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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Get The Pensioner's Starved Edition


UK Labour government refuses to pay pension compensation to millions of women

< […] Starmer said, “The taxpayer simply cannot afford the tens of billions of pounds in compensation when the evidence does show that 90 percent of those impacted did know about it [changes to pensions]. That is because of the state of our economy.”


Fucked it haven't I

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not as fucked as the pensioners

WASP women don't deserve compensation though. The state shouldn't compensate a person for being a mong.


>In an obscene perversion of justice, five Just Stop Oil supporters were handed multi-year prison sentences today for nothing more than attending a Zoom call. [1]

The oil must flow

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>🇬🇧 Thank you, Britain! 🇬🇧

Hey LBP, I love you all, please try and be kind to yourself today! Life is hard and you deserve some compassion.

Brits are funny.

muslamic ray guns 🤣🤣🤣

isn't this a glowy org ?

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I hate this liberal bullshit because "Asian" is a deliberately broad category that throws in everyone from Asia as well as the Middle East into one unholy conglomeration too broad to be useful as a category.
The Koreans, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, etc. are dragging down the crime stats since they don't do anything. If this was narrowly focused on specifically identifying Middle-Eastern countries it would be more interesting and prove a point.

The towns where this shit happens are like 60% asian though. Using a UK-wide metric when ethnic minority populations are concentrated into small areas is retarded.

Agreed. The Chinese don't deserve to be lumped in with these "people".
>If this was narrowly focused on specifically identifying Middle-Eastern countries it would be more interesting and prove a point.
Denmark actually does that and the numbers are fucking insane. They call them "MENAPTs" (Middle East, North Africa, Pakistan and Türkiye).
I suspect other European countries (including ourselves) refrain from this methodology because, as you say, it could prove a point and force us to ask some uncomfortable questions.

>Ethiopia, Kuwait, Jordan have the most criminal convictions in Denmark
fucking lol
So when the BBC talks about "Asian Grooming Gangs" who's mind would immediately jump to countries like those? Tbh I think this is a soft propaganda tactic by Anglos to mentally program their dumbass citizens against China and to a lesser extent Vietnam, Laos, and North Korea, even though it's not them committing crimes.

Damn Elon Bucks are flowing big time into the UK right

It's important to remember that literally everyone has been involved in covering up or playing down the grooming gang scandal over the past 10-15 years.

The police, the Conservative government, the civil service, Labour councils, left-wing activist groups, countless social workers, local MPs from both parties, the media, Corbyn's Labour party as the opposition, the judicial system and journalists from all the big publications. They all decided it was best not to rock the boat and to just let the abuse carry on.

Need to complain, got two sisters in their 30s. Poster children of successful white neurotic millennials working in white collar industries one earning twice the median salary and the other who has bought a home at 34 thanks to their cushy government job.

74 year old father makes a jokingly sexist remark and they take the classic conversational maneuver of humiliating him by excluding him from a conversation he can hear.
>"Sort of makes you glad you're in support of female empowerment and feminism doesn't it. Like sometimes you forget but then oh no, you're reminded

uygha, your politics are a joke. They're a toy and an abstention to your deeply bourgeois personality; you have never read Simone let alone contemporary political theory on the rights of citizens nor their philosophical legal basis.

You treat conversations like power games and personal relationships like you're a fucking HR department. You're for an exclusive empowerment of a majority of which you are a part - fundamentally, and I know this because I talk to you, you do not care about others.

Continue to pretend like this is a game of inclusion fam, so you can spend your life curating with a bourgeois self-interest the petty concerns of your estate. You watch Doctor Who and think if you stop buying from Amazon the world will change.

It's Russian Bots when people against US interests are succeeding.

It's probably more complicated because of election financing rules.

Lol, lmao even

What have you done to better the world then

What is the Marxist view of this, I really struggle with trying to understand why the west is allowing this to happen and at the same time why do these people commit more crimes.

this isn't a real post. its copied from reddit or somewhere

>The towns where this shit happens are like 60% asian though. Using a UK-wide metric when ethnic minority populations are concentrated into small areas is retarded.

>ethnic minorities commit more crimes in places where there are more minorities

stunning and brave analysis

Read a fucking book that isn´t Harry Potter

Before you call them angels, one of them went around whipping people by telling them they "aren´t being empathetic enough"

Yeah uygha, being empathetic means telling people they don´t have enough Empathy. Real Buddha moment.

Poverty. They're not setting up child sex rings for free and the victims aren't being presented with a choice between going to Oxbridge University OR take drugs and just don't worry about what happens while you were blacked out.

Daddy Elon Dittman sends his regards
>You treat conversations like power games
Ironic coming from a imageboard anon.
Ghettos filled with cheap labor without rights have high crime rate to justify pogroms.
You are fighting with ghosts. No one said nothign about empathy here. Back to reddit.

You sound deranged mate, and clearly jealous of your sisters

The ghosts that are in your fucking head, as I said I wanted to complain

Under the deep suspicion now that those who go around with the appellation of 'feminist' are anything but. It is a kind of bourgeois politic in which the prognosis given for both personal and social ills are flattened to the dimension of the individual with no capacity to escape into a dialogue more significant than cultural taste

I'm clearly talking to myself here, but as a rule I never speak about politics in any social setting. The moment you begin to, you allow through the engrained dialogue of the indiviudal you are talking to the capacity to entertain shared fantasy structures in which you simply negotiate like businessmen the terms on which you plan to agree and disagree - the latter of course never coming to pass because disagreement is disconcord and our almighty Buddhas do not deign to such a disgraceful act.

Yes mate jealous of somebody who thinks swimming in sub zero temperatures is a form of therapy and another who wears dungarees and plays board games.

Yeah those are really comical ways to spend you leisure time, coming from the retard who’s on a dying image board writing paragraphs.

