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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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<It Never Rains In Southern California(But Man It Burns) edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth™

🏈 💵 🌭 🍔

📺State Mandated Propaganda Livestreams📺
• CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
• MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
• FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
• Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/live/us

Previous thread: >>2105852
565 posts and 186 image replies omitted.

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<Why Tesla cut 19,000 jobs in 2024

>Around 17 years ago I interviewed a New Zealand business owner. He said something remarkable: "People in the Western world should be prepared to take a 30% income cut." His rationale was that the then income levels were not sustainable due to a variety of geopolitical and geo-economic conditions.

>As much as Donald Trump wants to bring back manufacturing to the US, it's going to be hard to beat China. That's why Tesla has to cut jobs and salaries. It cannot pay workers $80,000 a year when China's BYD pays its workers $6,000 per year and makes them work 12 hour shifts with no overtime.

>Americans should accept that the good days are over and adjust their spending to reflect their new incomes. An average American home is filled with unnecessary toys - both kid"s and dad's. It's appalling how much they spend on frivolous stuff and finally go into debt.

>If an Indian H1B worker can live on $60,000 a year, the American can too. Delete your shopping apps, cook at home, eat meat once or twice a week. Get used to a lower standard of living because the world is different now.

Thank you, come again.

>Babylon the Great, look at the bitch while she falls
>Dying like a motherfucker with no one to call

Becky, because her cooking skills must be self-inflicted torture and I can fix her.

lol source?

>lol source?

I lol’d at this and I know people affected by the fires.

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Imagine getting cancelled because you had consensual sex with a fat flat titty mannish cracker beast.

I can tell from the surroundings of the plates served in Jaqwesha, Ling Ling and Rosita's houses that thoses women are from a gusano background or possibly gusanos themselves. I'd have a more enjoyable time at Becky's house, but I like the challenge of turning the other three into class traitors.

Thank you comrade.
Another reason why the Chinese should run TikTok directly


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So the water wars have begun…


How This Billionaire Couple Stole California’s Water Supply
<In a series of secret meetings in 1994, the Resnicks seized control of California’s public water supply. <Now they’ve built a business empire by selling it back to working people.

>While 40 million Californians suffer through unprecedented drought, one billionaire couple owns a massive share of the state’s water system, largely seized in a series of secretive meetings two decades ago.

