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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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Here we suggest themes for next month's /roulette/ board topic.

/roulette/ topic for the month of December is:
/spoox/ - Paranormal, horror and the occult

/AK-47/ was made into its own board: >>>/AKM/

Proposals for January:

1 - /long/
OP's must be over 300 characters long and replays must be over 150 character long, maybe do not allow images.

2 - /lifestyle/
basically taking stuff like cooking, fitness, being outdoors, ect and make it into its own distinct thing, which would free up /hobby/ to be mostly about tv, movies, comics, ect

3 - guns and weapons board

4 - transport & city planning

5 - paranormal

6 - roleplay (don't know what the person who proposed it meant by this)

7 - research & philosophy

8 - /NSFW/

9 - /film/ - Movies and TV

10 - /media/ - Movies, TV, comics, etc, and broadly visual enterteinment outside of weeb shit

11 - /civ/ - Civil discussion.

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how about a /late/ theme? basically lounge but depressed

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reminds me of the ol' 4am threads

arts and crafts
cars and motorcycles

LGBT club

Are you thinking of /eh/ from 7chan?
I mean you can try >>>/dead/
Also the name reminds me of /comfy/.

Liking the arts, although is there enough that /hobby/ doesn't cover it?


Literal /pol/bait if implemented. It will attract /pol/ spammers to the whole site like flies.


naw, there's a /late/ associated with anon.cafe i think

>implying honeypots aren't useful :^)

One of the current leftychan.org mods proposed one a few months ago, if this suggestion was unironic. Hell, it might even save their site from irrelevancy.

anon.cafe has /comfy/, who allied with https://late.city/late/ in the ICUP 6 competition.

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……………………… yeah, we need an /i/ board so that even MORE /pol/yps can come shit on our board.

Worst part is that they will retaliate against us, and not coupers.net.

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/yiff/ pretty pretty please

>Merging /music/ and /hobby/ together AGAIN
Please no, I liked having them seperate (not to mention that the mods accidentally copied some threads when making /music/ so there are LITERALLY 2 identical threads on /hobby/ and /music/.
If the mods are going to merge these boards (ill advised as that is) then I suggest removing a lot of /music/'s content that is just esoteric or has 0 posts in it, since it won't be a music exclusive board and too much of that will clutter /hobby/… I mean /ent/ (also why not just leave it /hobby/? You're going to fuck up all the posts redirecting to /hobby/ a la >>>/hobby/2 will now lead nowhere if you change the board to /ent/

/i/ is a tolerable idea, but given that e already have /siberia/ there really is not point for another random/trash board.

I hope you're being ironic m8

>basically lounge but depressed
That's >>>/siberia/

Is this from the other site? Holy shit it's real!

Naw, that's >>>/dead/

Oh that's from leftychan.org? Ok then, that's fine. They're idiots anyway.

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/dump/ - threads that are just dumps of shit with no discussion: pdfs, anime titties, muscle girls, webms, etc.
/long/ - only posts over a certain limit are allowed (and no files)
/img/ - only image posts, no text
/anprim/ - only image posts and you ban images with text, numbers and regular polygons
/fast/ - posts older than 24h disappear, OPs get redacted (maybe it works better with 26 hours)

/hilldawg/ – your number one online community for stans of Hillary Rodham Clinton! (And her husband and daughter, too!) We will share the memes, review the merch, and laugh into our salads together.

We will also have downvotes and upvotes so you will know how to feel and think about each post. It will work like this:
1. When you see a bad post, reply to it with OOFYIKES.
2. When you see a good post, reply with HARRYPOTTAH.
3. When you open a thread, first do a vote tally with pen and paper.
4. Tape the score results to the monitor for reference.
5. Now you can read the thread!

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It's live.

Make a german board pls

we should get this instead of lounge

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A DIY board that includes things like gardening, small scale farming, fishing/hunting/foraging and house building – basically anything related to intelligently meeting material needs with limited or minimal means.
I'm quite unsure what the /name/ should be though.


/soy/ - soyjak board

How do you raid when your community has nine posts per hour (just checked the numbers on the landing page).

Presumably, you'll just have to pick your targets with great care.


No, you are all idiots.

I mean maybe.

holy based

They're gonna raid Crystal.cafe kek

How is that based? These are terrible optics for men on the left and the left in general. It makes this whole sphere seem dumb and nasty. Only makes these girls believe male leftist imageboard posters are as defective and stupid as rightoid male posters. Posters on CC are probably the most likely to being converted. Anyone involved is shooting themselves in the foot. There's no reason to target CC.

It's a psyop by CC posters to make these girls believe male leftist imageboard posters are as defective and stupid as rightoid male posters tbh.

Yeah, I don't believe that. You haven't hung around CC posters, they're extremely autistic and pretty naive socially. They generally keep to themselves. These boards are not even remotely on their radar. They don't care about these boards.

>leftychan raids /pol/, crystal cafe and stupidpol
>they all seethe, cope and get mad
>all sites put aside their differences to raid back
>since no one cares about leftychan they raid leftypol.org

This is actually a good plan.

>Posters on CC are probably the most likely to being converted

What do you disagree with there?

Explain to me why in the hell I should care about the allegiance and opinions of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the population.

CC is full of LARP'ers and males anyway lmao.
Real females hang out on discuckrd (troons and anti social people) and Twitter, not some forgotten imageboard.
"Women"on imageboards are like Tomoko (The GETchan poster), and you don't want to be around that kind of people, trust me.

