boug and the labor aristocrats. You will flip the burger and die of cancer.

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For a second I feared they removed my wife Hua Chunying from the position, but apparently China has several spokepersons… spokepeople?

The message is fundamentally correct, but he is just repeating other people's talking points.

>the Soviet model was not the most suited to China (two different countries with different conditions, levels of development and culture) and being overcentralized and unbalanced

>In the end, the deviation from the Soviet model has been proven correct as in the USSR itself, there was desperate need for reforms in the 1980s
These two parts of a sentence suggest different things. It's either not suitable for China while being suitable for some other countries or fundamentally flawed and wrong. The first is reasonable, the second isn't. The Soviet (Bolshevik) model was, in reality, dependent on the existence of a functioning communist party, as they openly admitted before 1950s. There was no functioning communist party since the new lands campaign, and it still held on amazingly well for two decades under leadership that fundamentally didn't know how to steer that machine.

CPC itself seems to be content with the idea of socialism with Chinese characteristics being unique to China, at least from what I read. CPC also seems to be improving in quality while CPSU mostly deteriorated over time. It's still not confident it can end bourgeois and that's alright as long as movement is in the right direction.

Also, while we talk about USSR spreading socialism, it must have felt quite different at the time. It did officially command many local parties to collaborate with their bourgeois, it did nothing for Greece, Indonesia, and many other countries. People tend to overstate the Soviet role since that's what liberal media does to paint the picture of communist movement being foreign saboteurs that had no roots in the country and empower local bourgeois elements. Trots bash the USSR over not starting a war against the entire world all the time since they want communists to be the liberal caricature of themselves.

About what you'd expect from reddit. People really should read a book.

That only explains the upper stratum of the working class, which has been shrinking in the west for a long time. The rising popularity of "leftism" itself is proof that this is changing, no matter how retarded most of "leftists" are.

they cooked

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>Western Marxists see themselves as God's gifts to the world but you are mediocre farts out of the Great Satans' asses.

there were some hitpieces on them back in 2020 when the falun gong leaned really hard into COVID conspiracism, anti BLM stuff, and pro-trump election reporting, so maybe trump's re-election may be related to this

>You are never going to defeat the international bourgeoisie seated in your nation without confronting their exploitation of the rest of the world.
Absolutely correct. That "even the lowliest unskilled worker in the West is bourgeoisie" (a claim made in that heckin epic r/Sino thread) does not follow from that. If you unironically believe that you're not a Marxist of any kind.

>Even the lowliest unskilled worker in the West is bourgeoisie, as their labor is greatly overvalued compared to the labor of the third world.
First image in >>2104154

They are correct that Western Marxist activist groups do little more than pick up the dregs of student movements, anarchists, trots, unions that specialize in protecting labor aristocrats and the petit boug, etc, among that crowd it's not like their analysis is any better. Even the ones with a better ideological line are structured like nonprofits ultimately beholden to funding from networks like the Becker family or the Larouches, and their tactics emulate not the socialist party form but antiwar nonviolence activists. Curse you for making me read Reddit screenshots in the first place.

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Here come the third worldists with their shit!
Gotta make the case as to why actually self-interested proles should support the fascists after all.

>You will not succeed by splitting the global working class
<He says this while defending a post calling the proletariat in the west bourgeois

How do you feel about the removal of term limits for the presidency?

Thanks for the screenshot.
It's a nice post and I generally agree. However, nothing I've seen written beats this amazing article.

Engels, well known third worldist.

This tbh. But if China does this, it will also lose its edge over other countries relatively quickly and fall into the same traps as all other imperialist countries. Many people itt would be happy to be useful fools for Chinese capital though.

At what point does China become imperialist in your understanding?

I have visited many websites… this is just one of them.

Fun fact: Hitler saw Germany as a proletarian nation and England/France as bourgeois nations.

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Yeah. You know, I think no one has actually read Lenin. Labor aristocracy does not mean the entire proletariat of an imperialist nation, but its creme de la creme.

>And in speaking of the British working class the bourgeois student of “British imperialism at the beginning of the twentieth century” is obliged to distinguish systematically between the “upper stratum” of the workers and the “lower stratum of the proletariat proper.” The upper stratum furnishes the bulk of the membership of co-operatives, of trade unions, of sporting clubs and of numerous religious sects. To this level is adapted the electoral system, which in Great Britain is still “sufficiently restricted to exclude the lower stratum of the proletariat proper"!


And you, petty-bourgeois democrat in Chinese garb, should qoute Engels in toto
>Almost a quarter of a century later, in a letter dated August 11, 1881, Engels speaks of the “worst English trade unions which allow themselves to be led by men sold to, or at least paid by, the middle class”.
>In a letter to Kautsky, dated September 12, 1882, Engels wrote: “You ask me what the English workers think about colonial policy. Well, exactly the same as they think about politics in general. There is no workers’ party here, there are only Conservatives and Liberal-Radicals, and the workers gaily share the feast of England’s monopoly of the world market and the colonies.”

Thus, labor aristocracy = upper stratum of the proletariat of an imperialist state, a minority of the proletariat in the executive positions, in the yellow syndicates, instutions of bourgeois culture and other Sorosoid organizations. The majority of the proletariat is not in the labor aristocracy.

Yeah I know. It's pathetic that ML(M) has been reduced to this hegelian conception of a machianean struggle.

I'm not sure what happened with Qin Gang, but as long as the other spokespersons still hold positions within the system, I believe it should be normal personnel scheduling.

When the outcomes are appropriate for their formation. There are many bad signs already: China IS a major investor (rentier) power, second only to US, of course it has parasitic elements.
We will know when these elements are no longer kept in check: hyperfinancialization, destruction of entire industries in China, separation of the working class into higher and lower fractions, imperialist foreign policy, etc. When western predictions start coming true, basically. All these economists who keep talking about the middle income trap, overproduction and all that bs are not stupid, that's what's supposed to happen in capitalism. It doesn't happen in China right now, so it is socialist.
You can't fake being socialist, you can only put a part of monopolistically high profits into the higher fraction of the working class. All indicators but labor aristocracy being happy will show it how it is.
It's very possible that it will happen in the future. Xi has been cracking down on these elements, but they were and still are very powerful. Entire sections of the Chinese government are still controlled by capitalist roaders, or at least that's what Vavilov - who is not a Marxist-Leninist by any means - says in his books and I can't check that independently.

>Soviet support was never the decisive factor
In China the Soviet intervention against Japan resulted in the CPC getting control of all of Manchuria plus the entire arms stockpile of the Kwangtung Army without having to fire a shot.

Becoming too reliant and too integrated into the world market does tend to, as a consequence, develop bourgeois rot. I don't think the PRC is imperialistic (in some very broad reading of the situation one can think it imperialist), but it has all the mechanisms in place that, should the bourgeoisie actually restore capitalism, to actually become an imperialist hegemon.

Capitalism has been restored, all thats missing is to turn the state into a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.

I have another question. How do you stand the abysmal quality of this site's user base?

What is a socialist system and why must it be like that? What is the purpose of socialism and why is China not fulfilling said purpose?

>The great social measure of the Commune was its own working existence.
So that is one thing - masses consciously engaged in the production and reproduction of social life. Is that present in the PRC?
>They have no ideals to realize, but to set free the elements of the new society with which old collapsing bourgeois society itself is pregnant.
Has the PRC liberated all the elements of the new society?
>the Commune intended to abolish that class property which makes the labor of the many the wealth of the few.
Has the PRC abolished private property?
>The Commune was formed of the municipal councillors, chosen by universal suffrage in the various wards of the town, responsible and revocable at short terms.
>From the members of the Commune downwards, the public service had to be done at workman’s wage. […] Not only municipal administration, but the whole initiative hitherto exercised by the state was laid into the hands of the Commune.
How easily are state functionaries replacable in the PRC? What are their wages?

Considering the characteristics of the anonymous section, I think the number of abysmal users is limited, or they are not users of this website.

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Times the People's Republic of China was clearly on the wrong side of the conflict, and why.

Is this a consistent characteristic of the state, or does it peak under certain leaders?

Screencaps: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino-Third_World_relations

>Is this a consistent characteristic of the state
Clearly not. That was largely a result of Sino-Soviet hostility during the Cold War, those conditions no longer exist. Nowadays you see China sometimes engaging in this sort of shitty realpolitik, but the situation is such that they also often end up on the right side, e.g. doing business with countries under US sanctions.

You didn't really answer all my questions.
You answered what socialism is by citing an author writing about a specific form of socialism that existed only in a portion of a city for a brief period of time, but you didn't explain why it must be this way. Is it just because some books say it must be like so? Why must China do what the failed Paris commune did to be considered socialism? What is the purpose of socialism? How is following your quoted imperative conducive to this purpose?

You also didn't explain what the purpose of socialism is.

>You also didn't explain what the purpose of socialism is.
Very nice. Let us use eschatological Christian thinking to justify social transformation. Well, not social transformation, social relabeling of capitalistic productive relations.
>by citing an author
Marx was just an author, and you're just an idiot.

Do you want Xi Jinping to give you money? I haven’t even received any, and you want some?

Clearly the strategies imparted by the paris commune failed. I don't get why you must cite Marx like scripture and insist China must do what a failed neighborhood Paris CHAD did 200 years ago. Seems you're employing Christian worship of scripture.

What do Chinese student books say about these conflicts? You know, I think you can do a lot to bridge the gap for understanding of actual Chinese position on issues by scanning some in-depth history encyclopedia with official position

NTA but yessir

I would do it for free tbh

>So that is one thing - masses consciously engaged in the production and reproduction of social life. Is that present in the PRC?
>Has the PRC liberated all the elements of the new society?
>Has the PRC abolished private property?
>How easily are state functionaries replacable in the PRC?
Very easy.
>What are their wages?
Workman's wage.