At least I'm not the retard responding to me

All I'm remarking on is the near death and soft censorship of adverse political thought through the penetration of the organising logics of work in contemporary forms of capitalist industry, agree with me and move on

You're both idiots. Shut the fuck up.

This narrative ignores the fact that policing and tacking crime in general has been shit and steadily getting worse for decades. Child sex rings are a very emotive crime and that many of the groups are Muslims are good to direct people away from this fact towards conspiracy theories, but the abuse was allowed to continue for the same reason thefts/rapes/stabbings and all the other crimes plaguing this nation never get discussed let alone solved.

There's no profit in policing so obviously it gets run with the same level of enthusiasm by the capitalist state as British Leyland, obviously doing policing correctly is costly and all it achieves is a feeling of safety for people which, bleh, who gives a fuck about that? Whereas if you let crime go utterly out of control, you save a shit load of cash you can direct to your friends, you can claim there's no choice but for greater policing powers for those few stations that still exist, harsher sentences across the board naturally including crimes that the state actually cares about (basically just crimes against property) and of course the total erosion of privacy in this nation.

the same thing was happening in Westminster, in group homes for abandoned children, and in public schools. and also among members of the far right organisations.

The current administration is happily kowtowing to the far right, so unless those orgs spill their spaghetti, all they have to do is sit back and watch the neolibs hand them victory on a silver platter.

Obviously, because like I said, British policing is capitalist policing in its purest form, it's solely for protecting property owners and their property. Whether a young girl is getting raped in some northern shithole or a swanky Belgravia penthouse is irrelevant, the girl isn't legally anyone's property and as such she has no rights to be breaches that the police realistically cares about when there's leftist orgs to infiltrate and fascist orgs to agitate.

> it's solely for protecting property owners and their property
I can personally confirm this. I went to a protest at stonehenge, no sooner had we gotten there than the coppers turned up as well. I stood nose to nose with a pissy little gremlin of a man, who you just know got swanton bombed one too many times in secondary school.

Not even, we were just there for the solstice.

Based Militisiya

So why were the police on the scene instantly? Were you agreeing with anon?

The oppressors are the property owners. The police are never around for middle class dickheads chucking paint over everything because of the
>Leftist orgs to infiltrate and fascist orgs to agitate

They don't need to martyr middle class, white protestors at BLM marches because it's beneficial to present "left-wing" movements as cosmopolitan and privileged but they do want to agitate working class people by making a spectacle of them via a "left-wing" government and having the latter celebrating some chap getting his bollocks absolutely obliterated by a brick.
Fact is, the people who tend to go to BLM marches are also the type to support greater taxes on property owners, while the kind of people involved in anti-inmigration riots have all taken on an explicitly anti-socialist, libertarian stance and will protect property rights to the death. The result is that the former is YUCKY YUCKY WOKE WOKE and the latter is supposedly offering a "real" alternative for Britain via Reform.

The police exists to be a component of this wider play by the capitalist state as it maneuvers society back to the Victorian era from the peak of welfarism.

Yea they're always heavy handed on Solstice at henge.
Jumped up little freaks wanting their own little battle of the beanfield
It's why I don't go anymore.

Yes lad the police want to terrorize and repress you at your Stonehenge woo woo ceremony

angloid status?

According to the NSPCC, 1/3 to 1/2 of sexual abuse instances reported to police were against children, and anywhere between 1/3 and 3/4 of child sexual abuse reports were of children abusing other children. According to the statistics I have access to, there were 17,486 reports of Child Sexual Exploitation, which is what happened in Rotheram and Rochdale, in England and Wales in the year ending March 2022. I can't find what percentage of that consists of actual grooming gangs, however. According to the same source, there were 62,233 reports of child sexual abuse in England and Wales combined in 2022/23, so assuming nothing changed between those two years, 27% of CSA reports in England and Wales involve CSE.
I suspect figures would look different if you divided reports up by the nature of the crime, but unfortunately, lots of adolescents report being assaulted by peers too.
>Gewirtz-Meydan and Finkelhor’s 2020 study of a representative sample of 0- to 17-year-olds in the USA found that other children and young people were responsible for 76.7% of recorded sexual abuse and assault offences against boys and 70.1% of recorded sexual abuse and assault offences against girls.
>Radford et al’s 2011 study of child maltreatment in the UK found that 65.9% of contact sexual abuse reported by under 18-year-olds was carried out by other children and young people under the age of 18.
This latest thing is just the Tories trying to stir up a culture war around an emotive issue. It's Save the Children without the references to adrenochrome.

Because it would be serving in the interests of a proletarian regime rather than a property owning regime

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>Bullshit terminology
What term did you struggle with? Are you the geezer from the last thread who needed to look up the word "bourgeoisie" then got a non-Marxist definition, then complained that the conversation should be about educating you in basic Marxist concepts instead of what the conversation was actually about?

what did he say that was bullshit terminology ?

And this is how your government wishes to communicate with you from now on: pictures of anthropomorphised animals and slogan like non-sequiturs

Sort of reaches back to Althusser's example of interpolation when he says that one only perceives their existence through its own demonstration - the government engaging in a form of culturally brain dead advertising on TikTok in order to reinforce the apriori legitimation of its existence.

Would love to have seen what Mark Fisher would have made of this shit. It's the complete commodification of social relations led by Stalinist-tier marketing propaganda

furries in control??

Capitalist Realism, page 24-25:

>Jameson observed there that Lacan's theory of schizophrenia offered a 'suggestive aesthetic model' for understanding the fragmenting of subjectivity in the face of the emerging entertainment-industrial complex. 'With the breakdown of the signifying chain', Jameson summarized, 'the Lacanian schizophrenic is reduced to an experience of pure material signifiers, or, in other words, a series of pure and unrelated presents in time'. Jameson was writing in the late 1980s - i.e. the period in which most of my students were born. What we in the classroom are now facing is a generation born into that ahistorical, anti-mnemonic blip culture - a generation, that is to say, for whom time has always come ready-cut into digital micro-slices

interpellation* fucking autocorrect

At this point the only option is suicide

>1 in 5 Danish men have a criminal conviction
What the fuck is going on over there?