>he says this as we have a prominent woman posting on our website

Junko? I have bad news for you…

Jeez, I wonder how you people conduct gender polls on anonymous imageboards…

>he doesn't know
It's a rabbit hole the jannies don't want you to go down.

Not true. There are a lot of female posters. There used to be LARPers and more tradposters a few years ago, but they're basically all gone. It originated from an imageboard that's almost entirely all women, and that was spawned from female posters on /cgl/. CC admin is actually really strict on the maleposting and LARPing, much better than lolcow's admin. She bans for suspected male posting when other female imageboards only ban for admissions.

Generally, men are bad at LARPing.

Tulsi? Is that you again?

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No leave that shit for ancaps

instead of a specific proposal i put a philosophical question:
is the aim of these boards to be a place where leftypol users discuss X, or where good discussion of X can be had in general?

for example is obviously ironic, but it brings a thought: when 8chan died there was never really a good successor to /furry/, or maybe it was /fur/, i can't remember which one was the "good" one, but there was one that was basically for discussing furry drama, worldbuilding, media, that kind of stuff and one that was for porn dumps. the porn dump one was obviously replaced by /trash/, that's a closed market, but nobody's replaced the other half. (i think there are attempts on the various totally-not-CIA 8chan spinoffs, but that shit's dead.) leftypol could do that if it wanted to, but to succeed - since most of the userbase aren't furries - you'd have to bring in the audience of the old board, or even a new audience, and a lot of those people might well just be vaguely liberal types who want to use the furry board and "don't care about politics"

now the most desirable board probably isn't /furry/ unless someone wants to play the sheepdog and actually direct people to using the board. (even just in a casual kind of way like directing people who want to talk about slow shit like the ergonomics of furry clothes or whatever on 4chan to a thread on /leftypol/ that isn't going to die in 10 minutes) but i'm picking it as the example anyway because if there's something i love to do it's picking examples that completely overshadow the wider point by provoking a visceral reaction against the idea of this or that specific board.

so when suggesting a board it would be helpful to say: is this a board aimed at capturing some of the audience for a board in general (for example i swear i remember at least one person suggesting /music/ might get some users from /mu/ sick of the /mu/ userbase, so in that sense it "competes with /mu/"), or do you specifically want to discuss it with the already existing userbase on /leftypol/, with the slower board speeds but lower amount of work spreading the word which that likely entails? (i.e. /leftypol/ doesn't really "compete with /pol/" because /pol/ meets demand for right-wing politics circlejerks, while /leftypol/ meets the demand for discussing imageboard split drama and men who sell rugs.)
a question downstream of this is: is the aim to have an overarching leftypol.org culture and community, or to have a vague overarching culture and then "board culture" for each specific board? (obviously it's easier to have one sitewide culture if new boards are only made for things that existing users want to discuss, but you could certainly make boards which are essentially trying to bring in new people while trying in the longer term to introduce those people to the wider site culture.)

my position is: i haven't decided yet in general, and each specific board is its own case. more important than new boards, i would say, is finding a way to balance slower and faster boards on the overboard so that recently bumped threads in slow boards are more likely to come to the attention of those who overlook them.

Instead of a new board, /roulette/ should be a new feature. You spin it and it takes you to a random thread from the alt boards.

Post bobs n vegana pels

/chaser/ for discussion of all chaser related issues.

That's just /lounge/ though

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>she doesn't know

Suggestions so far:

/late/ - "basically lounge but depressed"
/art/ - arts and crafts
/motor/ - cars and motorcycles
/dump/ - threads that are just dumps of shit with no discussion: pdfs, anime titties, muscle girls, webms, etc.
/long/ - only posts over a certain limit are allowed (and no files)
/img/ - only image posts, no text
/anprim/ - only image posts and you ban images with text, numbers and regular polygons
/fast/ - posts older than 24h disappear, OPs get redacted (maybe it works better with 26 hours)
/hilldawg/ – your number one online community for stans of Hillary Rodham Clinton!
/deutsch/ - German
/diy/ - basically anything related to intelligently meeting material needs with limited or minimal means
/x/ - Posadism

Img sounds fun

>/art/ - arts and crafts
>/motor/ - cars and motorcycles
Just letting you be aware that these topics are all in hobby, so you should consider dropping in the car thread, rail thread, art threads and more if you are intereted.
That also exists as a thread, but on /edu/

>/hilldawg/ – your number one online community for stans of Hillary Rodham Clinton!
could probably get more content with a biden board, perhaps /riden/

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I want a /polface/ board for October, it's the anniversary after all.

Yeah I also want some kind of polface anniversary thing but I'm not sure a board for it is the best idea

The animals and alcohol threads should be merged with existing ones on /hobby/ (the animal thread on /roulette/ preferably becomes the dominant one, since the OP image is actually an animal). The thread on Withania somnifera ought to be merged into the drugs or cooking thread (the most relevant).
Job Interview and Faking Resume should b merged.

Here's some ideas.

/praxis/ or /prax/ for discussing things you can do to materially advance socialism (needs moderation to prevent idiots doxing themselves or falling for datamining)

/read/ for dedicated threads about specific books or reading lists, as a way to encourage reading groups and to grow collections of texts on particular subjects

/effort/ or /discourse/ or something like that for people to only make serious posts going more in depth on a subject. Expectation of a few paragraphs for OPs or posts that aren't replying to somebody. Replies can be shorter because they might just be pointing out something specific or noting a minor error.

