The Las Vegas and New Orleans crimes are obvious false flags. The New Orleans driver had the ISIS flag upside down(any Muslim would immediately know it was upside down because the words on it are upside down) and the feds gave some ultra-zionist female media personality (worked for AIPAC) wearing yoga pants a tour of his house(an alleged crime scene under active investigation) here is video of her(?) tour of the active crime scene. If you watch the video it is obviously a setup.
The Las Vegas truck bomb. The manifesto is just plain bullshit and noise, it alleges that Chinese weather balloon incident was an intentional spy balloon message. The alleged bomber was
>“very patriotic, “loved Trump,” and was a “supersoldier” who could have “fashioned a bomb that would have half obliterated that hotel.” It makes no sense that someone who was a Trump Supporter would kill himself in front of the Trump hotel days before his candidate becomes president. The source for the alleged “manifesto” is a guy who is an obvious glowie, shilling zio-glowie talking points(Iranians sending missiles into the US through Mexico Some good questions about the letter
>Why was it forwarded?>Who else received it?>Who was the recipient of this one?>Why did he say he was heading for the border but stopped at a Trump building whilst pro >Trump and ended his trip there?>Why is he calling a teenager style explosive as an IED when he has the skill level to create something huge?>Why risk lives if your phone states you’re ended it all because of the lives you’ve taken?>How was his phone accessed?>Why put an IED in a bullet proof vehicle?>How does an IED go off once you’re unalived?>Why would FBI know he has this info and an IED and track him without arrest?also the explosive went off 15-20 seconds after the truck parked itself(and the driver was presumably alive)
>Police tracked the truck through cameras at Tesla charging stations and found that it arrived in Las Vegas around 7:30 a.m. The truck then drove up and down Las Vegas Boulevard for about an hour before pulling into the Trump Hotel entrance. The truck sat in front of the hotel for about 15 to 20 seconds before it exploded, Sheriff Kevin McMahill said>>2107566I didn't think of this. It was modified batteries in the pagers that allowed for remote detonation. All cybertrucks might already have a battery backdoor installed. They pushed the killswitch and boom it goes, then they claim fireworks and gas were in the truck with no way for independent media to verify.
But then again there probably wasn't anyone important for the ex green beret to meet at Trump hotel in Las Vegas. And I doubt Musk would have played a role in a remote detonation, but glowies sure would. However I doubt the green beret was some kind of whistle blower probably just a patsy, on an incompetent false flag.
>>2107575>then they claim fireworks and gas were in the truck I dunno it looked like there were fireworks shooting out of it.
>>2107611>Too many instances of the FBI being caught entrapping mentally ill people online to commit acts that constitute “terrorism” for me to think any “terrorist” attack happened organically and spontaneouslyWell, what do you mean organically and spontaneously? Terrorism is a tactic and different groups can engage in it. There are militant jihadi organizations in the world that do it. But the U.S. government definitely does entrap people in such schemes, and it happens a lot, most notoriously in recent years were a group of jihadis groomed online to attack a Draw Muhammad cartoon contest in Texas, which was already bait enough, and the cops were waiting for them to roll up and then they shot them. The whole thing started with informants setting up and enabling the attack from the beginning. Also this happens all the time in criminal organizations where two undercovers will arrange a drug deal between themselves, and then rope in other people to assist them in the delivery while carrying weapons, and then arrest them on felonies even if they didn't actually touch the drugs (because they were assisting a crime while in possession of firearms).
>>2107572>fakefake is not the same thing as false-flag. they are perfectly willing to kill real people.
if social murder is real, then stochastic terrorism is real. you dont have to pull the trigger to be guilty of facilitating the conditions that increase mental illness and access to firearms.
>>2107822here's the kicker, that CNN article in the first screenshot, it's gone from their website (most articles from that year you can still find)>Uh-oh!>It could be you, or it could be us, but there's no page here.But luckily it's on web archive still. archived in 2003. Unique IPs: 26