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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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<13 days until funni(nauguration) edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth™

🏈 💵 🌭 🍔

📺State Mandated Propaganda Livestreams📺
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Previous thread:

>Trump Won’t Rule Out Military Taking Greenland, Panama Canal
lol. lmao even.

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Pay the property tax, poors! Or else!

lebensraum fur der burgerreich

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if money printer go brr, why come the feddle gubberment so desperate to tax fiat?

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>there are still some significant pockets of native americans in north america
<time to reboot manifest destiny

that webm is concentrated headache juice

honkoid status?

I'd say that trump's approval rating will be a bit higher in his second term, mostly because the media apparatus will back him up a lot more and being a trumpfag gives you schizopoints (A very valuable commodity these days)

*honk honk*

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Helping people is too woke, would push away the moderates

What is this rumpus over Greenland?

it will be a nice place to live in 100 years but is barely inhabited and can't defend itself, so is ripe for annexation as the burgerreich suffers from TRPF

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convenient place to launch nukes at China/Russia

>Kamala Harris' stunning dignity echoes across history

Fresh water

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So, uhm, Trump wants Canada & Greenland to fend off Russia?

The anti-war candidate

Stupidpol says this unironically

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It is already our battleplan to fly the B-52s over the north pole and launch our cruise missiles from there. We already have the bases we need in Greenland.

it was an orthodox position held by many in the /ukr/ thread for 2 years though they distance themselves from it now. they based it on the idea that it was vice president biden and victoria nuland in 2014 who engineered euromaidan and made the war between ukraine and russia inevitable, and that therefore the republican party is somehow lest invested in ukraine, even though we saw john mccain while he was still alive and lindsey graham, be highly invested in the ukraine proxy war. i very much doubt our bourgeois bonapartist president will buck orthodoxy on russia now that the entire US bourgeoisie has such a sunk cost fallacy in continuing that boondoggle

outdated plan. it's not dr. strangelove era anymore. dying US hegemony must overextend itself with blatant wars of conquest to state off falling rate of profit.

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>outdated plan
You have no idea what you are talkimg about.

how do
supposed to compete with Russia's superSONIC missiles?

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What do super sonic missiles have to do with b-52s? There are no anti air supersonic missiles. The only thing is can they stop the cruise missiles after the b-52s dump their payload from 1000 miles away. Each b-52 carries 20 each.

So what are the potential diplomatic ramifications if Trump actually decides to go through trying to use military force to annex Greenland? Embargo by the EU? Actually fighting back? Or will they just shrug their shoulders and let America take it?

Very strongly worded letters from the EU.

I saw a tweet from a conservative saying Trump is based for being like Bukele and Milei and a “win” for the anglophone

This is sad. Remember when MSM used to compare him to Xi and Putin?

8 years of political capital and the best the POTUS can call on for allies is semi-peripheral bourgeois leaders? Even during the debate with Kamala Trump was bragging about how Viktor Orban loved him even though most of his core base could care less about him.

is that charlie kirk in the left pic? what's he doing there?

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Ukraine has showed us missile defense is an absolute meme. US vs China vs Russia, we are all getting blasted to kingdom come guarunteed. You can't stop the nukes from being launched at you. You can't stop them in the air.

Disappointing, give me a proper war you cucks

Their angle is portraying this as some kind of right-wing global version of a latam pink tide, but they do sound fringe and cringe in the end.

what did the EU do after the US blew up nordstream? I dont think they could really do much.

The difference is that was a coordinated anti-Russia effort, so they were willing to bite the bullet there. America trying to annex Greenland through military force is counterproductive to their material interests

Like if it wasn't already clear enough. Russia-Ukraine war has clearly shown that Russian missile interceptors can't stop NATO cruise missiles and NATO interceptors can't stop Russian cruise missiles and especially not the hazelnut. So yeah it was Putin going, "but imagine if those had nuclear warheads on them" but the same thing with all the cruise missiles they got hit with inside Russia.

It really doesn't matter about developing new technology or whatever. Missile interceptors can't catch up with the old technology.

is 2025 finally going to be year of the sizzle, or will nothing ever happens gang stay winning?

I dont feel safe in this world no more
I dont wanna die in a nuclear war
I want to sail away to a distant shore
And live like an ape man

like always

Just found out Trump participated to a fundraiser for the Irish Republican Army back in the 90s, there even is a picture of him with Gerry Adams.

LIVE NOW: Wildfires in Los Angeles, Biden cancels local event, evacuations ordered
Pretty sick. The firefighting plane just scooped some water off the ocean and is about to dump it.

he also has a pic with ian paisly, trump has pics with lots of random ass people

>It really doesn't matter about developing new technology or whatever. Missile interceptors can't catch up with the old technology.
Feels like we're in a period of history where advances in several technologies have outpaced the countermeasures. That includes missiles but also drones and landmines. I was hearing that the Ukraine war has all kinds of newer mines being developed and used, made out of plastic, powered by lithium batteries and triggered by things like changes in atmosphere from little doppler radars so it blows you up from a distance, while mine detection and clearing is still stuck in the 1990s. One reason why the Ukrainian offensive in 2023 failed completely. But also why the initial Russian invasion failed to decisively defeat Ukraine. The Ukrainians are numerically the weaker side but the technology has allowed them to hold on so far.

There was something similar in World War I when advances in machine guns, artillery, etc. made it impossible for either side to break through enemy lines. It wasn't until World War II that people figured how to combine new technologies like radios, tanks, aircraft to work together. What some military theorists today suggest is that to break the deadlock will be some combination of drones being used in en masse (swarms) combined with A.I.

Yeah, it's just that Ian Paisley and Donald Trump are somewhat close politically, (obviously Paisley was much more extreme then Trump) But Gerry Adams and Trump really have nothing in common.

What material interests? Europe's material interests is to be a good vassal to the American Empire.

I think Trump just liked to show up at stuff in New York in the 1990s. Attendees were encouraged to donate to a Sinn Fein fund at that thing but the party claimed Trump didn't (as if Trump would ever give away his own money for free).

Lelftists really need to find a powerful egregore agains the right. We do have good terms such as chud, treatlerite but none of them are very powerful IMAGES that can be used to rebuke the right. They are good insults, but the right can just tank the hits or in the case of treatler, doesn't make for a powerful image. We need a Daemonic figure that siphons all the embarassing qualities of man, and then use it as a voodoo doll to make right-wing and liberal ideology stink of doo-doo.

the pol chinlett image did well

It's quite simple to understand why missile interceptors will never work. You need many times the number of interception missiles as the missiles you're trying to intercept. On top of that, these missiles need to be many times faster and more maneuverable than the missiles they are trying to intercept. But if you have tech to build those kind of interception missiles, than you have the tech to build just as fast and numerous attack missiles.

It's really just trying to shoot bullets out of the air with bullets. It's a fool's errand.

They managed to turn that into their form of "Faggot". It's more of a compliment to them now.

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Besides that's just missiles. Reentry warheads go fast:
>The reentry speed of the warheads on a Trident II (D5) missile depends on their trajectory, but typically, they reach speeds of 13,000–15,000 miles per hour (20,920–24,140 kilometers per hour) as they enter the atmosphere during reentry. This speed is equivalent to Mach 18–Mach 22, depending on altitude and atmospheric density.

>The final speed of a Trident II (D5) warhead when it impacts its target depends on various factors, including trajectory, atmospheric drag, and the warhead's design. However, by the time the warhead reaches the target, its speed is typically reduced due to atmospheric deceleration.

>The final speed is estimated to be in the range of 6,000–8,000 miles per hour (9,650–12,875 kilometers per hour). This is approximately Mach 8–Mach 10, depending on atmospheric conditions and trajectory specifics.

I'll be honest, a turn towards revolutionary Satanism would massively help the left

I think that the left should have a heavy metal attitude and not a punk rock one. Punk rock is just rebelling for the sake of it and being a bunch of slackers when it comes to producing cultural output, heavy metal had more of a point and is just a more refined and intense genre in general. It works both as a mainstream and outsider genre as well, while punk is stuck with being "Authentic" that only hipsters will find valuable or it will just be inauthentic.

The left should just give punk to the right and take over metal instead. Revolutionary Satanism might unironically work as well.

Dunno why I have to keep saying this, but it’s not memes that propel politics forward, it’s on the ground work. Spend less time trying to make left-wing groypers and spend more time trying to build community power. Fuck, even if it’s something faggy like community theater it’s still better than working on memes

I think Capital Volume 2 covers internet memes and how they transform society

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We need to have indepth nuclear triad classes in school.

>this is how we are gonna kill everybody

>and no one can stop us

This might be like the most important thing you could possibly learn about.

yeah. in it karl marx coins the term "trvke"

this, jesus christ i swear /leftypol/ has been trying to craft the perfect epic meme to take down the right for a decade now and it was always embarassing but now its just sad

leftypol has not ever been doing that

Asked during a press conference at Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday if he could “assure the world” that he would not use “military or economic coercion” in his efforts to acquire either one, Trump said he would not.

“No, I can’t assure you on either of those two. But I can say this, we need them for economic security,” he said.

Trump has repeatedly expressed his desire for the US to buy Greenland from Denmark.

“People really don’t even know if Denmark has any legal right to it, but if they do, they should give it up because we need it,” he said on Tuesday, claiming it was an “absolute necessity” for US national security.

why is he so fixated on greenland? lol

1. Proximity to Russia and the arctic ocean see >>2105988 which will be very important once we have an ice-free north pole. It will be very significant for strategic and trade reasons since we'll be able to send ships through there without worrying about ice.
2. As an extension of that, there will be more "virgin land" available there (and in Canada) since the permafrost and glaciers will be gone.

NATO vs USA inter-imperialist conflict, who would win?

It is much more than just making a meme. Leftists are seen as weak-muscled, elitist hipster types and that is seen as the soyjak meme but the meme is just a reflection of the image that we have been cursed to have. Having a meme is not enough anymore, memetic warefare is simply the presence of something that is much greater than it. It is the idea, the history that the soyjak represents. A sort of corrupt figure that everyone can dunk on, while also feel a connection to because they ARE it more than they would like to think. THis is why I think the term treatler becoming more popular is a good thing, because it reveals the shadow of the liberal right and "left" as a bunch of spoiled brats who want to consoom shit and bitch at anyone who demands more artful or doesn't wish to produce that sort of garbage anymore.

no way in hell trump is thinking about it in those terms

jesus shut the fuck up

For as much as racializing political issues is a personal pet peeve of mine, I think part of the issue is that among suburban whites (and I imagine at least some people on this board fall into this category) I’d say the nature of the suburbs especially in white areas makes things like “community organizing” more foreign. Lots of us don’t know or care about the people we live next to, and it might be a remnant of the era of “white flight” but community attachment seems fickle; like you just gotta be ready to pack up and move for any old reason. It’s a little better for subgroups like the Mormons or Catholics, because you’ve got these big centralized institutions who are bound by familial connections, but in an increasingly irreligious country, those ties are becoming ephemeral. So if you’re some downwardly mobile suburban white guy, what recourse do you have to express your intense alienation and desire for change than the internet? The internet becomes your community whereas other groups have actual communities they can actually organize.

And I think politics especially becomes difficult when you’re raised in such a mindset. I’ve got no idea who my “neighborhood council” or whatever is, or what they do. In some cases it’s replaced entirely with HOAs that pursue governance as another form of capital accumulation. You go on apps like Nextdoor and it’s just your neighbors writing shit like “I heard a loud bang last night, is there a shooting?!?!” There was a culture war issue ages ago where some insane woman tried calling the police on a bunch of black people having a BBQ in a public park, and you know that’s the thing about the mindset that grows in these communities, it creates a class of old women who specifically want to disrupt and destroy and sense of community, they want to dictate everything that happens outside of their home. I’ve experienced it firsthand, my family has been the target of a one-sided feud from some insane woman a few doors down. She throws a fit and spams the police about noise complaints because my little brother’s band practices their music at… 1:00 in the afternoon. She did this before, apparently, with a little kid who’d practice the trumpet in their house a few doors down from hers. She’s fucking brought our family up in local government meetings to try and get us expelled from the neighborhood somehow. She’s blamed every petty act of vandalism on us, including a plastic bag that flew into her law on a windy day. One time her son grabbed a homeless person’s shopping cart and dumped it on our front yard in front of us, our mom asked him to pick it up, he called her a bitch, our dad knocked on their front door asking for an apology—and the bitch said she’s proud of what her son did, that we deserve it, and then she called 911 after my dad left and claimed he was trying to break into her home and threaten her!

Community and liveliness isn’t just dead in these suburbs, it was murdered, and the killers are still at large trying to stamp out anything that pushes back on the sterile silence they enjoy. Which is why I think an important task for leftists, white leftists especially, is to try to revive community. Host BBQs, start rec leagues, fuck set up an outdoor movie theater or something. Anything that gets you in contact with the people you live next too.

What is your solution then?

Why do people in red states believe the GOP is against taxes?

Who's to say he won't? Who would stop him?

the bourgeoisie are. you think the fossil fuel companies want to transition to solar when there's still so much oil and natural gas to extract in the arctic?

My community socks and I don't want to build anything with them. I hate my countrymen. They suck.

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Would increase American control over the Northwest Passage (picrel) which has been a geopolitical hotpoint for a while now and will only grow more relevant as capitalism slowly turns our planet into a sauna

Burgers: Start memorizing these phrases:
Wǒ tóuxiáng. Cāo zhège guójiā.
Я подчиняюсь. К черту эту страну.
YA podchinyayus'. K chertu etu stranu.

because voters just believe in whatever the fuck they say.

Do you guys think Trump's goop brain is actually dead set on invading Greenland/Panama or he has some other plans in his pocket?

As Earth turns into Venus, porky will flee into space. Unironically.

who cares. the decline and dissolution of the burgerreich is now a bipartisan endeavor and the entire world outside america approves.

Elysium did this plot in 2013

It will be worse because the space station won’t be parked in Earth’s orbit, and if proles on back on Terra get uppity they will use nukes.

Gundam did this plot in 1979.

Ok but what do the people of Greenland think? Are there opinion polls or anything of whether they wanna be part of the US?

doesn't matter

friendly reminder that the capitalist has family, children, moms, aunties, grandmas in top notch nursing homes.

class war is total war, never forget it

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Some might be affected by the fate of their offspring, but you'll never hurt a Porky by killing their ascendency
>Daddy ded? Sweet more money :DDD

To be fair, Gundam arguably borrowed from Heinlein

Yeah I feel this is it. America has apparently been on the back foot with regards to exploiting the artic when compared to the russkies (see the disparity in icebreaker ships, other artic infrastructure) and I feel Trump's handlers are overcorrecting for this by just straight up expanding the US's borders directly by annexing vanada and greenland. Whether they actually do it is another thing, but the fact the idea's actually getting thrown around in mainstream discourse suggests to me a campaign to normalise it


Also known as Hyperborea

Of course, the Mobile Suit doesn't exist without the influence of Starship Troopers.

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>walk up to random burgers in public
>do you support socialism
>why not
<they're puttin the litterboxes in schools for the catgenders

material explanation?

>the middle-class is neurotic about their property
Is this supposed to be a mind-numbing mystery?

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now you're starting to get the idea

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>Is this supposed to be a mind-numbing mystery?

