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ban at least commercial pornography


This will go nowhere. Unspoiled porn is already banned. It's just something the jannies are either not interested in enforcing or are actively those who post porn and sexual violence and degradation themselves.
Jannies are vile coomers.


are you the guy that got his reddit fap account exposed?


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Let's ban alcohol and gambling too. The moral evils of the individual poison the hearts and souls of the land.


As a compromise, why not just ban 3DPD?


in the context of society: no sorry cockshott, i love you bro no homo
in the context of leftypol: yes please god, permaban all coomers


I would be fine with just 2D porn and non-explicit pics of real people


me, going to /siberia/ for the first time: wow i hate it jannies please change the board for me


I've been using /siberia/, or rather /b/ since leftypol.org was made.


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>making a proposal without any rationale




>in the context of leftypol: yes please god, permaban all coomers


I still wonder why jannies don't do anything to unsploided pornography.


Are you reporting it?


I remember seeing on here that it was mostly a policy when there was only one overboard and people didn't want to have to see porn to view many boards. I guess we should check if that's still a policy.


suck a nut bitch
unspoilered porn is banned in ops in siberia


Porn is inherently anti emancipatory, it has fueled our crisis of hyperindividualism and resulting loneliness and is mostly shilled by """""left""""" libs. There is no value to it on this board or elsewhere.


Christcom gang wins again
>ban at least commercial pornography
Good idea. Porn is crypto-consumerism.


ban it. This board should be for political discussion, not cooming.


Same could be said about all the stupid hobby boards that didn't need to be outside of /hobby/ (especially entertainment-tier trash like /games/ and /anime/) and therefore I'm saying it right now.
Stop administering an embarrassment and set some standards you fucking libs (of course herein lies the problem, it won't get better unless at least half the staff gets thrown out the top off an apartment block window).


>Same could be said about all the stupid hobby boards that didn't need to be outside of /hobby/
which would be true and correct


which still doesn't prevent the 5 posts per thread in the index from having up to 5 unspoilered porn files each, retard
or the random unspoilered porn posts inside non-porn threads


It is good to cater to hobbies hobbies are wholesome and I interesting. The culture of cooming needs to go though


A communist website isn't the place to perpetuate your infantile addiction to (or do indirect advertising of products of) the entertainment industry.
>Deliberately misinterpreting me saying all hobbies are bad
Oofsies, consoomer! :OO


There aren't many places online where you can freely discuss media from a leftist perspective or hear other leftists' opinion.
Coomposting isn't about critiquing porn or talking about it from a leftist perspective, at all.


The point is discussing these things from a leftist perspective can strengthen the community. A community isn’t strengthened around porn. It also means you become like a moth to the flame for serial coomers who are all completely brain warped. Movie watches and music enjoyers are not brain warped in the same way


This, it also takes a lot more effort to discuss media than to discuss porn. Encouraging people to talk about porn all day every day is like the opposite of what leftypol's trying to do.


>Encouraging people to talk about porn all day every day is like the opposite of what leftypol's trying to do
Encouraging people to talk about worthless products of capitalist culture all day isn't either.
You're just having a hard time accepting that there's not much differenciating someone wasting their free time consuming some liberal TV show vs taking a detour on some tube porn site / torrent some "ethical hentai".
Both structurally function to keep you as far away form either organizing or gaining a worthwhile skill (like music or drawing) in capitalist society.


except generally people don't jack off to TV shows and get a little extra dopamine hit. There also isn't the social constructs around it that make it taboo and hidden and therefore again, extra dopamine. Watching porn is not the same as watching tv, unless you are some kind of person who literally watches it for the art of it and doesn't jack off, which, okay you might be but you are 1 in a million.

Also, TV doesn't stop you from organising. Yeh, if you binge watch instead of doing stuff, it will stop you, but also rest is good.


But porn does stop you from organising apparently?


It definitely stops you from thinking


Why you wanna ban shay's nudes, annon ? :(


>implying it's only commercial porn that's an issue


If you don't think most of that's commercial, you're a fool.
And the ones that aren't commercial ARE LITERALLY NOT A PROBLEM.


>A communist website


Does onlyfans count as commercial?


IMO yes. Created with primary intent being commerce. Not near as harmful as industrial porn but still not good.


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When it's gotten to the point that despite hiding threads, the hide-thread feature is dysfunctional enough that I have "LE BBC KINO THREAD" pop up for at least a few seconds on my mobile device every time I open the /siberia/ catalog for a little shitposting I've come to wonder if your idea wouldn't improve the site, OP.
I'll say that much.
But I'm not necessarily endorsing it.


>As a compromise, why not just ban 3DPD?
Ban furry. That's the one that offends me the most.


>And the ones that aren't commercial ARE LITERALLY NOT A PROBLEM.
Amateur porn is the worst. It's all revenge porn and other illegal shit.



no it isn't lmao




ban all of it


you will have to suck people off to compensate fren.


are the PFLP moralists? i thought that was just hamas


>If you don't blast your and others synapses 24/7 with bourgeois media on a communist website you're a moralist
Kill yourself.


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Ban 3D porn.


lol, i'd be more worried about the bourgeois moralists, actually


Ban all porn.
>All socialist states have been "bourgeois" "moralist" for opposing prostitution and porn
>Doing free advertising for the porn industry and pushing porn addiction onto online communists is neutral and not bourgeois


you will have to suck people that are horny off to compensate, moralist fren.


Post yourbrainonporn now.


Constant exposure to pleasure promoting stimuli (especially porn) on the internet causes the overproduction of hormones which requires your nerves overproduce a chemical called acetylcholine to allow for the brain to send signals that allow said overproduction of hormones. What happens with all this acetylcholine production is inevitably your nerves start to west out and have imbalances of other chemicals like sodium which can cause mental damage overtime harming your nervous system overall which can lead to premature Alzheimer’s and mental illnesses.
>Typical porn-addict, probably a mod
You hate to see it.




>masturbation causes Alzheimer’s
Wow the "theories" got wackier with time.


not a mod schizo fren, just saying if you gonna go with your moralist crusade against porn you gotta compensate with your mouth as you want to privy in peoples private business.
as you see i'm don't care for the puritan crusade but with "materialism" thrown in instead of "jesus".


>Masturbation[?] causes[?] Alzheimers
Take a reading comprehension class faint-boy.


you're gonna get made fun of on here again and again and again, no matter how much you gaslight and concern troll


What midlife crises do to an mf.


must have gone blind from all the cum acumulated in the brain, poor thing.


Should just limit it to one containment thread tbh


>>masturbation causes Alzheimer’s
<Lacking reading comprehension to own the anti-porn posters
<Same but this time defending the porn industry


>open /siberia/ for the first time in a month
>first non-pinned thread is this:
very based, very communist


Banning pornography is communist.
Deal with it.


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Wow so true!!!.

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