/cow/ for content that's just about laughing at stupid shit. That can include things like
<internet trash general
<cringe threads
<debunk thread
<(public) org drama

pls no

>/cow/ for content that's just about laughing at stupid shit. That can include things like
><internet trash general
><cringe threads
That's basically /siberia/ already
><debunk thread
><(public) org drama

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I want a /roulette/ board where anything goes, but USAians are prohibited from posting.
I mean seriously:
>burger hours kicks in
>site flooded with reactionary shit and culture war obsessions

Call it /fatfree/ and ban anybody posting from a US IP?

Sounds good to me. If there's too much cheating going on I guess you could also apply tighter restrictions during the most mutt-active part of the day.

>site flooded with reactionary shit
The fuck are you on about? I haven't seen anything more reactionary other than ironic shitposting for laughs.
>Muh culture hqar
The only threads this happens in is in the /itg/ and /usapol/ threads that are made for that content.

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You're too obvious

>waaah I'm not authorized to post on imageboards from a VPN here at Langley

/praxis/ is /dead/, /read/ and /effort/ are /edu/.

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>No u
Nice try fed

/respot/ stuff you found online and want to share

>make a leftwing version of soyjak.party

/alunya/ - a board dedicated to alunya and getting alunya art
/draw/ - a board solely dedicated to training drawfags/OC creators or encouraging NEETs to get us art comms.

I'm up for trying to enable the Oekaki drawing program on the board.

This please please please!
We need more drawfags, we need more art! all the drawfags are gone and I've not seen a single original alunya drawing in months.

The Alunya board must NSFW.

If leftypol.org does /draw/, a few things should be understood.
1. Requests need to be discouraged or contained in a thread.
(In order to not overburden drawfags/OC makers)
2. Artists should have a thread for sharing advice and communicating with each other.
3. Should also be an OC thread for anyone to contribute OC.

>We need more drawfags

I'm not sure how /leftypol/ had so many drawfriends in the first place. Did anons go out and find drawfriends or bring their drawfriends or pay drawfriends? Were many drawfriends already leftists?

For about 2 years there was double the post rate so probably close to double the number of people and more chance of people drawing and being inspired to draw.
I made a 'shitty drawthread' on /siberia/ a month ago and at least 3 or 4 people got involved, so there's something to go on.

The request thread should explicitly be just an idea dump thread for artists to pick whichever one they want.
I'm glad /draw/ is such a popular idea, I've thought about having some kind of drawthread (different from the /hobby/ art thread) for a while

>Were many drawfriends already leftists?
I think PPDPL was just asking around 8chan about their board-tans and drawing them, then he stumbled upon /leftypol/. No idea about the others.
>3. Should also be an OC thread for anyone to contribute OC.
Well, in that case, how about instead of /draw/ we have /oc/ so that its purpose is more clearly original image content in general?

>how about instead of /draw/ we have /oc/
No, because we need /draw/ to get drawfriends to give us more Alunya pictures. That is what /draw/ should be all about, imo.

literally reddit, but also an appropriate place for /ITG/

/draw/ sounds cool

>2. Artists should have a thread for sharing advice and communicating with each other.
Maybe there should be a matrix chat the artists use, but a thread for tips and learning is good. The poster to drawfag pipeline could be a thing.

>Maybe there should be a matrix chat the artists use,
dammit, I'm finally gonna have to use Matrix, it seems.
>but a thread for tips and learning is good.
wonder what's gonna happen to the current art thread

Also how about we have a "draw Alunya" thread as a sticky/introductory thread?

That's a good idea.

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what do you think of a women's board?
someone mentioned wanting something between CC and /leftypol/ so there was a conversation about what that might look like.
(this could be proposed for nov. since i like the /draw/ idea personally)


Yeah I was the one Junko was quoting in that thread.
Not 100% sure about having a board like that on leftypol but depending on what other anons think, it would be cool. Obviously, it wouldn't be exclusive to women, just female-oriented.

>making a board for 3 people
Why would that benefit on being hosted here? Why not just user girltalk or something?

/girltalk/ is dead
the idea is you build a space and it attracts people from outside the site ig

Fuck no, there's almost no real women here, much less to justify an entire board.

Do the draw board, we need more drawfags.

the board could be unlisted like /dead/ but there's upsides and downsides to that (ive dropped the idea personally).
the mods seem interested in doing an embassy thing with other sites so i dont see how its a problem trying to make a board for a group of people who are finding alt-chans to get away from male dominated chans. so you could have a /leftypol/ version of a women's board, as opposed to the other 3 versions of this i know of (CC, LC and GT) which have not really been all that anti-capitalist in nature.
also like i said, i favor /draw/ for october, and this proposal is for november, not the least because if implemented it should be discussed some details of it first.

uh idk why my trip dropped but this post is me lol

BTW. part of why i think /draw/ is good is specifically because it could attract people from off-site if you build threads full of resources for learning to draw etc. if they are tidy and such, and if some people stumbled across it.

No. What you actually want is an attention whoring board for you and your tripfag buddies. You already have enough on Siberia, you seriously need a whole board?

>Do the draw board, we need more drawfags.
She explicitly said that she supports /draw/ as the October board and in the /siberia/ board she said that she also hopes it turns into its own board. Which I also agree with.
Of course there'll be more popular ideas but I hope this one gets approved one day, even if it fails. There's nothing to lose.