Got any more questions?

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Bait used to be

I'm glad I could answer all your questions.

I want to go clubbing in shanghai, tho it's kinda sad so many people on their damn phones.

One last question, how hard was it to get your Visa? I'm planning a trip and it seems like they want a lot of documentation if you're solo-travelling. I don't have friends or family over there, so it might be different.

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i fucking kneel holy shit

>Huawei wants to be (1tb) sick sexual deviant (ssd)
not surprised a bit

You'd have to pay me for me to get such e-waste

Are you gay? I want to do a trip next year to China. But I only want to hit gay spots if possible.

It's time to show my dick to my coffee maker.

32 bucks tho

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>many socialists who still aren't convinced that China is a socialist state and wish the China was more like the USSR(funding and exporting revolutions around the world, state owned planned economy).
The important thing to realize about the Western Left is that they as a tendency are not about building revolutions but attacking established Communist parties while manufacturing consent for regime change for "Left" reasons. They hated the USSR with a passion and celebrated when it fell, somehow thinking it was also a triumph for True Socialism. To this day, they refuse to condemn the counter-revolutionary events of 1989-1991. Even in this very thread, you find comparisons of the PRC to Nazi Germany. Another thing to realize is that this sort of left-opportunism is the exact method Alexander Yakovlev used to attack the Communist Party in the USSR. They have, at the end of the day, made it clear which Real Movement they're a part of and who their comrades are.

No homo sorry, but if it lines up maybe we could hang out. I'll post about it ITT for sure. I'm probably spending most my time seeing the tourist historical sites. Just also want to go dancing every night I can.

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>Indonesia Joins BRICS Bloc as Full Member, Brazil Says
fourth most populous nation!

angel of communism is a meme and tserriednichhuigo simps for park chung hee (hes somewhat like park chung hee schizo)

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>angel of communism is a meme
Hot Take: She's actually correct. What Lenin envisioned for the USSR was originally not unlike that of contemporary China. It was apparent as soon as the Nazis took power that the German war machine would be turned on the USSR. They needed a war economy to counter the fascists. After the United States assumed the role of the former Axis Powers, it was apparent that there would be no negotiation with the bourgeois and thus the need for this war economy continued.

what marx "planned" means jack shit. he wasn't a prophet. and in any case he didn't set forth a rigorous action plan. rather attempted to predict how humanity might progress and regress through vaguely defined modes of production based on changing economic realities themselves caused by technological advances.

the prc today is not on rails towards real communism. that it will reach it is not certain. as long as class exists (and it does in the prc), the bourgeoise will relentlessly pursue their own material interests and find conduits to power and endanger whatever progress made this is also true as long as class exists outside the prc too.

angel of communism said nothing about lenin

Lenin specifically called the NEP a retreat; meanwhile Stalin had to end it because the mode of production was giving birth to the Kulak class.
You are yapping ahistorical nonsense.

Engels has become """"""""""third worldist"""""""""".
Its over for the western """left""".

Amazing, dependency theory posters have completely buck broken the anime choo choo anticampist brains to the point they now pretend they know what a mode of production is. Slow down Trandre Gunder Frank.

>as long as class exists (and it does in the prc)
But PRC constitution told me "exploitation of man by man" has been abolished

Wazzup Beijin

Hello from Beijing.

One of the amazing things I've discovered is that for quite a few medical problems, it's cheaper to pay for airfare to Beijing, two nights stay, and a medical visit than it is to get ripped off by Brian Thompson's successor.

>NEP a retreat
He called a very specific set of policies that. NEP as a whole wasn't retreat, it was socialism. Soviets had to compromise on kulaks and private ownership because Russia was devastated by war, but at the same time they continued their most brave policies on a voluntary basis. Lack of enforcement of those was the retreat Lenin spoke of

>Stalin had to end it because the mode of production was giving birth to the Kulak class.

Dude, NEP ended because socialist part of the economy outgrew capitalist one. When NEP ended, kulaks weren't producing as much grain as collective farms for years by that point. The whole point of disbanding collective farms at first in 1930s was because kulaks, who got impoverished by voluntary collective farms taking over their markets, tried to sneak into collective farms.

All in all, NEP was CONSISTENT with policies that came after. It was a straight line towards kulaks being removed from any sort of relevance to the economy

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how common is it for rural people to worship Mao in temples ?

Bodhisattva Mao or God Stalin?

Mao is only liked by rural people. In fact, all the "socialist" charade is to appeal to rural folk, which still outnumber urban center and still are an important part of China's economy. The moment the political and economic balance tilts towards urban centers, neoliberals will waltz into the Chinese government with no opposition whatsoever.

put the name back on moffin

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this is not monotheism, we can worship both.

why are you even here stinky italian

Aaany day now. Aaaany day Tinanmen 2.0 will happen, and not only it won't be prevented and won't be dispersed, it will also have the CPC openly embrace it

baizuo status?

the theory of 'unequal exchange' and its consequences

>What Lenin envisioned for the USSR was originally not unlike that of contemporary China.
No, what Lenin envisioned for the USSR was to link up with the German revolutionaries and build a centralized industrial economy in Russia with their help. The NEP was a step backwards and was openly acknowledged as such.
>It was apparent as soon as the Nazis took power that the German war machine would be turned on the USSR.
Soviet industrialization program and end of the NEP predates the Nazis taking power.

t. victim

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The ENTIRE value theory Marx develops rests on exchange of equivalents. 1/2

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>The ENTIRE value theory Marx develops rests on exchange of equivalents.
If only globalized late-stage capitalism with its global chains of production would adhere to Marx's theory about the pre-imperialist, national stage of capitalism!

>Marx's theory [is] about the pre-imperialist, national stage of capitalism!
uygha hasn't read the book

>China’s drive to give Taiwanese visitors local IDs alarms Taipei
>China is signing growing numbers of Taiwanese people up for local resident or even identity cards, in a drive to incorporate them into its society that is setting off alarm bells in Taipei.
>Taiwan government officials said that Beijing had become “focused” on getting visiting Taiwanese to apply for Chinese resident cards, bank accounts and local mobile phone numbers — known as the “three documents” — with many then being given the local identity cards which are reserved for citizens.
>“We are concerned that when more and more Taiwanese have Chinese citizenship, it will compromise our jurisdiction,” said a senior China policy official in Taipei. “If a Taiwanese with a Chinese ID was involved in an incident here, China could say they need to take care of the issue because the person is their citizen and intervene in our domestic affairs.”
>The push is seen as particularly concerning as China is steadily expanding a multi-faceted pressure campaign against Taiwan. Beijing claims the island as part of its territory and threatens to take it by force if Taipei resists unification indefinitely.
>Similar tactics of giving local status to citizens from neighbouring countries has long been part of Russia’s playbook. Moscow issued passports to eastern Ukrainians who moved to Russia after it helped to orchestrate conflict in the region in 2014. Russia also gave citizenship to residents of two breakaway regions of Georgia and then cited the need to protect them as a pretext for a brief 2008 war.
>Taiwanese officials said China’s push to give more Taiwanese local papers had not reached that level yet, but it posed a risk of the same nature.
>The issue surfaced when a Taiwanese video blogger’s documentary in late December suggested hundreds of thousands of Taiwanese had Chinese identity papers. Lin Chin-cheng, a Taiwanese who heads a Chinese government-backed start-up centre for youth entrepreneurs from Taiwan in the Chinese city of Quanzhou, claims in the film that about 200,000 Taiwanese hold Chinese IDs.
>That claim could not be confirmed. But government officials, tourists and businesspeople from Taiwan said visitors to China in recent months had been asked to fill in applications for the “three documents”.
>At China’s centenary celebrations for the Whampoa Military Academy last year, veterans from Taiwan were signed up at special desks, participants said. The Straits Forum, an annual event which is part of the Chinese Communist party’s United Front tactics to engage Taiwanese not openly hostile to it, also featured “three documents” application desks. Three Taiwanese people who recently travelled to China on a ferry from Taiwan-controlled Kinmen said that arrival procedures in Xiamen now included filling in forms which they only later understood were applications for those documents.
>The resident card for Taiwanese which is part of the “three documents” does not amount to Chinese citizenship — Beijing presents it as a preferential measure to allow Taiwanese equal access to local services.
>But Taipei fears it is becoming the entry point into citizen status. “The local ID frequently is the immediate next step, or is even directly offered instead of the resident card,” said a national security official. Taiwan officials added that local IDs were being heavily promoted as an opportunity for better conditions on loans or home sales.
>Under Taiwanese law, citizens who take up a Chinese ID will have their Taiwanese household registration revoked. But Taipei struggles to effectively monitor its citizens’ actions in China as Beijing has cut off almost all official communication with the Taiwanese government though cross-Strait travel, trade and investment built over decades continue. According to the government’s statistics office, 217,000 Taiwanese worked in China as of 2023 — only half of the numbers seen at the peak a decade ago, but still a 22 per cent increase over the previous year.
>Taiwan president Lai Ching-te last week warned the public not to be lured in by the supposed short-term gain of Chinese papers.
>“We have an old saying in Taiwan: Free things turn out very costly. That is very true,” he told reporters after his New Year address. Lai pointed to the many Chinese people taking enormous risks to illegally migrate to other nations, arguing that taking up a Chinese ID at this time was absurd for a citizen of a democratic country and could prove “the end of your road into the world”.
>The ministry of foreign affairs in Beijing did not respond to a request for comment.

