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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Without analyzing what the hell is wrong with this economic system, most people would be and are completely oblivious to capitalism’s effects.

I’ll admit, I only learned about shopping addiction now after so many years have gone by. Imagine how much more damaged I overlooked. Imagine how bad it is for those who never got the chance to read as well as I do…

Cool, but how one should start with studying capitalism?

Read all the books criticizing it. I recommend consumed and then working your way towards the collected works of Marx and Engels (MECW)

There's the Marx and Engel reader, Selected Works of Marx by Marx archive, WHICH one is the better option?

I started off with all three volumes of das Kapital. However, I think the letters are more important to understanding capitalism’s flaws—assuming you have the reading comprehension and vocabulary to understand them.

Communists have their communist consciousness because they either participate in the class struggle themselves mainly, or because they have made a scientific study of that class struggle.

Despite what MLs might tell you Marx's method wasn't really a coherent 'method' or set of steps, but rather the simple observation that one must study each object in detail, and allow it to 'speak for itself', as it were. It is, if you want, a critique of 'method'. Never put the abstract before the concrete.

Congrats, you have defined empiricism

Shockingly the people performing scientific analysis and critique of ideology and placed more importance in reality than ideas aren't rationalists. They also critiqued vulgar materialism, you know. Maybe read it sometime.

Yes, I know what Fichte said about empiricism being a subjective experience along with what naive realism is. That’s why reliability and validity controls are being adapted in more scientific communities.

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