Is it worth starting up /draw/ without oekaki?

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if anything i was worried i wouldnt be able to contribute enough if i quit posting for a while again

so i mean

Personally, I've never used it except for a couple of times.

IMO it would be better if people used an actually good program and copypasted the result.


4chan-x has Tegaki, but it was never obvious to me how to enable the plugin on this site

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Reposting for awareness.

Enable Tegaki, or 4chan-x?

4chan x

The animal thread in /lounge/ should be merged with the one on /hobby/ IMO
Same for the bar thread, which should probably be merged with the alcohol thread

I agree. I'll make sure to do this, thank you.

This might help: >>>/leftypol_archive/923

thanks it worked

Do you really want to have a girls board? have you all considered that this is literally idpol? Why we should have a board like that? most people posting there won't be girls anyway (unless you do some kind of gender check to enter).

This is a very bad idea, is literally inviting idpol shit and TERF's into the site, if they even show up (I doubt it).

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I think it'd be a good idea to rip the solutions to these from 8chan's old /girltalk/ board.

Men are put to one thread on the board, banned from posting out of it on the board (not a site-wide ban for violating this in our case, just board-local).
Politics is similarly put to one thread on the board. This cuts the pol out of the idpol for most of the board.

Both these containment measures were put in place on /girltalk/. I don't know what you would name this board on leftypol.org, but I hate the name /girltalk/ for some reason so don't do that lol.

If you apply the politics-related rules from /leftypol/ to the board's politics thread locally, I truly don't think "TERF's" are going to be a big deal, since that's often people without genuine interest in leftist politics these days who are more interested in going after a minority in a /pol/ like fashion than building a cross-demographic anti-capitalist coalition.

But, part of the point of /roulette/ is to test it out to see if it works, right?
If the flaws prove to be too wide you could just nuke it at the end of the month

>Men are put to one thread on the board, banned from posting out of it on the board (not a site-wide ban for violating this in our case, just board-local).
How are you going to enforce that rule? Go full nazi CC and watch out for words and cues like "Gf" etc? Ask for proof basically doxxing yourself?

Also why have a girl talk board in the first place? what's the reason and the logic behind that? If you want to talk with other girls so much make a dedicated thread on siberia, maybe you could try it on roulette for fun though, if everyone else wants to do it go on, but DON'T make it a permanent board, that would be a terrible mistake and discrimination based on gender (so idpol).

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>How are you going to enforce that rule?
Applied to anyone detected as a guy, don't need to witch hunt or anything. In fact that's counter productive.

>Also why have a girl talk board in the first place? what's the reason and the logic behind that?

Pic related, except replace 'the rest of the website' with chans in general. 4chan is particularly hostile to women and so it's a demographic who seek out alt-chans. The ones that currently exist that are mostly women have various downsides so I can understand why some would like a /leftypol/-tinted one.

The current women's alt-chans that exist strike me more as "/r9k/ but women" or "/pol/ but women" than "/leftypol/ but women" kek.

>that would be a terrible mistake and discrimination based on gender (so idpol)

Think of it like the women's wing of the party :^) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhenotdel

I'm still VERY skeptical and I consider it completely unnecessary but whatever.

Just don't make it a permanent board, listen to me, this thing would cause far more trouble than it's worth, and making it permanent would infest it with males roleplaying anyway, completely defeating its original purpose.

>4chan is particularly hostile to women
Not really, a lot of women post on 4chan and a couple of the boards are dominated by female posters. You'd only get shitposted at for being a women if you brought it up in a context where it's completely irrelevant to the discussion and seems more like a grab for attention.

>4chan isn't hostile to women
Have you ever gone to the website?
>some boards are dominated by women
I can only think of /cgl/? Others are mixed gender at most.
>yadayada you asked for it you attentionwhore

In my own experience /adv/ and /co/ have a 50/50 gender split and /y/ is mostly women. Only the /v/-/pol/-/r9k/ coalition act autistic about women posting, but they're shit boards not worth posting on.

As a male I don't understand what you'd need a female-only board for. What kind of discussions require a female-only rule to prevent men from wrecking?

Not so much a need, as much as I believe it could be a nice place, and that it's more likely to attract a new userbase than many other board concepts are.
For one thing you're talking half the population's interests rather than a niche hobby or something.
And for another, we already demonstrably see that this demographic is fueling and seeking out prominent alt-chans. Is there like, an alt-/co/ or alt-/v/, etc., that have taken off as their own imageboard, not just an alternate version on a make-your-own board site like 8chan and its copycats but an actual entire imageboard that's not dead?

Now that /draw/ is a thing, we should spread the word and find a way to get drawfriends over. I'm sure some anons on .org haven't heard about /draw/ yet, but they might be interested.

Draw Alunya could be an initiation rite, lol.

true, though there's still friction between male and female posters from time to time
might also be true, it's also one of the big boards that have been the most resistant to /pol/ shitposting
>/y/ is mostly women
I think they've been "losing territory" (so to speak) to hostile gay men in the past few years, same on /cm/, or so I've heard.

>if they even show up (I doubt it)
I also don't think that they'd show up, but your concern is still valid.
But, I also don't know what the nature of such a board would be. Would it be like /lounge/, or would politics be allowed? I somehow feel that a board for women on here would be pointless, since we already have a bunch of boards that cover a wide range of topics, so what would there be left to discuss in it? Whatever it is, most of it could be discussed on the female-oriented imageboards, though it's almost guaranteed that won't get opinions from other leftists, which is why we like it here.
Another imageboard, female-oriented (but not female-exclusive), and inspired by leftypol but not specifically political, would be more appropriate since the userbase would be different (even if it overlapped with leftypol's).