Does the PRC allow medical tourism?

>Trump threatened Denmark with tariffs if they wont sell Greenland to the US
I guess Denmark will join BRICS soon?

It’s weird how rural people in China are far left yet rural people in Fatland are far right.

from what I've heard on lefty/pol/ the rural amerifats are mostly culturally right

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Somebody is malding, did Maohead call somebody a fag or was somebody mindbroken by some 4 layers of irony dengchad poster?

The Communist Party of China never abandoned the rural areas to rot. In America, the Democrats abandoned the country and the "Left" by-and-large doesn't care about them. As both think rural Americans deserve to be stupid and poor, that leaves only the GOPers to rule in de facto one-party governments.

Nope, just westoids resorting to holocaust denial-levels of disingenuousness where all of this seething is supposed to make China equal to the US as imperialists and threats to global socialist movements, so the US becomes only as bad as China as a fellow imperialist/bourgeois/anti-socialist nation, thus, if you take particular issue with US aggression towards China, then you're not against US imperialism anymore, actually you're playing favouritism between bourgeois states out of vulgar anti-Americanism, a crime they're not committing when they merely display passivity towards the US destabilising the shit out of Syria to privatize their oil as they equally do towards China's imperialism of providing loans to Africa and then writing them off.

>If a Taiwanese with a Chinese ID was involved in an incident here, China could say they need to take care of the issue because the person is their citizen and intervene in our domestic affairs.
Beijing claims Taiwan since forever
>But Taipei struggles to effectively monitor its citizens’ actions in China as Beijing has cut off almost all official communication with the Taiwanese government though cross-Strait travel, trade and investment built over decades continue.
It was Taipei no longer accepting continental tourists, not even transferring at taiwanese airports
>We have an old saying in Taiwan: Free things turn out very costly.
i cant even
>arguing that taking up a Chinese ID at this time was absurd for a citizen of a democratic country and could prove “the end of your road into the world”.
> road into the world
it means leaving taiwan anyway, you can't even get into UN building with a taiwanese passport
Residency means you are going to live there for a long time, not a citizenship
Beijing already claiming taiwan means they already accept their citizenship, Hongkongers also don't have a "chinese ID" since they are under different jurisdiction
yes and thats slightly relevant to recent healthcare reform controversy
burger farmers aint small farmers

My bad OG I just like the way they dance when you shoot at their feet. Gotta show the newfags what they're walking into; there were too many pretending to understand how mods here operate.
When they panic delete a bunch of posts it means the lolcow cycle has elapsed, they will grumble in the Matrix, and piss everyone off by making the most cancer threads anyone has ever seen. Time to go pollinate.

>people vote with their feet
>REEEEEE insidious China is attacking our sovereignty!!1

To prevent your retarded garbage from spreading any futher yankeedoo

Actually an interesting read, who's the author?

I think Falun Dafa may believe that the Hawkish Democrats want to balkanize China, leaving the ROC to rule just the coastal states while the poorer inland regions(new break away countries) are governed by corrupt governments, and having duty only just to producing cheap goods for the West. As a result, Falun Dafa turns against the Democrats and supports the isolationist MAGA faction (the most far-right kind of MAGA), so their cult leader can become the supreme leader of a unified China.

go back

>supporting Pinochet and Pol Pot and Afghan mujahideen was a bit stupid wasn't it
<holocaust denial-levels of disingenuousness


I am interested in this. I understand that the concern over deflation or near deflation is mostly argued and analyzed from the framework of a fully capitalist market economy and that the main concern would be the falling profits. But at the same time, wouldn't stimulus packages and encouraging the domestic market be very juicy and popular policies? As I understand it, you mostly don't want to excessively give money to your citizens because it causes inflation, but if you are having the opposite problem, you are free to enact a lot of the costly progressive policies that western social democrats struggle so much in maintaining. It's like having to cure an illness with a very sweet medicine. What would be the disadvantage if Xi started giving out money in the form of subsidies or increased social services? In fact, wouldn't it be a good opportunity to start just pumping out even more infrastructure, building schools, expand the coverage of the public healthcare system, integrating the still peripheric areas of the country etc??

Literally what is taking China so long in developing social media alternatives for an international public?

China has no obligation to the international public, do the work in your own country if you want a Meta or Twitter alternative

> developing social media
That's tiktok, and it helps shrinking brain size of western youth.

yeah. and critically it's china that still owns the algorithm system it popularized

Wrong. Tiktok isnt "shrinking brain size". That's just common pseudo intellectual propaganda
What's hurting the youth is sociolegal infantilism

If China manages to peacefully reabsorb Taiwan just through economic integration it'll be a stroke of genius. Eventually they might get to a point where they could win a referendum on reunification.

>Younger Americans are friendlier to China
>They are much less likely to see the country as an enemy than their parents
>THE competition between America and China is infiltrating college dorm rooms. Citing national security concerns, at least 29 states have banned TikTok, the video app owned by ByteDance, a Chinese firm, on government devices. Many universities also banned students from using the app on campus wifi. In practice, that means students will use data, not wifi, to watch videos of friends revealing their outfits for sorority recruitment. But young people’s surprise over the TikTok bans may also reveal how differently they view China from their parents.
>Recent polling from The Economist and YouGov shows the startling difference in Americans’ views of China by age group. Roughly 25% of Americans aged 18 to 44 said they view China as an enemy, compared with about 52% of those 45 and over (see chart). Almost as many young Americans said they view China as “friendly” as those who said the country was an “enemy”. Just 4% of older Americans see China as friendly.
>Young Americans were also less likely to see Russia as an enemy than their older peers, though all ages expressed more hostility towards Russia than China. This is probably due to the war in Ukraine, and older Americans’ lingering dislike for the Soviet Union during the cold war.
>Meanwhile, views of China among partisans are shifting. Republicans have long been more likely than Democrats to view China as an adversary. But both parties have become more hawkish. When Donald Trump took office in 2017, just 10% of Democrats and 20% of Republicans said they believed China to be an enemy. As of last week, 34% of Democrats and 48% of Republicans took this view

The AFD used TikTok to spread it's fascist propaganda to the german youth

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>sociolegal infantilism
sorry anon this sounds so pretentious ivory tower liberal academic that not even a quick web search clears up the question of what the fuck are you talking about

keep blaming the east for your own problems

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NYTimes: The Battle Over TikTok Is One Front in a New Cold War

>There’s reason to believe China is already using TikTok to manipulate our public debate. Last month, the nonprofit Network Contagion Research Institute issued what its director, Joel Finkelstein, called “the first peer-reviewed, data-driven study to establish that TikTok is actively manipulating perceptions of China and the Chinese Communist Party through algorithmic bias.”

>For example, Instagram contained far more negative information about Chinese oppression of the Uyghurs than TikTok — roughly 80 percent of Instagram search results were anti-C.C.P. versus 11 percent on TikTok.

<In that sense, TikTok isn’t all that different from Instagram or YouTube. Both platforms now feature short, TikTok-style videos. Instagram calls them “Reels,” while YouTube calls them “Shorts.” But what sets TikTok apart is its proprietary algorithm. It’s so effective that it can feel as if it’s reading your mind.

<I’ve heard it described as “spooky” in its ability to anticipate your interests and desires. Like most social media platforms, it vacuums up your personal data and tracks the videos you watch to try to anticipate exactly what you like to see. TikTok just does it better. It’s more immersive and intimate than its competitors.


legally China can't do anything about it unless Germany asks it to be removed. so if it exists, your country is allowing it to happen

>fascist tiktok propaganda!!
the westoid is more outraged at fascists on the chinese app than fascists in his country
if tiktok didn’t exist they would post elsewhere, if you got up from your ass they wouldn’t exist, pretty simple

Yet, people on here use "Bidenonics", which is a common ivory tower lexical term.

TikTok hate is just mainly because it's a new toy for the youth. We had Vine before but nobody bats an eye.

>”ivory tower”
bidenomics is a term used by the white house and their media apparatus to try and sell their shit economy as a good thing and it’s common to see people use the term in a mocking way to defy the tyranny of the biden regime

Biden is not doing anything different from Trump

Young Americans associate China more with Tiktok, Genshin Impact, Marvel Rivals and Chinese food than le red enemy.

>Beijing says it’s willing to deepen economic ties with Canada as Trump brings trade chaos

will donald dump take that kind of disrespect right in his backyard?????

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gonna fail in -5 days btw

Adults in this country hate yt and instagram shorts too, they are retarded
But we are not usa so we don't need to pretend tiktok is worse because communism so …

If you think AfD is fascist, just wait until you see SDS

>unlike our glowie-approved social media site, tiktok doesn't shove anti-china propaganda down your throat
>this is obviously because tik-tok has a pro-china bias
is this meant to convince people of anything?

And all other parties decided not to use tiktok because they're fascist anti-china morons. Plus they banned EU employees from having it. Fascist in chief Olaf Scholz said he would do a tiktok account but "he wouldn't dance on it" as if that were what people do on that app mostly. Not to mention how mainstream xenophobia and colonial ideas are, printed proudly on state media and private media.

The AfD isn't even that extreme as people make it out to be. They're just as bad as the rest of the parties. Bunch of Nazis.

He riding dat snail dragon

Xi is not pumping in the stimulus because:

-1 Deflation is allowing the state to capture more of the real economy (20-30% of GDP right now, with the Russians actually having a larger SOE sector).
-2 The trade war may bolster inflation by crashing the RMB, so it's better to let the trade war kick in before considering stimulus, as opposed to cutting then boosting rates.
-3 China has heavy government debt, which, while lesser than state assets, can't be allowed to get out of control.
-4 The Chinese economy, at least its real productive aspect, is still doing fine.

