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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Before I discuss my proposal, I want to talk about cities in general.

People tend to think of cities as being flat. There’s the ground, and everything that people use is built on top. That’s not true. Cities are becoming increasingly subterranean. Whether for military reason or just to compensate for land shortages, for park area, or what other reason, cities are providing a greater amount of subterranean space. A city is both what people see on the surface and what people see underground.

I think that leaving the poor underground is actually one of the nicest and most practical things we can do for them. Poor people are protected against the weather, wild animals, and other people when underground. If this wasn’t true, homeless people wouldn’t be seen frequently in basements and sewage systems. Dedicating formal space underground both prevents the poor from facing harassment from others and prevents the poor from harassing others. Coincidentally, city leaders would face less flak over the presence of poverty on the surface. It’s not even an impractical approach either.

Building downwards is objectively less environmentally damaging than building outwards. Coincidentally, building down is easier (in most cases) than building up.

What do you guys think?


Megastructures are neat. I wanna see more megastructures.

So the Morlockpill?

Depends on whether you can upsell the underground spaces. If you do it's not affordable anymore so it's a matter of time before it becomes fashionable and gentrifies. And if you actually can't because say, the underground structures represent an additional investment to deal with for future investors, then there is no incentive to actually build them mole towns to begin with.

Additionaly, I'm not an engineer or anything but, intuitively it seems like these spaces would need special ventilation and be the least healthy to live in. Since everything heavier than air would collect down there and need to be dealt with. Not to speak of the combination of people who have the least means to fight it and the most vulnerability to disease being put together in a space with no windows, where the air is effectively shared through the ventilation systems.

Imagine the shittiest office building you know of, but it's cleaned half as much, houses all the local hobos and has no windows. You only get to breathe through that aircon system that the inspectors called a "warcrime" last time half the office got sick as dogs. While it was still a normal cubicle farm office, and already reeked of sweat and rancid living.

Anon on LeftyPol reinvents sanctuary districts from Star Trek, but puts them underground. Will this anon learn about water tables and bedrock properties? More at 11!

a south korean wrote this thread

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Couldn't they live here but underwater ?

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ideal prole housing development

>Flooding? Never heard of it

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>Sending the poor to live underground.

H.G. Wells truly was ahead of his time!

Now that aside, there's some flaws with this plan. Namely the further you go underneath the earth, the more likely you are to drop into Agartha (which is real) and immediately open the door to invasion by the Nazis that fled there after WWII. You'd be better off arming the homeless to storm Shambhala (which is the current geopolitical entity ruled by the UnterFührer comprising 33.33% of the earth's mantle and ruled by a priest-caste of Thulean and Tibetan mystics) and bring the revolution there then building underground.

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The problem is you don't want a bunch of poor people always tunneling under you. Give commies indefinite time to tunnel into all of your homes and it's over. Bourgeois can't survive a TunnelCom infestation.

I think most of this board should be shot and their bodies should be utilized for fertilizer

Dwarf Fortress + MGS V Mother Base = Osama's Mountain Fortress

Finally a good fucking post.

Just build a fucking apartment building.

Anon yearn for the mines.
Honestly while i think pushing poors underground makes no sense I think making buildings and homes both underground and under the sea and other unhabitable places neat

Mf watched Arcane

Yes! Poor people deserve radon-induced cancer, mental problems due to lack of light, and poor air quality-induced illnesses.

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>libs will think of increasingly fantastical schemes so that they both get to keep their housing assets high and never have to see a homeless person
Not sure if better or worse than shipping conrainers
I hope you get banned.

god, that sounds s o fucking based

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