>Politics is similarly put to one thread on the board. This cuts the pol out of the idpol for most of the board.
>but I hate the name /girltalk/ for some reason so don't do that lol.
>Men are put to one thread on the board, banned from posting out of it on the board
disagreed, most posters on here would have no intention to annoy us, so this doesn't seem necessary.

>If you want to talk with other girls so much make a dedicated thread on siberia,
Being the second most active and the "random" board, there's too many shitters (native and non-native to the site) to simply ignore them, and not enough of us. There are also no rules to stop them, although the board is better now than it used to be. It's not only that, but many of the topics in /siberia/ are discussed from a purely male perspective. Understandably, it gets tiring/boring after a while, so every now and then, some of us go to other places when we want to talk about certain stuff. The thing is that those places are full of awful people with garbage politics due to the nature of imageboards. I would like something that's more "leftypol but for women" like >>13520 said, not just for me but for others too, so that they don't have to settle for something like CC (where I've seen many users complain about it, in part due to it being a TERF circlejerk or officially not allowing the discussion of politics, and wishing there was a better imageboard for women).

While it's true that there's a considerable amount of female users there, 4chan still has a lot more male posters, and not all of them tolerate or even understand the idea of women posting anonymously among them. Moreover, there's a strong /pol/ influence on the site, especially the bigger boards, which unsurprisingly puts many female posters off. Outside of /cgl/ and a few other boards, the only places that are consistently more or less female-friendly are those small but cancerous generals where everyone is an avatarfag and knows each other (though not always).
It's also annoying to always be assumed to be male and expected to not complain about it, you know? You might think it doesn't matter, but put yourself in our shoes. It's like not being able to say you're Mexican or black because the majority is American and white. So we consider the "attention whore" argument to be just a lazy and outdated excuse, hence cases like /girltalk/ >>13520 and CC.

I ended up reclecting on what >>>/siberia/156956 said, in that separating ourselves from male imageboard users could be a good thing for female ones. I'd like to test that theory.

>Not so much a need, as much as I believe it could be a nice place
>it's more likely to attract a new userbase than many other board concepts are.
Like I've already said elsewhere, female imageboard users going to CC and being indoctrinated by TERFs, radlibs, misandrists, etc. even more into idpol and further away from leftism is something I would like to prevent as much as possible. Not that I can do much, but at least I've tried to offer /edu/ as an alternative to someone looking for a place to discuss a topic without /pol/ shitters ruining it.

I would make the thread myself, but I haven't even gotten my tablet out lol.

btw I forgot
>Only the /v/-/pol/-/r9k/ coalition act autistic about women posting
Those three (maybe /r9k/ not as much as the other two) spread to the rest of the boards, unfortunately

>disagreed, most posters on here would have no intention to annoy us, so this doesn't seem necessary.
yeah I was thinking a little more and I think we should only implement once a thing once it actually is too much of a problem. But I think we could have a female and male flag like /girltalk/ posters consistently used, to quickly distinguish and not have a lot of "grill here", "man here" lol

<this is a [safe space] for girls on the chan
Thus ruining the point of an anonymous chan and proving that to actually be a girl on 4chan you have to "post tits or GTFO" so that you don't get called a whiteknight or LARPing fag.

Also a /girltalk/ board is redundant, there are not enough actual topics or interest, a skincare thread on /hobby/ struggles to stay afloat even with interest of males and females. The entire concept of a girl-centric board is just asking to invite idpol, especially feminist liberal idpol, the same way the BLM threads used to.


That might work… but you'd need to maintain strict moderation prohibiting any kind of liberal idpol or intersectional pseud-shit because that's the kind of content that Clara Zetkin and numerous other female activists of the USSR vehemently opposed.

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I don't want to be too prescriptive about how to set it up, if others think there's ideas to make it better then so be it as long as it doesn't completely defeat the purpose somehow (e.g. the board just gets overrun with men trolling or something).

BTW, I should have added before, but I think it would be good in the sense that I think any new users it would attract to that board in particular, would also visit other boards. So, you may get at least a little bit of new user influx.

It doesn't necessarily have to be a competition with other women's boards, but we might find a model that is distinct from theirs and so attractive in some way(s) to seeking users.

Due to this site's low user count, I think allowing male users to post on the board may not be too much of an issue assuming, you have distinguishing flags in use (picrel) and things don't disrupt the board theme too much. Best case scenario in my mind, this turns out so the board has a lot of usage by women but doesn't require a ban on men posting.

why stop there? lets have a board for non-anglos only, and a board for non-cis only. we should also make a board for capitalists only too, porky representation on this site is very lacking tbh.

This better be sarcasm

disappointed this question hasn't really been thought over.

Is it possible to add some sort of "Oekaki" feature to /draw/?

>a girl only board
>on leftypol
Kek, you just know what is going to happen

It's being worked on.
It's implemented.

After the Inktober theme for /roulette/ is over I think the Tutorial thread should be transferred as a separate /hobby/ thread, while the animated manga thread goes into /anime/.

I also propose making Oekaki a feature ability for the entire site, it's classic and useful, and might encourage people to do more than spam soyjacks.