>According to data from the Brennan Center for Justice, approximately 14% of Americans have a misdemeanor conviction, which translates to roughly 45 million people with a misdemeanor record.

Ok I could only find data for all Americans, so assume 0 from women and double it to 28% still low on that chart.

your on a board where the majority are marxists or at least adhere to some sort of marxian analysis. this is like going onto a forum for investors and moaning about them talking jargon like bear markets, bull runs, asset allocation,

>This latest thing is just the Tories trying to stir up a culture war around an emotive issue.
The Tories have spent the last 14 years trying to cover this up in a desperate attempt to prevent a decay in race relations which would jeopardise their "multicultural Britain" project. They are only talking about it now because Musk has forced their hand on the matter.

I've read Capital and numerous Marxist texts.

We shouldn't be banning people who criticise Marxists for being overly dense in their language. It's a valid criticism.

Something I find interesting is the split in the Anglo-American elite Bloc about whether Indians are white or not.

Suspect that it will end with AA elites somehow sticking their oars in and helping to reproduce the caste system with a divide between "good" and "bad" Indians, etc.

Worth saying that two of our previous home secs, who explicitly demonised Muslims (and thus Pakistanis), were Hindu Indians.

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‘Flat packing them’: soldier says SAS described killing Afghans in casual way
Inquiry hears elite forces had a ‘kill all males on target whether they posed a threat or not’ policy in Afghanistan

Afghans who were killed by members of the SAS in Afghanistan were described dismissively as having been “flat packed” according to revealing testimony given by a former member of the elite force’s sister unit to a public inquiry.

The soldier, known only as N1799, said he had been party to a conversation with a member of the SAS in 2011 who had served in Afghanistan, in which he had been “shocked by the age and methods” used to kill Afghans.

N1799 told his superiors at the time that he believed the SAS had a policy in Afghanistan to “kill all males on target whether they posed a threat or not” – but in his evidence to the inquiry he said what he had heard in person was “more graphic”.

Asked to explain what he meant by Oliver Glasgow, the counsel to the inquiry, the soldier said that “words that have been used about killing were like ‘flat packing’, ‘flat packing them’” because the conversation was informal, among colleagues.

At another point the SAS member – known only as N1201 – told N1799, while on a training course, that “a pillow had been put over the head of someone before they had been killed with a pistol” during operations in Afghanistan.


Well you can see why they need to piss about camping in the Welsh mountains to train themselves, very tactical, much skill.

Is there a recession coming, anons?
I see a lot of builders, scaffolders, sparks, etc. struggling for work atm. Notice it's usually the first industry to be impacted badly in recessions, also, just more recently noticed the pubs are empty, but that might just be cus it's jan.

Is this why they keep ramming that fucking SAS show down my throat

Pubs are empty because its jan but honestly there is a depression coming if trump passes the 10% tariff.
Google "National Unemployed Workers Movement".

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If that is true how come literally no one has done that dummy

Bloody unions

Cuck faggot

they're going to keep him on ice to bring out at a later date and hope everyone forgot

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Lynch is retiring, anons and Dempsey is going to be up for leadership.
If he wins how will having /ourguy/, a proper Marxist, in charge of the RMT potentially change things?
>Pubs are empty because its jan but honestly there is a depression coming if trump passes the 10% tariff.
Eh, the bigger issue is people in trades struggling and muttering about a recession, they tend to understand as the building industry is always one of the first hit bad.

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One of my favourite things about the RMT is that there's a good chance Ed will be the right wing candidate.

What does /leftybritpol/ get up to on a friday night?


>Local Labour Cllr posting Ibrahim Traoré stuff on insta
What degree of powerlevel hiding is this???

Planning what degree I should do with the OU

History, always do history.

What to?

Do something practical like accounting or electronic engineering. Anything but history, never do history.

Why history?

Was thinking Law actually

>Was thinking Law actually
Do you want to be a solicitor or just out of interest?

How many of you know someone that lost everything to sports betting? I’m pretty sure it’s destroyed as many lives as heroin at this point but no one wants to acknowledge it let alone organize against it

No clue; I doubt I'll do a degree in politics with them because it just seems to focus on institutional concepts and provides a completely superficial glean to political philosophy, Likewise their history course looks torturous because they have no module choices and the second year focuses on the long ninteenth century.

It's either law which I'd be exceedingly fucking good at, or one of their newer computing courses (Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence). Their law degree includes the SQE so I'd be able to pursue a training contract, but competition is fucking fierce and training contracts only admit applicants two or three years in advance, so the degree itself would only be useful in so far as I plan to pursue that, in which case you're in a hiring pool of Russel Group grads who are ten years younger than you and applying for the same entry level positions you are (paralegals) - which sounds suicidal, doubly so considering companies are going to be aiming to automate these roles ASAP.

I dropped out of an International Politics degree (not IR - not the same thing) so in a few months I may change my mind and decide that I'd like to do wind up doing a masters in Political Economy and return to studying something meaningful. The OU offers a PPE course but it's absolutely braindead, so the best route in the end may simply be a history degree.

I'm 30 and have been at the point where I've seen and faced those who never move into a position of financial security, so throwing what little care I have out the window for potentially writing some arcane research thesis proposal on 21st century deleuzian subjectivity, and simply going "yeah solicitors make decent money" sounds attractive.

Do whatever your gut tells you to do just don't expect to be on decent money after graduation. Hard work and effort isn't rewarded in this country. Anyway you seem to have a good assessment of your options so I'm sure you'll make the right decision.