> That system was largely paid for by the very taxpayers whose water these billionaires hold hostage.
> Urban water systems are desperate for water, but in 2023 they’ll receive just 5% of what they requested from the state. Stewart and Lydia Resnick use 150 billion gallons a year.
> Journalist: “I wonder how you’re thinking about water for your businesses?”
> Lynda Resnick: “We’re thinking about water 24/7. Okay? I don’t want to get into a drought discussion right now because it’s really off topic but it is serious and a lot of people have suffered… It’s a tough time for people with no rain. But you know, our climate is in terrible jeopardy but we don’t wanna go there right now, we all know that, right.”
> The Resnicks are the biggest farmers in California–as of 2007 they owned four San Francisco’s worth of farmland.
> And nearly half of Americans buy at least one of their products: Their pistachios, their pomegranate Juice, their mandarins, their flowers
> It’s all under one massive umbrella: The Wonderful Company, a privately owned company worth at least 5 billion dollars. The majority owners, the Resnicks, are worth at least 8 billion.
> How were they able to take over such a large percentage of what should be a shared public resource?
> This is The Class Room from More Perfect Union, and today we’re looking at How The Resnicks Got Rich:
> Lynda is a former child actress, the daughter of Jack Harris, a successful movie distributor of the 1950s, most well known for The Blob.
> At 19 she founded her own advertising agency, and in her early 20s Lynda actually did something pretty cool: she assisted in the leak of The Pentagon Papers, the Department of Defense documents that showed just how cravenly evil the United States’ actions in Vietnam were.
> Stewart was born to a middle class New Jersey family and started his first business, a janitorial service, in grad school.
> He eventually acquired American Protection Services, a burglar alarm and security company. Lynda approached him about marketing services for the company, and they hit it off, not knowing that one day they’d work together to take over most of California’s water.
> The lovebirds became business partners. They bought Teleflora, the flower delivery company, and The Franklin Mint, purveyors of inane little chotchkies.
> Lynda was the marketing person, and Stewart was in charge of business Lynda told the LA times in 1993, “I’ve always said that Stewart and I together make one perfect person, like little salt and pepper shakers.”
> In the late 80s they found their primary industry: agriculture.
> They got into the pistachio business. Lynda said, “We’ve done more for the pistachio than anyone ever since it was planted in the Garden of Eden. My husband should be canonized for all the work he’s done.”
> They started branching into other products– almonds, pomegranates, citrus, wine–and acquiring more and more land to cover it, including some very important land in Kern County which granted them water rights in the area.
> As the Resnicks were building their empire, the state of California was building new water infrastructure with taxpayer money.
> California’s natural water supply is very inconsistent: vastly differing amounts of rainfall means the state can go from surplus to drought and back very easily. So they build water banks to store water during surpluses to have during droughts.
> One important storage facility is the Kern Water Bank, started in 1988. The facility was built with hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars, which could’ve been a good thing: the people of California would’ve owned the water.
> But there were two Californians thirstier than the rest, and they wanted more water: Lynda and Stewart Resnick, and they had a lot of political power–we’ll get to that.
> In 1994 state water officials, water infrastructure contractors, and agricultural landowners with water rights arranged a secretive meeting at a resort in Monterey Bay California.
> These groups, a mix of private companies and public agencies, rewrote California’s water laws without any input from voters, taxpayers, or legislators. The new laws, called The Monterey Plus Agreement or The Monterey Amendments were devastating for working Californians and great for agriculture billionaires.
> The original law had “urban preference” a long-standing rule that in times of drought the state water board would give urban areas–where people live–access to state water supplies before agricultural interests. Monterey axed that. That means that in times of drought the water systems for normal Californians would have to buy water from the private companies, because they weren’t getting it from the state.
> The new agreement also loosened regulations on “paper water.” That’s water that doesn’t necessarily actually exist anywhere but on paper: the full quantities of water that providers could have, but don’t actually need to have. Today 5x as much water has been promised and sold as actually exists.
> And importantly, the meeting changed ownership of the Kern Water Bank. What once belonged to the state was transferred to a few private water contractors. One of which was Westside Mutual, a wholly owned subsidiary of Wonderful Foods. The Wonderful employee who runs Westside, Bill Phillimore, is the chairman of the ‘public’ organization that manages the Kern Water Bank.
> Boom. One secret meeting and the Resnicks owned nearly 60% of an important California water resource, built with hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer money.
> The new ownership combined with the rules on paper and surplus water meant that during times of drought the Resnicks could sell Kern water back to the state water systems.
> They took Californian taxpayers’ water and sold it back to them– both literally as the water supply, and also to grow expensive food like gourmet pistachios and pomegranate juice. They converted the peoples’ water into products many can’t afford.
> And that’s just one waterbank, the Resnicks also have control of other water boards and have been sued for directing more water towards their properties.
> So how do they get away with this Chinatown-level chicanery? With philanthropy!
> The Resnicks donate millions of dollars to politicians and research institutions, which help them secure control over water systems, and even get more water and more taxpayer funding.
> One important project is the proposed California Delta Tunnel, a taxpayer funded project which would send water from Northern California to Central, where the Resnicks’ farms are. They’ve spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on California and federal legislation and politicians who support the tunnel project.
> But their favorite politician is Senator Diane Feinstein, chair of the Energy and Water subcommittee. She’s a close personal friend of the Resnicks, attending their holiday parties in Aspen and maintaining their financial interests.
> A quick look through bills she’s sponsored show several which would direct money to Kern-adjacent water projects. The Resnicks even ask her for things directly:
> When a pesky study about endangering salmon and shad fisheries threatened the Delta Tunnel, Stewart wrote a letter to Feinstein demanding a new study. She immediately forwarded it to the Obama administration, who agreed to spend 750 thousand dollars on a new study. It returned the same results as the first one. You can’t buy science! But the Resnicks have tried:
> They are among the top donors to the University of California system, with their donations focusing on agricultural and ecological studies. The Resnicks have basically bought entire departments who put out studies on how water systems should be managed, and where funding should go. That leads to even more federal and state taxpayer dollars being used to fix up what the Resnicks profit off of.
> This is all bad for California even in a capitalistic sense: agriculture uses 80% of California’s water, but only represents 2% of its GDP.
> The Resnicks water monopoly is just one way their quest for wealth hurts the rest of us. They lobby for increased tensions with Iran to keep embargos on superior Iranian pistachios. Their giant crops lead to monocultures which kills important pollinators. They siphon taxpayer dollars into the charter schools they own, set up to train children to work on their farms. And of course, like any company of this size, they exploit their workers.