Assuming the board goes well enough, /draw/ could simply become its own board rather than be deprecated after its /roulette/ session.
I was going to contribute a tutorials thread (is there one now, then? I suppose so..) but didn't have enough material saved to contribute.

Agree with adding that as a feature, though that should go in the other /meta/ thread for an agenda or suggestions.

I'd call it /art/ then and include stuff like sculpture and architecture. I doubt it'll be THAT popular, BUT if it does then ok.

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Latest Alunya pic from /draw/ thanks to our comrade artist.

>proving that to actually be a girl on 4chan you have to "post tits or GTFO" so that you don't get called a whiteknight or LARPing fag.
Shit excuse, stop worrying about what the other men will think about you if you're not suspicious or discriminatory towards about a female user. If that shit didn't happen in /siberia/ no one would be talking about having a female-only board.

>I also propose making Oekaki a feature ability for the entire site, it's classic and useful, and might encourage people to do more than spam soyjacks.
I agree

glad you liked it anon

>(is there one now, then? I suppose so..) but didn't have enough material saved to contribute.
Yeah, I made it. I also wanted to make a "draw Alunya and the catgirls" thread, as well as a gesture drawing thread but other people made those before I could.
I think this just proves that there's a lot of interest in these topics and many of us are artists. (Now what we need is to actually draw and post our work.)

>Shit excuse
It's not an excuse I'm pointing out that, to legitimize her board, Cherry almost literally had to follow the "Post tits or GTFO" rule to make her statements accepted as actually the opinion of a woman and not the opinion of a virtue-signaling male
>f you're not suspicious or discriminatory towards about a female user.
Unless you're referring to the banter people have with Junko I'm not sure what you mean by that in relation to /siberia/.
> If that shit didn't happen in /siberia/ no one would be talking about having a female-only board.
It doesn't tho? I have never seen posts mocking or attacking female users outside of obvious joke posts and typical /b/tier banter.

Regardless my point is that a chan is supposed to be anonymous, you could be a fucking eldritch monster posting on the board and nobody'd know, because it should have no bearing on the forum discussions. The creation of a "girls only club" board essentially ruins this and more importantly is an easy target for liberal idpol. That's the reason a General Thread on /leftypol/ (called Zhenotdel) would be much more useful and far less likely to be idpozzed and objectively focused on female problems and rights.

>It's not an excuse I'm pointing out that, to legitimize her board, Cherry almost literally had to follow the "Post tits or GTFO" rule to make her statements accepted as actually the opinion of a woman and not the opinion of a virtue-signaling male
nevermind then.
>The creation of a "girls only club" board essentially ruins this
Like Junko and I have proposed, it wouldn't be "girls-only", just more female-friendly (so like /siberia/ but without the "obvious joke posts and typical /b/tier banter" you mentioned, or the shitty orbiters; anyone would be welcome to post in there as long as it's neither of those)
>That's the reason a General Thread on /leftypol/ (called Zhenotdel) would be much more useful and far less likely to be idpozzed and objectively focused on female problems and rights.
I suppose, but off-topic wouldn't be allowed in it.

>off-topic wouldn't be allowed in it.
If it's in relation to things exclusive or more common to females I doubt the mods are gonna care.

idea for a later trial board: /rehab/ - selfcommunity-help getting internet addicts to go outside

just a general is a lot more restrictive
more prone to random trolls shit stirring all over it as well, which would be much less disruptive if you had many threads rather than just one

/zhenotdel/ seems like a chic board or thread name though, maybe we could use it


Isn't that a bit recursive

Make /itg/ internet trash general into it's own board

You have /siberia/ it's essentially the same in posting

Unfortunately it seems that the Cloudflare captcha bullshit killed not only /roulette/, but pretty much the whole site.

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New Alunya pic from /draw/
And there could still be more to see from the board.

Nah it was already inactive before the captcha and cloudflare

Next month for No Nut November we should have /nsfw/ as the topic.

OP's must be over 300 characters long and replays must be over 150 character long
maybe do not allow images.


What's the verdict on /draw/? At least having the Oekaki feature on some/all boards seems like a good idea.

>>14205 see

Calm down Satan.

Fucking this mods

Why? It was less alive than /lounge/

Personally it's one of the few board topics that I think could be helped by its slow board status. Because it could be used as a hub for drawing tutorial resources more than a feedback place. Just how I envision it but I'm not a janny

like any board which requires actual effort to really post, we weren't expecting it to be very active. can't say for everyone but my milestone for success was 200-300 posts, which /draw/ has easily passed. we're not enforcing every board's standards to the logic of "haha numbers go brrrr" for PPH/IPs per day, thats just pure capitalist logic, moreover its logic mostly used by people who don't even use the boards in question and really shouldn't have much of a say in it. it's more a measure of the productive output of the community that interfaces with the board - there is a small but dedicated group of people really engaged in /draw/, so we're gonna keep it.

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today november
where next roulette topic

What should it be? Any ideas? Personally, I haven't got any.

Me neither, I still want to use /draw/.

>I still want to use /draw/.
Draw is most likely going to become a board
see >>14187

/draw/ will become its own board, so don't worry about that.

OK, so for the moment we've had those proposals (including those from the matrix chat):

1 - /long/
OP's must be over 300 characters long and replays must be over 150 character long, maybe do not allow images.