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repeat after me anon:
>meme magic is not real
<meme magic is not real
>meme magic is not real
<meme magic is not real
>meme magic is not real
<meme magic is not real
>meme magic is not real
<meme magic is not real
>meme magic is not real
<meme magic is not real

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>Leftists are seen as weak-muscled, elitist hipster types
gavin mcinness the founder of the proud boys and richard spencer much more closely fit this stereotype
>soyjak meme
channers drawing each other
>people in the imperial core consoom stuff
is this any surprise? marx talked about departments 1, 2a, 2b.

department 1 is means of production

department 2a is means of subsistence (food, water, shelter)

department 2b is unnecessary consoomer commodities.

If you dedicate too much of society's resources to making 2A, you get a crisis of overproduction in the means of subsistence, the price of subsistence drops, and food is too cheap for the bourgeoisie to profit. can't have that. so we set aside a lot of our economy to make shit people don't need to survive from deparmtent 2B. this prevents a crisis of overproduction in 2A so food prices will stay high enough that they eat away at a significant portion of a person's paycheck.

Since department 2B is so important to the bourgeoisie, especially in terms of making society look "wealthy" through conspicuous consumption of stupid BS, everyone has to be advertised to nonstop and brainwashed into wanting crap they don't need.

Now in marx's time, 2B was only for bourgeois consumption but bourgeois reformists in the imperial core countries in the 20th century realized they could stabilize capitalism by making everyone in society consume 2B commodities and raising wages slightly above subsistence. this led to a culture of "consumerism' that was criticized heavily between the 2nd half of the 20th century and now

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>THis is why I think the term treatler becoming more popular is a good thing
The "treats" discourse is fucking cancer. A bunch of petit-bougeois hipster "Left" looking for a reason to spit on the poor from their gentrified luxury apartments and tell them that they never had it so good.

Trump is saying what his advisors want.

>t. treatlerite

Yall are about to be in for the stalest, most swamped out, Deep State ridden Trump administration ever.

All this Canada and Greenland hoopla is just for his lowbrow base to eat up and shit, he’s going to do exactly what his bourgeois handlers tell him and at best they’ll let him bully weak Euro leaders on CNN for not paying into NATO enough (they already have to anyways)

>Be Elon Musk
>Hate your parents
>Hate your children too
>Your children too despise you in return
>All your ex-wives also hate you
>No real friends outside of groomed sycophants who would deny ever knowing you if they felt it was in their best interests
I think you underestimate the level of psychopathy and narcissism of these people. Trump isn't much different either. He cares about his sons only in as far they're useful to him and hinted he was willing to throw them under the bus to stay out of prison, and he only values Ivanka because he's an incestuous pedophile degenerate who has been lusting after her since she entered puberty.
It's difficult to grasp for ordinary people, but oligarchs like Musk and Trump don't care about anyone. Not even their own blood.

The wife and children of the Brian Thompson? Same deal. His wife wasn't bothered at all. (And why would she? She's about to inherit millions of dollars. Its not like she needs him now)
The only thing they truly fear losing is their own lives. Which also ties into their obsession with life extension research and vampire freaks like Thiel infusing themselves with the blood of young people and a daily diet of 200+ or so nootropics and other experimental drugs.

piss off, the proles in the us are retarded

Cant be worse than biden. You diminish proletarian victory and create harry potter narrative to justify your bourgeois outlook where trump is antichrist

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>exactly what his bourgeois handlers tell him
How many times are people going to keep pushing this line?
He is the bourgeoisie. There are no bourgeois handlers. The bourgeois handlers are in direct control.
This Thiel-Musk-Trump-Others admin is a thoroughly blatant oligarch led regime. This isn't the Biden-Bush-Obama-HW-Reagan era anymore where the oligarchs act as the policy making handlers through think tank proxies and campaign funding whilst a supposedly impartial democratically-elected bureaucracy officially manages the affairs of the State for the Good of the Nation.
It's a mask off bourgeois dictatorship. They're not pretending anymore.

>trump is the most based communist capitalist CEO ever because the internet said so

silence maga schizo, the adults are speaking

>piss off, the proles in the us are retarded
No, they're just not going to follow a bunch of PB gentrifer hipsters like you.

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We both have a savior complex over the proles, it's just that I embrace it while you become a tailist. To be a leader, you must know what the followers want and see if that is feasible or not.
Also I don't think americans are mentally disabled, just really easily lied to be grifters because feeling good and having an acceptable image is more important than the truth or even just being a moralfag.

You really think people are going to follow you when you talk like Steven Pinker and tell them that they never had it so good while everything's falling apart or tell them the little things they enjoy are "treats" (Funny how you types never go after the rich or their toys) or that they deserve austerity for being "problematic" or unenlightened? If you want to be a vanguard, you need to earn it. Until then , you're not Lenin and the Bolsheviks, you're the mirror image of a bunch of Navalny supporters in Moscow or Saint Petersburg.


treats are good, being a baby about them isn't.

Please don't take this as an insult, but please go outside right now. Like literally right now. And touch the nearest patch of grass. (Or a tree, or just go for a walk - anything)
Like I know where this is coming from, but please don't say shit like this to your co-workers, especially not the religious ones. Actually don't say it to anyone.
The "Left" has a general issue appearing out of touch as is, or at worst, degenerate "freaks" who push "wokeism" (sigh) on ordinary normal everyday people.

Instead do what what CPUSAnon is suggesting >>2106146 Go outside, organize events, hang out with friends and co-workers - it doesn't have to be official. Put the social back into socialism.
But please don't start another insular schizophrenic misanthropic cult but this time "communists", rightoids already do this, and it's very very cringe.
We don't need "meme magic" and egregores and obscurantists esoteric religious rituals in order to convince people that, as a wagie, you're being exploited and fucked over. They know. We know.
Instead we need a way to organize this shared sentiment into action.
People obsesses over wages and bills, but not enough is said about (as CPUSAnon described) just how much capitalism has eroded people's social lives, how it tears apart families, how it destroys people mentally and not just physically, how we're dehumanized into becoming mere cogs in machines where the only thing we do is work, commute, eat, shit and then repeat the same thing the next day. And every day turns into a haze, where three months later you wonder what you did in the meantime.
I think everyone here who has either done a repetitive physical or desk job has experienced that moment where you're like "What the fuck am I doing? Who am I?"

I forgot who said it, but I remember someone writing about something similar in relation to homes, and how houses under capitalism aren't places where people "live" like might be understood in previous eras, but instead are places where you merely recuperate in-between work. And how this became especially evident during the height of the pandemic.
Everything in capitalism ends up revolving around the replication of capital. The work day doesn't end when you clock out. It doesn't begin when you clock in. Capitalism doesn't merely determine how you work, but where, where you live, what you study, what you eat, what you say, how you express yourself online and offline, when and if you "start a family". As if all of humanity has become enthralled by an alien god. An unseen suffocating force.
Like only in a society that is deeply socially ill could a concept like "loitering" ever arise.

tl;dr: Please don't start yet another cult. (ACP, terminally online eceleb fandoms, etc) And instead talk and interact with people around you (coworkers, friends, people you meet during the day). You'll find a lot of ideas you may believe to be fringe are not only easily grasped, but already considered to be self-evident. And a lot of people want to move away from the culture war hysteria, and long for real tangible social bonds and a social life which isn't entirely mediated through capitalism.
And this is what's the real appeal of socialism; not this endless trite reduction to "policy", "wages", "geopolitics" and the astroturfed culture war hysteria.

Based retard

>Crisis of overtreatification

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he's right you know
not sure how you square the massive amounts of people living in sacrifice zones, the lack of healthcare, the million and a half homeless people, the deaths of despair, the largest prison population on earth (per capita) with that whole mentality

The best 'egregore' is organizing in real life; you know, like the right-wing militias have been doing to quite great success in the US? Hell, there was even an exposĂŠ dropped yesterday that showed the extent of influence they have.
If you really want to push for positive change in the material world, then simply organize.


Come down and buy a used car today

For deals that are really gonna make you smile!


Labor Day!

I feel like you might be right to some degree, I have heard that the reason why the GOP does so well is because they actually host bbqs for the people to go to and then socialize at their functions with. The dems don't really do that and keep fucking up (Outside of special election s which they won…today). However how the fuck are we going to do anything but juts become another anarchoid charity group? This is also why the memes are important, there is not just the false dichotomy of GO OUTSIDE or POST ONLINE. People will be on their phones while bbqing with the boys. I even was invited to one of those by the neighbor olds, but couldn't go because I was sick as shit.

go to hardcore shows and hand out pamphlets with selections from the little red book and state and rev

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>Be Elon Musk
>Hate your parents
>Hate your children too
>Your children too despise you in return
>All your ex-wives also hate you
>No real friends outside of groomed sycophants who would deny ever knowing you if they felt it was in their best interests

hosting a bbq for my neighbors so i can spread the good word of socialism but i forgot to buy food so i just call them all little treatlers every time they ask

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So Hitler love Hits and hates Jews.
So Treatlers love Treats and hate ???

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Ackshually the Hit- in Hitler comes from Hittite. Hittite->Hittitler->Hitler

>The chariots of Mursilis I, grandson of the Hittite Empire’s founder, were nearing the end of their raid that had started nearly 1,000 miles away in central Anatolia. They had moved so fast, they outsped the news of their coming. The chariot-borne Hittites burst through the open gates of unsuspecting Babylon, sacked the greatest city in the world, and ended the ancient Mesopotamian dynasty founded by Hammurabi. It was an “Aryan blitzkrieg” – in 1595 B.C.

I think the issue with this, is that it ends up feeling like another instance of someone or some group trying to "sell" you something. Like Jehova's witnesses.
You go to an event to have fun with your friends, maybe find a hook up, but instead you meet these clergy freaks who are obnoxiously waving their holy books in your faces while quoting the scriptures.
Like I remember an image from the old days way back of some WWP (I think it was the WWP/some Marcyist group) member holding up a book and screaming during a rally looking like a lunatic. It's that kinda vibe.

Like don't get me wrong, I'm not saying "don't do anything". But I think it would work better as an invite to yet ''another' event. Like an informal
>By the way we do events/protests too maybe you'd like to check them out
And then you invite them to your whatsapp/telegram group.
It doesn't have to be strictly political in the way most might understand. The main appeal might be checking out local musicians and having a fun time, the official reason is some charity concert for Gaza, but it's also a way to find like-minded people. Yes you will encounter liberals, you may even encounter unironic MAGA, but imo that ain't the big deal people make it out to be.
You can't go out there and expect everyone to agree with you beforehand. Like people who aren't able to talk to ordinary people aren't going to be leading any "revolution".

In general - and this is my opinion - organizing should refill the void left by capitalism. It shouldn't attempt to sell anything, including memberships (and especially NOT newspapers), it should break not only in content but also form with the eceleb grifting, the cults and the especially bourgeois election spectacles.
Go grill with your neighbors. Like it genuinely surprises me how there are "organizers" out there who don't even know their own neighbors or ever interacted with them outside of small talk.

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We are beyond clown world at this point. Why is USA so embarrassing?

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>I have heard that the reason why the GOP does so well is because they actually host bbqs for the people to go to and then socialize at their functions with. The dems don't really do that and keep fucking up
I live in the suburbs now and the GOP is the dominant party locally, and they do meetups at BBQ restaurants and things like that yeah. The Democrats do "drinking liberally" meetups at some brewery. Maybe they do something else but I haven't looked it that much. Annual banquets are also a thing that the Republicans and Democrats do all over the nation at the county level as an important source of fundraising, although the only leftist version of that I know about is a CPUSA banquet in Connecticut.

On "community" type stuff in the suburbs, most of it from what I can tell around here is that it's either local porky / professional-class business "leadership development" type stuff, churches, or apolitical hobby and fitness type things like running and cycling clubs, gardening / flower clubs, and "keep suburbsville beautiful" trash cleanup volunteers. Stuff like that.

>However how the fuck are we going to do anything but juts become another anarchoid charity group?

I think it really comes down to demands. Like, what is your demand?

I used to live in a city with a kind of "non-denominational" leftist scene (but generally anarchist / Luxemburgist), and they did an interesting thing where mutual aid was a weekly event and they were persistent about it, and they'd go pitch a tent in the middle of town every weekend, but the real purpose of that was to act like a little hub or lobby if you wanted to get in contact and "get involved." The real meat was in building little coalitions with progressive people, labor people, and single-interest types (when appropriate) around specific demands. So, let's say the city would move to cut back on public services that would also shed some union jobs to replace them with shitty gig McJob contractors, that would be a cause to organize around and escalate from there, and they'd build a little movement and start harassing the city council, organizing a campaign (complete with demonstrations, press packets, petition drives – basically a playbook – and bringing in labor allies from other places to roll in), and while they weren't storming the barricades they were relatively productive and successful at it.

They tended to work closely with a small labor group. The people in the group were radicals but didn't hit you with any of that ultra stuff. It was like "Local Workers" and they'd pitch a tent next to the non-denominational mutual aid group with labor literature (some of it just straight AFL-CIO pamphlets, "know your rights"), so now there was this little leftist mini-camp out there on a pretty regular basis. I'd have to say my experience with the sectarian "ML" left on the other hand has been completely unproductive.

>I feel like you might be right to some degree, I have heard that the reason why the GOP does so well is because they actually host bbqs for the people to go to and then socialize at their functions with. The dems don't really do that and keep fucking up (Outside of special election s which they won…today). However how the fuck are we going to do anything but juts become another anarchoid charity group? This is also why the memes are important, there is not just the false dichotomy of GO OUTSIDE or POST ONLINE. People will be on their phones while bbqing with the boys. I even was invited to one of those by the neighbor olds, but couldn't go because I was sick as shit.

Y'know I think it was Behind the Bastards, but they were doing an episode on psychotic right-wing suburbs in Cali (your Orange County, your Simi Valley) and when those suburbs became breeding grounds for insane anti-communist reaction, what they found was that a lot of people almost seemed to use it as an escape from suburban alienation. Here you were, passionately arguing against some ACLU candidate because you think he's a commie, and you're loving every minute of it because your whole neighborhood feels mobilized, it feels like you're a part of something.

There was some advice I heard from older CPUSA members (who honestly have seen a lot and are worth listening to based off experience alone) where they talked about how they were young and impassioned communists, they dedicated all their time to trying to get some public meeting to discuss socialism going, and when they spent hours upon hours getting everything ready for the big day… no one showed up. It was only after they made a new event that was, IIRC, a working class art exhibition that they got people to show up and talk socialism.

If you advertise a socialist book club, you're only gonna get socialists. If you advertise a BBQ and maybe keep some stuff from your local org, a copy of some newspapers or some pamphlets or what have you, you'll catch a wider audience of people. People are desperate for some sense of community, but they don't want it to be all "political" at first.

>People obsesses over wages and bills, but not enough is said about (as CPUSAnon described) just how much capitalism has eroded people's social lives, how it tears apart families, how it destroys people mentally and not just physically, how we're dehumanized into becoming mere cogs in machines where the only thing we do is work, commute, eat, shit and then repeat the same thing the next day. And every day turns into a haze, where three months later you wonder what you did in the meantime.

Jesus that hit close to home.

But something I think is important to mention is that, while I've advocated sports or BBQs, it can literally be anything that gets your community together. Don't worry if you don't think it'd be popular, because it just might be you introduce someone to something they've always been curious about but never had a chance to try. Combine shit. Have fun. Introduce Magic the Gathering or Dungeons and Dragons to people. Or Go. Or Chess. If you got a thing for some niche sport, do that! Hell, you could even try partnering with local businesses: create a new bowling league, if you're having a big event, ask the local comic book store if they want to set up a stand and sell stuff. Open your yard to bands. Just anything other than "we need a new kind of soyjak"

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I don't feel bad at all when all these rich people homes burn up. Remember whenever you hear about a fire or landslide destroying homes in California, if it's not in the mountains like Paradise or whatever, it is 100% uber wealthy people homes getting burnt up or falling off the cliff because they're always trying to see how high they can build up the hillside so they can get ultimate elevation on the poormies.