>-1 Deflation is allowing the state to capture more of the real economy (20-30% of GDP right now, with the Russians actually having a larger SOE sector).
gonna need some sauces on dat

Don't know if anything specifically happened, but letting your weak bourgoisies die by it's own market rules and then occupying the spaces they leave with SOEs seems like a really swift movement towards increasing the share of nationalized means of production.

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Trust the plan, China first superpower by 2030! I swear!

bond yields and prices are inverted. if you're looking at bonds with low yield the price of the bond itself is high. low yields also means low risk, this is typically more valuable than high yield high risk bonds like U.S treasury bonds

Naive western baby "Maoists" who idolize Mao as this Ultra Left savior figure lmao.

Mao was one of the most brutally pragmatic communists in history. More so than even Lenin.

Just read the transcripts from his meeting with Nixon lmao. Mao would fucking LOVE China right now and it's not even a debate.

(me) Adding to this: China fucking rules right now. No shame

>Mao would loved modern China

Absolute state and cope of this guy, Jesus.

>Mao would fucking LOVE China right now and it's not even a debate.
Funny how boomer ex-maoists like Norman Finkelstein slowly realize this.

Exactly. And also… it's fucking fine. It's good actually! They're doing the thing. Let them cook.

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I think it’s a little conspicuous still that the Sinophobic left has never explained why they think no Chinese should be allowed to have computers. They literally fabricated a genocide to enshrine this racial hierarchy in law. Now they have it. Congrats I guess.

>Mao would love Dengoid
HAHAHA, I won revisionist.

never forget that zhou enlai, in a meeting with chilean diplomats, said that allende was taking steps toward socialism way too quickly with his economic policies even for chinese standards

What did Congo do (T_T)

Are Biden and Trump "Sinophobic left"?

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The less inflationary a currency is, the lower are bond yields.

Bold move for someone whose whole supply of chips is located within a missile range of countries affected by curbs

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Also, Westoids will not survive China's prophetised
chip flood

>Mao was one of the most brutally pragmatic communists in history.
What is the Sino-Soviet split?

A correct decision to cut ties with revisionism

Deng went further than Khrushchev or Brezhnev could dream.

>say people who believe in every lie about Stalin and Mao

Best books on China today? Best books on Xi Jinping?


Marx's value theory is developed in volume 1 to explain the dynamics internal to a capitalist economy at a national scale in the pre-imperialist pre-monopoly stage when there is still free competition. People will say unequal exchange doesn't happen because of the "Exchange of equivalents" repeated as a rote-memorized dogma without analyzing how material conditions have actually changed since Marx's time. Global imperialism today not only loots natural resources, but also causes migration and brain drain and ecological crises, coups governments, installs compradors, forces loans and privatizations. With these asymmetric power relations happening everywhere all the time the insistence upon "Exchange of equivalents" reads like imperialist apologia. Especially coming out of the mouths of imperial core writers trying to abstract away all these developments and took at capitalism in its pure, original, unevolved 19th century form that emerged in England, and which Marx was mostly restricted to studying due to his political exile there.

With Roberts:

>Marx considered that there were two forms of rent that could appear in a capitalist economy. The first was ‘absolute rent’ where the monopoly ownership of an asset (land) could mean the extraction of a share of surplus value from the capitalist process without investment in labour and machinery to produce commodities. The second form Marx called ‘differential rent’. This arose from the ability of some capitalist producers to sell at a cost below that of more inefficient producers and so extract a surplus profit – as long as the low cost producers could stop others adopting even lower cost techniques by blocking entry to the market, employing large economies of scale in funding, controlling patents and making cartel deals. This differential rent could be achieved in agriculture by better yielding land (nature) but in modern capitalism, it would be through a form of ‘technological rent’; ie monopolising technical innovation.

>Mao would love the result of his protege
Water is wet.

Chinese Twitter girls are alright.

>smoking weed, eating street food, meeting new people
Lmao what?

>break off relations with the USSR because they’re liberalizing and aren’t confronting the West aggressively enough
>proceed to liberalize way more and form an alliance with the US

Yea bro, its the Chinese turning them fascists, them and those darn Russian bots. Noble Westoid.

>People praising Weimar Germany aren't degenerates

dangerously reactionary rhetoric

>alliance with the us
Single source would suffice

Can anyone recall this book I vaguely remember that was posted in leftypol by a Chinese academic (think published by Springer or whatever) that was about returning to Marx in economics? Wish i saved the pdf but was on my shitty phone and thought I would remember the pdf name when I got home. I know this is vague

Do you unironically believe it’s degenerate to smoke weed and eat street food?
China sided with the US in every Cold War proxy conflict from the mid 70s onward. They supplied weapons to anti-communist forces in Afghanistan, Angola, and elsewhere.

This is well established and anybody with a basic knowledge of the Cold War is aware of it.

I’m not not gonna start hating the only social media with a leftist algorithm. This shitty wojak video here got 20k likes and 250k views.

And that stopped under Deng, so Deng good, Mao bad?

It started under Deng actually, and continued until the collapse of the USSR. China quite literally became a member of the imperialist alliance and contributed to the encirclement and strangulation of the Soviet Union.

>liberalize way more
Where? China has never privatized it's economy

>alliance with the US

Where, again? Never happened, China stayed neutral, only intervening in countries it had a direct border with

>China has never privatized it's economy
Yes it did lmao. It allowed the massive growth of private industry to the point where Xinhua itself reported it was responsible for 60% of GDP growth.
>China stayed neutral, only intervening in countries it had a direct border with
They don't share a border with Angola, but they still armed UNITA. Also even if they did only intervene in countries they shared a border with, they intervened on the side of the US and local anti-communists. That's not neutrality, that's collaboration with imperialism. Finally even if they were neutral (they werent) aren't you guys always saying that being neutral between imperialism and socialism is siding with imperialism?

This shit is reddit turbocringe and nobody will ever convince me otherwise.

it is, soy/chad shit is inherently cringe but whatever works, more leftist memes is inherently good

I made a xiauhongshu / rednote, and it's been pretty fun, especially all the art tutorials.

I had no idea just how little chinese I know. I've kinda absorbed japanese osmotically through anime, but I barely have anything to latch onto trying to guess my way through a chinese app. Gonna have to properly learn it.

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>China is allied with the US

smoking weed is absolutely degenerate(USER WAS BANNED FOR NOT SMOKEING A DOOBIE)


Dengoids everyone.

>more leftist memes is inherently good
Yes, more memecoms to shit up the internet!

nope it just makes you weak complacent and retarded like all addictions
you should go back to your radlib success stories thread, clown

>retard pretending their moral crusades have anything to do with communism calling others "radlibs"
Words mean things you know.


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>being unfit for revolutionary activities is le moral crusade
you're a clown

>smoking weed at home is just like smoking weed during a strike
Lmfao, are you actually this fucking braindead?

Americans are moving from tic tok to rednote due to the ban. I suggest anyone here get it too. It's pretty good.

who are you quoting retard

>being unfit for revolutionary activities
What else is a "revolutionary activity" (nice buzzword btw), posting on imageboards or larping as a guerrilla faggot?

shitting up the dedicated People's Republic of China thread about getting butthurt by commies opposing drug culture is definitely revolutionary activity in the West

>"""commies""" opposing (…) culture
Why do you think everyone here makes fun of culture wars?

getting high and shitfaced and engaging in buttsex and taking estrogen and whatever the latest radlib fad might be

you talk and behave like a normal person

you're talking to different people

>ban tiktok
>people move over to an app called "little red book"

>Americans are moving from tic tok to rednote due to the ban.
Proofs? No chance this is happening on any significant scale

>due to the ban
I like Xiaohongshu but trump doesnt want tiktok banned so it's prolly not gonna happen

They were from 1976-1991, as proven by their active cooperation against the USSR during that period.
>nope it just makes you weak complacent and retarded like all addictions
Using weed isn't the same as being addicted to it. It's a more mild and less toxic intoxicant than alcohol. Also weed is legal in the DPRK and is grown on state owned farms.

>allies without formalizing the relationship
Yeah, nah. If China joined NATO I'd say, sure, ofc. This is just idiotic twisting of the meaning of words.

>they weren't allies they just actively and consistently were on the same side in every conflict and worked collaboratively against a common enemy
"These gentlemen think that because they have changed the names of things they have changed the things themselves!"

>>they weren't allies they just actively and consistently were on the same side in every conflict and worked collaboratively against a common enemy
That would be a NATO membership. Meanwhile, in reality…

>That would be a NATO membership.
No, NATO membership would be signing an official treaty and being admitted into NATO. They don't need to do this to actively collaborate with the Americans to roll back Soviet influence, remove Soviet-aligned governments, and militarily/economically encircle the USSR, which are all things they did.

Why did someone repost my thread OP into here? Get fucked.

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>US netizens calling themselves ‘TikTok refugees’ migrate to Chinese social media app ahead of US Supreme Court ruling
>Xiaohongshu, China’s answer to Instagram, hits no. 1 on the App Store as TikTok faces US shutdown
>With a TikTok Ban Looming, Users Flee to Chinese App ‘Red Note’
>Users worried about TikTok ban appear to be downloading a different Chinese social media app

It's kinda funny as hell. I can't make an account yet because the verification code service seems to be overloaded.

>Yes, more memecoms to shit up the internet!
Elitist cringe.