The Chinese would cancel him because he advertises the epoch times.

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I really feel it, some people need to die for what happened. Executions. We need to execute government officials like in China. The people are clamoring for it.

Underrated answer

I've pushed this message before, but I think it's more relevant than ever. WE KILLED SO MANY FUCKING PEOPLE THAT DID NOTHING TO US. And these fuckers ruining our lives, we can't legally execute?

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Fucking image keeps disappearing.

Wouldn’t cause the portion of NA East of the Rocky mountains to dry up while the water transported westward would disappear into the Pacific? Antarctica would be a better option.

It’s honestly really fucking cool the Chinese state annually Luigis their CEO’s like sacrifices to a communist God.

In my father's country they used to have a saying:
>you can't plow the sky
>and you can't tax the king
Well the king got smothered with a pillow. But in America we don't even have fucking king. What the fuck is going on? This isn't a fucking monarchy. No one is above the fucking law. The lawmakers are subject to our laws.

>No one is above the fucking law.
This platitude is so fucking funny to me after Trump was sentenced to nothing.

>This platitude is so fucking funny to me after Trump was sentenced to nothing.
It's not a platitude, it's concept that our nation was founded upon.

All the people have to do is BELIEVE. We can LEGALLY execute all these people. The power is in our hands.

The bourgeoisie became the new ruling class, after the defeat of the aristocrats they have become the Geldadel, sometimes literally as they bought landed titles and married into the old nobility.

These people are also on the BDS list btw

honkoid status?

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Severely dyslexic.

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>I am going to give you a little secret .
>You can safely say that HALF of the money supposedly "sent to Ukraine" is being stolen.
>I know a hohluha here in my area who works for a law firm that "works" "with ukraine" (basically they launder money). Hoholuha bought a million $ house couple of years ago.

>A lot of shit that Democrats do is stealing money from the budget.

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Some people need to fucking die. I'm not letting this go.

You know in 2014 I declared war against the government in Altadena. I demand my price in blood.

anarchobros, you already know what to do

>You know in 2014 I declared war against the government in Altadena. I demand my price in blood.
the federal government* but I quickly learned that the state government was just as evil.

I started by burning Jackson's face off of 20 dollar bills. My parents used this as evidence against me that I was insane when the cops 5150ed me. But even the sheriff deputies were agreeing with me as I was in custody. The White deputy said to me:
>ok I hate Jackson as much as the next guy(something to this effect, surprised me) but why burn money?
I told him that bills can still be redeemed for their full value if they are over 50% intact.
He's like true true.

I explained my mission against the federal government and I said doesn't the feds create many problems for you?
and he was like:
>I can't deny that.

>hen the cops 5150ed me.

>5150: Home 4 tha Sick is the debut extended play by American rapper Eazy-E. It was released on December 10, 1992[3] by Ruthless Records and Priority Records. 5150: Home 4 tha Sick peaked at #70 on the Billboard 200 and #15 on the Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums.

God is real

>So you can kiss my black ass
<Fuck the White House, it ain't my house
>So you can burn the motherfucker down for all I care
>Cause t-shirts and khakis is all I wear
>I'm from the city where they show no pity for a punk ass mark in the park
>Blow his brains out, stuff him in the bushes
>Take his gat and leave his ass for the rats
>And if he hit that Cisco, I got a 187 on my pistol
I like that line a lot.

jackson would also agree with you burning his face off bills because he hated central banking

>waaaaaaaaaaaah they took my n word away from me waaaaaaaaaaaaah
newfag alert

>Ling Ling
>food from panda express
None of them

>Imperialism is the maintaining and extending of power over foreign nations, particularly through expansionism, employing both hard power (military and economic power) and soft power (diplomatic power and cultural imperialism). Imperialism focuses on establishing or maintaining hegemony and a more or less formal empire.

honestly Becky's food looks healthier. Maybe just a dd some indian spices like cumin/coriander it would probably be decent. Personally I'd swap the potatoes for rice.

Screenshot with no source and a pol screenshot.

Not new, just don't usually say nibba

blame the mfs that couldn't control themselves

Rosita because it's easy to make Mexican food vegetarian

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