Get The Pensioner's Starved Edition Labour government refuses to pay pension compensation to millions of women
< […] Starmer said, “The taxpayer simply cannot afford the tens of billions of pounds in compensation when the evidence does show that 90 percent of those impacted did know about it [changes to pensions]. That is because of the state of our economy.” 226 posts and 40 image replies omitted.>>2115823personally id rec the Socialist Party and our sister group TUSC (made of from militant exluding those who wanted back into labour as i mentioned before). yes i am a member but generally they're the only notable socialist party imo that doesnt have its head up its ass like swp or says stuff without actually doing much like RCP/socialist appeal.
feel free to take what i say with a grain of salt, ive done as much as i can just reccing SP and tusc. do whateverman, some of the best people ive ever met are the sole commies of one union branch who are a electric!
>>2118654That' conjecture. The data on the infographic does not outline race-on-race abuse. I don't believe they even record such data.
What is undeniably true is that there are victims of sexual exploitation who are claiming to have been ignored by the system.
>>2120048<That threat of course remains. But now, alongside that we also see acts of extreme violence perpetrated by loners, misfits, young men in their bedroom, accessing all manner of material online, desperate for notoriety. Why does society always blame young men exclusively for domestic terrorism? Let's forget about the boomer age males whom are more common in radical conservative terrorist groups.
Also those "loner/misfit turned criminal" is an outlier
The media hype it up to be bigger than it is
>>2115730It's also that we have people like
>>2112676 who think leftism is supposed to be rebellion for the sake of it.
They assume that class consciousness is supposed to be exactly like action adventure movies
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