Update, Americans are learning mandarin and love Chinese people. Tic tok ban might have been the butterfly effect that causes the Bejin-Washington alliance and launch us into the firefly universe.

that's what I'm telling you, americans are not gonna buy the china war narrative

If this xiaohongshu migration actually happens it would be a giant boost to chinese soft power. A chinese app, promoted explicitly as chinese, as opposed to the "we're chinese but will do our best to not outwardly display that too much", modus operandi of other chinese socialist commodities like mihoyo. Portrayed as a protest sign-up against the american bourgeois dictatorship going mask off, out of pure spite for the Meta/Elon oligarchs. A place where people are free to talk with chinese people; in their natural habitat, like normal people; not in the "As a Chinese" way that happens in western social media. I've already seen people saying things like: Why are we supposed to hate these people? These are the kindest people!". I don't believe a full migration will happen but it's possible that it might get on level of say bluesky for its niche.

exactly, china is no longer going to be the big other if it just is

I like this guy's vibes.

Kind of funny how Tiktok has just reach a point where it's matured and become an obviously better social media app than the pure evil shit you find on Reels, X and Reddit, and in fact is often providing _good_ content, it's getting censored. Not really a coincidence, to be honest, but while USG was obviously in the process of building consensus to censor it everyone was just whining about how Tiktok was cringe and saying it's good and "I hope they ban all the phones LOL" or whatever inane things they were saying as they.

Absolutely, tiktok is definitely the lesser evil of the current internet paradigm, it doesn't actively push harmful content if you aren't looking for it nearly as much. It does follow the "responsible" practices that used to be common sense. It is also the place where "indie", random-guy-with-a-camera, people are nowadays with how corporate youtube has become. Hating on it in particular when you have goebbels broadcasting live on twitter, or the genune evil shit on instagram, to complain about, is doing the USG's bidding; usually under the guise of generational idpol.

>download rednote for my daily slop replacement
>search up North Korea
>find a vlog and go to comments
>the Chinese perception of NK is literally identical to Americans
so you faggots lied to me?

Liberalism is the same everywhere. Funny how it blows back all the time and lib opposition would be angry to discover that anti-NK dehumanization has been effortlessly transferred into Chinese by the very same liberals. Those libs would consider it a great victory, though. Incidentally, the pretty serious anti-Chinese racism among that crowd is why they have permanently lost and only exist now to hasten the arrive of some new political force.

Nowhere is static. China is in a constant flow of class struggle like anywhere else.

And just like with american platforms you can help change that by presenting eductanional materials and engaging in dialouges about it.

Difference is the chinese app won't censor those sources and dialouges if they gain traction.

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>As Sino-Soviet relations turned sour, the DPRK & the PRC gradually warmed to each other, as they were closer ideologically than their eastern European counterparts, and shared a common enemy: the United States.[24] In 1961, the two countries signed the Sino-North Korean Mutual Aid and Cooperation Friendship Treaty, whereby China pledged to immediately render military and other assistance by all means to its ally against any outside attack.[26][27] This agreement was renewed in 1981, 2001 and 2021.[28] As of at least 2024, North Korea is the only country with which China has a formal alliance.[29]: 52 
WTF! Westoid posters ITT almost convinced me that China was allied with the USA instead of the DPRK.

Why would 'toids lie to me about China?!

you're looking in the wrong place. there are pro dprk accounts on instagram even

Didnt you know that China bad? T. Totally not a glowuyghur

>Westoid posters ITT almost convinced me that China was allied with the USA instead of the DPRK.
They were allied to both, like how Ba'athist Iraq was allied to both the USSR and USA.

>They were allied to both
it's interesting how both sides would vigorously deny this accusation yet somehow a random westoid possesses such arcane knowledge (aka. you are so full of shit)

>like how Ba'athist Iraq was allied to both the USSR and USA.
But both USSR and USA supported Iran against Iraq. Are you suuuuure there was an alliance?

China supporting its buffer state against South Korea and Japan is actually in line with how China wanted a China-aligned Vietnam with the help of the US.

I want Xi to have my data but I can't read chinese on rednote

>China-aligned Vietnam with the help of the US.
After China helped Vietnam so much against the US? How China was literally blocking USA from attacking Vietnam by holding Hainan

>4Chan having meltdown threads over Rednote
Am I crazy or does this feel like something that would be considered lolzy in around 2010? There's absolutely no subversiveness left anywhere on that board, it's literally children-tier understanding of being subversive
>The adults told me to not use these words, but I use them anyway… when they can't hear me

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Idealistic cringe.

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Its so fucking cringe how they promote the private businesses. Literally like neoliberals. I hope some regimehead with cockshott-thought is brewing something in the background or they are fucked. Anyone know a guy that could be such a contender?

>little red book
<it's pure consumerism
the dengists are rattling my chain again but I'm not going to lash out (that's what they want) I'm just going to ignore them until they go away

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>January 14, 2025 –Oppo and Realme face backlash for pre-installed apps violating user privacy.
>Sensitive data was accessed; officials demand accountability.

>Oppo and Realme, two major smartphone brands, face a firestorm over a shocking data privacy scandal.

>Pre-installed apps on their devices have been found accessing users’ personal information, including contact lists and phone numbers, without consent.

>The Fineasy loan app, embedded in certain phone models since 2023, is at the center of the controversy.

>Alarmingly, users cannot uninstall this app, which has been flagged for lacking a license from Thailand’s central bank to operate as a digital loan service.

>Pol Col Suraphong Plengkham, a director from the Personal Data Protection Commission said:This app's invasive data collection is a gross violation of user privacy.

>Thailand’s National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) has intervened, ordering the suspension of phone sales with the app pre-installed.
>Oppo and Realme have apologized, stating they are working to remove the app and offering support for users to uninstall it.
>However, Pol Gen Nathathorn Prousoontorn, NBTC commissioner, noted:The absence of proper oversight of pre-installed apps is a systemic flaw that must be addressed immediately.
>Critics argue this scandal underscores the risks of pre-installed software and lax enforcement of data protection laws.
>While the brands claim no data leakage occurred, the incident has left consumers questioning their digital safety.

Bankrupt bourgeois to own capitalism, huh?

Another proof that feds always had their fingers in 4chan, with Moot’s mom being FBI and Hiromoot being good friends with the owner of 8chan, Jim Watkins, who is ‘former’ CIA.
Consumerism is when cooking videos

Update: XHS/REDnote verification service is working again. 👍

>>4Chan having meltdown threads over Rednote
give us pics, hahaha

I love this rebellion against the New Cold War. Honestly, I wonder what would happen if they tried to ban Genshin Impact and Honkai: Star Rail. Gamers might unironically storm the Capitol to get their waifu harem back.
>Am I crazy or does this feel like something that would be considered lolzy in around 2010? There's absolutely no subversiveness left anywhere on that board, it's literally children-tier understanding of being subversive
Yes, it would have. QBoomers, /pol/yps and other cancerous rightoid newfags would have been laughed off the board. Back then, they were probably on Free Republic or Stormfront braying for Julian Assange to be waterboarded.

they'll just ban ciao honk shoe

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>it's interesting how both sides would vigorously deny this accusation
No they wouldn't. Xi has openly praised the period from 1976-1991 as a period of extraordinary close relations between the US and China, and called Henry Kissinger a "friend of the Chinese people" for achieving the diplomatic breakthrough that led to it. It was a de facto alliance no matter how hard you want to cope about it.
>But both USSR and USA supported Iran against Iraq.
Virtually everybody played both sides of that conflict to some degree, but US and Soviet support greatly favoured Iraq more so than Iran. Im actually not sure if the Soviets supported Iran at all actually, and the American support consisted of a handful of weapons secretly given to the Iranians without the knowledge or permission of Congress. US support for Iraq was open, official, and given in much greater quantities. Meanwhile the USSR was their largest arms supplier. Its possible to be allied to two countries even if those countries are enemies of each other. The DPRK is actually another good example of this, since they maintained good relations with both China and the Soviet Union despite the intense hostility between the two.

>moves the goalpost from "allies" to (meaningless) friends
you are a REGIME, sabo

>But both USSR and USA supported Iran against Iraq.

Daily reminder that China isn't real socialist, but run by opportunist and power hungry people.

the comments on XHS seem to disagree
there are many communists there

Anti TikTok sentiment is just people who forgot about Vine and are butthurt about the new kids having their own cultural presence

Maybe some faction of CCP or some people could be called genuine communinst in China, but clearely the political structure and people at the top isnt really commie or socialist.

The art tutorials on XHS have been pretty motivating.
I feel like a kid again, learning to read through how-to-draw books.

Political structure is clearly communist. It's a Soviet-style republic. People at the top are clearly communists, too, freely quoting Mao, Lenin and Stalin with Marx, and with Xi trolling Putin by declaring that shots from cruiser Aurora have brought about communist China as well as communist Russia

>communism is commodity production with mao quotes

>capitalism is when look like communism, smell like communism, quack like communism, all in order to fool communists

this again.
does class exist in china? yes. therefore it's not communist. that's it.

>moves the goalpost from "allies" to (meaningless) friends
I'm not moving any goalposts. I said that two countries that work together towards the same ends against the same adversaries are allies in practice. I'm just pointing out that the Chinese government essentially regards that period in the same way. The fact that you're trying to bog this down in semantics instead of engaging with the facts is pretty telling. You're splitting hairs over what defines an "ally" instead of talking about what happened and what resulted from it. However you want to describe it, the late Cold War was a period in which China actively aided and cooperated with imperialism against the socialist camp, and this contributed to the victory of imperialism in the first Cold War.

china is a party junta, which is a good thing

He's gonna say that acknowledging China's history of open collaboration with US imperialism makes you pro-US imperialism

>quoting Mao, Lenin and Marx makes you a communist


yes and then they did war against them. Talking about history like the relations between countries never changed is stupid

do you even know what consumerism mean

you're a retard

>the political structure and people at the top isnt really commie or socialist
the political structure if very communist actually. People at the top, debatable, its not like I (and prolly you) have great insight on most of those, but Xi is clearly a lot more socialist than his predecessors.

