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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Just taking a poll of the users here. There always seems to be contradictory feedback on whether the mods are too strict, too lenient, or too inconsistent. So I'd like to make an unofficial poll to judge the userbase's opinions on the issue - and yes, VPNs are banned.

survey link: https://strawpoll.com/NMnQNpDBBg6

Poll closes on 2024-01-19.

1. H*z is banned. Any mention of, depiction of, video, audio, or image (including memes) of, or related to, the individual known as Adam Tahir (more commonly known as Haz Al-Din), including associated projects such as the media collective "Infrared", or the US-based "American Communist Party" founded in 2024, etc. are BANNED.

2. No non O.C. Wojaks, Pepes, or Groypers. Any Wojaks, pepes, groypers, etc. which are not /leftypol/ original content are considered spam.

3. The Wojakifcation/wojak script is banned. This is a bit of javascript, commonly used on bunkerchan, which takes a post one is replying to and posts a greentext version of it in a pre-made wojak template, which is used as a reaction image.

4. 'Real Proletarian' rhetoric which implies a large percentage of wage workers are not proletarians is banned - per modocracy vote passed on 2024-12-25

5. For original posts outside of /siberia/, "coomer bait" images which are sexual, sexualizing, or appeal to the prurient interest in any way are BANNED and will be spoilered or removed. - per modocracy vote passed on 2025-01-02

6. Evading original post word minimum outside /siberia/ is BANNED. - per modocracy vote passed on 2025-01-02

7. Incel posts are banned site wide (i.e. incel talking points and making 9999 threads complaining about women, saying all women are bourgeoise/sluts/etc.) - per modocracy vote passed on 2025-01-02

8. "Feral" furry porn (i.e. drawn or cartoon pornography depicting a character that is a four-legged animal, or to a significant degree non-anthropomorphic) is BANNED, and will be spoilered or removed at the moderator's discretion - per modocracy vote passed on 2025-01-11

9. Climate change denial, especially to the extent of excessive doomerism and BP shill tier takes, is banned - per modocracy vote passed on 2025-01-11
121 posts and 8 image replies omitted.

rule 11 is a reddit rule ig you think abt it

>make voting process to see if the users think moderation is retarded
>the jannies manage to do it in the most stupid, vague and uninforming way possible
rlly makes you think


No. Stop looking for validation and clean the site up.
There are many reports pending, i am certain.

oben boll

the original poll is still open

i think there has been too much moderation for the last year or so

>lol mods have stopped treating leftypol like a childcare only this last week
from my perspective they basically abandoned the site after the crash, so very recently there hasn't been enough moderation

or rather they had been moderating opinions i like and agree with too much and opinions i dont like and disagree with not enough, letting socdems and groypers post freely and banning communist tendencies that differ from their personal opinion, resulting in a radlib hugbox with occasional nazis

>Not strict enough on reactionary shit especially the multipolarists, "not real prole" posters, and h-zoids.
if you ban those people as not real leftists then you would ban half the site

A slower but healthier site will grow healthier, and may become faster over time. We could overcome the current plateau if it was easier to reccomend the site to people that don't already know the haz situation and know those users don't represent the general userbase.
The site would probably be pretty fast as a /pol/ or sharty clone, but that's not a desirable outcome.

I'm thankful you share my opinions so yes go ahead and ban me please
When will you guys learn?

You called?
Yea I'm that annoying bug.

Hey guys I have a suggestion for this site that I know you'll love.
Have you all considered that the reason why LeftyPol is shit is because it's an imageboard?

Why do you guys act like everyone else is the problem?

For all the whining you guys do about TikTok you all post snippet videos on here all on time.
For all the whining about Reddit you all post screenshots of that sites posts.
You guys just whine about reactionary and radlib shit yet you guys have the same knee jerk reactions to everything.

Imageboards are not known for sincere civil discussions.
It's just a self therapy district for disaffected people to vent their passive aggressiven arrogance on here because you all know that the way you talk on here would get you all bloody noses or rejection in meatspace.

All the talk about "KYS" or "youre mentally ill" for merely disagreeing with you guys on anything and you guys cry about "normies" being visceral.

What would be a better medium?

You're commiting a tingnoter by treating the userbase as one person.
>Imageboards are not known for sincere civil discussions.
I've seen plenty of proper dialouges on here, but people here do have a debate addiction problem so it's hard to steer people toward the healthier cooperative communication. Not impossible, just takes effort.

This guy has cognitive issues, no use talking to him. He won't ever learn.

>I'm genuinely fucking amazed people think there's too much moderation.
It's 100% inter/pol/ers buttmad they keep getting caught in wordfilters when they try to use slurs.

Extremely too lenient

The long-time persecutors of your desperate pleas for the truth are now acknowledging your ancient wisdom, o' anon, you delved into the divine soul, in front of you saw a 2000+ year old commie gnome who had seen everything, whose goal was to contact you, he told you that abrahamic religions made people forget the real gods, the gods of Helleno-Marxian pantheon. You were awestruck, and you, your gentle soul, it warmly shined with the truth. Aware of that, there soon arrived the orators who tried to banish your poor soul in the prisons of torment…
Thank you and please close your eyes and take a good night's sleep, comrade, for you gave all you had, what was left from your strength and will, for your flesh and heroic soul should be very tired of struggling for so long…


Oh you gonna start fucking paying me? No? ok, then shut the fuck up about what my 'job' is.