>Should I build on an unstable hillside surrounded by mountains of dry brush with limited road access?

>Who cares the poormies will pay to put out the fire and rebuild my house.

literally just a few months ago another one of these uber rich coastal towns was sliding into the Ocean. Palisades which is on fire right now has had many many landslides over its history. Literally never happens in poor areas.

at least it's entertaining. Trump straight up establishing ONAN like in Infinite Jest

Noice just tuned into the news and the mountains above Pasadena are also on fire. I lived close to the mountains but there was still a buffer of hundred of way richer people in between the absolute edge of the forest and my home.

Live stream of just the Eaton Canyon Fire. It's trippy watching the whole mountain burn down in person. Seen it a few times in my life.

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This is JPL right across a small canyon from my house. I remember watching this thing burn down the whole mountain. It was just 100s of feet from JPL at some points.


Oh, one last thing. I'd say the distinction between this and mutual aid is that mutual aid tends to just attract people in need of aid. The homeless. The poor. And look, those are great allies to have, but there's a lot of people who don't or rather refuse to fall into those categories. Free blankets and children's food and water are all good and mutual aid should continue to be done, but I work with the public: I had people who used foodstamps during the pandemic who told me nervously "I hate using this thing. I only use it 'cause I lost my job. I'm looking for a new one so I can get off this right away." Things like Sports Clubs or BBQs are innocent. People don't have this socially imposed idea that they're a "failure" or "loser" for attending your event.

I think the key is also learning how to talk to people. Don't go all in their face "Have you heard about our lord and savior Karl Marx?" Practice a kind of magnanimity. Don't lie and pander. Be neighborly, see the value in people beyond their politics. If you see potential in someone, include them in some Socialist work. Make it a kind of open invitation. Don't make it seem like you're trying to "change" them or make them see your way of doing things. Instead do something like "I'll be helping out some striking Amazon workers, care to help me deliver some water to them?"

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Effigy

> Last night

> I saw a fire burning on
> The palace lawn
> O'er the land
> The humble subjects watched in mixed
> Emotion

> Who is burning?

> Who is burning?
> Effigy
> Who is burning?
> Who is burning?
> Effigy

> Last night

> I saw the fire spreading to
> The palace door
> Silent majority
> Weren't keeping quiet
> Anymore

> Who is burning?

> Who is burning?
> Effigy
> Who is burning?
> Who is burning?
> Effigy

> Last night

> I saw the fire spreading to
> The country side
> In the morning
> Few were left to watch
> The ashes die

> Who is burning?

> Who is burning?
> Effigy
> Who is burning?
> Who is burning?
> Effigy

> Why?

> Why?
> Why?
> Effigy

That lady sounds nasty, you should organize the community against her. You know she's fucking with everyone else.

As someone recovering from suburban living you're 100% right. It's designed to be alienating and I know you end up developing an ambient paranoia. Holed up in you're dragon cave of consumer bullshit. Idk how to fix that, I just had to leave. Since then I've been taking baby steps myself in getting involved in my new community. I've met my neighbor and smoked weed with him. He's also plugged super into the town and told me about all the intrigue, the local corruption and the sex cults that been popping up.

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These giant windows really let in the light!

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stupidpol sure is something

>we're gonna be ok
bro's literally in hell

I can't be assed to reply to any particular person but I think the move to play is to create a positive atmosphere offline and create a negative atmosphere online. You don't bother to organize much of anything online, it is a waste of time. Instead, you try to poison the vibes against the liberals. You make it a humiliating thing to be, you make them feel basic, pop, conformist, NPC, stupid, uneducated, lacking in will ect. You goblinize liberals both maga and shitlib online, but you don't do that shit OFFLINE

I checked the account. This is why kids shouldn't be allowed on social media….

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that ain't even the dumbest shit he said

Same guy gets a meltdown when he sees hypermasculine BBC porn

stupidpolism really does come from treatlerism. Albeit they are smarter treatlerist than say /v/ is.

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Stop trying to make treatler a thing.

I understand what you're getting at, but I think people online need to chill too (including here on /leftypol/). Like I remember back when forums (>20 years ago) used to ban people for swearing, any use of slurs or being mildly rude.
I feel this shift towards "it's okay to be deliberately obnoxious and offensive online" happened around the early 2010s, and while it has made the internet worse, it hasn't made offline organizing any better.
Instead much of the terminally online derangement has bled into the offline.
Imo if someone's behaving in a way that would get them punched in the face offline, ban them.
This kid needs to find some offline friends.

4chan has been around since 2003 but I didn't start using it until 2016. To my knowledge it was always "chan culture" to be
>deliberately obnoxious and offensive online"
That's like always been the draw of 4chan vs a messageboard where you have to signup, often have to wait to get approved to post. Vs. it takes like half a minute at most to ban evade on an anonymous messageboard. The design of this platform was always to encourage trolling.

I like that TJ leans into being a neckbeard wizard now.

Being obnoxious/offensive was always 4chan's culture. It's the political slant that came after Gamergate that ruined the site.

It’s sad how Trudeau can’t even command decent bourgeois respect and RULES and whatnot from his political peers on the global stage. Xi scolding him like a child in front of reporters, Trump openly joking about annexing Canada just for cheap points from the shock and awe crowd. Tucker doing corny X bits pretending to “liberate” Canada from wokeness.

In fact, why doesn’t the US just tell UK to stop the whole monarch LARP and just act like a normal country, the already basically insult its satraps and boss around everyone as is. It feels like some weird avant garde performance now

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Based. I think Trump has the right idea. Why does only Putin get to annex territories. We need to free our English speaking neighbors next door from French and Punjabi terror.

I don't recall it being this toxic back then. There's a difference between using a slur as a way of addressing (fellow) anons (i.e. being edgy), and people writing paragraphs about how they want to unironically burn black children alive with flamethrowers. The latter is something that started appearing after the early 2010s.
4chan wasn't always like this. I recommend checking the archives and seeing the general contrast and shift in vibes. Especially before /pol/ was created. (which imo is responsible for ruining the site entirely. The news board should have been deleted and never replaced)
You're right, but I remember this happening already during the early Obama years, and really gaining pace when Ron Paul ran for president. There was a general shift away from people talking about "the elites" towards simply blaming jews. I remember when the culture was largely "libertarian" and the US government was compared to Nazi Germany and this was considered to be a bad thing.

I really should apologize to that guy who said that dems only win special elections and off-season elections now.

"Trump’s return creates opportunity to remove Iran threat, says blue-ribbon committee"
The election of Donald Trump as US president offers an unprecedented opportunity to remove the threat Israel faces from Iran, according to a committee appointed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to examine defense spending and IDF military force design for the future.

Trump’s return to the White House, said the Nagel Committee on Monday, “creates, for the first time, the potential for a fundamental change, and the removal or meaningful reduction of the Iranian threat.”

Trump’s inauguration is scheduled for January 20. He is expected to return to a version of the “maximum pressure” campaign that he pursued in his first term to pressure Iran to give up its nuclear program.

The release of the committee’s findings came the same day as an Axios report that Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer had come out of a November meeting with Trump thinking that the US president-elect would back an Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities or even order a US attack.

The committee, chaired by Brigadier General (Res.) Prof. Jacob Nagel and comprising representatives of the Prime Minister’s Office, Finance Ministry, Defense Ministry and IDF, is tasked with determining the direction of Israel’s military force design for the next decade, the budgetary implications, and the economic impact.

Will Trump cannibalize the west ? by forming a "USSA" it would be the largest country in world, with so many people (over 400m) and resources/territory, that even if it lost control over Europe (increasingly impoverished), it could still be the most powerful/influential country, could that be his plan ?

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Looking back, this was always going to be the logical end point of "multipolarity" + no rules. Smaller or less powerful neighbors (nat bourg) either accept being reduced to protectorates (exclusive market access), or they're invaded and annexed.
It's very 19th century, and I feel in absence of an (international) socialist workers movement, it will end the same as last time.

I see a lot of liberals not taking this seriously. As if they've been living under a rock for 30 years.
But Jan 20th is going to be the definitive end of an era. The American bourgeoisie are openly stating they will no longer abide by the rules. They already didn't, but at least they pretended to. This is mask off.

Haha, war comes to the Westoids, and the one warring them will be USA

I don't think that's the reason. If this was the case, USA could force military bases there and be done with it. It's likely to do with property rights over continental shelf

>I see a lot of liberals not taking this seriously
Of course not they are coping atm
>The American bourgeoisie are openly stating they will no longer abide by the rules. They already didn't, but at least they pretended to
Because the rules that they followed were the rules that they came up with post-91 and benefitted from it. Multipolarism puts a headache on liberal hegemony and now they can go mask off because the pig with make up was always a pig but now allow it to be the ugly sack it always was.

Consolidating North America, the Panama canal included takes care of any Chinese threat to local American bourgeois (economic) hegemony on the continent.
People shouldn't be surprised because this was attempted more than once in the 19th century for many of the same reasons. And was only halted in the southern direction because north-eastern whites didn't want a bunch more slave states + an influx of non-whites. And if not for an infamous diplomatic fuck up the southern border would have been even further south than it already is.

This wasn't necessary for a long time because the west was united, and American business interests in North America weren't threatened by soviet industry and multinationals.
The anons who predicted the American bourgeoisie would rather "burn down the world" than lose their hegemony were right all along.

Canada will be annexed by the 250th anniversary. Completing manifest destiny that was denied 1812. Once the tariffs get put in place Canada will join the US and Canadians do not have enough pride to counter this. They are essentially Americans anyway and the British are a dead island with losing significants. It's funny CANZUK was supposed to happen but quickly got crushed. The British Empire is dead

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They're going full speed ahead with fascism. This was always the plan and it turns out that the vast majority of humans are fascist scum who deserve the bullet. Nobody is pretending to be a good person anymore. It's just mask-off monstrosity.

Stalin is the most vindicated man in history. I wonder when someone will save us from all of this.

Start practicing your shooting skills and working out, friends. Even if you're on your own, these are healthy skills to have. You don't want to be a fatass if you need to flee some bad shit and you don't want to have a shaky finger when you need to shoot someone in self defense.

Really, it's fascinating how quickly everyone is falling in line behind MAGA. It really is the new nazi movement, complete with the rampant imperialism and wars. Ironically all the "trump is hitler 2" people are mysteriously silent about this now. The nothing ever happens crowd is on some heavy copium after the election. We went from "trump will do nothing in his second term" to having vast proportions of america cheer and celebrate the forced annexation of other countries.

I'm guessing canadian, mexican, and greenland peeps are going to be treated as second and third class citizens, right?

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I don't think he will annex Canada bit it would be based. There is no reason to have the Maple Syrup nation anymore. They aren't even sovereign. King Charles so really we would be liberating Canada from the crown.

Climate change event. LA is burning.


>the Panama canal
It was only given up in 1999 at the peak of American dominance in the world. China was not a threat and seen as potentially becoming democratic. The US never gave up on the Panama Canal and it was only a matter of time before a competitor would rise to make America want to take it back.
>People shouldn't be surprised because this was attempted more than once in the 19th century for many of the same reasons
20th century as well before the Cold War. US predicted a war with the British Empire and put plans for this war. The special relation didn't become solidified until Harry Truman became president.
>And was only halted in the southern direction because north-eastern whites didn't want a bunch more slave states + an influx of non-whites.
And they still don't they just say it in a PC way as to appear progressive in the 21st century. They just want to exploit these countries nicely and democraticly for the benefit of the US
>American business interests in North America weren't threatened by soviet industry and multinationals.
If the Quebecois started a socialist revolution with Soviet backing the US would annex all of Quebec immediately. Soviet or more accurately socialists were a threat to American business interests across the Americas. Fall of Cuba was devastating and guerrillas and Military men were sympathetic to socialism which caused a great headache for the US and made them set up dictatorships that would be mask off. In short, America was always an empire it just hasn't been pushed to a breaking point in the home front and now the empire bleeding is slowly showing itself

>I'm guessing canadian, mexican, and greenland peeps are going to be treated as second and third class citizens, right?
They would gibe stayehood to Canada immediately since they are White. Mexico and Greenland would need to become majority White before full admission so they would be territories like Guam and Puerto Rico.

What fascism? This is just liberalism. Fascism doesn't mean authoritarian or when a government is mean

>20th century as well before the Cold War. US predicted a war with the British Empire and put plans for this war.
Interesting. Never heard that. I know the brits helped the confederates.

>Ironically all the "trump is hitler 2" people are mysteriously silent about this now
They are not silent and it is still exaggerated to call Trump Hitler.

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>I know the brits helped the confederates.
of course they did, why wouldn't they.

El Norte would be annexed while the rest of Mexico would be a territory in a similar vain to the Philippines.

>El Norte would be annexed while the rest of Mexico would be a territory in a similar vain to the Philippines.
Yeah, now that I think about it, if they make it an official territory like PR then every Mexican would become a full US citizen and could move and work here. Oh they'd never want that.

I feel this is closer to ᴉuᴉlossnW. But really there is no 1:1 comparison to be made. Hitler was a figurehead doing the bidding of German bankers and industrialists. As was ᴉuᴉlossnW in Italy.
I don't recall there being a case where the mask-off bourgeois dictatorship was led by an actual oligarch.

This is uncharted territory. It shares similarities with previous mask-off expansionist anti-communist bourgeois dictatorships but there isn't a direct parallel.
Have been largely integrated into mainstream "whiteness". Latinos are "white" nowadays unless they'd pass as black or Indians ("bipoc").
Largely "white" and Indian Americans (As Brahmins) have been integrated as well.
Predominantly indigenous

Instead, this all feels more 19th century than the early 20th, but with a multicultural twist.
If there is any attempt to go through with this, we'll have two expansionist bourgeois empires in the future. (Or three if you include Israel) Which makes me curious as to what they're thinking and going to do over in Beijing.
There's no way they aren't at least slightly concerned about these developments, especially when media personalities close to the Russian government are cheering on Trump.

3rd fire confirmed in the LA Area. Another knocked down tree lit up due to downed Wildfire.


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How likely is that America gets Ukrained in Mexico or Canada?
I doubt the military is in full force right now too overextended and drained from covid still.

>Because the rules that they followed were the rules that they came up with post-91 and benefitted from it.
Exactly. The "Rules-based International Order" was literally built on the bones of Iraqis, Yugoslavs, and everybody else that stood in NATO's way. Numerous small countries suffered under their "humanitarian interventions" and free-trade agreements. Now, as the Francafrique falls apart and Russia asserts itself against a hostile alliance, the "Left" tells us we should be mourning the end of the unipolar order. That the only alternative to Fukuyama and Pinker is barbarism. Anybody that desribes multipolarity as barbarism and war is nothing but an apologist for the outgoing unipolar order.

canadians and the green people won't. because they're white. mexicans definitely will, but mexico won't be annexed. it'll just be occupied or something

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vid related moment tbh

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Oh my sides. LMFAO.