And Vietnam did a war against Cambodia. China finlandized Vietnam, because USSR tried to encircle China. It wasn't a *real* war, not like Winter War anyway, both sides, being socialist, backed down

>look like communism, smell like communism, quack like communism
but what does that have to do with china

look, two years ago, I didn't believe it either, but then I read the collected works of deng xiaoping and selected writings from president xi, and I still don't believe it, but in one sense, china is a gramscite wet dream since the ideological brainworms are not finetuned towards anticommunism like in the west, so there's better probability of communist conscious arising there than anywhere else with a marketplace

in this case? an instagram clone used to promote products with an integrated ecommerce platform

>…commodity production…
>no exploration, just drops the buzzword like it's a profound statement
Back to r/ultraleft

Several of the tiktok users moving to xiauhongshu are seeing grocery haul videos and seeing the sheer disparity between what the average american can afford vs the sheer amount and high quality of food chinese citizens are getting.

Notice how they’re wearing traditional Uyghur clothing yet the BBC glowies are wearing Arabic clothing?

Clubs in Shanghai are a thousand times better than clubs in Fatland.
You can actually enjoy things there because drunktards get kicked out really fast. Everything is clean and they make sure they enforce the rules. On top of that, alcohol is super cheap and they give it to you for free when you are new.

Yeah, the US has lost their zoomers, flawless Chinese cultural victory. Is this a reverse scenario compared to the Cold War where Soviet citizens were amazed by all the consumer items that were available to everybody in the West?

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vids pls

It looks like capitalism under Trump

The century of the treatler is over, now is the century of the commsumer

Are seppocentrists getting perspective'd on lil red book yet?

That was only ever true for a fraction of the population - unfortunately, that fraction controlled the media. Actual Russian saboteurs.

so is /leftypol/ gonna start promoting on rednote?

I think that would probably get you banned, since as far as I know you can't access leftypol in China. VPN use is common and the prohibition on it is rarely enforced, but if you start promoting a website you need VPN to access to a Chinese audience on a Chinese social media app, those posts would likely get removed eventually. Worth a shot though.

What if we banked on the rise of surfing and promoted sites that linked to here, or are within a few links of here so people are likely to stumble upon it. This way we're not directly promoting a banned site.

Why? What are they going to learn about English-speaking leftists that they didn't already know?

It would be great to have more Chinese anons on here. Love our China anon.

You are forgetting 1920-30-40-50s when entire Western population was straight up simping for USSR despite the pro-capitalist propaganda blaring from every horn. All China has to do is to keep killing Khruschevs

What's been going on with russia and china lately that's got so many artists drawing them kissing?

When I was in China, a taxi driver was watching a douyin stream on his iPad that talked about tensions between Russia and China over something something Tibet. I have no idea what the context was there but it was weird.

Based tbh. I saw western leftist accounts on X doing the standard thing of
>Erm Ackshually xiaohongshu is for the RICH KIDS in China, you should be looking at kuaishou for content made outside the privileged cities!
which is just an attempt at poverty fetishism which isn't the point of Marxism.

>I think that would probably get you banned, since as far as I know you can't access leftypol in China.
Why would you lie tho

Huh interesting. I thought I read our dear China anon say he used VPN to access the site. That's awesome then.

>as far as I know you can't access leftypol in China
you know wrong

I said this website can be directly accessed.

I guess shit like cherrypicking photos and putting grey filters over them really works, on a mass scale.

Does anyone take these faux-smug tick-tock weirdo's seriously? They all seem like a bunch of friendless losers trying desperately to find connection through projecting what they seen in shitty burger movies as the personalities of extroverts.
The lack of real irl human interaction you can almost see emanating in waves from any such tick tock video posted at random.

It's quite funny seeing westerners (primarily Americans) seething over this revelation, by suggesting these cities are only covering up the "third world-tier" rural China which ackshually proves China isn't ever going to surpass the US as a power.

><Closely unite around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core and strive to achieve great victories in building socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.
The average american primarily never thinks about anything outside of their borders.
Everything being a 'shithole' outside of them is a given, no photos in gray needed either. it has to be to justify the way they live.

the opposite works as well

there's no more street food and chinese people in shanghai after 2015?

War is coming and the effectiveness of the rest of the belt and road is put in question by US-backed regime change in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Syria, etc. Artists don't live in a vacuum and pick up vibe shifts from the government.

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I went on RedNote and I found out the chinese are as liberal and nationalistic as americans.

blatantly false

How exactly?

What kind of faggot thinks that other nationalities are some kind of enlightened pure people. Other nationalities are much worse than americans when it comes to racism and nationalism.

>saw western leftist accounts on X

it's xitter, chud

>Other nationalities are much worse than americans when it comes to racism and nationalism.

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>Other nationalities are much worse than americans when it comes to racism and nationalism.

>when America loses the economic and geopolitical battle to China we'll still have our cultural superiority!
<the cultural superiority in question

Yeah people that show their face tend to be like that. They see their face as a brand and flandarize themselves to be marketable.
Under communism everyone will be required to make a fursona.

I am directly accessing leftypol, xiaohongshu was known for overseas Chinese users thus requires no VPN to access from outside China
It does not allow links or qr codes

why are you such a whiny loser? take the stick out of your ass and think for a second that maybe it would be nice to encourage a more international, less monolingual /leftypol/. i would rather this site be less anglo world focused to improve discussion and provide more perspectives and news from communists around the world and an influx of english speaker interest in chinese social media seems like a good opportunity for that. but maybe that would get in the way of you being an embittered demoralizer whose politics are mostly about complaining about le westoids

>Other nationalities are much worse than americans when it comes to racism and nationalism.
No, you have simply normalized/internalized American expressions of chauvinism over others expressions.

Why in 2025 even still engage the whiny looser(s) who build their (incredibly online) politics around resentment to western leftists?

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Only the red prince-dengist-upper class-caste-class collabussy is allowed to have bara husbandos cooking for them 😔

>i would rather this site be less anglo world focused to improve discussion and provide more perspectives and news from communists around the world and an influx of english speaker interest in chinese social media seems like a good opportunity for that
How is it that whenever something obviously and objectively good like this happens some dipshits come out of the woodwork to insist on why it actually doesn't matter or is bad?

Ask not what the Communists can learn but what the imperialists can learn. The imperialists and their ways must be exposed, mainly to themselves. The westoid tendency toward imperialist hubris demands correction. They must learn their place in geopolitic order, their dying order's place in history.

>why are you such a whiny loser?
Firstly, rude.
>i would rather this site be less anglo world focused to improve discussion and provide more perspectives and news from communists around the world
Yeah I understand that's the assumption that would be the result and I'd love for that to be true, but it's already obvious that a significant amount of people on leftypol don't want this and will endeavour to prevent this.
>but maybe that would get in the way of you being an embittered demoralizer whose politics are mostly about complaining about le westoids
No need for this, you're talking like a righteous cunt which is how I suspect westoids will talk to Chinese comrades if they were here in any appreciable number, so thanks for acting like a fucking stereotype while complaining about me jumping to conclusions based on stereotypes.

atrocious cooking skills

>you're talking like a righteous cunt which is how I suspect westoids will talk to Chinese comrades if they were here in any appreciable number
We have a Chinese comrade here and I've never seen anybody act like this towards him. On the contrary everybody seems to appreciate his input and his bringing a Chinese perspective firsthand.

saw a thread on XHS where an foreigner asked about the social credit system and the first reply was a mainlander saying how he was shot yesterday because it got too low hahaha I love that there's going to be a sizeable pool of Americans somewhat immunized to anti-China propaganda

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elders in Harbin

To be fair this thread is a lot more pro China and pro CPC than the rest of the board is.

I was talking about the board as a whole. People ITT sometimes get this weird idea that being skeptical of China's commitment to socialism or otherwise critical of the CPC automatically means a person is chauvinist towards Chinese people in general. Frankly it seems like cope to avoid having to engage with such criticism.

i apologize that i was so hostile, i misread your tone as suggesting that the only reason anyone would want a more international /leftypol/ is because arrogant westerners want to "teach" the rest of the world. that kind of cynical bitterness is a common sentiment on /leftypol/ so ironically i responded cynically and bitterly assuming thats what you were doing. sorry about that

>it's already obvious that a significant amount of people on leftypol don't want this and will endeavour to prevent [more international, less anglophone, less western centered userbase].

what makes you say this? the most engagement on here afaict comes from geopolitical discussion, and the various non-anglo threads we've had tend to get engagement and plenty of good faith curiosity from anglo posters. if thats not youre impression im open to hearing otherwise, but it seems to me that for an anonymous imageboard that does have plenty of shitposting and bait, /leftypol/ is largely respectful and encouraging in that regard

>Frankly it seems like cope to avoid having to engage with such criticism.
Sinophobia is very real obviously but some people here freak the fuck out whenever CPC policy is questioned at all and accuse you of wanting to genocide the third world

nice try hetero

If you think twink boywives are great just wait until you see a muscular service top who knows how to cook.

Because the criticisms always seem to take assertions about China made in the west, accepts them uncritically as true and then uses them to start denigrating MLs as "traitors to Marxism" or something like that, then immediately followed up with self-promotion about how their own politics never even had a revolution to betray and thus it's obviously the purest.