We didn't ask you to be a mod either you dumb fuck.

Anyways inb4 ban.

You're welcome to fucking quit.
If you refuse to moderate, why are you here?

is it possible for the meme responses to be removed? i didnt know that "other" would add my writings as a whole new voting part and now ive accidentally made the single largest text for a vote option.
idk if its cheating to directly tell you what i voted/made but fuck it, mods can just remove it if they care
>i joined around middle of '24. i may not have enough expiernce with this site but they have been adequate and i like you for the most part, infinetly better than 4chan (not much of a challenge tho). go with the plan (this is first im hearing about it tho) just be a 5% more strict with the new users and try advertising on different sites too, try youtube adds.


The first order is to stop banning people for shitting on furries. being a furry is not like being any ethnicity nor sexuality nor gender identity, nor any actual idpol identity imaginable. it is literally a choice, a choice made primarily by the petit bourgeoisie.

Life is like a mountain and I'm falling down the mountain.

there is already a partial furry ban per ordinance 8

>what gets you off is a conscious choice
you know what, ban *me* from this hellsite

What do you get when accounting for the 500 additional options that basically say the exact same thing as each-other?

Real talk, I can't imagine what a version of this site with less moderation would even look like, short of people starting outright porn threads on /leftypol/. We're at the point where 90% of posts are more or less
>Kill yourself 🥱

If things keep going the way they are, I can't see myself staying here much longer, and I doubt I'm the only one.

>a choice made primarily by the petit bourgeoisie.
The first order (of business) is to start banning people for calling everything they personally dislike bourgeoisie.

the poll was created with 3 options, the rest are user created

>new ordinances are on an entirely different board only used by people who never touch grass instead of right in front on the most popular board
This team's ineptitude knows no bounds.

Place really has gone to the dogs

>never touch grass
>admits to visiting each board individually rather than using the overboard

its a fair point so i have added them

It seems as retarded as ever to me, but at least my posts calling out idiots don't get deleted these days.

It's a doggy dog world.

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>mods need to be way harder on /pol/ shit dressed up as leftism
That'd be nice if they were also hard on leftism dressed up as communism.

Since the ordinances are here too: Ordinance 8 needs to be reworked to make a distinction between zoo and feral, where if the character's sapience is for any reason questionable whilst being feral *then* it should be banned. A flat ban on any nsfw between 4 and 5 on the furry scale is rediculous and ignores the root issue.

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>The first order (of business) is to start banning people for calling everything they personally dislike bourgeoisie.
monkey business

sounds good 2 me, especially the first three. thanks fellas

Typical lack of collective self-awareness


you should really be able to vote on multiple options in the poll given how many positions youve allowed there to be

the positions are user created anon

are we gonna get mod feedback on the user feedback?

Poll ain’t over yet

there are TOO MANY RULES and TOO FEW MODS and i have a sneaking suspicion that an indeterminate number of the current mod team may actually be incompetent!

why on earth are there so many rules for things that are not even RELEVANT to a *left-wing* *politics* *discussion* *board* ?

and what in tarnation is a "modocracy"???
if it is what i assume it is, why is the administration of this site sincerely TRYING to waste everybody's time with this ridiculous live action role play of bourgeois institutions? especially when it seems this "modocracy" would rather spend its days voting on meaningless and trivial virtue signaling glittering generality shitheap rules instead of ACTUALLY MODDING THE FUCKING FORUM. its simple, less rules = easier enforcement. so please stop making up new ordinances and just look at the fucking posts on YOUR SITE so you can REMOVE THEM if they break any EXISTING RULES instead of ENDLESSLY making up new rules that solve NON-EXISTENT PROBLEMS.

Damn you sound new

The problem has always been inconsistent moderation. For example, you'll see people write huge polemics against less popular strands of Marxist or Anarchist thought and be fine but then lightly rib someone as a liberal and it's an 8-week ban.

There's a rogue janny that has this ideological hard-on for liberal terrorism so if you criticize adventurist events you get a long-to-permaban. This is always linked to identity politics such as "Muslim adventurism good, white adventurism bad (unless it's Luigi and that CEO that got replaced in two days)." This is connected to my next point.

Criticizing ethnostates isn't "Zionism" and any of the moderators that are confused about that need to differ judgement to someone that has actually read books. What they're doing is enforcing campism with a healthy serving of identity politics with it and we've already had threads where posters can debate campism, so just outright banning any dissent is another example of inconsistency.

I've also long since noticed that if you're a flag poster, you can just break every rule. I think we all know who and there was one event where they finally got a ban for advocating for the extermination of all remaining indigenous people and the mod got bullied into unbanning him because he was a "board character." Favoritism on an anonymous imageboard is poor practice.

Ordinance 1 needs to be an auto-temp ban so everyone can know it's not allowed because I'm seeing greater than 10 mentions of it on /isg/ because it was allowed there for so long, including a board banner referencing him. It gets completely ignored unless you report it, making it cumbersome and irregular to enforce. This also links to inconsistent moderation because people get banned for just uttering the word but then some guy made an entire thread about it and it just gets saged and he's not punished in any way.

It would cut down on ban evasion if people stopped getting banned for inconsistent and poorly thought-out reasons.

According to Danny Shaw it's Ali Hammoud not Adam Tahir as written in the OP.

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