2 - /lifestyle/
basically taking stuff like cooking, fitness, being outdoors, ect and make it into its own distinct thing, which would free up /hobby/ to be mostly about tv, movies, comics, ect

3 - guns and weapons board

4 - transport & city planning

5 - paranormal

6 - roleplay (don't know what the person who proposed it meant by this)

7 - research & philosophy

8 - /NSFW/

Someone wanted an /NSFW/ board also.

I'll have to back lifestyle, seeing as its my own suggestion lel
paranormal and guns sounds viable as well, though research and philosophy is just what /edu/ is for

Indeed, research & philosophy seems superfluous.
I really like the idea of /long/, especially if it's text-only (with the ability to upload epubs and pdf).
I agree that paranormal and gun would be viable, I have a preference for a gun board since I fear paranormal would be a schizo magnet.

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I love this idea.
I really like this proposal for a female focused board like /girltalk/. What if as a compromise we brought back some kind of social focused lounge board and kept a thread or two focused for female users?

There's a lot more in >>13245

Please no

How about this?

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What about /ecology/?

I think a thematic /edu/ should work too, you get anons to post a bit about their academic interests but banning politics, and at the end of the month you move the threads to regular /edu/. I don't think the goal of /roulette/ should be making new boards.

>I don't think the goal of /roulette/ should be making new boards.
Not a mod but hmm, I never thought of it that way. /roulette/ could be used to increase other boards' traffic, after all. Or to attract new users to the whole site.

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maybe use some kind of logic like this
not necessarily this, but a similar kind of flowchart

Thinking about it I rather have a guns and weapons board.

>>I really like this proposal for a female focused board like /girltalk/
You know what? I used to support this idea but now I'm not so sure about it. Right now, because the circumstances are different, making a female-oriented board would be the accelerationist option.
Thank you for the diagram, I agree.

This is a really nice diagram, thanks for your input.

/roulette/ topic for the month of November is:
/AK-47/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

/draw/ was made into its own board: >>>/draw/

Cringe topic for november, we don't need a /k/ board for shit that can go on /siberia/, replace it with /lifestyle/ or something.

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>forgetting to add /draw/ to the topbar
boy I hope someone got fired for that blunder

wtf is that picture real

What the hell did you do to this thread: >>>/draw/1244

The sysadmin will restore the files from the backup when he'll be available.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

yes. jay is sucking chad energy off of mike. all this is orchestrated by rich evans

It takes time to be put as non-hidden, idiot.

Thanks a lot, the files are all there.
Now the weird thing is that one of the old /hobby/ threads that got moved to /draw/ have extremely fucked up formatting. The posts are almost unreadable.
Well, actually the current version of that thread is like that too (for the old posts)

/civ/ - Civil discussion.

Where people discuss topics without going full retarded.

Junko board

>4 - transport & city planning
>7 - research & philosophy
These seem like good topics

Someone suggested /junkyard/

don't encourage them

I think it's a good idea on the condition that all posters are permabanned at the end of the month, no exceptions.

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7 with 1 characteristics

So it has been nearly one month, what should we do with /AK-47/?
Should we make it its own board?

>Should we make it its own board?

>23 thread including the sticky (~~0.77 per day)
>219 total replies (~7.3 per day)
What would be a good rough threshold for deserving its own board?

300 posts per month is the historical one we have had since /roulette/ was first created in bunkerchan.

You have four days to make 39 posts (as of now) to reach the 300 posts threshold.
Please no spam

When I suggested that /draw/ does not deserve another dead board I was told that it is capitalism to consider board activity.

/draw/ is not your average discussion board, it's primarily focused on OC creation hence the PPH threshold would have been ill adapted to the special nature of the board. During its trial in /roulette/, /draw/ had created nice OC, it was thus worthy of its own board.

lgbt board

it doesn't get activity cuz it's hidden away from the newposters

Don't add new boards, we don't need them.

/film/ - Movies and TV
/media/ - Movies, TV, comics, etc, and broadly visual enterteinment outside of weeb shit


Jannoids consider moving these threads to new board

/roulette/ topic for the month of December is:
/posad/ - Paranormal, horror and the occult

/AK-47/ was made into its own board: >>>/AKM/

P.S. I don't really like /posad/ as a name, I think /spooks/ should be better suited, what do you think?

And feel free to give new board themes to test on /roulette/ so I can add them to the OP list.


We can do a quick vote. /spoox/ is nice, /posad/ was the original proposal from months and months ago because muh commie aliens.

Can you guys make AKM lowercase?

oops we already have that board sorry haha

How about /sci/?
I suggested it here >>15433 but I didn't know that the suggestion should have been here instead.

/edu/ already exists anon.

Thought it was just for theory, haha
I'll use that board instead, thanks!

No, it was originally meant for a replacement of /freedu/, which had all kinds of topics and barely any politics. But unfortunately /leftypol/ can't talk about anything but politics so now it is just a slow /leftypol/ clone.

Can we please get /nsfw/ next?
Or an economics board, even an economics and policy/statecraft board

and /siberia/ for NSFW stuff

/t/ - Torrents
/news/ - Trotskyism
/lumpen/ - Slum (Drugs, Sex, Crime, Making Ends Meet)

When is there a new topic? I suggest /eo/ - esperanto

How about a textboard

I don't want a shitty attempt at recreating 2ch with imageboard software.

