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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Well, the late 2000s and early 2010s were fun. We got the first black President, LGBTQ+ rights, the decline of the religious right, and through the power of the internet, we were starting to flirt with things like socialism and sex positivity. Then gamergate happened, the Nazis went online, the Bernie campaign was squelched out by the DNC, and Trump won (the first time) on a platform of racism and xenophobia.

We had a brief respite during Trump’s first term because he caused such a personal backlash and the Nazis overreached badly with Charlottesville, as well as the mass outrage at the murder of George Floyd, but COVID and the rapid capture of online media by right wingers led to a deep hollowing out and atomization of our society, especially through the subtle diffusion of reactionary ways of thinking even through ostensibly “apolitical” or even “progressive” sources.

Paranoia and xenophobia run rampant, everyone is extremely selfish and has no interest in helping anyone but themselves and those like them, Puritanism (both broader sex negativity and especially transphobia) is the norm again because ppl are being taught to view everything around them as a threat to themselves and/or society and the right (as well as parts of the left, I’m looking at you, radfems) figured out how to do social conservatism without overtly religious messaging, dating discourse is mind-bendingly essentialist, misogynistic, and reactionary now (redpill talking points are mainstream even with many women, slut shaming is back with a vengeance, any men who don’t fit the old-school stoic provider role are shamed as failures, body positivity has been more or less tossed entirely even by many progressives, people talk about “hookup culture” and porn like medieval peasants talked about witches, completely innocuous things are “red flags” and “icks” now, the whole “tradwife” thing, etc).

It feels like the pendulum swung back at least 15 years on almost every single facet of society and I don’t know how long this is gonna last or how we get out of this. Why did this have to happen while I was supposed to be living my peak life in my early-mid 20s smh

This is gonna be a loooooong decade, folks(14g)
68 posts and 11 image replies omitted.

Every westward movement of the Wehrmacht was progressive.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

>Most people barely knew what trans people were before like 2014.
You're telling on yourself.
Please stay in your containment thread, burgerboy.

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>People don't want to recognize this but advocation for gay marriage was a bourgeois perversion (marriage should have no legal significance and not be considered more than a religious ritual) of the demand for equivalent legal recognition.
It's a bourgeois "perversion" in the sense that it's really to guarantee property rights and inherting assets when one half of the couple dies. But, my attitude is, like, hate the game not the player.

Trans panic is starting to get worse though. I went camping with so.me friends, tech bro types, and one brought up how his of from eastern europe was a based tradcath. Then they said that trans people should be killed in the street and they all agreed. It was surreal the conversation came out of nowhere

This is also the reason you see these banks at Pride parades BTW. Because a young couple attending it might remember that the LGBT-affirming financial conglomerate was there, and so that's where they'll go when they settle down and apply for a loan to buy a house. There's a material reason here why banks do this. More same-sex marriages = more loans. Good for banks.

Religion is a bunch of nonsense. All this stuff about the "sanctity of marriage" was to pretty up and obscure what is fundamentally a property relation, which should be the focus of the attack. Anons here though see people parading down the street demanding "exploit me!" to their capitalist overlords and are appalled that LGBTs are doing that, and that is what they're doing, but you thick-headed reactionary socialists are a bunch of hypocrites – in a capitalist economy, it's better to be exploited than to not be exploited, because if you're not being exploited then it's because you're not worth exploiting and are being left to die from AIDS or fentanyl.

My point was made from within the frame of popular politics, i.e. bourgeois ideology. I don't think communists should affirm those notions, instead denying outright the validity of marriage in general. Communists in the west should present their own (non-hysterical, non-liberal, non-culture war) understanding of these things and put in every effort to shake off the associations with progressive liberalism.

The Wehrmacht, world's benelovent progressive internationalists, intervening in France after the exclusion of SFIO and PCF from the popular front!! XD

Being the same age and from the same country as OP, I've come to believe that we are basically like monkeys at this point. Trump knew how to appeal to people's anger, that's how he was able to win both times. The anti-woke panic and inflation just gave him an extra edge the second time around.

Pretending to have the moral high ground didn't work either time. Especially when there's no real opposition on the issues that matter. If the only opposing party can't bring their A-game to the fold, nobody in our political establishment will.

The only answer to a corrupt system is to stop preserving the corrupt system.

The funny thing is, he probably isn't gonna do anything different from what Obama or Biden did.


Keep in mind that Trump barely scraped by with a win overall. It is not as much of a landslide as the chudoids make it out to be. Most people in the US simply. Did not give a shit. At all. For varying reasons. The US 'becoming chudified' is a myth they believe and want you to believe too, desperately.

Given him choosing dingbats, wrestling CEOS and other satanic characters for his cabinet, most of this is going to be just pageantry. Trump did not solve any of the US' ailments his first term, more so trying to put out fires he helped start. I have no reason to believe this won't be the same, if not even worse for him and his base. The movement is already falling apart, in real time, right before our very eyes.