>El Norte
just say the north

3000 acres burned
0% contained

Canada would have no resistance. Mexico would be a Ukraine situation ten times worse. The Southwest is filled with Mexican Americans who a majority would be sympathetic and support the Homeland. Also the Cartel would pull terrorist attacks on US soil and break down the US occupation. That war would be enough to cause the federal government to collapse amd turn Mexico into a disastrous state.

No chance. The Mexican and Canadian militaries are pathetic.

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The reverse USSR

The peter thiel matrix will just kick it up into overdrive. How would people respond to that? The vast majority of internet personalities and influencers are also far right

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picrel incoming

>The peter thiel matrix will just kick it up into overdrive
>How would people respond to that?
In another Mexican occupation it won't matter. People will respond depending on their circle and I can say that the Southwest would be a disaster zone with US national guard having to find people sympathetic to Mexico or find hidden guerrillas pulling attacks on US bases in the home front. Thiel can amplify race but it will spread the fire of support from the Mexican American community. Propaganda isn't all powerful. A war and occupation of Mexico would collapse the Federal government.

>the Cartel
which cartel? why would they? you've been watching too much netflix

In a similar way to Al-qaeda, the US funded groups are going to chimp out. Mind you it's not going to just be cartels but they will be prominent due to losing funds but you will have different anti-Yankee groups rising up such as the EZLN as a faction.

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So this talk about annexing Canada, Mexico and Greenland is just because Trump is shitposting and wants the media talking about him right? Or did they find some new minerals in those countries the last few days?

It's Trump shitposting. We are back in the era where Trump statements become breaking news automatically and we discuss it as if it is actually happening.

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tell me why we should spare the cuckadians

but finding minerals would not make any sense though. canada and mexico are already in the usa's sphere of influence so they could just impose laws, treaties, trade agreements, whatever to insert their corporations. no need for annexation

This is my shitposty not so serious prediction if Trump and co is actually serious about annexing Canada and such.

>Trump announces a "special military operation" in Canada. Cites some really spurious intelligence report of Chinese infiltration of government institutions as a pretext.

>Canada immediately folds like everyone thought Ukraine would cuz they're cucks. Maybe people in Quebec and some disgruntled First Nations people will try some low level insurgency or at least instigate some civil unrest.
>Rest of NATO sends some equally cucked "condemnation" of American aggression but doesn't dare go further and just stays out of it.
>Mexico is next. Northern Mexico falls to the Burgerreich blitzkrieg easily but lose momentum as they reach Sinaloa, Durango, and other states in Central Mexico. An attempted siege of San Luis outright stops them. (they really shouldn't have sent all those 155mm shells to Ukraine).
>Cartel lead insurgencies wreak havoc across US occupied Mexico and even spill over into the USA proper. Captured military personnel are killed and their mutilated corpses are left hanging from bridges and overpasses. All the "based" gringo hispanics who joined up for the invasion are treated even worse.
>Rest of Latin America declares either neutrality or support Mexico. Only Argentina under Milei expresses support for the Americans. Argentinian military tells Milei to fuck off when he orders them to go support the invasion of Mexico and he is lynched by the populace two days later. Humanitarian and military aid is sent to the beleaguered Mexicans.
>America tries to cut off said aid by seizing the Panama canal but doesn't meaningfully gain from it due to a joint naval blockade. Breaking said blockade means going to war with the rest of Central and South America.
>Russia, Iran, and China going pic related.
>Disgruntled American officers depose Trump after the stalemate lasts for months to over a year.
>Humiliated US military retreats from Mexico and even other overseas deployments entirely to hold the country together.
>Europe, Taiwan, etc. see the writing on the wall. Ukraine is partitioned to salvage relations and resume the flow of Russian gas, Taiwan reunifies with the PRC peacefully in exchange for some kind of Hong Kong-esque self government. Israel chimps out and enacts the Samson Option.

No chance of trying to annex Mexico, makes no sense: it's much poorer and violent, and has a huge population of non English speakers. Meanwhile, Canada is almost another US, and Greenland only has 70k people but a lot of resources, strategic position and land.

the cartels are not like al-qaeda or any other paramilitary organization in the middle east. they don't fight for political reasons to establish or restore some state nor do they fight for religious reasons. as a matter of fact they like to avoid fighting as much as they can, because it's bad for business. no the cartels would not form a significant organized resistance faction against the USA. the EZLN is tiny and pathetic.

RuPaul is on fire this season.

In some parts of Mexico they are the main governing and economic entities. They are engrained into the functioning of many places in Mexico and you are seriously saying that a US occupation wont upend all of that? When you back a bear into a corner its going to strike and thats exactly what the US is getting into if it attempts to occupy Mexico.

I like how California is just turning into fucking Hell every couple of years.

Please SeĂąora Sheinbaum my countrymen yearn for freedom, please activate 9000 Morena sleeper cells in the burgerreich

You see it too…? For me, it's always like this.

>private firefighters
North Carolinian here. Does California actually have fucking privatized firefighters?

>North Carolinian here. Does California actually have fucking privatized firefighters?
Only in the uber rich areas.

I have to unfortunately wake up in 5 hours and there's no more live news streams. I think Boss is still up. If you can find streams of the fire, Korea or whatever happenings. Feel free to bring it in.


>Last fall, when monstrous wildfires blazed through some of southern California’s most privileged neighborhoods, these small teams provided personalized prevention and protection for homeowners, in addition to their exterior sprinkler systems. The service is part of the coverage offered by insurance companies American International Group (AIG), Pure Insurance and Chubb Limited, among others.

>This private fire protection has been part of the companies’ policies in wildfire-prone states for about a decade. But it’s an area that continues to grow. (For instance, Chubb contracts with licensed wildfire fighters across 13 states.)

>It’s a welcome service for customers. But it’s also smart business for the company, since saving a home is cheaper than paying out on a policy to rebuild it. Often the wildfire defense option is offered with no additional cost to the annual (admittedly high) premium. However, policy holders must opt in to the service, granting permission for access to their properties.

>Firefighter contracting within the insurance industry is not a new concept. U.S. insurance firms have had relationships with private firefighters as far back as the 1790s. Long before public fire departments became common. (The country’s first municipal fire department was finally established in Cincinnati on April 1, 1853.)

>Prior to the Civil War, the U.S. relied almost exclusively on private firefighting in urban areas. At that time, private fire brigades competed with one another to be the first to respond to a fire. Insurance companies paid these brigades (often handsomely) to save buildings.

>And did you know that private firefighters are routinely contracted by the U.S. Forest Service? According to the National Interagency Fire Center, the USFS contracts many private crews for “initial attack” — the first few hours of a wildfire. In fact, contracted crews have been a regular part of fighting wildfires since the early 1980s.

Fuck it, I think I'll go see what my DSA local has going on and I'll see if I can lend a hand even if I'm apprehensive about officially joining because of the national being a device to funnel people back into the demonkkkrats

Fox still live too.

I had the same thought. Mine doesn't even seem to list general assemblies anymore, only working groups whose meetings are only over Zoom (groan).
All that they ever seemed to do before I stopped going in 2020 was door-knocking campaigns for local politicians and literally nobody in my area likes being canvassed

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Thank you. Enjoy. If you are still up in the morning, me or boss will help you out. Unfortunately we gotta sleep in order to make money.

Last post of the night.

Those firefighters never stood a chance.



This is how these fires start.

Did a power line explode randomly?

The wind blows them down.

Is this the result of poor maintenance on behalf of the power companies? We get strong winds by me but I have never seen a power line break because of it.

Cartels are firmly under us control, so this scenario doesn't make sense

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I saw Sodom and Gommorah trending and I immediately knew it was about right wingers celebrating California burning before I clicked it. I'm keyed in to the American psyche.

Different anon but what usually happens in my experience is that a heavy-enough tree limb blows onto the wire and yanks it hard enough to break the tie to the pole

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Shouldn't say right wingers. "Christians" specifically. Funny how they only like the Jewish parts of the bible tho.

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I don't quite understand why right-wingers and Christians would cheer for the provinces of their own country suffering from disasters

That's a country shaped like a pig's head. It is inevitable. This will complete the system of German idealism.

Because American politics is kinda like a team sport. You just hate the other team for no real reason in particular. So that means you hate anyone who supports that team. So that means you hate states that lean towards one team or the other, but even in places like California the split is only 60-40, so at least 40% of those homes getting burnt down are Republicans, and considering it's a rich area, probably more.

But Republican voters see California burning and they see an enemy they hate even worse than China burning. That's a common theme with right-wingers, is they have a way more emotional hatred for people who they consider traitors than those they consider out and out enemies. So they consider Californians to be godless heathens that are ruining their lives more than any foreign adversary possibly could.

>their own country
americans will sell their soul to satan if it means their neighbor gets mildly inconvenienced. nationalism means nothing

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>That's a country shaped like a pig's head. It is inevitable. This will complete the system of German idealism.

>Pituffik Space Base (/biːduːˈfiːk/ bee-doo-FEEK;[2] Greenlandic: [pitufːik]; IATA: THU, ICAO: BGTL), formerly and perhaps better known as Thule Air Base (/tuːliː/ or /tuːleɪ/), is a United States Space Force base located on the northwest coast of Greenland. It is the northernmost installation of the U.S. Armed Forces, 1,210 km (750 mi) north of the Arctic Circle and 1,524 km (947 mi) from the North Pole.

Americans have no real love for one another.

It makes perfect sense. A US occupation will overthrow a ton of local communities that are ran by the cartel and would take that autonomy away. The cartels also run with PR and being seen as fighting against the occupying Yanks will give many cartel groups legitimacy. You are acting like this is Canada, an occupation would bleed the US.

I've skated a backyard pool in one of the neighborhoods located in the hills before

It's just American politics. You should've seen the comments when the Texas power grid shutoff in the middle of a snow disaster. Team blue was celebrating that the MAGApedes were freezing to death. Hurricane Sandy flooding New York was celebrated by team Red and Hurricane Helene wiping out entire towns in North Carolina was celebrated by team blue because they voted for Orange man. This has been happening for a long while now

Lol these poor firefighters. These news guys were filming them and they said that some embers just flew into their truck then the truck caught fire. How does that happen. You think they would be fire proof. The guys were lifting up the whole cab to work on the engine or something.

Tbh people are more attached to their state than the concept of "American". American means to a Bostonian is alien to what an American means to a Omahan. The US is an EU and for its entire existence only tolerate each other

any celeb mansions going to burn down exposing Diddy chambers?

This. It's why America is called United States. Fifty provinces with the geographic size of average nations.
And they have their own geopolitical systems.

Younger Canadians are leading the charge of wanting to be burgers
>“The appeal of a province joining the United States varies greatly by age,” explained Mario Canseco, president of Research Co.
>“While only 10% of Canadians aged 55 and over perceive benefits, the proportion rises to 27% among those aged 35-to-54 and to 40% among those aged 18-to-34.”
Canada as a nation is running out of time anyway so why delay the inevitable.

I can't wait when those retards are actually in charge.

> shitposting and wants the media talking about him right?
It’s always this

treat status?

There are, basically, two different big ideas of what america is/should be, and both of these consider the other to be low-level treasonous.

bros are we in the fallout timeline?

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it will be 10 times more funni

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> COUNTLESS reports of mass fire coverage cancellations by insurance companies just WEEKS before the Los Angeles fires

<They're 90 years old and they've been in this house for 75 years and they've had the same insurance and they just cancelled it

The conspiracy theorist in me wants to say this is all a deliberate plan to finally get rid of all the poormies who bought in when the houses were for normal people who've been still holding out. That piece of shit in the background is probably worth 2 million as is but more if they built a fancy unit on it.

I know everyone was suspecting the same kind of thing with Lahaina.

>And they wonder why people leave California
It's not by accident sister. This is their plan.

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lol Poorchads in the middle of the urban sprawl catching Ws today.

Another appalling case of antisemitism in America. What is happening to this country?

>An American airline kicked an Israeli passenger off the plane due to inappropriate comments regarding Gaza.

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what did the rabbi say?

I don't know, but I can guess.

If there are anons in LA please cause more wildfires
t. guy from Southern Spain.

Day 2 of the wildfires surrounding LA
Live coverage

either went way too racist or went anti-zionist.

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Good morning. A 4th fire has just started. Vegetation fire but we are now in the worst of the wind storms. It will grow incredibly fast and out of hand.

It has only begun.

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If Canada were to become part of the United States and all of its regions choosed to be blue, what would the Republican Party do?

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once trump annexes green land and Canada is fake Korea next?

redraw the map for voting districts to give them an advantage

do canadians get obamacare and obamaphone if they join america?

i guess that's a no…

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>Greenland loves America and Trump!!! Incredible people with an equally awesome reception. They just want to be able to utilize some of the incredible resources that they have and allow themselves, their country, and their kids to flourish.

the cover image to 2025

Stay safe fren

>Musk will buy Greenland for Trump buy paying tens of thousands of Greenlanders to become twitter shills.

why hasnt anyone tried to kill elon yet

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5th Fire confirmed in the LA Metro.

Free Molloy

Imperial consolidation.
A territory buyback
The mexican army would be dissmantled rather easily.
But the purge of the narco in the fields would be something akin what the soviets were short doing to a mexican muhajjidin.

I want to die on the barricades

Greenland and Canada will be absorbed without barricades.

Greta Thunberg on the right

Here it is in full res

Empire in decline wants to chew on it's vassal states. With Canada/Greenland, it's about continental shelf and maybe potential northern trade route, with Panama it's simply trade route, with Mexico it's colonial occupation

>Greenland votes to leave Europe for US with it's feet

Hilarious shit. Next on the list is French Guyana, then

> the vast majority of humans are fascist scum who deserve the bullet.
>Stalin is the most vindicated man in history. I wonder when someone will save us from all of this.
daily reminder that stalin was a historical materialist who did not abide by great man theory. read his interview with feuchtwanger

>Why does only Putin get to annex territories.
Liberal: it was decades of unchecked NATO expansion and US intelligence doing coups and arming fascists that provoked the war in ukraine. The war in Ukraine is not simply Russian annexation. You are basically saying that the US deserves to annex territory because the US provoked a war in Eastern Europe.

in the NICU no less. disgusting.

burgeroids are treatlerites and i'm tired of pretending they're not

Because elon is prole(Rule 11 - low-quality bait)

No he isn't a prole at all. He's just as Bourgeoisie as Trump and the rest of the billionaires.

Our sham of a Democracy finally has had it's mask removed and has been revealed what America has always been since it's beginning. A Country ruled by an oligarchy of rich assholes.

It would be ethically and morally correct, commendable even, for a crowd to drive that monster to suicide in public.

this retard needs banned

honkoid status?

yeah what utter treatlers

what are the symptoms of treat withdrawal?

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>Self-Proclaimed "Good Guys"

An anon on here ages ago said that American Protestantism basically re-invented the kind of classical "Master Morality" Nietzsche discussed, and the thing is, in Nietzschean terms, they actually developed their own kind of moral code. The secularized and liberal world that these posters are coming from never created an alternative morality, it never developed a belief in something greater than itself. Instead in a manner not dissimilar to classical liberalism, it held "doing no harm" as the epitome of good and moral behavior. But the fact is these evangelical psychos have a will and a cause outside of themselves, so of course they're gonna cheer when they imagine their enemies burning to death. Liberal attempts to shame them mean nothing, because they subscribe to a completely alternative form of morality that allows them to transcend and dominate libs.