I would've liked to do PPE at university. I wish I had studied harder at school and got there but my head was fucked even at that age.

Tanks in control.

>A land grab, thinly veiled. And why is it suddenly an accepted argument that your ancestors lived somewhere so that land is yours?
I hate how people have gotten away from this. The question who really descends from the Israelites is ultimately an irrelevant one. Let's just say for the sake of the argument that the Zionists are right and that modern Jews are genetically 1:1 the descendants of the ancient Israelites. Would that make it acceptable to force Palestinians out of their homes at gunpoint because some frat boy from New York's ancestors were there 3000 years ago? Would it make the destruction of Gaza any less horrific?

Go to sleep, it's nearly 5 in the morning.

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Ironic because he looks like a Shrek villain

What makes you say that lmao

>What makes you say that lmao
I think he's just making the point that it has a VERY left wing membership.
I know for example Dempsey in the past has personally attempted to bring people with radical politics in.

Having HIGNFY on YouTube playing in the background and got reminded of the Post Office Horizon scandal and how quickly that has fallen out of the public eye despite it being such an egregious example of how shit the situation has become (and for how long it has been so) in this country for corruption, incompetence and flat out malice.

I think, really, it's sort of comparable to Chernobyl as an event that is shocking and indicative of what people were supposedly unhappy about with the late Soviet period, but in that case it was suggested that it signalled the start of the end for the Soviet Union, but such a suggestion about the Horizon scandal and how practically nothing came out of it would be the begining of the end for the United Kingdom would be considered, correctly, preposterous even despite Britons being every bit as unhappy with Neoliberal Britain as the citizens of the stagnant Soviet Union.

Why do Communist nations pay the price for such scandals but not Capitalist ones?

Rampant corruption and nepotism is a abberation upon a socialist system, a complete repudiation of all it stands for. But in a capitalist system? It's just business as usual, networking, and rewarding risks.

studying electrical and electronic engineering at uni right now, cant get motivated knowing I'll be making a fraction of what my mates in finance will be

Despite how racists have weaponised it to make the point about immigration and the "woke", the child sex ring scandal also had all of the recommendations from the inquiry ignored by the Tory government and none of the people who are responsible for letting it go on so long have been prosecuted, which again suggests there's something maliciously intentional about either not doing anything about it OR not wanting to punish people who were in the know

Also Grenfell was pretty grim with how it changed absolutely nothing and people whose buildings were found to be cladded in the same napalm bricks were being charged for its removal, even if they were only tenants.

Tbh, this country has had multiple Chernobyl-tier events.

Well the narrative over Chernobyl is that despite the disaster being contained and at least some of the people responsible being prosecuted, that wasn't enough for the Soviet people and they wanted out. But our issues aren't contained, it always affects people to the fullest extent and no one ever gets prosecuted over it, but people shrug it off because although by now our scandals have probably resulted in more direct deaths, injuries and illnesses than Chernobyl did, it was never going to be literally the end of the world?

Incidentally, it was kind of ironic that the HBO drama Chernobyl managed to present the prosecution of the management of the NPP as somewhat unfair and unjust, because it present an idealist angle where individuals are being blamed for what the "system created, man", like the people on trial were just a bunch of dumb fall guys when it should be communism itself on trial!

I dunno what the point that show was ultimately making other than just, "communism bad" I guess, but intentionally or not, that court scene basically justifies the reality of the UK and the US where people we'd consider responsible for this or that fuck up aren't actually to be put on trial since the issue is 'systemic' and thus rather than prison sentences there needs to be inquiries, plans of actions, task forces, public apologies from representatives of "the system" until people just get bored of hearing about the disaster.

But also the UK/US totally does scapegoat individuals for systemic failures anyways, see Lucy Letby.

Never upper management, investors, owners or profiteers though. If that situation gets proven as a systemic issue where Letby had been falsely accused of responsibility as part of a cover up, then none of the people responsible for either ignoring the systemic issues for personal benefit or people covering up the the results of systemic issues will get hauled into a court, much less prosecuted.

It will just be agreed that it's the result of the regular internal incentives of capitalism and bureaucracy actually having a negative outcome in this specific and isolated case where obviously the individuals couldn't know to avoid the "systemic compulsion" to be malicious self-serving cunts for a change, so we must have an inquiry over how this specific and isolated case occurred and come up with some guidance to avoid this very unique scenario should it ever appear in this very specific way again.

In the case of Chernobyl, the NPP's management weren't, despite the implication the HBO show made, compelled to mismanage their staff and break standard operating procedure that then resulted in the destruction of the reactor by systemic issues. They did it for wholly personal reasons and they were sentenced thusly, something that will never happen in the UK/US because of that desire to frame
>Want Promotion
>Consciously over-promise to get it
>Break protocol and risk the safety of others to achieve whatever was promised
>It goes tits up and people have been killed/injured/imprisoned over it
As though suddenly the individual is no longer a creature of self-actualisation, but rather a victim of the collective system we call society that compelled them in a drone-like manner to risk sacrifices for others, purely for their own benefit. So while what they did was wrong, it's more of a professional failure that requires perhaps a hearing and maybe a request for their resignation, but not criminal wrongdoing because "they were just doing their job" as misguided as they apparently turned out to be.

That's obviously bollocks and that's why the USSR, and most of the AES states sentence punished this harshly, even by death.

How was it systemic failures that led to child murder, rather than just a child murderer murdering children?