I'm all for discussions about the CPC, but the discussions to be had are inevitably very complex and requires a lot more analysis of the theory that underpins China and historical facts about socialist projects generally than
>China has billionaires, China has abandoned socialism, MLM wins.

>Because the criticisms always seem to take assertions about China made in the west, accepts them uncritically as true
Sometimes, but again I don't see how that translates to chauvinism against Chinese people in general. If somebody says some tired shit about suicide nets it's hardly an attack on Chinese people as a nation. It's essentially the same sort of criticism that you'd level at any government you consider bourgeois.
>accepts them uncritically as true and then uses them to start denigrating MLs as "traitors to Marxism"
A lot of anti-China people are hardline MLs who regard China as revisionist.

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>everything in China but Shanghai's high rises is gray filtered villages

>Sometimes, but again I don't see how that translates to chauvinism against Chinese people in general
Because you're not thinking of the next logical level of conversation which is "why haven't the Chinese themselves sussed out or care that China ain't communist" which invariably does end up with chauvinistic takes

>A lot of anti-China people are hardline MLs who regard China as revisionist

A lot more are ultras, it's less likely that MLs are going to condemn the "Dengism" of modern China so harshly because the NEP was based on similar evaluations about socialist development in a under developed nation.

It's more that people who frequent this thread get annoyed by the same tired assertions over and over.

>why haven't the Chinese themselves sussed out or care that China ain't communist
Usually the explanation is that they are propagandized, which isn't chauvinist if you believe that Westerners are equally propagandized. Alternatively they may argue that China's not being communist is an open secret and people just don't care for whatever reason. The point is that there is a clear tendency among some people to read chauvinism and even racial hatred into statements when there is none, since it makes those arguments easier to dismiss.
>it's less likely that MLs are going to condemn the "Dengism" of modern China so harshly because the NEP was based on similar evaluations about socialist development in a under developed nation
MLs are less likely to condemn it because being an ML is basically a precondition for believing China is socialist. So anybody who believes this will be an ML (or some rightoid seething about Chicoms), but not all MLs will believe it. The NEP comparison is a bad one anyways since it only lasted 7 years and wasn't still in place after the USSR industrialized. I've also met MLs who weren't supportive of the NEP anyways and consider it a right deviation that Stalin thankfully corrected.

>Yeah, the US has lost their zoomers, flawless Chinese cultural victory. Is this a reverse scenario compared to the Cold War where Soviet citizens were amazed by all the consumer items that were available to everybody in the West?
I've seen people in past incarnations of this thread say that soft power doesn't matter. I must say that with the impending TikTok ban and the migration to XHS, I must strongly disagree. We're seeing the rejection of the New Cold War against China.
>when America loses the economic and geopolitical battle to China we'll still have our cultural superiority!
Like Battlefield 2042 or Concord?

I don't think you get that leftcoms in general have no opinion on China. They don't care about China. China is a fact and that's that. They're just against non-sensical fanboying over a state that itself claims it still has not reached the lower phase of communism. Like, you implicitly operate on an very retarded understanding what constitutes 'good' and 'bad' (and why are you even operating in this dumb moral framework? fukken bukharin was the ideolouge of nepism you iliterate cunt)

The chauvinism is in claiming that without a doubt China is not a socialist nation and the people who reside here ought to agree and act accordingly. Chinese acceptance of the CPC being due to them being bought off with iPhone or successfully propagandised by just having a couple of Hammer and Sickles performatively displayed in government buildings is absolutely chauvinism.

>NEP bad comparison because Stalin chose to replace it

And Deng brought it back, it's not a invalid idea just because Stalin decided on a different and also valid model for development.

>Chinese acceptance of the CPC being due to them being bought off with iPhone or successfully propagandised by just having a couple of Hammer and Sickles performatively displayed in government buildings is absolutely chauvinism.
I fail to see how that's chauvinism when these same people will typically say the exact same things about Westerners, just with hammers and sickles swapped out with freedom and democracy.

The difference is that there is no question that the west has no Marxist parties in power and that the vast majority of proletarians are not yet class conscious enough yet to change that. Claiming that definitely, 100%, China is not governed by an ackshually communist party and then projecting contemporary western conditions onto China to explain why most Chinese proletarians support their party even though leftcom ultra dude thinks Xi is redfash, is chauvinism because it's an assumption that what applies to *us* can "obviously" apply to people on the other side of the world with very different conditions and histories to us.

>is chauvinism because it's an assumption that what applies to *us* can "obviously" apply to people on the other side of the world with very different conditions and histories to us
It's chauvinism to treat the people of another country the same way you treat your own? Sorta sounds like the opposite of chauvinism to me.

It's chauvinism to express disbelief that *China* is further along than us towards socialism and needing to negate their achievements and disparage their population by which they're as "bad" as we are, entirely so we needn't agree they're doing better than we are and thus we avoid needing to listen and learn from non-westerners (yuck).

Domestic terrorism in China, is it a thing (excluding Tibetan and East Turkestan separatist groups)? It baffles me that a state as large as China, a state with a history of some of the most violent internal conflict (GPCR), a state whose motto used to be "It is right to rebel", and having degenerated so far from the line which thousands died for, would not have any major terrorist groups within its borders. Is there really no anti-Dengist Maoist groups that exploded a bomb or two in Tienanmen Square? Is this just a case of the revolution not being televised?

Sorry m8 but I don't see how it's chauvinism to view Chinese and Westerners as being in the same boat vis a vis their own governments and bourgeoisie. Chauvinism is by definition the belief in the inferiority of another group, not seeing them as equal.

Not when you're trying to downplay another group's achievements to where "everyone sucks" and in exactly the same way. Like, are you just doing your standard sabo thing here of just trying to be Leftypol's drummer here where you're the voice of reason between the vocalist and guitarist? Or can you actually unironically not see that chauvinism isn't just the self-promotion of superiority, but also the refusal to even entertain that someone else *might* be superior in some regard, especially in the sense of "they couldn't be further than us, we're all the same with the same conditions and everything so if *we* can't do a communism then surely they couldn't either, billionaire prove that fact, case closed, stop simping for the CPC"

Why would there be? People are happy and optimistic. Terrorism is actually an unusual phenomena

Is it possible to think China is not socialist without being a chauvinist

Facts that Westoid posters learned me about China

1. China is behind the Palestine genocide because China is trading the shit out of Israel
2. China is the ally of the USA, he is the no.1 reason why USSR fall
3. China is commodity production, nothing to do with socialism
4. China is the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, proletarian voices get crushed, the CPC = party of bourgeois
5. China is imperialist: him enslave Africa and LatAm
6. China is anti-lgbtqia, fascistic, chauvinistic, and genocidal against yoghurts

thank you for learning me so much facts about China, westoid posters

can you fuck your mothers and be ignorant and arrogant assholes somewhere else? thx

Probably, but it'd be difficult for people who've neither had a revolution nor had to navigate socialist construction to make such a confident conclusion, based on generalisations like China being identical to the west and thus the same criticisms made about western markets and capitalism can be mindlessly applied exactly to China's market and state capitalism, Chinese class consciousness is the same as the west's level of class consciousness and that's why their proletariat is supposedly as accepting of capitalism as the average western proletarian.

As a critique, it's just a disrespectful level of disinterest in what they're choosing to critique and, yes, that's because of chauvinism.

They are as apathetic as the rest of the world. Why do people think China is some kind of alien world different from the rest of Earth?

>Or can you actually unironically not see that chauvinism isn't just the self-promotion of superiority, but also the refusal to even entertain that someone else *might* be superior in some regard, especially in the sense of "they couldn't be further than us
Who says that they are refusing to entertain it? What if they entertain it, investigate it, and then come to that conclusion? It really sounds like you're assuming the presence of chauvinism and that this is motivating their conclusions that China is not socialist, as if this is the only reason anybody could have to think that way. As if nobody could ever come to that conclusion through just observing the relations of production which prevail in China. What if somebody says that the DPRK is socialist but China is not, as many hardline MLs do? In that case they clearly have no issue admitting that others are ahead of the West in social development.

There is some subtractive censorship but generally no, things are chill over there. When there's nothing to rebel against there's no reason to rebel, it ceases to be rebellion to do so, but futile attempts to retvrn. China has done great work in ending patriarchy in it's borders, chinese people are getting more used to working allongside proles of other races, queer people are still struggling but there fs a clear sense things have improved for them while the world outside china gets worse for them, etc… so all the idpol reasons have been quenched.

The DPRK is a small nation fighting for it's survival, it's not likely to damage the egos of the western chauvinists. But looks, I've explained over and over that worthwhile and effortful critiques are fine, but assertions that one can critique China because they understand the west is chauvinism. Arguing that China isn't socialist because its development hasn't reached it's conclusion yet and therefore it never will, fine, that's merely just overzealous with wanting to write off China's project and probably is out of a chauvinistic desire to not see China succeed and that's the cope, but strictly speaking it wouldn't be an intrinsically chauvinistic critique, just a pointless one.

But there, is that enough of a compromise? Will you stop repeatedly replying to the effect of
>Hmm nah I'm not convinced, I think you just WANT to see chauvinism in westoids presuming to school China on socialism from a position of little success

>>2113997 (me)
And honestly the more I look into it through xhs queer people may have it better in china than most places. Main issue seems to be laws about discrimination towards them are binarized, but that's gonna improve soon.

