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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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>Innauguration Eve edition,

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth™

🏈 💵 🌭 🍔

📺State Mandated Propaganda Livestreams📺
• CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
• MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
• FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
• Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/live/us
582 posts and 177 image replies omitted.

They didn't. They approved a constitutional amendment that among other changes allows the legislature to legalize gay marriage, but the legislature chose not to when it came to making a decision about that particular matter. Meaning the few party heads that assembled the constitutional amendment wanted gay marriage, but the people's representatives as whole blocked it. That the people themselves weren't ready to scrap the entire constitutional amendment only means that many people are ambivalent about the issue or they are evenly divided on it.

You're so fucking stupid if you think that American fascism needs to be attached to German nationalist symbols from a century ago.

It was weak because there were multiple white terrors across Eastern Europe because of communist uprisings after the war. You mention Yugoslavia having a home movement, well guess what the Communist Party of Yugoslavia had massive political influence post WWI before they got banned in 1921. Same as Hungarians having a white terror. The point being is that the European Bourgeois were genuinely afraid of revolution and the Soviet Unions existence meant a perpetual siege of support for socialism and European countries acted accordingly to squash it and fascism was their answer. Anti-fascism wasn't what brought more popularity to the communists it was the Great Depression. The only thing was that the fascist had bourgeois backing while communists had no backing other than the Soviet Union which had limits

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What happened to the epic bvsed Aryan Aesthetics… The salute looked so cool in the edits on X…

Marketing might have been a bad term but you’re still not laying out how communists are supposed to gain support of the proles without fighting for concessions from the bourgeois and its state

I don't know how you even read that from my post. Are you just looking for your debate addict fix?

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It begins

Border Patrol agent shot in Newport

NEWPORT, Vt. (WCAX) - Interstate 91 is closed between exits 27 in Newport and 26 in Orleans after sources tell WCAX that a Border Patrol Agent was shot.

Drivers are being told to find different routes.

Our team is working to get more information and we have crews en route to the scene.

We’ll bring you more information as soon as we get it.

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Is funny lipbite makes it so much better.

Why would Elon Musk need to launder Nazi symbolism in order to push the country further right? The implication is that these German nationalist symbols are some secret elixir to bring fascism to the US or some shit, that Elon needs to normalize but in a secret way to where he can deny it until its too late. Its asinine.

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i have a lot to say but i dont wanna get arrested

Watch as the ADL does absolutely nothing while censoring leftists for defending Palestine on TikTok

is trump gonna care about the nazi salute?

nah i think he might praise it

obscene 4D lizard plastic surgery

In practice right-wing movements do draw inspiration and aesthetics from nazi germany and or fascist italy. There aren't many fully native far-right movements that reject these. In idealism land you could jumble together a fascism equivalent with no connection to 20th century european fascism, purely "wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross" americanist fascism. But in reality chuds are chuds, this isn't something that can be directed top-down, and so normalizing nazi symbology does in fact help the cause.

No, it's just going to be used by the media against Trump and Musk until they do something more retarded in like a week.

Nah, I think a lot of these Christian Zionists fully count as fascists. So you could call that an organic fascist movement that rejects the swastika.

>reposting this soyboy

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Honestly am starting to hate here. Just 10 more years till the firefly universe. It's happening folks

Construction worker at 0:45 best part. Also I had to look this up but Victor Willis (black guy who plays the cop) is the only remaining original member.

>Anti-fascism wasn't what brought more popularity to the communists it was the Great Depression.
I think we're going to have disagree. I think the fascists benefited much more from the Great Depression, and it was fear of fascists that drove a lot of democratic-minded people to link up with the communists who had the sense to change their strategy.

Of course post-war fascisms have connections with European fascism, such as with some of the South American dictatorships bringing on German Nazi politicians to help out. But fascist politicians able to actually seize power, from Lon Nol to Sese Seko, always adopt their own nationalist aesthetics. Neo-Nazi movements dedicated to being Historical re-enactment groups for Nazi German rituals are dangerous in that they can do some mass shooting or what have you but they aren't equipped to seize state power.

thiel was always at his ear. he almost made it to the trump cabinet in 2016. don't know about musk though, but tech fascists have never left.

Trump to speak again soon at the Capital One Arena

Why would the ADL do anything? They're going to get everything they want, especially eroding the first amendment rights of anti-zionists.

it's ontologically impossible for the american to understand the labour aristocracy

4cuck will see this shit and instead of thinking "man, is far-right ideology just a tool of the rich to redirect popular anger" they'll think "billionaires are heckin based now"

What the hell even is /pol/'s ideology at this point?


I'm not 14 anymore; I don't find "well this guy said that" to be a particularly compelling argument. You know how they say "Hitler wad kind to animals"? Well the same thing applies in reverse.

Stop speaking gibberish.

>That the people themselves weren't ready to scrap the entire constitutional amendment only means that many people are ambivalent about the issue or they are evenly divided on it.
That kind of plays into my point though. If they were really so against it, it would've been a dealbreaker for them. Turns out most people don't actually care about other people's personal affairs and just want to get on with their lives.

Fascism is when the democrats don't win. It's been like that since forever.

I see. What I meant is that it helps the cause, not that it is necessary. I don't think it "needs" to be launder nazi aesthetics. But it does contribute to the mainstreaming of these kinds of ideas. I believe that is the misunderstanding here.

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>China has never had a DotP.

Wait until you learn what new democracy is.

>Muh Mao
>Muh Stalin
MAGAcoms talk about a socialist leader that hasn't been dead longer than they've been alive, impossible challenge

trumps signature jerk off the air move

it's the particular for the DotP had to take in China, you drooling retard


hard times create strong men, anon. and strong men create good times.

men times create hard strong

New thread: >>2119182

the text explicitly says it is not a proletarian dictatorship
>If the capitalist road of bourgeois dictatorship is out of the question, then is it possible to take the socialist road of proletarian dictatorship?
>No, that is not possible either.

teach man fish to a lifetime

>The coalition is subsumed under the leadership and guidance of the working class and its communist party,[2]

>Led by a communist party, a New Democracy allows for limited development of national capitalism as part of the effort to replace foreign imperialism and domestic feudalism.[2]

>Mao's New Democracy explains the Bloc of Four Classes as an unfortunate but necessary consequence of imperialism as described by Lenin.


sorry I'm not the same anon, I was only poking fun at the word marking, i honestly entered a conversation without the context, my bad

i lob my hose bin donut ramp berry match. i am going to get ray bench on the people who try to ass nate heem

Trump is going to the podium to speak

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Holy shit the ADL defending a fucking nazi salute by an apartheid kid. Truly we're through the looking glass.

If you're in the USA it might actually be a good idea to apply for some ICE (Immigration & Customs Enforcement) jobs since I have a feeling trump will be massively expanding the number of officers, + if you do get accepted there is a chance you will have massive power and potentially able to travel all across the USA. If you don't join, someone else WILL. Idk about the hiring requirements but you might need to be +21.

Also I think trump did a hiring run for FBI agents durin his first presidency.

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