>he didn't read the foreign news articles which were made illegal in the UK during the trial


>beliveing someone murdered people based on no evidence but ….statistical analysis.
faggot i sincerely hope you kill yourself people like you are exactly what makes this country, no this world, an absolute shithole.

people keep dying at my work constantly (homeless shelter), it's obviously us staff that need to be locked up and not the managers and politicians that give us no resources to do anything to help anyone

i agree

I mean this article highlights lots of other evidence, overwhelmingly so >>2110508
And the reason given for why some of the evidence isn't quality is because she was "stressed"
>Police searches of Letby’s house and belongings after her first arrest in July 2018 uncovered several adhesive notes believed to have been handwritten by Letby. These notes contained messages such as: “I AM EVIL, I DID THIS,” “I killed them on purpose because I am not good enough,” “HATE” and “WHY ME? I haven’t done anything wrong.”

So basically the RMT doesn't have a Blarite wing, it's Broad Left is mostly CP and Blue Laboury types and the other side is made up of a loose coalition of the different Trot Parties and random non political loonatics. Dempsey is a Broad Left guy so will be painted as the right wing candidate by the AWL etc.

Wouldn't know what you are talking about mate ;) but if anyone does fancy a job on the railway…

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That sounds pretty convincing to me. I believe the cracker did it. Seems like something a cracker would do.

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Like if you told me a cracker woman robbed a bank or like kidnapped someone, I'd be like that's fantasy. If you told me a cracker woman killed a lot of babies as a nurse, I'd be like that's exactly the cracker woman MO.

Cracker Island.

Letby looks fit in that pic on the right.

You probably smell ethnic.

>These notes contained messages such as: “I AM EVIL, I DID THIS,” “I killed them on purpose because I am not good enough,” “HATE” and “WHY ME? I haven’t done anything wrong.”

Maybe she was feeling guilty from all the babies that kept dying at her work???

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I don't smell because us non crackers have this thing we call bathing.

ItalyGODS, I kneel

Hyperboreans don't need to shower as much because we don't live in shitholes with a 35C average daily temperature.

Legacy of Rome

Pakistanis aren't even that bad lmao. Just a few percentage points ahead of Norway, but somehow at the centre of the anti-immigrant hysteria in Britain. Not that I give a shit because most Desi diasporiods are shameless cunts. And speaking of the grooming gangs case, the whole "afraid of being labelled racist" excuse was cooked up to cover South Yorkshire PD's ass because they facilitated most of the trafficking, took bribes and harrassed internal investigators and witnesses so that local politicians could rape children. Racist cuckservative firangis deserve such corrupt cops, and desi diasporoids of all nationalities deserve to be deported.

Trying to associate with white people by demonizing Muslims is something Indian Hindus have been doing for quite a while now. Most likely it'll fail because no matter what, firangis will always consider us stinky, street-shitting, poo-bathing rapists. And the average westoid cuckservative can't even tell Indians and Pakistanis apart. A reality check is long overdue.

I worked with homeless for a long time too.
It's stressfull work with a high turnover and ever increasing 'client' list with ever increasing funding cuts, i hope you're managing okay.
Lol this would not get a conviction anywhere else…. If it's so strong evidence why do we need to bring statistical analysis into the courts?
>but if anyone does fancy a job on the railway…
I was actually unironically considering attempting to train into something railway related for the security of the work, problems is though i'm a bit older now so i'll be older than any other newly trained application and i have a criminal record. :(

>It's stressfull work with a high turnover and ever increasing 'client' list with ever increasing funding cuts, i hope you're managing okay.
As an aside i DESPISE this new-labour tier shite of every public service in this country changing to stuff like this.
Even in hospitals for a while they were trialling i think 'customers' or 'clients' not 'patients'. it's fucking absurd. part of me thinks it's to subconsciously break barriers to further privatisation.

>Lol this would not get a conviction anywhere else…. If it's so strong evidence why do we need to bring statistical analysis into the courts?
newgene is right, leftypol has a gynophillia problem.

FYI a signed confession is solid evidence anywhere in the world.

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The biggest grooming gang in Britain is that of the Jewish-freemasonry. The Pakistanis are small time in comparison.

Ol Sinead O'Connor said she used to fuck a 50 year old priest when she was 14.

Why are you like this? How do you even navigate daily life in this condition?

Stop it go away

>Lol this would not get a conviction anywhere else…. If it's so strong evidence why do we need to bring statistical analysis into the courts?
It's one of many pieces of evidence - why are so many leftypol users so fucking stupid?

Out. Now.

>White bitches be crazy
Stunning analysis comrade

Jannies are refusing to do their job and tge worst posters are having a field day.


Tech giants told UK online safety laws ‘not up for negotiation’

<Senior cabinet minister promises not to dilute new measures despite Zuckerberg’s attacks on countries ‘censoring’ content

Jist of the article is with Trumps ascension and the ingratiation of the tech giants into his court, any capacity for the British government to act in favour of its own legislation is severely hindered by the political leverage the US will now have over Starmer's initative to curtail and impose restrictions on these companies and their platforms.

Free Speech Endures my fellow Facebook boomers ✊🏼

What type of work you considering, might be able to give you a hand?

>What type of work you considering, might be able to give you a hand?
Not sure really, in that I was going to just cross-reference what is in demand and what training would be required, to ascertain what is viable for me.
Currently on the sick because of circumstance, but before that i did mostly physical labour anything else is a fair while back.

Starmer needs to go.

(and I say that as a working class!)

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>White bitches be crazy
Based and true and correct.

You'd only need to train for jobs earning £70k+. You could walk in off the street into a signalling job or a station staff job. If you want an engineering job you can always start as an operative.

No doubt Zuckerberg has been pre-warned about a policy trump will have of giving the US government veto rights over censorship on platforms, but naturally that's going to be used solely to protect conservatives expressing views and opinions (or using language) that would be considered hateful previously.

BBC News has still not posted an article about British Jew and former Labour minister Ivor Caplin being arrested after trying to meet an underage boy for sexual intercourse.