>There is nothing to rebel against
So that's it? The Chinese people are so contented with their corporatist economy, their quality of life, that it doesn't occur to them they should be mad they are slaves? That's a depressing thought and shows that China desperately needs Proletarian Violence badly. It is imperative to the development of Socialism that the stable capitalism of China shows that it can falter and fall.

If you were right about it being stable capitalism, then It would fall on it's own eventually. Things are clearly improving, things don't tend to improve under capitalism.

It's funny that Saboflair up there is arguing that "actually, no chauvinism"
And then there's this guy, >>2114074 making these sorts of presumptive statements.
>The Chinese people are so contented with their corporatist economy, their quality of life, that it doesn't occur to them they should be mad they are slaves? That's a depressing thought and shows that China desperately needs Proletarian Violence badly.
Couple of things:
1. Right back at you that Western people are so contented with the everything that they can't even be bothered to fight against their genocide-supporting governments.
2. You couldn't even be bothered to like, look it up? Yeah I get that half the examples on the page are glowops, but the other half ain't, protest and dissent in the PRC is alive and well,

sorelianite begone. china rn is at worst a peacefully developing social-democracy and that is far better than the circumstances in most of the world

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>Is there really no anti-Dengist Maoist groups that exploded a bomb or two in Tienanmen Square?
I'd have to check the Little Red Book app but all I'm coming up with is this

>Why would there be? People are happy and optimistic.
Chinese people can wild out. Social media is crazy (in a good way) when people get mad, you'll see comments about killing the rich and beating the cops to death when they do something they don't like (this is from the other day, people beating up an undercover cop at a protest against the police, apparently for covering up a child homicide).

Fair, but I would consider this actually a sign of a healthy-ish society rather than a diseased one as random terrorism would imply

Holy shit based

>protests in China
protests aren't terrorism, and besides most of these are about local governing issues rather than broad ideological opposition to the Chinese state.
>Right back at you that Western people are so contented with the everything that they can't even be bothered to fight against their genocide-supporting governments.
There is far more terrorism in the US than in China, a CEO was murdered on the streets last month and there have been 2 assassination attempts recently against the president-elect
>china rn is at worst a peacefully developing social-democracy
a peacefully developing social-democracy IS the worst circumstance possible, there is in fact no government system more abhorrently evil than a peacefully developing social-democracy

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Well I think Chinese can just be hard as nails when they want to be. More details on that – a student from Shaanxi died from a fall after being bullied. Cops arrested the dead student's uncle, then it kicked off. Tens of thousands of people showed up to demand the cops let the uncle go, who stonewalled the protesters on investigating the student's death. Then it got bloody with the cops, crowd sent the school principal home in an ambulance, then stormed the school and got the security camera footage the cops said didn't exist. I like the part where a cop with a riot shield squared up on a dude who just punched him in the face.

>It's funny that Saboflair up there is arguing that "actually, no chauvinism"
All I said was that criticism of China or thinking they aren't socialist isn't chauvinist in and of itself. I didn't say that there aren't people who hold that view and are also actually chauvinist. The issue is that people will very lazily project the worst characteristics they can think of onto good faith criticism which isn't chauvinist as a way to avoid engaging with it.

Holy fuck, REDnote is BASED.

>TikTok ban
<Douyin is now global


noooo please integrate central asia into the greater chinese co-prosperity sphere I don't want to remain in this fake-ass petrostate

Co-Prosperity Sphere (but it lives up the title)

I've been thinking of how hysterical it is to insist China is "collapsing" because people with degrees are working "ordinary" jobs. It reveals this elitist attitude of certain westerners where they think just because you have a degree you're above the "uneducated" "masses" and not being an investment banker/professor/manager means you've "lost"
It's this obsession with being denied the privilege of working a prestigious job.
Meanwhile I bet in the 1920s USSR if you told people about a bus driver being able to afford studying philosophy (without going into crippling debt) it would have been considered a success of the socialist system.

>queer people
Speaking of which, it wasn't long before I was recommended lgbt/light Yaoi stuff on RedNote so much for "the PRC is traditionalist" and "homosexuality is bourgeois"

like, isn't that the whole point of socialism as per marx n shit

fish in the morning, philosophize at noon, do physics in the evening

>China claims to have a socialist government but I think they're liars, I already know they've abandoned Marxism long ago because they still have commodity production, when, aha, I think they're developed enough
<Source: me, because I'm very knowledgeable about the west
"Good faith"

There's still gay porn on Elon's app so what's your point?

That's fine if you want to write China off because they aren't socialist enough for you yet, but you're doing that with a complete lack of intellectual curiosity, probably out of a chauvinistic belief that westoids could do better, y'know, given the chance.

Not that quickly obviously, no, probably another 25 years or so

>imperialist post
Fuck off, Han.

China has gotten so good at copying American capitalist slop. Almost makes me think that this isn't a transition state anymore.

If you could cease your debate addiction and idpol addiction, you would see that I'm say that china has, in persuit of unified proletarian solidarity, addressed issues that effect specific parts of the proletariat efficiently, unlike bourgoise states where keeping these issues is a goal such that the broletariat cannot act as one.
(you) are the liberal here.

It's 80% shilling for useless products and 20% memes. This is prime mental slop to keep the cattle sated. Just because it's Chinese, it doesn't make it less bad.

It does at the very least build the soft power within the US that people are always worried is undermining China with this integration of consumer cultures, as though obviously Mickey Mouse trumps Genshin Impact (for some reason that I can't be bothered to keep arguing about), but what is the alternative? Permanent, global cultural revolution where China charges the rednote brigades to attack cringe and slop wherever it is found on the internet?

It's mostly art tutorials on my end

Actually yeah. Isn't that the point? Slop is a tool used by westoid capitalists to mentally neuter the cattle. We can't advance societal progress if all people care about is whether or not the new genshin character is worth it or not.

Slop is a constant in human society. Before any computers, there were poorly written entirely forgettable but hugely popular books about love and shit. And before that, say, in Rome or Greece, it was theaters and sports.

Just grow a thicker skin, boomer

Thank you. I'm tired of most political commentary always focusing on the media formats as the source of discussion

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which one of you taught them that :)

okay this "meme" has actually been brought over by people who frequently visit Western websites for quite some time now

>broad ideological opposition to the Chinese state.
Can you explain why Chinese people should have "broad ideological opposition to the Chinese state"?
>a CEO was murdered on the streets last month
So its better for regular people to do it, not for the government to execute billionaires and CEOs? Why?
>there is in fact no government system more abhorrently evil than a peacefully developing social-democracy
>I didn't say that there aren't people who hold that view and are also actually chauvinist
No you didn't, I just think its too damn funny that you try to have it one way and then reality quickly asserts itself the other way.
Happens a lot with you.
>good faith criticism
I'm pretty sure I've said this before, but a lot of this "good faith criticism", no matter how well-intentioned, will always be in vain, and I consider it the height of arrogance to constantly pontificate about "critical support" on the internet. /leftypol/ is already a niche-as fuck community. Who are the ones who REALLY need to read the giant walls of text that get posted? Not me, not you either I'm guessing. Does anyone here genuinely thinks CPC cadres are reading any of this?

The difference is Xitter allows that type of content. Now the stuff I saw isn't against the guidelines afaik but its a long way off from "The PRC is traditionalist" (In the burger evangelical sense) that some people argue (Including a certain someone covered by ordinance 1).
Not a complaint, I'm pleasantly surprised really.

This rednote thingy must make you seethe hard now that you’re back one-liner kun.

>I'm pretty sure I've said this before, but a lot of this "good faith criticism", no matter how well-intentioned, will always be in vain
Sabo cat has also made this point before, but from the angle of it being fine if leftypol is flooded with CNN-tier takes on China because it's a niche imageboard that will never have an impact on the real world, so people should just get over thinking "critical support" for China is a thing and just let the people constantly seething about the CPC speak freely.

Which, tbh, I'm not having this discussion out of some idea that by calling out chauvinism I'm helping China in any material or idealistic sense, I just think if we are going to critique China, it has to go beyond this very basic level of asserting that CNN is correct and China is simply capitalist AND hypocritical as well, I.e worse idealistically than the west, while being materially identical. It's just a boring and overly simplistic point to make that does just end up with that side saying
>Wah you can't claim my authoritative talking about a project I have no interest in is rooting in chauvinism
>I think you just don't understand that when I'm criticising the CPC at every opportunity, it's because *I don't care* about China in the way people arguing with me do
>Simping for China won't have any impact on China y'know so stop being a tryhard debate bro
And so on and so forth

My man, post-ww2 europe and america would love to disagree

It was already on bilibili and localized on telegram, but alt righters are also coming to xiaohongshu with their hyperborean memes
For example this ID palladiooalgo

Why do you hate China?

>Can you explain why Chinese people should have "broad ideological opposition to the Chinese state"?
They are slaves under a capitalist system
>So its better for regular people to do it, not for the government to execute billionaires and CEOs? Why?
I didn't say it necessarily was, I was simply using it as an example of American opposition to their ruling class in contrast to Chinese. For the record though, the fact that their is billionaries in China in the first place TO execute reflects highly on the character of that state.

"We must not always attach too much importance to violent attacks on the bourgeoisie; they may be motivated by the desire to reform and perfect capitalism." G.S.
It is a dictatorship of incapacity, it inculcates a condition of decadence into both classes by which they lose all class energy, it is a circumstance in which a ruling class of philanthropic politicians control a mass lost in hedonistic self-gratification. Read Reflections on Violence.

New thread where?


"""">Can you explain why Chinese people should have "broad ideological opposition to the Chinese state"?
They are slaves under a capitalist system""""

I think the better question is can you explain how you actually know that? Feels like you're just making shit up

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