IT really is kind of freaky how reactionary zoomers are these days, at least in the anglosphere

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>The secularized and liberal world that these posters are coming from never created an alternative morality,
an attempt was made

>Liberal attempts to shame them mean nothing

tbh libs should realize that fundamentalist religous reactionaries of any creed or country are fuckin psychos. Zizek is overrated imho but he was right about god permitting anything, many religious reactionaries genuinely believe that not only is there an omnipotent all powerful creator but its specifically dickriding them and their in group so why would you expect these fundies to not act like this

am zoomer, there has been no increase in reactionaries just a complete death of the neolib center so if you are right wing its full reaction or bust and even our libs are just americans without a socdem party to vote for. Third way neoliberalism is completely dead with no following and this is the after effect, the generation zylkon shit is just a /pol/ and oldhead cope like all genpol

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Thing is there is no particular reason for those zoomoids to convert because they have a whole list of reactionary youtubers to go to. This is why meme warfare is import and why the right keeps mogging us here because we are too fucking bogged down by irl

Meme warfare is completely unimportant. Organizing in real life is. There is no such thing as Meme Magic.

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Slam poetry in the gayest shit on earth.

>tbh libs should realize that fundamentalist religous reactionaries of any creed or country are fuckin psychos. Zizek is overrated imho but he was right about god permitting anything, many religious reactionaries genuinely believe that not only is there an omnipotent all powerful creator but its specifically dickriding them and their in group so why would you expect these fundies to not act like this

Wasn't the followup to that statement by Zizek that in modern atheism, seemingly nothing is permitted?

Okay, to go into a bit of Nietzscheanism here, I think what gives the religious right an advantage in this is that God has ostensibly acted as the "origin" for "objective" morality for thousands of years. You can justify a whole lot in the name of a God who ultimately decides if something is right or wrong: Holy Wars, Persecution, and also Martyrdom, Charity, etcetera. Given the theology of a "personal relationship with Jesus" over an earthly institution deciding what is right and wrong, you can end up with a scenario in which just about any and everyone think God's permitting them a special dispensation to do X, Y, or Z. The whole "mine was the only justified abortion" shtick. God becomes their ego. Their animal drive.

Where I think modern Atheism has stumbled is in turn creating a new morality that can be just as self-justifying as the religions of old. One of these ice-munching psycho fundamentalists could nuke the planet and have no problem with it, "God" is on his side after all. The Atheist removes that divine permissiveness from himself. Everything he does is ultimately a product of his own actions. Whereas the religious, specifically religious protestants, genuinely believe that every bad thing in their life is the product of Satan and everything good is the product of God. Like they have a Manichean view of the world.

Say a pastor runs over a dog while driving to a motel where he cheats on his wife with a transgender prostitute. How's he justify it? "Well, the devil made me do it." Queue crocodile tears and begging for forgiveness. Let's say an Atheist does it? Well the devil is out of the question, so if he thinks on it long enough he might go insane realizing that he's a piece of shit.

I think for a lot of the global left, the revolutionary fervor that followed Marxism-Leninism has dissipated. The people who were Communists decades ago genuinely believed there'd come a time where they saw a Red Flag hanging above the White House. The harsh choices of Stalin and Lenin could all be justified as paving the way for the world revolution. But with the death of the USSR, what's left? In the back of their mind, people can only fret: "What if I'm killing and dying for a bunch of bullshit?" At least the Islamist believes when he blows himself up he'll be rewarded in Jannah. What's the Marxist got to look forward to? The great abyssal nothingness? And if his revolution fails, he'll just be a monster that murdered people in the eyes of history.

It's why I don't think libs have the capacity to really challenge fundamentalists. Maybe not even Socialists to some extent, though they at least have the benefit of having a revolutionary ideology.

Biden press conference on the wildfires

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>The Great Meme Warrior Rebellion where the Chinese harnessed the power of memetics.

>wake up
>my first elementary school burned to the ground
Well I already fled California years ago anyways. My nostalgia was always bittersweet. They made it clear to me that California belongs only to the highest bidder.

We don't need no water let that motherfucker burn. Hope my old friends still in the area are alright tho.

why do you have a picture of nick mullen flexing his muscles… are you nick mullen?

Akshually, they closed it down in 2019 because all the yuppies that replaced everyone don't have kids to send to public school anyways and even if they did they would send them to montessori instead anyways.

>Pasadena, also known as "Dena" or the "626" is a city near LA, best known for the rose bowl games(which USC always wins) and the rose parade (which is only cool to the people who dont live in Pasadena). Full of Bloods (PDL), Crips, Latin Kings, Villa Boys, Thugs, tweakers, hobos, rich snobs, and everything else. It has underrated public schools who people love to critisize (Muir,PHS,Marshall,Blair,Rose City) which is mostly for the blacks, hispanics, and lower class white people who love to party, get wasted, and have fun. Muir is usually thought of to be the ghettoest one because it is in the "hood" which is in north-west pasadena near altadena (but thats where the best athletes tend to be). But Pasadena also has a whole bunch of private schools for the rich people who dont want their "precious" little kids to be affiliated with the "lower class" kids(Maranantha,La Salle,…etc) those are the kids who you'll usually see kikin it at the paseo on colorado st.

Pasadena School Board Votes to Close Three Elementary Schools

reactoids support CRINGE people for having a few BASED opinions

revolutionaries commit BASED actions whether or not CRINGE people agree

Forgot me screenshots
Can't even screenshot properly on mobile.

counterpoint: americans aren't really motivated to annex canada but canadians will be way more motivated to defend themselves form annexation. furthermore, canada will geopolitically ally itself with enemies of america the same way ukraine geopolitically allied itself with enemies of russia.

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Update. Over 23k acres burned. Tyler fire was contained but took 8 hours to contain 11 acres.

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>all geopolitical shit


The wind seems to have ripped up some telephone poles not too far from my house. Just straight up splintered wood and wires tangled in trees.

This is pretty bad, ngl.

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>another cigfoot posting

I told you to to get out of california. every time i heard you talk about how schizo the radlibs in your orgs are I knew you had no chance of organizing in that state. now the state is literally committing climate seppuku. go to the midwest. it is the new american khanate

California is pretty alright compared to other states though. Where would you flee that is nicer?
Especially if you like going to events. Like 75% of anime cons in the US are in California and I like going to them.

the cost of living in california is too damn high. anime conventions are not enough to make up for that.

True but I literally get free healthcare from MediCal so I can't afford to leave.

>The wind seems to have ripped up some telephone poles not too far from my house. Just straight up splintered wood and wires tangled in trees.
>go to the midwest. it is the new american khanate
You're suggesting he move to a part of the country where the wind can rip up fucking TREES, not just telephone poles.

>California is pretty alright compared to other states though. Where would you flee that is nicer?
California is super nice if you can afford it. If you aren't working a high paying job it's possibly one of the worst places in the country. Someone should make an index of income for regular dick jobs like retail, delivery, security, janitorial, whatever, compared to the average home price/rental price in the area.

Like ok 25 dollar minimum wage, wooohoo! That's twice as much as 12.50 an hour! But if the cost of housing are 5 times as much in the 25 an hour area as the 12.50 area, you're doing way worse with the 25.

>Hilarious shit. Next on the list is French Guyana, then
The French never leaves any colonies without chimping out. France also believes it is a multi-continental country and should be included in the americas. In the 19th century Napoleon III tried to take on the Monroe Doctrine:
>We are interested in keeping the United States a powerful and prosperous republic ; but it will not be interesting to us if it takes possession of the whole of the Gulf of Mexico, and governs the West Indies and South America, thus controlling the entire produce of the New World.-Napoleon III
France still has ambitions unlike other European powers and I would love to see the Franco-American confrontation. Also don't forget Americans sabotaging the French in Australia.

You couldnt move anyways. Youre at poverty line to even qualify for medipoor.

>Like ok 25 dollar minimum wage, wooohoo! That's twice as much as 12.50 an hour! But if the cost of housing are 5 times as much in the 25 an hour area as the 12.50 area, you're doing way worse with the 25.
There is affordable housing in California if you're willing to live outside the bay area or los angeles. Unfortunately the cheaper areas are pretty dominated by Republicans.

I considered moving to live with a friend in the east coast with a guaranteed job. Doesn't seem worth it though when factoring in the loss of all my state benefits. Housing is really the big one that makes California unlivable for poors. If you're a NEET you can get $200/month for food, free healthcare, discounted transportation, etc. If you have access to living with parents or roommates its not so bad. Living alone is a pipe dream for anyone not making $80k+.

>You're suggesting he move to a part of the country where the wind can rip up fucking TREES, not just telephone poles.
twisters are smaller than hurricandes and wildfire. yeah they suck but it's a lot similar to saying "what if I get struck by lightning". there's nowhere that's totally safe from nature. midwest has basements at least to be semi-safe from twisters. if only we could live in derinkuyu

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>There is affordable housing in California if you're willing to live outside the bay area or los angeles. Unfortunately the cheaper areas are pretty dominated by Republicans.
Anywhere not near the coast in California is an absolute shithole. Basically like Texas or anywhere but with all the shitty problems of California.

But there really isn't anything out there. My parents when they were gonna sell the house and retire a few years ago. They looked for places in the area they could afford. Their price range was like 200k to 300k. Literally the only place they could find was this little place up in the mountains called Pine Mountain, which is 2 fucking hours from a supermarket it's so remote. Cool part is that the Chumash, the socal natives considered it to be the center of the universe. That's pretty neat.

Instead they bought a house larger then the one they were selling in Austin for 250k or something and it's in a nice neighborhood with hospitals all kinds of advanced medical specialists, every kind of amenity. Bro they couldn't fucking by a house of any comparable size for that price in fucking San Bernadino and that places is a renowned shithole.

California is SO GARBAGE unless you're uber rich.

>California is pretty alright compared to other states though
Flyover states. Other than that California is pretty bad unless your rich and can afford it.

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>The "treats" discourse is fucking cancer. A bunch of petit-bougeois hipster "Left" looking for a reason to spit on the poor from their gentrified luxury apartments and tell them that they never had it so good.
it was coined to make fun of suburbanite petty bourgeois MAGA types who can afford waterfront property in The Villages FL and drive a 202X Ford F150 but only ever use it to pick up groceries

This is a treatlerite type dwelling

Even if you're super rich it's a crazy hellhole. This guy I know whose dad is a famous movie director decided to rent a place after college with his friends in this Latino neighborhood where MS-13 famously had an ethnic cleansing program against Blacks. I only visited the place one time, but when I got my car and saw literally every person was Latino, being a negro, my spidey sense was tingling, oh brother you are in the wrong neighborhood. Anyways sometime later he was having some big as party that all kinds of strange people were breezing through. These guys who breezed through came back later and held him at gunpoint pistol whipped them, then burned down the house.

These are kinds of experiences you just can't get outside of LA! It's so authentic!

>Anywhere not near the coast in California is an absolute shithole. Basically like Texas or anywhere but with all the shitty problems of California.
Difference is Texas is politically a shithole if you're not a white guy or a techie. I'd rather live in bumfuck nowhere Cali than move to Austin, a city that is constantly being harassed by the state government for not being racist enough. On top of that Texas's power grid is somehow even worse than Cali's, its government benefits are nonexistent if you're poor, you'll be forced to have your rapist's baby if you're a woman, and you have to tolerate the constant MAGA morons harassing you at work for being a minority. The way red states keep cost of living low is by filtering out all the "undesirables" by being too unfathomably unlivable for them.

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>The issue of Greenlandic independence features heavily in the eighth episode of the Swedish–Icelandic television series Thin Ice (2019–2020). Written by Søren Stærmose and Lena Endre, it was predominately filmed in Greenland at the height of the Greenlandic winter.[38][39] By the end of the first season, Greenland achieves independence, with covert backing from the United States. The political system of the newly independent Greenland is not given, although the country is shown to have awarded an unnamed American oil company offshore drilling rights to a large deep sea oil deposit.

so is this basically trump's plan for Greenland?


Meh, Texas is OK. Cheap, sunny, and friendly people. Politics sucks but that's literally everywhere in the world. And yeah the grid sucks but it was that one time, chill.

Thing is a lot of red states are becoming more expensive to live in.

It's pretty obvious Trump only sees greenland as potential dollar signs from oil contracts.
The military and neocons love the idea because it'd piss off Russia.
Evangelicals will probably start mass moving their cults to Greenland to populate it as a second Alaska where no one can hold them accountable.

>I'd rather live in bumfuck nowhere Cali than move to Austin
Do you WFH? Otherwise you don't have a choice, there's no jobs in bumfuck nowhere unless you want to work at the town's dollar general for minimum wage.

>The way red states keep cost of living low is by filtering out all the "undesirables" by being too unfathomably unlivable for them.
Lol you got that completely backwards. I guess they are harder on the homeless, although they were letting them go hogwild in Austin for a time. You have that completely backwards, it's California that filters out all the undesirables.

I remember I was in community college, and there was a recent spate of gang murders and stuff in my area and seeing a couple corners with flowers laid on them, and I was mentioning it in class and this real uncle tom ass uygha was like:
>Oh I'm friends with the Sheriffs and they say it's really not that bad and anyways
<they're pushing out all those people to the high desert and wherever so the problem is fixing itself

California is like a non-stop stream of gentrification. Like I was talking about, if you are working a regular non-high paying job, your standard of living in California has been steadily falling faster than almost anywhere in the country.

haha burning burgers

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>Thing is a lot of red states are becoming more expensive to live in.
This part is true. Austin housing prices have skyrocketed in just a few years. My parents bought in before the spike lol.

Gotta find the next Austin.

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But you can find another Austin in Texas. You should see how cities like Amarillo and stuff are expanding. That town look like it was just built and and the rest is being built.

California wants you GONE. They aren't going to build a house for you until hell freezes over.

i'm over the california fire thing. move on.

when you try to complain to the manager about your treats but he on fire

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Get ready Cucknadians, Commissar Shapiro is going to deport you to the Panama Gulag!

To what? Discussing the same dumb Trump tweets for the 100th time? Discussing the redscarepod sub or infrared? Bring an interesting topic.

get over it

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Imagine if someone said when we take Israel you will work the Negev digging the canal. He'd lose his mind.

Over what?

The canal isn't even going to be around in like 10 years

I almost forgot this dementia saddled sociopath was the president for a bit.

How are we letting California beat us?

Civilization really does make beasts of men.
Also isn't Texas due to get frozen over?

how will burgers get treat if no canal?

>Difference is Texas is politically a shithole if you're not a white guy or a techie
Have you even stepped foot in Texas because this is not close to accurate.

Yeah but to die due to shitty infrastructure and climate disasters is to die for America so they'll make it out to be a good thing

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metal sucks tho. literally just bad music.

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>metal sucks

>Last night
>I saw a fire burnin on
>The palace lawn.
>O'er the land
>The humble subjects watched in mixed

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wow complete capitalist gentrification verses capitalist gentrification in progress so impressive

LA local news just announced that Kamala Harris's home in California is under evacuation order from the out of control wildfires threatening Los Angeles.

Top Kek.

You take what you can get. It's a game of musical chairs. Don't let the music stop playing before you find one.

I appreciate the warning but my friends and family are all out here, no clue what I’d be doing in the Midwest.

As it stands I’m taking things day by day. And maybe if America collapses in on itself California could be a People’s Republic with Chinese help. Alternatively I could just fucking lose my mind and witness the rise of the Newsom Imperium.