Got to learn about this from Indians.
Ex-Labour minister, Jewish Movement chair arrested on child grooming charges

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> 'Let him who has not been jailed for child sex offences cast the first stone'
>If you really believe Mr Caplin, will go to Jail you are delusional. At this moment we know very little, if this is his first offence, then a Barrister and Political friends will ensure he has nothing to fear. I had legal aid who convinced me to plead guilty and got 426 days.
<Keep up the good fight against the grooming gangs, Mr Kirkbride. We need more poachers turned gamekeepers.
>If I had ever had taken advantage of someone, I am sure the outcome of my case would not have merited 426 days. I pleaded guilty under the advice of the Legal Aid people. Rather like the Post Masters who went off to Jail also.
what the actual fuck is going on

<Another Labour paedo. In a proper society, we'd be stringing you dirty nonces up.

>You would need to start with those of Religion, then those in Politics and then those in the media followed by those in entertainment. The gallows would be working 24 hours a day. Then include the Incest crew and half of Ireland would vanish.
>Point 1. Grindr profile stated he was 38. Point 2 the person did not exist. No contact or iffy photo's.
>So no actual victim. No history of child interest, hence taking the advice of Legal Aid I pleaded guilty. 426 days in jail and 10 years on the Register.

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>Labour’s belief in its own ability to define Jew-hatred flies in the face of the so-called Macpherson principle, a bedrock of anti-racist policy in the UK for the past two decades, which suggests that a racist incident is one perceived to be racist by the victim.

>It is for this very reason that Labour has reportedly been warned by legal counsel that its stance could breach Britain’s Equality Act. Jewish Labour Movement’s chair Ivor Caplin told Jewish News the group is planning to refer its own party to the Equalities and Human Rights Commission, a government watchdog.

>It is a unique position for an allegedly progressive political party to take. But, then again, Labour’s ability to unite the 68 rabbis from all the diverse streams of British Judaism who wrote to the Guardian newspaper accusing the party of acting in a “most insulting and arrogant” manner suggests that this whole debacle has a certain inimitable quality.

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>More women have came forward with sexual assault and abuse allegations against Neil Gaiman.

>(TW: Descriptions of sexual assault and abuse below and in the linked article)

>One woman, who was the babysitter for Gaiman’s son, was allegedly raped multiple times by him. Gaiman would address her as “slave” and himself as “master” so much that Gaiman’s son even began to address her as “slave.” Gaiman also allegedly had sex with her while speaking to his son at the same time while he played on his iPad

>Another woman, who was living with her 3 daughters in a house owned by Gaiman, was allegedly worried that he’d kick her out if she didn’t continue to have sexual encounters with him.

But he seemed like such a normal guy from his books :(

>>Another woman, who was living with her 3 daughters in a house owned by Gaiman, was allegedly worried that he’d kick her out if she didn’t continue to have sexual encounters with him.


mfs be complaining about gooners and their hentai while the rich do it irl. smh my head.

You should know this by now, it's whatever is convenient in that moment.

>You'd only need to train for jobs earning £70k+. You could walk in off the street into a signalling job or a station staff job
That's very good to know, thanks. I have never actually applied for a job and got one, it's all been through friends and recommendations, so to have to do a job search soon is very daunting.

Why is it always 70 year old former hippies or posh art hoes?

because sub-90 autism score

Allegedly we have a track record of helping people with decent politics get jobs, obviously there's a certain expectation that they go to branch meetings and get involved with campaigns etc. This something that might be of interest?

I've been toying with the idea of seeing if there are any anons on here that might want a job, but I'm not sure if I'll get much take up or if I'll just end up with a load of trot wreckers.

>Allegedly we have a track record of helping people with decent politics get jobs
Okay this makes a lot of sense because I knew this lass at uni who was like a labour member and doing rent strike campaigning and a few years later I see her working at one of the country's businest stations and Im like "you dont need a degree for that job"…

Less afraid of consequences

>rent strike
Rent has nothing to do with communism.

>Allegedly we have a track record of helping people with decent politics get jobs, obviously there's a certain expectation that they go to branch meetings and get involved with campaigns etc. This something that might be of interest?
Yes, but not currently as i'm still on the sick, but that will not be for to much longer, later this year i hope.
>Rent has nothing to do with communism.
Who the fuck cares? Tenants unions have proven to be relatively successful, both in what they set out to do and to funnelling people in to the wider left.

She was on 40k+, working 35hrs a week and gets paid to be released from duties 3/4 days a week to do political work. Got to take part in the election of Mick Lynch and will help get Eddie elected. You aren't going to get that on a grad scheme.

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This fucking thread

Can I ask something. Why is it so hard to find part time work?

That image is amazing.

A number of factors.

First answer would have been that international students face visa restrictions on the amount of hours they can work, and most get part time jobs to earn whilst here so if you live in a city there'll be labour saturation.

From the other end, those who can afford to work part time are likely in the right circumstances in order to do so and may be moving down from full time employment, so you have yet more movement from another angle.

The root cause is that there are probably less part time jobs going in general. You won't find a store offering part time hours on a fixed contract for two positions when they could easily fill it with just one.

is that jeffrey epstein or john mcafee?

I think you're correct. I hate this anon. I'm unable to work a full time 40hr/wk job without going psychotic due to my mental health. I am looking for a way to strive out and move into a place of my own but it's seemingly unlikely.

I have hope I'll find something, and not end up dead. I think the future is bright I just need to find something part time and easy.

Nigel Farage will be PM by 2029

Gary linker will personally lead Tory execution squads next year
You will all have state mandated loving partners issued to you.
MBGA! Or something I don't know.

Its the one and only Jeff Epstein

Feel like drinking myself into oblivion.

Been seeing a specialist for the past year because it turns out I've always had a photographic memory, but due to events in my childhood my mind repressed itself. Had a consultation yesterday and despite making significant progress over this time I was told that not only will my recall ability ever return, any progress we've made will just degrade and that as such, they're stopping the course of treatment.