That healthcare CEO fuck getting blasted in the streets has united the US more than he has, or could hope to. And on the topic of healthcare, there's a post in /siberia/ somewhere about how transphobia is being uniquely weaponized as the bugbear issue today because of the interaction between it and our health system. Pretty neat read, though I'm not sure how true it could be. While Trump's term could definitely be damaging towards LGBT rights, these issues kinda burn bright and fast. They aren't actually going to help anyone, or solve issues that are affecting people in tangible ways. They can get their gay little bathroom bills but nobody is actually going to enforce something like that.

Anyway OP don't let it break your spirit, look for mutual aid, groups in your area, ect. If anything you should take away from Trump's victory, is that how ineffectual the US government is at actually helping people.

This is somewhat of an aside, but something I've always found interesting about Trump is that he's relatively progressive when it comes to the the LGB side of the LGBT spectrum.

>It takes two to tango!
Except progressivism became an established ideology entrenched everywhere from media and academia to corporate culture. Anti-wokeism is just an explicitly political rebellion against the new dominant culture that isn't united by anything concrete. It might became a new dominant culture just like progressivism originated from anti-Bush liberalism, but I'm very skeptical. I don't see the institutions for it yet or how it will materialize into anything concrete. Trump is forced to do retarded stunts like talking about annexing Canada to get people hyped. I think things will play out the same way Musk restructured Twitter. He fired the people responsible protecting the precious minorities and didn't touch anything else. Media will probably be more depoliticized and not Christian fundamentalist something similarly crazy. If any form of mass politics return after this, it will be purely anti-systemic as in against the two-party system.

Sex positivity, drug liberalization, body positivity, anti-nationalism, and anti-conformity is why the libs lost
Even china knows drugs are le bad and gay marriage is le cringe and nationalism and obeying the law is le good
The biggest strength the libs have is higher education and pro-immigration stances

> I have no reason to believe this won't be the same, if not even worse for him and his base. The movement is already falling apart, in real time, right before our very eyes.
Musk already distracted the right with the "Grooming gang" problem

I don't because my country always votes liberal, like canada but less retarded

This is an ideology that lack any direct economic justification. Why don't banks organise processions too? I'm pretty sure there are just as many hardcore Christians as there are LGTBs. The best thing that could have happened to the latter group is to have capital drop their "support". Hopefully people will forget this time period and not do something terrible to them when the real revolution comes.

Ownership of your own MoP you use or living necessities is a good thing. It's sometimes even better than state ownership because it creates a base that can't be betrayed by traitorous bureacrats like in the USSR. It's sad how so many leftists become ultra-progressives in terms of familial or sexual relations when big capital is saying the same thing and trying to capture and commodify it along with the underlying economic and property relations. No, the end result won't be Ultra FALC with 0-24 orgies (maybe for the 1% lol), it will be the same shit but slightly worse because you have given over another previously sacred thing to capital for nothing in return and then you will have to fight tooth and nail to get it back when you can't even get free healthcare.

You will own nothing and be happy - Karl Marx, probably.
This is where conservatives are right that liberals and communists are the same.

>muh pendulum
For a seemingly radical board, you guys do not really get it do you. Their is no pendulum, and their is no backlash. None of this is organic. Their is just media narratives and psyops. From the 1990s on words social liberalism was pushed because it was useful to Porky, free trade, guest workers, all of this stuff was useful to Porky for a time because it allowed the expansion of markets. Porky is now shifting things over to the right because they need nationalism and patriotism in order to motivate uneducated prols to enlist for WW3. All of this shift towards the right is completely fake and inorgnaic, its being done from the top down in preparation from ww3. That's all it is. The USian empire is currently threatened by the Beijing-Moscow alliance and wants to start a third world war to destroy China and Russia before they overtake NATO in military hard power.

>It’s just getting ready for World War III bruv, stop worrying, it’s not that deep bro it’s just billions of dead proletarians bro just stop thinking about it billions of proles dead and a global conflagration is basically the 2010s anyway all I have to say is kill proles, kill proles, kill proles

so whats the point of all the macho shit, to prepare the country for war? bush era 2.0?