Ok I F'd up up the rules but you get the idea. You getting prived out of the whole country. Buy in before it is too late.

rename the pacific ocean the left american ocean and the atlantic ocean the right american ocean

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How do we get rid of the American "temporarily embarrassed millionaire" mindset? Every American is a delusional fuck who thinks they are going to "make it." They're going to "get ahead" while the rest of us are left behind. I guess the problem is all the smart people get brain drained up to the petit-elite so they really are leaving the rest of us behind.

He has seen that. It occurred in 2020

I'm pretty sure the neighborhood that's burning down in LA right now is one of the richest neighborhoods in the country, so your empathy can only carry you so far, because I guarantee you that not a single one of these people whose houses are being burned down right now gave a fuck about anybody else in this goddamn country when the same fucking thing happens to them. If a natural disaster hits Louisiana, you got all these motherfuckers talking about, ah, those dumb fucking redneck-head fucking inbred redstate son-of-a-bitch motherfuckers. Fuck these people. I hate Californians. I never met somebody from California I liked. California could leave the Union and we'd be better off for it. Fuck em.


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HOLY HOPPIN' HARPIES, I NEVER thought I would be THE ONE to experience CATASTROPHIC climate CHANGE. I thought i was GOD'S CHOSEN rich BOY and that GAIA would SMITE the FILTHY POORS for their SIN of being BORN INFERIOR. But now SMOKEY'S hot KINDLING BEAR DICK is being shoved up my ANUS and making me PROLAPSE as it SCORCHES my HOME and my MANHOOD with its throbbing hot CHARCOAL SEMEN. what can I say besides YABBA DABBA DOO

>Fuck these people. I hate Californians. I never met somebody from California I liked.
CPUSAnon is a nice Californian who is a friendly poster and a talented… Trader Joe's guy

lol. of course the gay nazi loves cpusa anon.

yeah palisades is sizzling alright

Adults often make the same kind of posts much more frequently

If we fight among ourselves the fire wins.

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Found my spot to ride out the apocalypse.

they must be weaned off the treat


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i kind of wonder if this is true.

Who was gonna be able to say "yeah we actually killed way more occupiers than that?"

Hell has come for the City of Angels.

Or better yet the Kingdom of California under King Henry I of Mountbatten and Queen Meghan. I have heard enough unironic monarchist socal that I can see it working. Perhaps you will have your socdem reforms after all

Impossible so long the country exists

you can get fur conventions in the midwest and east

we're just kicking people out instead too.

Gavin Newsom would make a good king, and perhaps a popular one if he visits the shelter where the displaced rich people are now homeless and throws away the rest of their stuff.

When Californians evacuate their first task will be gentrifying Las Vegas and probably Roswell

Indians are going to replace all the “”middle class”” stem lords soon. I’m going to be curious if seeing their wages lowering will give them a kick in the pants like Luigi Mangione getting his back busted.

Nah Gavin Newsom would make a fine prime minister but he doesn't have the royal factor.

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>you can get fur conventions in the midwest and east
Yeah people are living in the ancient past. Everywhere in the country is the same liberal-freak zone.

I bet there is not a single major city in the country you can name with out a furry convention.

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>a second Alaska where no one can hold them accountable.
The Wild North

all music is bad. i hate how it takes up space in my head and i hear catchy songs on repeat when i'm trying to sleep.

god bless krillinposters

>When Californians evacuate their first task will be gentrifying Las Vegas
Bro you are like 20 years late lmao. They've been shipping all the broke uyghurs from LA to LV for decades.

Honestly, relatable.
There are times I hate music and the obsession people have with it.

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why hasn't porky proletarianized bumfuck nowhere yet? latent reserve army of labor?

>The Las Vegas Valley is home to more than 300 street gangs, a number law enforcement officials say is growing as members ditch loyalties and create new groups.

>Roughly 20,000 gang members — or 6 for every 1,000 Nevada residents — live in the valley, according to the FBI’s 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment. Only five other states have as high a rate: California, Idaho, New Mexico and Illinois.

>Local gang members average from 14 to 21 years old, with recruitment typically starting in middle school, Metro Police said.

>Many of the city’s more established gangs are subsets of larger, California-based organizations. But there also are “hybrid gangs,” more loosely organized groups that are harder for police to contain.

<Another reason for the violent crimes is that many California prisons are now releasing their so called “safe prisoners” to avoid over crowding. The depopulation of prisons that started in California has resulted in many non-violent felons having their prison terms cut short by the new California laws. Proposition 47 led to decrease in sentences for non violent crimes like petty theft and drug possession, with charges being reduced to misdemeanors. Unfortunately many of these felons have now moved into the valley where they have taken up gang membership.

LA be like:
>they your problem now Sin City

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I dont know if this is common in a lot of urban areas or it's just especially bad in Vegas but the one time I went there my gf and I were endlessly hounded by the most aggressive panhandlers I've ever seen. Like constant, they used every trick in the book to get you in close and then try to pressure you into donating for some nonexistent band or buddhist temple. I've only been to a few other big cities but I've never experienced this level of harassment. Like the only takeaway you can get from it is learning to never interact with anyone ever and never actually focus on anything lest ye be pressured to give money for nothing.

seems like elon musk might actually be cramping the style of maga.

Or get a job at the local school, DMV, or whatever government job you can snag.

The problem is, most small towns economies are one trick ponies. Usually centered around an extractive industry or some federal government job like an army base. Since deindustrialization though most lost the those big paying industries leaving only the service jobs with no one around to purchase services or goods.

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I think it's probably Vegas because of the plentiful supply of tourists going there specifically to spend money. And the city is built around taking as much money from you as possible by hook or crook, so they're just doing that on the street outside of the casino rather from inside.

Who cares what redscare thinks?

They basically give cultural legitimacy to any political group, they don't have the stink of cringe of reddit (Despite being on reddit), they are more sophisticated than image board users, and they have a feminine aura that makes men convert to their cause because they want to dump their cum in them and their user base (of girls and gays). Otherwise, the right will become more gruggy and anti-intellectual than the bush-era conservatives of Yore. That is how the right has it's dark enlightenment aura still.

I think it's there to consolidate his base after the H1B debacle

Hmm I don't recall ever noticing that, but I don't think I've ever been literally anywhere off the strip. I do remember there were a lot of pimps and guys giving out promos for strip clubs whatever. My teen cousin said some pimp was trying to recruit her.

redscare doesn't have aura low shit is cringe af and the dork enlightenment aint gon do shit

Metro undercover operation targets pimps on Las Vegas Strip

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>Machico tells the i-team busy weekends with holidays or special events attract pimps bringing in prostitutes across state lines especially from California.

The Wine Country can have its aristocratic monarchist LARP, but I’d sooner form the Californian branch of the Falange de la JONS than bow before British royals.

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Oh boo hoo hoo. Look at there shitty beach houses taking up the whole damn beach. An interesting bit is, by law, all beaches are public land, but these fuckers still try block access from the plebs.

> by law, all beaches are public land,
*By California law

Think he meant Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall

Based on the most recent available data:
Murder rate in MedellĂ­n, Colombia (2019): 24.8 per 100,000
Murder rate in Baton Rouge, USA (2022): 29.1 per 100,000
Murder rate in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2007): 37 per 100,000
Murder rate in Alexandria, LA, USA (2022): 40.6 per 100,000

Reject third worldism today. PPW in the USA tomorrow.

>The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire
>(We don't need no water, let the motherfucker burn)
>(Burn, motherfucker, burn)
>The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire
>(We don't need no water, let the motherfucker burn)
>(Burn, motherfucker, burn)

>Yeah, it's just that Ian Paisley and Donald Trump are somewhat close politically, (obviously Paisley was much more extreme then Trump) But Gerry Adams and Trump really have nothing in common.
What the actual fuck, I did not know about this and my parents were from NI lmao

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>i want to die for the bourgeoisie

the bourgeoisie are making a world that's not worth living in, even for themselves. i hope they're proud

I’ve got a theory that none of them really feel in control and want to defer responsibility to someone else

Im glad to never have to live in Memphis, Chicago, Toledo (Ohio), the bronx, new haven (CT), Buffalo (NY), Rochester (NY), Syracuse (NY), West Virginia, Bodymore (Murdaland), Atlanta, San Diego, Mississippi, Alabama, ect

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Hahahahahahahahahahahahahah go back to plebbit, you fat faggot

What the fuck is happening at the Houston Galleria? I was just looking for one of these.

>Houston Galleria shooting 1

>Houston Galleria shooting 2
<Houston Galleria 7-on-1 toddler gangrape

I heard that the freight trains that "break down" in Chicago are filled with guns and that is how chicago has soo many firearms, also there's probably a bunch of shady gunstores there too

Feds routinely drop full auto pistols and other related guns in the south side of the city, its well known

I find redscare and their cast to be a lot more cringe than most of reddit these days.
>dark enlightenment aura
That's entirely silicon valley tech bros (Moldbug/Yarvin) and ivy league elitists like BAP. That stuff never had mass appeal and mostly piqued the interests of the terminally online or oligarchs like Thiel.
>What if us rich people are chosen ubermenschen who deserve to rule the genetically unfit unwashed plebs?
Is very run of the mill reactionary ideology. Which is what NRx boils down to; commoners (working class) ruined the west, western culture and Good Governance with Democracy and in order to reverse the decline the billionaire oligarchs should abolish Liberal Democracy and replace it with themselves as immortal god-kings (Mask off bourgeois dictatorship)

wym. it's typical usa mall shit

Nice, mlok

The bomber always gets through.

LAFD just now:
>we had 3 million gallons of water in tanks when the fire started
>but we had 4 times as much demand as we had stored
>we did everything we could to open every valve towards the Palisades area
>unfortunately to fill the tanks we had to temporarily stop fighting the fire
>we are working on engineering solutions to pump water into that elevated area

<Just build your house on a hill surrounded by dry brush with limited road access

<What could go wrong?


>containment 0%
>containment 0%
>containment 0%
lookin good, i hope all of you burn to death

you are such a pseud, it's hillarious

>to work the canal
what does this even supposed to mean?

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You have brought much needed chuckles to this thread on this day

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They seem like people that hate liberal elites, but want to have the same lifestyle as them.

He's entirely right about it being entirely about geopolitics on top of meaningless buzzwords and statements about "support"
Also why is a supposed communist promoting a multi-millionaire human trafficker who got rich off get-rich-quick scams, the sex industry (you know the thing the ACP opposes) and promoting idpol? Don't they have communists parties too over in the UK that need promoting?
Or what about Jeremy Corbyn? Who is also pro-peace in Ukraine and pro-Palestine? Even if you think he's but a lousy sucdem, I don't see why he wouldn't be a better PM than Andrew Tate.

He's trying to LARP as a Nazi "ironically"

>What the actual fuck, I did not know about this and my parents were from NI lmao
Loyalist Protestant areas of Northern Ireland are like most MAGA parts of the South with the most ratchet-ass white people in the Western world. I was watching some travel YouTuber there from the U.S. stumble across the Battle of the Boyne parade and these bad-luck hardmen were like "hey oy you'z voting for Donald Trump???" (I can't write in that accent.)

>Also why is a supposed communist promoting a multi-millionaire human trafficker who got rich off get-rich-quick scams
Because that supposed communist is one of the biggest pricks anywhere in the fucking world!

lmao redscarepod is the most fragile group of people on earth. some guy made a post calling out their hypocrisy for sounding the alarm over grooming gangs while defending the catholic church, their only response was saying "this sub is so bad now :(" and calling the guy a redditor (despite them all being on reddit)

Why the fuck do I have to hear about the redscarepod subreddit? Redscarepod itself is irrelevant. Why do I hear about a fan subreddit?

Like I haven't heard any of you post anything from the redscarepod ever. I've never listened but from glancing at Dasha's twitter, she just makes some drugged out, daddaesque, nonsense jokes that don't make sense and aren't funny. I really don't get it.

I disagree. It's not the lifestyles they envy.
They hate the bureaucrat middle men not because they envy their wealth (Both Yarvin an Moldbug are rich), but because they feel "liberals" are doing too much "democracy" and letting the filthy plebs ruin "western civilization". They're annoyed at too much lip service being paid to the masses instead of only doing what the oligarchs want.
And obviously oligarchs like Thiel and Musk like promoting people like that.

The incoming "Trump regime" is odd in how it breaks with historical precedent - even more so than his first term.
Usually the way these things go is the big bourgeoisie appoint a charismatic figurehead to do their bidding, or you have an oligarch who runs by themselves and then spend their time in office lining their pockets even more (Berlusconi), but not an outright clique of oligarchs ruling openly whilst also pushing for a bellicose expansionist foreign policy.
You can't even compare this to Russia. Whatever wealth people (well western MSM) attribute to Putin, he's still a bureaucrat at heart. Not a businessman.

In a way, this is more mask off than even Nazism/Fascism were. Because they still pretended to be something they weren't. A "national" movement led by larger-than-life "man of the people".
This on the other hand is bourgeois hubris at its most shameless. It's what Absolutism is to "Feudalism". And it's kinda embarrassing many didn't see it coming and could only ever bring up HItler and ᴉuᴉlossnW as to how these things would develop. Where porky would again appoint a charismatic puppet. Instead of you know, simply taking the reins themselves.

just point out they're listening to a podcast literally funded by new york billionaires and see their veil of post-modern irony fall down

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They are the anti-establishment.

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Regarding the fires, gonna take the opportunity to plug Desert since it doesn't seem to have been posted in this thread yet.

>Author’s Note
>I have written Desert as a nature loving anarchist primarily addressing others with similar feelings.
Into the trash it goes

whatever illiterate

Republicans plan to ask Supreme Court to abolish gay marriage and civil unions

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Desert pill me.

progressives shoulda voted for kamala ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Feels like the 21st century is just proving the power of people who believe in anything, no matter how irrational or horrid, over neoliberal technocrats.

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Accelerationists right now

honkoid status?

Pretty bad ngl

Fires about to hit West Hollywood?

It's over

Martiage is slavery
Abolishing gay marriage is the Marxist position. Read Engels.

>t-they're just shitposting
Reminder that there are no such things as jokes. The only real things in this world is violence and all that flows from it is derivative of it.

Just get rid of the ag industry in California and all the water problems are solved.

Agriculture GDP share:
>1% of Cali GDP
Agriculture water usage share:
It nakes 0 business sense. This isn't capitalism. This is Commiforniaism.

Hitler is just riling up anti-semitism to get votes bros, we are Juden FĂźr Hitler!!

Being gay was more fun when it was taboo.

It's funny because in the late 20s and 30s you had newspapers saying that hitler and his followers were just joking around and that they'd mellow out when they got power too.

I'm too lazy to dig through a bunch of old newspapers to find this one, but one even had a cute little comic depicting hitler as a boy scout puffing out his chest, lmao

11% of California's water goes to ALFALFA that is half as much as ALL URBAN USAGE IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA.

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>We could increase the supply of water in California cities by 50%
<We could grow alfalfa

Wooow such a hard choice.

It's not the same; the 18th Brumaire is a closer comparison.

These are literally just opportunists who are taking the advantage given to them for the next two to three years and scoring points where they can by forcing through constitutional rulings.

California politics is just about water rights. Multiple movies made about this.

Let me ask you something: What’s the worth of a human life in the American Regime? No, don’t answer. Let me show you instead. Picture this. You’re 15 years old. Your cell is concrete. Your window, if you even have one, is coated with ash. The largest fire in California history is half a mile away. Half a goddamn mile. Every breath you take scratches your throat. The guards say nothing. The supervisors do nothing. Your cell is starting to feel less like a room and more like a coffin. You wonder if this place will turn into a crematorium. You wonder if anyone on the outside even knows you’re here.