My brain literally does not and will never function the way it should because of routine and systematic child abuse; the qualifying diagnosis I have been given in compensation is 'depression'.

I should be able to remember word for word pages of information, and recall them at a moment's notice. Instead, my mind is simply going to return to the state in which I cannot remember the last paragraph I have read despite re-reading it over and over again.

I wish I'd never been born into this fucking shithole of a country.



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Hi anon,
I saw this post a little late. But I'm worried about you. Do you want to talk further? It's good to have someone you can speak to? You seem to be in an emotionally charged state and I'd be a bad person if I didn't step in and offer a shoulder to cry on.

TESCO offer loads of part time work and just rely on everyone doing loads of overtime. They do it to avoid paying pension contributions. Might work for you two though.

is he a communist ?

Not today CIA.

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Ahem this is the UK thread

Also in general there is a labour shortage in this country, so nobody wants to hire part time when you need a fulltime worker. Only people i see hiring part time are like NGOs and Unions and shit lol

Can someone help me? I need to go insane quickly any ideas?

Have you looked outside your window? It usually sets me off trying to reason how *that* is acceptable for people

Try TalkTalk customer service

It's weird how the working class have zero initiative to organise. For 200 years 1780s-1980s you see it but now just nothing. You have guys who worked 12 hours a day and would have been made homeless strike when was the last time you saw that anywhere in Britain? I know the reasons why the union movement died (or more accurately, was killed) and that's impact but at the end of the day that wasnt the first time. It was illegal until the 1830s to even form a union yet the working class did. Are we just that well bought off with treats?

third world inmigrants are reserve army of labor, they bring them via NGO´s to work in underemployed conditions or to be unemployed and barely subsisting on meager gov subsides, so they eventually go ful lumpen or try to start a small business like a barbershop or a restaurant, in recent years most of them end up as lumpen becouse of the radicalization of islam (a religion that becomes extremly reactionary when radicalized, much like protestantism) in western countries(oposite to whats going on on MENA countries, where islam is being weakened by secularism)

>the migrant hotel riots were a union putting its foot down, and that was quickly crushed.
the fuck does that even mean

> Companies such as Amazon use deliberate strategies to deter unions from forming.
Okay and the fucking coal and cotton bosses didn't??

Burning down a hotel with people in it is not fucking unionism you dumb cunt.

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>Burning down a hotel with people in it is not fucking unionism you dumb cunt.
Ey, i wouldn't put it past them…

Not sure how I feel about you people

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>come on leftypol for first time in weeks
>decide to visit /leftybritpol/
<"unions are where pissheads form angry mobs and burn down hotels full of immigrants"
For fuck's sake, guys.

People are demonic.

The fact it's all white people doing this makes it so much funnier. 2020 truly was an insane year.

read up >>2111732

Also the people in that image are almost certainly of anglo-saxon or celtic descent. If that's the point you were trying to make.

that's not a union either, and yes, one was better than the other because they didn't try and kill innocents, you galaxy-brained motherfucker

Keir Starmer is English but his wife and kids are jewish.


Lmao you just made that up

he is technically correct in the most redditoid sense.

Literally every other WORKERS union which are the ones that matter in a Marxist context, opposed it though, so who cares.

"um guys I think we should actually listen to the embroidery union on this one"

no thanks ill stick to those organising against the boss class. Cheers.

Reddit it an intelligence operation. Stop using.

this was a bad example because some peoples job is actually embroidery lmao my bad.

Swap it out "arse scratchers union"

muh iphones, fuck up

/leftybritpol/ - the most bans this side of the Atlantic

What happened here?

>Are we just that well bought off with treats?
Nah there's just that many more vectors for the state and bourgeoisie to form a conducive-to-capitalism world view. Back in the early 20th century TVs, Radios and Red Top newspapers weren't as mainstream as they are now, thus people tended to get their awareness of the world from the people around them to create a consensus on their material conditions and how they should be improved.

Even with Radio, TV and Newspapers going mainstream by the mid-20th century, these were all openly run by organisations and people could still express a level of scepticism over how the world view they espouse isn't necessarily the way the world actually is, but in the 21st century people are getting their world view off of social media that people think are coming from just other regular people.

In a sense people think the accounts they follow on Twitter, YouTube and Facebook is the same as the case in the early 20th century where they're just coming to a consensus with other regular people around them, despite how obviously influenced that consensus is by the fact the state and corporations have a lot of accounts and advertising and think tanks operating on those platforms.

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>come on leftypol for first time in weeks
>decide to visit /leftybritpol/
<immediately find the worst post ITT to reply to
Please don't come back again. you're the problem.

Post-1960s leftists are part of the problem.

i hope he actually DOES shit outside his union other than complain
all Lynch did was bitch and moan endlessly about shit everybody already knows and agrees is bad, like nhs privitasation, neo lib starmer, tories, ect and did jack shit to actually organise people outside his union.
if he actually used his superstardom to actually get more people into TUC or making more famous again, or hell started a new workers party with several other people like corbyn (just as if not more bloody useless) then wed actually see some change

FUCK MICK, and fuck the people who hate him only for nonsense reasons, like being mad that they need to rescheduale a train or some shit

What’s the over/under on Reform replacing the Tories as the main right wing party in the UK? Also lol her name is Badenoch, like Enoch Powell wasn’t already bad

If he doesn't look like the Norf FC meme I don't want him.