This is exactly what the elite wants you to feel like.
If WWIII happens, it will be more a self-fulfilling prophecy

>stop worrying
Where did I say that, if anyhting this is much more worrysome.
>so whats the point of all the macho shit, to prepare the country for war?
Yes, it is to boost enlistment rates. The US military has a shortage of people willing to enlist, glowies are trying to spin up the propaganda machine to change that. This is why social media and MSM are all of a sudden promoting "the right"

yeah but a ton of young men are voting for the right because they think the dems will send them to die in ukraine

liberals lost because liberals won.
It’s all liberalism, top to bottom

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>This is somewhat of an aside, but something I've always found interesting about Trump is that he's relatively progressive when it comes to the the LGB side of the LGBT spectrum.
You picked up on this. Trump's introduction to Republican Party politics at CPAC was organized by GOProud, a group of gay Republicans, for precisely that reason. The 2016 election year was also interesting because Peter Thiel was up on stage at the convention saying he was proud to be gay (and a Republican). Milo Yiannopoulos was also turning into a celebrity and was performing drag shows to college Republican groups, but I think he was a bit too degenerate even for them so he didn't last much longer beyond the election as a quantity. There wasn't as much of it last year, but I did remember Joe Rogan and J.D. Vance talking about how they'd win the "normal gay guy vote."

>This is an ideology that lack any direct economic justification.
Where do ideas come from? Some God in the sky? When I look up, I don't see one. If these things seem like they lack an economic justification, then you haven't looked deeply enough at the underlying economic logic. But when I say that, it's not to look uncritically at the supremacy of economics, or the dependency (which might be a better word than justification) on a material substructure, or that such categories would/should structure a non-capitalist society.

>Why don't banks organise processions too? I'm pretty sure there are just as many hardcore Christians as there are LGTBs.

Maybe not processions (just curious, do you live in a heavily Catholic country?) but banks in America sponsor religious events all the time. They're always partnering with these televangelists on "philanthropic" endeavors and "community outreach" programs "to benefit local communities." In addition to providing financing for everything they do. But people don't think much of it. But that's what religion is now, it's another business.

>It's sad how so many leftists become ultra-progressives in terms of familial or sexual relations when big capital is saying the same thing and trying to capture and commodify it along with the underlying economic and property relations.

It's goofy-ass cartoon Marxism to assume the existence of a politically unified capitalist class, which is actually a fragile and arduous achievement even within a single nation-state, to say nothing across nations. "Big capital is saying…" but which capital? Capitalists have different interests, and capitalism as a whole has contradictory tendencies.

An example of how that relates to LGBTs, I think it's pretty simple. I may be gay, but I really have the industrial revolution to thank for that. That has freed people up (along with urbanization, modernization) to live more autonomous sexual lives. But the "family" is still important for acquiring and dividing private property contributing to the reproduction of class society, and so there was a contradiction which was resolved, dialectically within capitalism, by same-sex marriage and the embourgeoisement of same-sex life. Strictly speaking, however, "the family" does not exist.

>so whats the point of all the macho shit, to prepare the country for war? bush era 2.0?
If you listen to Palantir CEO Alex Karp's interviews, he can sound like that. He describes wokeness as the biggest threat to "our way of life" as it's undermining America's ability to wage wars against ruthless and amoral enemies in the world, and things being as they are, America must be at least as ruthless and amoral as them, so they'll be afraid. At the same time, I think he thinks of himself as a "progressive" guy and probably sees macho gays as compatible with that project, but it's hardly like there are any real monarchists left either.

>yeah but a ton of young men are voting for the right because they think the dems will send them to die in ukraine
If young men voted for Bernie instead, would that stop the build-up towards war? Think of the social democrats who wonder why electing AOC doesn't change anything. It's because the legislature, or even who the president is, is not the only institution in society as a source of power. There's a lot of other stuff from educational institutions, communications / media, corporate offices, factories, business associations and assorted lobby groups, the military etc., which altogether amounts to a hegemonic structure of power by some social blocs over others. I'm not saying don't vote actually and that it doesn't matter, but people can become too fixated on elections, so everything else is secondary, as if power exists in a relationship in a symmetrical way between the population and who is sitting in the White House or Congress. I just wouldn't stake everything on it, is all.

>Where do ideas come from? Some God in the sky? When I look up, I don't see one
That is a very simple view of God and a reddit-tier strawman

Here's an illustration of the French physicist Pierre-Simon Laplace responding to a question by his former student, Napoleon Bonaparte, while discussing new celestial mechanics models. Point being, he no longer needed the "hypothesis of God" as he referred to it in explaining how the world worked.

But left one other point out, I haven't looked that closely at it, but I'm pretty sure the way these banks sponsor religious events in the U.S. is in the same way they do with LGBT organizations through specifically designed "charitable and non-profit organization" accounts and structures. Same template.

Young men aren't voting right by majority. That's scare tactic by radlibs

So we've looped back around to using 2007 Reddit speak unironically? Oh spare me please!
>and gay marriage is le cringe
Gay marriage is generally a "settled issue" by this point, and the Republican party has become significantly more socially liberal on the issue, even, and I'd actually say especially, over the course of Trump's presidency.

People act as if he won by a fucking landslide because everyone is hysterical nowadays, but I can assure you that what happened this election with Trump is not at all out of the ordinary.