You think about the stories. How they left people to die in Katrina. 2004, New Orleans—rotting bodies floating in flooded cells, water up to the waist, no food, no answers. Just the silence of being abandoned. That’s what it means to be one of the forgotten. One of the expendable. You’re not just locked up—you’re erased.

This is the darkest corner of the empire. The black hole where the regime dumps its deliquent kids, its poor, its lost, its angry. You’re a kid, but you’re locked up, and that makes you nothing. Just another body in the machine. This is what the regime does. This is what it's always done. Call it what you want—prison-industrial complex, systemic neglect, capitalist realism—but at its core, it’s rot. The kind of rot you can’t wash off.

Let it sink in. The flames don’t discriminate. They won’t stop at the prison gates. If that fire reaches the detention center, every one of those children could die. Burned alive in their cells. Cremated by a system that locked them up, tossed away the key, and now won’t even bother to unlock the doors when the fire comes.

What does that say about the American Regime? About the so-called social contract we're expected to believe in? Because this—this shitstorm of neglect and cruelty—is the fine print. This is what it looks like when you’re not the one society cares about. No safety net, no second chances, no dignity. Just fire and smoke and the faint hope that someone, anyone, will come for you.

But let’s be real: they won’t.

They’ve got prisoners fighting these fires, getting paid $1.45 a day for risking their lives to save the homes of millionaires who probably wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire. Think about that. They’re out there choking on smoke, dragging hoses through hellish terrain, while the media worries about the Malibu beach houses. Oh no, P. Diddy’s mansion might burn. Oh no, the Bourgeois palaces might go up in flames. But those kids in the detention center? Fuck ‘em. They’re invisible.

This is what the regime is. Save the beach houses. Let the kids burn.

This isn’t a failure of governance. This is the system working exactly as designed. It’s a regime built on sacrifice—the sacrifice of the poor, the young, the voiceless, to keep the machinery running. It is a society built to protect Malibu’s mansions while imprisoning children and letting the detention centers burn to the ground with them in it. And how different is that, really, from the mass death we see pouring out of Gaza on our social media feeds every day? Children buried under rubble. Families obliterated by airstrikes. Lives erased in moments. The parallels are stark, and they’re horrifying. In both cases, the message is the same: these lives don’t matter to the regime. These deaths are acceptable. The system calculates, weighs, and shrugs.

Think about this: the only reason they care about beach houses burning down is because it’s profitable. The only reason they don’t care to evacuate these kids from the fire is because it’s profitable. And the reason mass death is being carried out in Gaza? Because it’s profitable. The only reason your neighborhood isn’t burning, drowning, or being shelled is because it’s not profitable to the capitalist regime—yet.

How long until it is? How much longer can we live under a system that places no value on human life? The fire is coming. For them. For you. For all of us. The question remains: Who will wield the flames?


Check out this article from HOUDINI Magazine: [Burning Behind Bars: The Value of Human Life in the Empire](https://erikhoudini.com/#burning-behind-bars)

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Guys I dont enjoy this focus tree anymore
Can we reload the game and take the wholesome socdem path instead?

as dark as it is, and as easy as this is to say, this *will be* a radicalizing moment for many

Demçel fearmongering, a blow to bourgeois sexuality at worst. You cant scare us

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I cant believe it fellow groypers, but le fire was caused by…le wokeisme…

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>Can we reload the game and take the wholesome socdem path instead?
This *is* the socdem path. Brunch is over though.

<Due to an unforced intentional error by Democrats, we lost the National Labor Relations Board majority two years earlier than expected.


lol fucker deleted his account because he was getting dunked too hard

"Compliment". News to me lmao.

Ok redditor

I don’t think you’re literate enough to have read Engels when you don’t even spell check your posts.

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love the way this uses words like "The regime"

>Dropsite News
By all means take advantage of this outlet, but it's very likely a limited hangout. So don't come to rely on them too much.

>climate models can’t keep up with how fucked everything is getting
>LA burning
>Richmond freezing with power and water outages, the water treatment plant is fucked
>Florida getting hit with a freeze warning
>months after inland NC got turbofucked by a hurricane
<DOGE wants to Milei the fuck out of this place
This is the year the wheels finally come off, isn’t it

Yeah but Trump will be super popular because of how sheeple the people are.

Trump’s popularity went to shit the last time he presided over a national crisis, the next time won’t be any different
>inb4 but people are super online now
People were nothing but online by and especially during 2020

>Yeah but Trump will be super popular because of how sheeple the people are.
just wait for the treatlerism under a failing Trump economy, you have no idea how bad things are going to get

The thing is all the major media conglomerates are going to run interference for Trump now. We shall see how the sheeple react in Argentina, because Milei's approval rating is still super high in spite of all the poverty rising there.
I think constant climate crises CCC would do some harm, but the climate is a very abstract notion to people who can barely remember anything beyond 2 months, outside of mah-maws photos.

If Canada joins the US and loses single payer healthcare, watch them become the "reddest" state in the union.

>the climate
the second-order effect that'll hit burgers where it hurts will be supply chain, imported commodities, shit like coffee beans, bananas, oranges, etc., which we've already seen the first traces of under Biden

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President Xi… send help

I still remain fairly pessimistic.
Old rightiods are going to be trumpfags for the rest of their lives
Chuds are hooked on a constant drip feed of anti-woke youtube content, which will still be seen as counter cultural so long as hollywood still exists.
Minorities managed to get a spot in the right atm, which is why their men turned right and so did their women. The only ones who haven't are black chicks.

My tactic here is simple, do what the liberals did during the second term of the bush era. Be pricks, be aggressive but don't be elitist and focus on the economics.

oh I should clarify myself, we're in agreement, the treatlerism will manifest itself in hawkish foreign policy and deeply reactionary domestic policy. the biggest question is when the other shoe drops - when does the left become the boogeyman? right now we're small and incompetent enough that attention is directed elsewhere, but a few months of Trump can change that very, very quickly

Someone said a few threads back but the approval of the LGB and especially T has been declining. Homophobia never left the idea was that "you leave me alone and I don't have to see it well you can live your life". That's tolerating and not so much acceptance. It was only a matter of time before it started getting reverse and T never stood a chance.

Looks like I got out of Altadena at the right time. Glad that's not me.

I think the one thing I do see as potentialy good is that the democrats are seen as shit but a lot of the more contrarian leaning communities are turning against Trump and rightioidism in particular. The difference I seen quite a few places is like the only thing that hasn't black pilled me utterly lately.

Homophobia has definitely declined even if its apparent vanishing from polite society was due to censorship.

Currently not a good time to be a full on public fetish queer though.

>>2107797 (You)
Didn't really plant to go back there but maybe it was back of the mind. Kinda liked the terrain but not like the people would be the same if I ever went back.

Altadena Blocc Crips / San Antonio
know what I'm saying this young creep from Altadena blocc [ ] we still functioning out here [ ] I'm strapped with my son [ ] you feel what I'm saying it don't stop my [ ] it don't stop we does this we it [ ] [ ] tank R my [ ] tank free My [ ] scratch free my [ ] t-one you feel what I'm saying we got locked up in that [ ] man free My [ ] Murder One sh free all them [ ] from the 90s man real [ ] man you know what I'm saying not them dumb ass small time type of [ ] oh yeah hey [ ] Small's campaign [ ] Altadena [ ] that's how we do it out here we just hit cars up that oh y'all know that [ ]


Altadena may burn down. But Altadena uyghas will spread across the country keeping the memory alive.

1. The major media conglomerates are basically only relevant to older generations. For the below 50 crowd, social media and influencers are the MSM 2.0, and controlling the narrative there is more complicated due to how volatile it is

2. Argentina is a unique case, it’s been so fucked for decades that a ham sandwich would get the honeymoon that Milei has with his voters. Milei staunching the bleeding on inflation let him get away with murder, but now that they’re at 53% unemployment while prices are still modestly increasing from where they were means it’s put up or shut up time for him, and if he can’t, he’s fucked in the long run. America on the other hand has basically nowhere to go but down.

>No mention of $13 billion for the LAPD
>No mention of $800 million for the LAFD
>No mention of how the city lacks water to put out the fires and this is partially the result of the state favoring big agro interests over those of the cities
>No mention of how the houses lost were valued at millions of dollars, but there was no money for underground power lines which may have prevented this
I hope his sink starts leaking and an Italian plumber shows up
>Manchin absent
>VP doesn't bother to show up
>Will show up when signing off aid to Israel
>Will show up whenever Ukraine (paid for by yours truly, the American working class and exploited masses of the global south) needs more arms
Remember dems arguing Biden was the most pro-labor president ever? (lol. lmao even)
Your writing is actually good, keep it up

This is clearly HAARP by the deep state to attack president-elect Trump's forever term to stop him from Making America Gusano Again, trust the plan
- Q

Do I shill my homeboy? Do I shill my homeboy? Looks like it got burned down. So this is from a bygone era.

I already shilled me Crip set on here before but I will again, perchance for the last time for it no longer exists. I used to skate down Lincoln to Figueroa with my best friend in kindergarten. I also met this rapper at that same liquor store when I was 20 something when I was walking down there to buy singles. That was my routine for awhile. Go buy a loosie 100 Newport and smoke it walking home a block or so up.

He showed up on a picket line how can he not be pro labor?

Here you go some rare Darqman produced by moi.
>So cold
>How it all unfolds
>If you listen to it
>It'll touch your soul
>Have your mind spinning
>Yeah, out of control
>Too much stress
>carry the heavy load
>In this thing called life
>Hard work and sacrifice
>mad decisions
>and at times it ain't nice
>But sure it ain't right
>how they scream at night
>the birth of the fiends
>lost with no sight
>his eyes tell lies
>hurt ones, they cry
>lost souls, get tortured by the fire
>some thoughts inspire
>never altered my desire
>my destination, yup,
>I'm only going higher
>word's spoken
>It's like priceless art
>constructed brilliance
>how I carried on
>from a division
>to another dimension
>So I stay
>bidding the competition
>I never knew
>it would be like this
>from the two 16s
>uygha, living through the 90s
>still right here
>up in the cut
>yeah, doing my thing
>and still living it up

>Simple how it is

>how it all gets done
>We get it how we live
>shorts we taking none
>I give it to you live
>for real with live spit
>Cause all I do
>I came to catch wreck
>Get's cold
>when you're looking out the window
>Hand's get froze
>Girl, when the wind blows
>so whatcha gon do
>Cause it's funny how shit go
>been doing this forever
>is what you didn't know.
>Sun roof tops
>packs of dutch blunts
>Honey Jack
>we all getting fucked up
>Cause everyday
>Money be on my mind
>Signs of the times
>steady, be on my grind
>2 steppin to this
>walkin through the mist
>my eyesight vivid
>deep like the abyss
>from the wise one
>thoughts that get inside you
>to open you up
>with the spiritual guidance
>godzilla spit
>for real I leave ashes
>scared to death
>when the titans is clashin
>heard you was a nice emceee
>and could pack a jam
>but all around the world
>these kids they know who I am

>You don't really want it

>so you can stop frontin
>still on the ave with it
>still gettin blunted
>true to the fact
>hell has no fury
>of these lost ancient memories
>styles beyond
>thoughts you can't imagine
>It's only torture
>when you up against the dragon
>check your stats
>I'm an obvious giant
>Egyptians walk
>like the Incans and the Mayans
>when I spit
>yep, the truth hurts
>how Darqman came
>to rock and shock the Earth
>lost in time
>why don't you open your mind
>or you find yourself
>lost left in time
>so ask yourself
>how Darqman lift's
>your mind out the dark
>I work shifts
>invading your space
>and once you enter
>it ain't no escape
>The way I pop?
>yeah it's deadly when I drop
>you need sunblock
>cause me I'm burning hot
>real danger
>yeah, when I'm in your area
>you just don't know
>cause you dummies ain't there with us.

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I'm watching Tulsa King because chapofags made fun of it. It is extremely bad. Silvester Stallone can barely articulate or move his face muscles any more yet he is this super cool boomer who solves all the problems E-Z P-Z.

One of the most hilarious aspects of this mafia series is that he just gets money because that's what the mafia guys get, but they never go into the actual details of his financials.
>haha, i'm a boomer, bitcoins aren't real
<Mr. stallone, I just stole 3 million bitcoins for you and here it is in cash
>haha, i'm a boomer, wtf they have weed shops now?
<i am weed selling man, my shop revenue now belongs to you since you successfully extorted me

The whole libidinal aspect is fucked in the series and becomes a weird analogy for the real boomer condition. We don't know how he got his money, his success, his charisma, his women… his face barely moves (like the plot)… he doesn't understand anything yet he's super successful, the world is his oyster, etc.

It would be unwatchable if it didn't have this necromancy aspect to it. Walking corpse rules the world – the movie.

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He told me his nephew produced that song and he died in a shooting. Not to uncommon for my neighborhood. I remember there was this video called:
Altadena Blocc Crip Roll Call
and it started with
>Where did all our friends go?
Then it played some Never Can Say Goodbye kinda song and a long Oscar type "in memoriam" of "Baby Loc" and "Big Ghost" and whatever. Seems it is no longer on youtube. Altadena is being slowly and surely erased.

I can see a flood of these shows coming. Tim Allen just got another show with him being a wise boomer roasting his millennial children again

>Altadena bitch alta altadena bitch
>to the tune of rack city
All burned down. That park, the horse stables. All of it.

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I am actually questioning my assumption that trump will remain to be all that popular or not. I think sentiments like this will come out and the right will not be able to counter it. They also do a lot of appeals to hipsterism and contrarianism as well and it doesn't seem like the economic disasters will come to an end soon. However all the oligarchs seems to be circling around Trump this time

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Top one is Loma Alta park in this vid. Right below is the other Crip liquor store.
Bottom is All Star Liqour in this vid.

It's the undead haunting the living, unable to let go of the world. Since they hoarded all the wealth, no wonder that the spectacle would orient towards catering to their ideological needs.

>Florida getting hit with a freeze warning
>months after inland NC got turbofucked by a hurricane
Florida also got fucked by Milton right after NC got fucked by Helena

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This is where the 4 year old boy got shot in the drive by next to the Walmart grocery store. He was inside a house when the car shot into the crack den.
>Wednesday, May 3, 2023
>Salvador "Chavita" Esparza III of Monrovia was shot about 10:40 p.m. July 5, 2016, at 384 W. Figueroa Drive.

That was the last time Altadena made the trending on twitter. I remember because I was woken up in the middle of the night by 6 helicopters hovering above my house. It felt like the Osama Bin Laden raid.

>He was inside a house when the car shot into the crack den.
My bad, he was in the crack den when a driver in a car fired shots into it next to the Walmart grocer. That article from 2023 was about doubling the award when he was shot in 2016.

GÍt thïs lßmpÍn bäbblÍ spam Üff my thrÍäd.

You are literally a ban-evader. This isn't your board. You've been told so.

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YÜßre cräzy. Lßmpen spämmer rßïn thrÍäd

Look, I don't give a fuck about any of that. I hate all Europeans and I hope you die. Please never darken our doorstep again and fuck off permanently.

Like I don't give a fuck what happens in Europe. Leave us alone faggots.

I'd raid the Euro thread, but no such thread exists because no one gives a flying fuck what happens in your retarded faggot continent.

even in your inferiority you have to pretend superiority


I don't care if I am superior or inferior. I said I don't give a fuck about your retarded faggot continent. I know you are a retarded faggot, but even you can probably understand this.

is the music deus ex?