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Seriously. Armchairism has taken over the lefty.
>I have read all the books(he hasn't read any of them but knows how to search for keywords)
>my spurious interpretation of this text that has no relation to the topic at hand says you are wrong and that doing things is bad!
>my spurious interpretation also says this thing, these people, this dog, is bourgeois
This is just another nerd hobby for these people to have inane meaningless arguments about like it was MLP or 40k or whatever stupid IP.

do you mean tldr? cant be bothered to write it all but important parts are hes (reform and nigel) screaming all the same things as the tories have been for 8 years but are able to hide behind the fact they arent in gov when they cant fufill the nonsense populist promises as opposed to tories who couldnt do the same because they were in power.

reform doesnt really matter, nigel has tripped on his dick numerous times, appeared on a fucking russian talk show, is an isreali shill but knows to keep his mouth shut and eventually hes gonna do something so catastrophically stupid that his not going to be able to jump ship and make another right wing party while leaving him mates to hold the bag

>you're the problem
Are you sure it wasn't the person who didn't understand what a union is?

Nothing ever changes.

Anyone have any experience with the RCP, two of their guys were at my uni the other day and they seemed like alright guys but I've never heard of their org before. https://communist.red/

they are eh. ive heard unsavoury things about them but most i can say from experience is that they are now pushing this image of themselves as hardcore communists and dedicated revolutionaries when they are literally split from the militant in the 80s because most of the party after being kicked out of labour recognised that labour was dead under Neil Kinnock and had no real revolutionary potential for the working class where as they (calling themselsves the socialist appeal) made a whole case as to why they had to stick with labour

tldr they all the way through 2021 to 24 called on workers, comrades and unions to support and vote for Starmer and now are pretending they didnt

fair enough, was thinking of maybe joining up but they also seem completely toothless and from what I read on their website they have no real plan apart from just spouting vague revolutionary rhetoric. I've been trying to find local orgs but there seems to be nothing in Kent.

Starmer is tard

Are they even the same party?
Wikipedia says this is their website:

This site:
Doesn't even have an about us page. Any organization without an about us page that doesn't give names of who actually runs the org is immediately sus to me. I would hardly trust to buy from a business that didn't have that kind of info available.

RCP are what used to be socialist appeal. They are basically the hip student trot party (like the SWP were in the 2000s). The only activism they really do is around Palestine (where they are legit).

They're what socialist appeal renamed themselves to a year ago as part of their parent organisation's (International Marxist Tendency) rebranding at the Revolutionary Communist International as part of their 'open turn' abandoning entryism in favour of independent organising.
They're a Grantite trotskyist tendency. I generally find everything they say alright and like reading their articles, like Alan Woods and stuff, but have generally been put off by them historically having been an almost entirely student-based organisation, still better than any other trots in the UK other than maybe CPGB-PCC.
No, they're more claiming the heritage of this one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolutionary_Communist_Party_(UK,_1944)
And their about us page is under the links tab. Also check out https://marxist.com/ which is really the main website.

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>And their about us page is under the links tab.
Terrible organization. Links is where you link to other websites.
>We are not just a Britain-based party, we are the British section of the Revolutionary Communist International.
>Internationalism is in the DNA of Marxism. That’s why the RCP is not just a Britain-based party; we are the British section of the Revolutionary Communist International.
>The RCI has sections and groups in 36 countries, on every continent in the world: from Austria to Australia, Bangladesh to Brazil, Colombia to Czechia, and from South Africa to Sweden.
<Our largest sections are in Britain, Canada, the United States, and Pakistan – but we are growing rapidly everywhere! Our membership has doubled in the past two years, as more young people than ever seek revolutionary ideas.
>What’s more, we publish a daily international website, marxist.com, alongside our quarterly theoretical journal In Defence of Marxism, which is translated into ten languages.
So they claim that they are really all just chapters of an umbrella organization. These are the only ones they link to on that page:

Still no actual information of who is running this thing and how it's officially structured. Very sussy. Every socialist org seems to do this. I want transparency before I fuck with any org.
>Who is in charge?
>How is the actual command structure?
>How many members do you have?

No need to be THAT secretive. I'm sure the glowies already know all this information or they can find it out easily. It's me the average dick with no resources or time to investigate that can't find this information out. They should be upfront with it. Anyone can make a page with a bunch of slogans and articles and pretend to be a legit org worth joining, so if you actually are one, you should post the proof.

Tbf they aren't Trots, they seem like tryna be OG Leninists?
THey run this interesting journal: https://prometheusjournal.org/ (The Partyist merged into this if people are wondering what happened to that).

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>they seem like tryna be OG Leninists
So just like every trot?
Anyhow regardless of how they identify they're undeniably inspired by and incorporate trotsky into their analysis so they're trots to me. In fact the best trots are the ones who don't attach themselves to the label.

union in this context is generally shorthand for "trade union" or "labour union"

I'm based in Kent mate, you can meet up with some of us RMT lot for a beer if you like? Got plans of eventually reforming the SE Trades Council.

My head is kind of spinning over how many socialist and communist parties there are, it doesn't seem sensible to be that fractured when surely the primary goal of British Marxists is to show a united front against Labour?

Do they run Prometheus? I thought that was it's own thing with overlap with some other groups, CPGB-PCC put out the weekly worker.

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i fucking hate this cuntry.
that's all.

Can I ask why anon?

how about "student union"?

Sounds good mate how can I contact you

personally id rec the Socialist Party and our sister group TUSC (made of from militant exluding those who wanted back into labour as i mentioned before). yes i am a member but generally they're the only notable socialist party imo that doesnt have its head up its ass like swp or says stuff without actually doing much like RCP/socialist appeal.

feel free to take what i say with a grain of salt, ive done as much as i can just reccing SP and tusc. do whateverman, some of the best people ive ever met are the sole commies of one union branch who are a electric!

Fair point, have you got any apps you don't mind sharing your username on here?

I'm guessing from his pic because he hates capitalists.

I wish I could suck Winston Churchill's cock.

There was no way he could ever get hard though, not with the amount of whiskey highballs he drank

Nta but sending all those Australians to their deaths was a great bit

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