>muh pendulum
>nowhere is voting implied, nowhere is reformism implied, nowhere is class war denied

Nobody voted over fucking Cuckraine bro

They are getting drafted regardless of who won the election last year, hopefully now people will learn that politics doesn't end at the ballot box.

i ❤️ materialist analysis

Majority don't vote they fairly consistently call themselves conservatives anyways
That being said it's just because they have a good "Vibe", on actual values they tend to be pro socially liberal outside of hating trans and even then they don't hate trans that much.

Bro is actually 15 years old

Maybe he's actually thirteen for the third time in his lifespan?

Libs are anything but sex positive or drug liberalisation, or anti-conformist.
They criminalize male youth sexuality, they get pissy at minorities who reject Democrats and Republicans, they don't like weed all that much either.

Rent free

kill yourself virgin

Mad how the same people who decry transexuals then pay part of their wage for their pornography

It's almost as if some deep function of psychological repression is at play. Maybe if they all started wearing matching outfits and got really buff…

>none of this got anything to do with socialism, communism, class struggle or anything, but commies are team lefty so
Those moronic issues are for the most part a lot more popular in Western societies than communism. There are way more people in the U.S. who are 100% pro-trans rights than pro-communism. A trans woman got elected to Congress last year, no communists did though. If you take people who call themselves communists, you're talking about a very small subculture relative to the wider society in most Western countries.

Main thing is that not being perceived as too liberal probably won't actually help communists. It's a more fundamental problem in that people simply don't agree with communism. Communists are not even viewed as particularly threatening either (like white power Nazis can be) but goofy-ass cosplaying cartoon characters and working up in a froth about trans people does not change that.

>sex positivity
Not leftism

Trans issues were not brought up. He’s discussing liberalism in general. The Communist Party of China supports trans rights by the way.

Virgin with rage

go die in a trench in kursk retard

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>drugs are le bad
The majority of Americans are for drug liberalization
>gay marriage is le cringe
A supermajority of Americans are for gay marriage
>and nationalism and obeying the law is le good
I don't have any data on-hand for either of these, so the following is pretty much entirely anecdotal, but in my experience, most Americans are to some degree anti-authoritarian. Think about how many people who describe themselves as "patriots" also describe themselves as "rebels". But again, I don't have the data to back this up, so meh.

Overall, I think you're a fucking retard who thinks that vibes alone are in any way meaningful.

It's basic psychology, fear turns to hate, hate turns into horny.


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>There wasn't as much of it last year, but I did remember Joe Rogan and J.D. Vance talking about how they'd win the "normal gay guy vote."

As a personal anecdote a (distant) friend of my partner's ended up falling into this, kept yapping about the LGB movement and claiming that he was voting for trump to save the economy, blah blah. He himself is gay. Last I heard he was regretting it because of him learning how tariffs work. The effort against trans people has definitely worked to break up what would otherwise be a pretty uniform contingent against the right.

>Sex positivity, drug liberalization, body positivity, anti-nationalism, and anti-conformity is why the libs lost
All of these things are popular except 'anti-nationalism', which honestly libs don't even do. Anything that approaches it is framed as a desire to improve things, make the great nation even greater despite our flaws, ect.

>It's sad how so many leftists become ultra-progressives in terms of familial or sexual relations when big capital is saying the same thing
Read the Manifesto. Family abolition has always been part of Communism and capitalism itself destroyed the "traditional" family conservatives all want to go back to.
>given over another previously sacred thing to capital for nothing in return
Read the Manifesto. Destroying "previously sacred things" is one of the progressive functions of capitalism. Nothing is sacred you fucking larper.

What’s with you nighas and tailing fascists this fucking hard?
You could actually read Marx instead of quoting a rightoid meme like “You will own nothing”.
The very nature of Capital progressively abolish all those sentimental structures and values of the time before it and indeed, even its own earlier epochs, it is not on us to try return to a better, kinder, more traditional, more (etc) capitalism, but to transcend the relation altogether. The nuclear family, fyi, or anything known as a so-called “traditional family”, all were historical, not “traditional”, traditions as they are being historical artifacts; family structural and hegemonic sexual relations emerge dialectically, capitalists aren’t plotting the “destruction” of “the family”; capital is too anarchic for them to plan much of anything long term

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It's merely capital doing its balancing act between political/cultural legitimacy and/or economic profitability. If it puts your company in a better position to portray your hiring practices as highly biased towards race/gender instead of competency, you do it. If everybody adopts that practice then you are no longer unique, and the boons wear off: you are left with a talentless hacks who represent all the colours of the rainbow.

Idiot leftists and conservatives cheer whenever the pendulum swings in either direction, while the obvious constant is that capital can't overcome its own limitations and socially destructive behaviour that it pretends to solve with politically correct shit.

>It's sad how so many leftists become ultra-progressives in terms of familial or sexual relations when big capital is saying the same thing
Bro is actually a contrarian to own the libs

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