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I got no more patience for the Ian Miles Cheongs of leftypol. Get a life. Leave us alone.

I mean you are literally all mentally retarded. It would be alright if any of you had anything interesting to say at all. Literally Ian Miles Cheong all of you.

Ëüros live rënt free in your head

doubt it

No, I see you, right now, being the uber faggot you are. It's not in my head.

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As a smoked meat enthusiast I enjoy the current happenings in burgeristan.

Bros, I've literally realized, no matter how dumb we think Americans are. Pretty much every nation on Earth, at least all the ones that can speak English are much dumber than us. I can't speak for the Japs and Chinese. But Latin Americans and Europeans are seriously retarded.

No it's hilarious because Euros are not even involved in the thread. The resident foreigner is a Brazilian funny enough. You saw Ä and assumed it was a Euro. That's like someone typing in CCCP and assuming the person is a Russian or seeing someone type Ñachós and saying they are Mexican. In this day and age gramps any nationality can type any character.

>No it's hilarious because Euros are not even involved in the thread. The resident foreigner is a Brazilian funny enough. You saw Ä and assumed it was a Euro. That's like someone typing in CCCP and assuming the person is a Russian or seeing someone type Ñachós and saying they are Mexican. In this day and age gramps any nationality can type any character.
So what are you then if you're not Euro?

The wheel's are spinning in the Euro faggot's mind.

Anyways I reiterate. All English speakers not from America on this board are seriously retarded. Don't know nothing about nothing.

>No it's hilarious because Euros are not even involved in the thread. The resident foreigner is a Brazilian funny enough.
Yeah for example FSLN anon is a proud product of the Latin American education system. They're all really dumb.

Denmark threatens to stop Ozempic exports to the US
Evropa won… unironically LOL

All the richfag wives I am aware of in my friends and family's inner circle is on that shit.

Trump will make winemoms fat again.

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Trumpsama take my energy. Stunt on these Eurhoes. These fagggots think they got the last laugh. It's round two. You already got rid of Trudeau faggot. There's one more French faggot to go.

It's the music that plays during a blood moon in Terraria

Architects continue to build for the future.

looks cool. they should light california on fire more often

anyone sick of lolberts getting away with being treated as normal and cool when basically they're right up there with neo nazis and confeds as the biggest reactoid scum?

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Everyday I believe it more and more. I think that is all there is to it. If you want resolution you have to push everyone else to that decision.

And no confusion. I personally consider Israel my enemy and I'll tell anyone such.

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Or you can listen to the sage advice of this guy. He lived on my street in ALTADENA UYGHA.

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>le WOKE
I’m so fucking tired of hearing this think tank buzzword. Fucking boomer brainrot needs to die.

eagd the salad :-DD X—DDDD

>tfw when it’s the middle of winter
California is going to be a desert when summer hits

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Seems like the cottage industry is already dying off, no more election to hype up

It's dry there year round, the difference is it's windy in winter.

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Devil's Night has come to LA. LA has become Detroit tier. Burn that motherfucker down. Start over.

starting fires in the imperial core is praxis. cali leftists doing something for once?

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>starting fires in the imperial core is praxis. cali leftists doing something for once?
In Detroit they have a proud tradition of committing mass arson every Halloween. They call it Devil's Night. They burn down hundreds of structures in one night every Halloween.

>The number of structures burned on Devil's Night in Detroit has decreased significantly over the years, from more than 800 in 1984 to an average of 94 over the past four years:

>Devil's Night

Thankfully I've studied enough of those spooky old grimoires that I don't have to worry 'bout arson.

This is another place that got burnt to the ground. Now where will Cardi B learn about farm animals? 😭 It's all gone!

>I think that every 1 and 3 generations will the youth in general be conservative
Gen Z isn't conservative.
>Silent and before were mostly the leftist at their youth until the boomers came around
Not really. The Lost Generation were economically conservative in the 1920s with signs of increasing social liberalism. The Greatest Generation preferred stable leadership which reflects growing up in the Great Depression and WWII. Silent Generation is silent for a reason and only had one president (Biden). Boomers are similar to Millennials in that they had their dream candidate(McGovern) humilated and made them change their politics towards something rational (neoliberalism) Boomers saw this with the first boomer president Clinton. Gen X are definition radical centrist and are like the Silent Generation:ignored and irrelevant. Millennials are leftists in the same way boomers were leftists in the 60s and 70s. Bernouts are still grieving Sanders and the next Millennial president will be some bernout who decided to be pragmatic(JD Vance, AOC or Tulsi are examples of this) in a similar way to Boomers who were still grieving McGovern and decided to go pragmatic. Zoomers are distrustful of institutions in general unlike millennials so that difference makes them look contrarian. They are similar to the Lost Generation in terms of nihilism. And Gen Alpha are preteens now and incelism is the rule among young guys not the exception so zoomers have it better than Alpha and upcoming Beta. If you think Gen Z has incel issues wait until you see Gen Alpha and their internet brainrot

i decided to delete my post because i reread it and thought I made a shit post. you can leave it up though

>And Gen Alpha are preteens now and incelism is the rule among young guys not the exception so zoomers have it better than Alpha and upcoming Beta. If you think Gen Z has incel issues wait until you see Gen Alpha and their internet brainrot

This is genpol bullshit. Gen Alpha and Beta aren't automatically "le chud". That's more Gen X and Millennials. Why are we blaming the youth for reactionaryism?
Also "much brainrot"?

Everything you said in the post in tbe last half was wrong

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>Oh man rick, I think it's another one those "genpol" episodes

Stop being sarcastic

Hopefully some homo proletariat bashes your skull

>Why is there a fire happening right now?
<there are multiple fires taking place right now yeah
>Are you serious? You're the news, you're supposed to know.
<well I don't know how it started, we don't know how it started.
>I think it's all the gay people in LA
>ok, ok, there we go, unacceptable

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Japanese organized crime syndicate yakuza leader pleads guilty in New York to accepting large amounts of heroin and meth as payment for trafficked weapons-grade plutonium and uranium with intention to create nuclear bombs, and conspiring to purchase surface-to-air missiles and other heavy weaponry to overthrow the government of Myanmar

uhm based

He dumb. Maybe it was already too late by the point they were talking about buying Stingers, but uhh there is your red flag right there. Do ypu think those go missing? No one is "selling" them but the feds.

>According to the court documents and evidence presented at court, since at least in or about 2019, the DEA investigated Ebisawa in connection with large-scale narcotics and weapons trafficking. During the investigation, Ebisawa unwittingly introduced an undercover DEA agent (UC-1), posing as a narcotics and weapons trafficker, to Ebisawa’s international network of criminal associates, which spanned Japan, Thailand, Burma, Sri Lanka, and the United States, among other places, for the purpose of arranging large-scale narcotics and weapons transactions. Ebisawa and his network, including his co-defendants, negotiated multiple narcotics and weapons transactions with UC-1.

>Ebisawa conspired to broker the purchase, from UC-1, of U.S.-made surface-to-air missiles, as well as other heavy-duty weaponry, intended for multiple ethnic armed groups in Burma (including the leader of an ethnic insurgent group in Burma (CC-1)), and to accept large quantities of heroin and methamphetamine for distribution as partial payment for the weapons. Ebisawa understood the weapons to have been manufactured in the U.S. and taken from U.S. military bases in Afghanistan. Ebisawa planned for the heroin and methamphetamine to be distributed in the New York market.

feds trading drugs for guns happened in nicaragua and has probably been happening since, it's not that far fetched

Pretty interesting story. So he really had the material and said he could get tons of it out of Myanmar. Doesn't say anything abput findimg his source or securing it.
>Finally, beginning in early 2020, Ebisawa informed UC-1 and a DEA confidential source (CS-1) that Ebisawa had access to a large quantity of nuclear materials that he wanted to sell. Later that year, Ebisawa sent UC-1 a series of photographs depicting rocky substances with Geiger counters measuring radiation, as well as pages of what Ebisawa represented to be lab analyses indicating the presence of thorium and uranium in the depicted substances. In response to Ebisawa’s repeated inquiries, UC-1 agreed, as part of the DEA’s investigation, to help Ebisawa broker the sale of his nuclear materials to UC-1’s associate, who was posing as an Iranian general (the General), for use in a nuclear weapons program. Ebisawa then offered to supply the General with “plutonium” that would be even “better” and more “powerful” than uranium for this purpose. Ebisawa further proposed, together with two other co-conspirators (CC-2 and CC-3), to UC-1 that CC-1 sell uranium to the General, through Ebisawa, to fund CC-1’s weapons purchase.

>Thereafter, on a Feb. 4, 2022, videoconference, CC-2 told UC-1 that CC-1 had available more than 2,000 kilograms of Thorium-232 and more than 100 kilograms of uranium in the compound U3O8 — referring to a compound of uranium commonly found in the uranium concentrate powder known as “yellowcake” — and that CC-1 could produce as much as five tons of nuclear materials in Burma. CC-2 also advised that CC-1 had provided samples of the uranium and thorium, which CC-2 was prepared to show to UC-1’s purported buyers. CC-2 noted that the samples should be packed “to contain . . . the radiation.” Approximately one week later, Ebisawa, CC-2, and CC-3 participated in a series of meetings with UC-1 and CS-1 in Southeast Asia, to discuss their ongoing weapons, narcotics, and nuclear materials transactions. During one of these meetings, CC-2 asked UC-1 to meet in CC-2’s hotel room. Inside the room, CC-2 showed UC-1 two plastic containers each holding a powdery yellow substance (nuclear samples), which CC-2 described as “yellowcake.” CC-2 advised that one container held a sample of uranium in the compound U3O8, and the other container held Thorium-232.

>With the assistance of Thai authorities, the nuclear samples were seized and subsequently transferred to the custody of U.S. law enforcement. A nuclear forensic laboratory in the United States examined the nuclear samples and determined that both samples contain detectable quantities of uranium, thorium, and plutonium. In particular, the laboratory determined that the isotope composition of the plutonium found in the nuclear samples is weapons-grade, meaning that the plutonium, if produced in sufficient quantities, would be suitable for use in a nuclear weapon.

kind of a dim hope but it seems like a lot of the conspiracy subreddits are nominally against trump. I guess
Not that it means the right's dictatorship over both the mainstream and the alternative any less blackpilling.

Oh my TV slop!

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>It's like a zombieland
>if this ain't crazy what's crazy?
>is the world coming to an end?
>wow real life apocalypse

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There are several movies of my favourite franchises being produced right now in Hollywood and if ANY of them get delayed or cancelled because of this stupid ass fire bullshit I will do something that you guys starting these fires will seriously regret!

Wow Gavin Newsome even went to Altadena. Today really put Altadena on the map.

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just think of all the profits from reconstruction
trump is going to make blade runner real

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Americans really hate each other. Even while a catastrophe is going on it's still a dick measuring contest.

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>17,234 acres
<0% contained

That's from right now.

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>tfw in illinois
>corn and soy all over the place

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me when interacting with any service worker:

Just found out Greenland has tons of of rare earth metals/minerals. Trump is acting like a 4 year old when it comes to foreign politics but at least there is a reason for his latest retardation.

The US economically is increasingly sound.

Trade deficit used to be 2.5% of GDP, now it's dropping lower.

The main change is Europe being forced to import American energy; the US is increasingly a giant Saudi Arabia with nukes.

Its just sucking money out of Europe which will lead to instability there. Snake eat own ass.

>No mention of nationalizing all the banks
>No mention of nationalizing all natural resources
>No mention of eliminating all overseas military bases
GlowieGPT at it again I see

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>genpol vibes bullshit
Ok redditor

Colorado should just block the Colorado River waterway heading to California. Let those parasites burn

in 2001 They harrassed 5 years old girls going to a catholic school in a loyalist area, harassment included throwing extrements, porn, and even bombs at the little girls and their parents. It's far from the worst thing loyalists ever did, but it's genuinly one of the most pathetic thing they did.

I saw on Instagram how uhh Lana del Rey's beachfront property burned down and I shit you not people were losing their minds over that. It's like, it's just a house? And the replies are, no — it's so much more than that, she filmed a video spot there once.

Literal hell.

>Americans really hate eachother
>My proof is this anonymous post on glowchan
You're right. Americans really do hate each other to an extent. But the agencies are pouring gasoline on the fire. They fear a united working class.

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>LA Evacuated

>the yakuza games are somehow less exaggerated than IRL

sorry babe, it's called being a dialectician where I come from

that’s my city! shoutout to our corrupt city council who tried to get a fucking casino of all things passed for four years instead of investing in our literal 17th century sewage system

>without power for four hours
Get fucked.
t. Asheville Resident

In a normal country you wouldn't go to work if you were sick.

lumpens are the revolutionary class in america

>average burger military officer

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So what happens now?

Oh boy it's another one of these lumpenphiles

This isn't fucking funny. My ten million dollar home got destroyed. Stop fucking laughing.

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That's the Sabbatic Goat, not Satan.

riding in the burned out areas of LA

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>Kristin M. Crowley is the 19th Fire Chief of the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD). With her wife and children by her side, Chief Crowley took the oath of office on March 25, 2022 – becoming the first female and LGBTQ Fire Chief in the LAFD.

>Chief Crowley leads a diverse department – about 3,400 sworn and more than 350 civilians – in protecting four million people in Los Angeles (LA) – the Nation’s second-largest City. From the ocean to the mountains, the Valley to the Port of LA, the LAFD responds to over 1,300 emergency calls a day.

>As a 22-year veteran of the LAFD, Chief Crowley has proven her credibility and character by promoting through the ranks. She served as a Firefighter, Paramedic, Engineer, Fire Inspector, Captain I, Captain II, Battalion Chief, Assistant Chief, Deputy Chief, Chief Deputy, and Fire Chief.

>She has gained valuable experience in both field assignments on emergency apparatus and administrative duty in multiple areas within the Department. Before her appointment, she served as a Chief Officer for nine years as the Commander of Battalion 13 (South Los Angeles), Battalion 6 (San Pedro), the Professional Standards Division, Fire Prevention and Public Safety Bureau, and Administrative Operations.

>Chief Crowley has been instrumental in the LAFD’s youth development program. She has served as the program director on two youth fire academies in the harbor and valley areas in the City. This program has trained over 1,000 LAUSD students from local high schools on the fundamentals of becoming a firefighter focusing on graduating from high school and having good citizenship.

>She served as an executive board member for the Chief Officers’ Association and The Women in the Fire Service. Chief Crowley chairs the Fire Code Committee for Los Angeles and serves at the Los Angeles Fire Department Leadership Academy as a facilitator and instructor.

>Creating, supporting, and promoting a culture that values diversity, inclusion, and equity while striving to meet and exceed the expectations of the communities are Chief Crowley’s priorities, and she is grateful for the opportunity to serve the City of Los Angeles.

Are rightoids proclaiming this to be an act of God punishing woke California ahead of the ascension of God Emperor Blumpf?

mrs crowley what went on in her head? did she talk to the dead?

Not that we expected anything different

honkoid status?

>Are rightoids proclaiming this to be an act of God punishing woke California ahead of the ascension of God Emperor Blumpf?
More or less. Some of the less hip rightoids are still stuck on the "antifa arsonists" conspiracy theory. But of course when the Deep South gets its shit rocked by hurricanes (e.g. Helene), it's not an act of a vengeful God or climate change, just the Demonrats button mashing the hurricane machine.

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