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How difficult it would be to implement a real time IP counter? as it stands now the current IP counter is useless, there's no point in knowing that the thread has been visited x times during it's lifetime.


The IP counter isn't for visits. It's for posts. The number of visitors is at least as big.
Total unique visitors wouldn't be that hard to implement, but "live" IPs like you're talking about is more complex. What about somebody who has the tab open and is letting the thread auto-update, manually updating instead? What about somebody who isn't auto-updating but keeping the thread open? What about someone who has the thread on their watchlist but isn't actively in the thread? What about somebody who keeps closing the thread and reopening from the catalog?

The question is: how do you determine when to remove the IP from the list of live viewers?


what would be the point of this though?


Use a timeout feature, after 1 munute of inactivity the thread is hidden and you are forced to reload the thread


retarded suggestion. you should be ashamed.


Not worth the effort.

Unique IPs: 6

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