/relationships/ could be a nice board imo

it could be an interesting experiment to run some gimmick boards on /roulette/ rather than traditional discussion topic boards.

board where you can only post images
board where you pretend to be on 4chan circa 2012
board where text-posts are automatically fed into a text-to-speech engine and uploaded as files that you've got to click to play.
board where you have to post with an image and that image has to be unique
board where you're automatically given a slowly escalating ban for using the letter 'e' and you try to bait other users into doing so
board with a sub-twitter character limit
board where you get an ID and hovering over it tells you how many posts that ID has made / maybe colour is based on post count.
etc. yeah i know at least 2 of these require more technical effort than it's probably worth, but they illustrate that breadth of ideas is preferable to depth. go wild.

it's unlikely many of them would be kept around once their time was up, but having a short term posting gimmick seems more likely to provoke interest and show interesting trends than trialing regular discussion boards without a clear rationale on what their purpose is. (alternatively: we need /vmg/!)


I know that /edu/ was sorta meant to be that (plus some other boards), but i doesn't really work that much as it is more of level headed discussion place (and it's fine the way it is). Though i want a more memey space than /siberia/ to discuss general history (and humanities).

Long is only a good idea if you HAVE to post a source with it and you have to quote from relevant parts of the source, otherwise its just gonna be an opinion haver waffle off

/AKM/ already covers military history tho

?? What does this stand for?

/vmg/ is "Video Games / Mobile", on 4chan

Requesting a /r/equest board for general /r/equesting needs

No more cringey consumerism boards please.

Let's implement Sage's a research board idea, where you prove shit with citations and stuff.

Make a Spanish speaking board
Hagan una tabla en español

That's an interesting idea.
The reason I personally didn't vote for /long/ last time is that I felt it was kind of what /edu/ is, or that effortposts shouldn't be isolated away on a different board. I do think a dedicated research/debonk board with forced citations is a nice idea, even if it does kind of go into /edu/ territory as well.

/long/ sounds gimmicky as fuck, like something you'd see on the roulette board for a week or so before it gets old.

>The reason I personally didn't vote for /long/ last time is that I felt it was kind of what /edu/ is
I think integrating the functionality into /edu/ would be a great improvement, it may increase the activity to the board.
I disagree, it would be a training-ground for people to finally level up in their argumentative skills on here.

>I disagree, it would be a training-ground for people to finally level up in their argumentative skills on here.
lol the destiny/jontron debate has irreversibly damaged the internet

Edu will get more posts by… increasing the restrictions on the board.

Maybe it could be an option at the reply-box? So when you make an OP you can set the feature vs not.

Let's make a /theory/ board so we can finally ban politics from /edu/ and it can be used for discussing learning about shit instead of just brainwashing yourself into some Leninist imbecile.

>ban politics from education

anon, I…

do meme LARPers love reinventing fascism a thousand times over or what

I mean fascism is definitely the most laughable ideology, tho Nazcentbol is more a criticism of neoliberalism than fascism

If you want to talk about politics, go to /leftypol/, there's no point in having two boards for that.

Point is you can't ban politics from education, and if you try you just get Wikipedia (t. 'neutral' but actually neocon)

Are you "trolling" or just really dumb?

I know the whole project of roulette is dead as fuck, but i just want to state my interest in a /bantz/ board.
Thank you for your time.

How different would that be from siberia?

Should just have a /hangout/ thread on the main page

Seconding this

Suggesting /co/ since we have oodles of /leftyco/ threads

Sounds good, as long as furries are honorary members

here's an idea

call it /cheka/ or /nkvd/ or something
A board for gathering information on people. Each person or group gets a thread. No cyclicals, when they get full they get archived. There's a sticky with links to archives, and when a thread fills up and gets archived, the link gets posted there. This way any time somebody is like "redpill me on X, are they based?" or "hey anybody got that clip of Agent Kochinski being a pedo?" or whatever else, they can just be linked to the relevant thread/post and there's no need to rely on whoever is around happening to have or know what is being asked for.

isn't that a bit of a thin line to doxxing?

this retard wants a whole board for ISG lmao

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sure why not

an investigative board would be cool in general

>communist kiwifarms
this will surely end well

Board idea: /gossip/. If we bring in toxic females, then we'll get regular women as well

you know what, fair enough
I should have used Bill Gates or something as the example, but you just see people talking about e-celebs here more so that's the first example that I thought of.

Here's a cool board idea:
/praxis/ - organizing and implementing political strategy

I thought about that too, but praxis means nothing without people putting things to practice. 99.99% of the people on the board are your average film/game consuming 16-25yo who has no interest in doing the work necessary.

Sounds like a convenient excuse to keep doing nothing.

What kind of praxis are you thinking of?
We're very geographically diverse (not useful in organization) and low-traffic (not useful for unsubtle brigading) and public (not useful for subtle brigading). Best I would hope for is proaganda production like /fascist/ attempted (poorly lol)…. and /draw/ doesn't fill me with optimism for that.

Could be good
<blogposting about experiences (identifying information removed ofc)
<talking about upcoming, ongoing, or past major actions
<agitprop general

The point is to create a dedicated space to discuss these very problems, come up with solutions in service of long-term goals, and constantly evaluate progress. Everyone starts from somewhere.

and some people start nowhere and go nowhere
such is life

Let's assume that a board to discuss praxis will be made. In an ideal scenario, what would you want to see posted there?

So is there going to be a new roullete board or no?

It'd be great if there was, but mods seemingly gave up on the idea. Damn shame, as i had many board suggestions.

Unique IPs: 99

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