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File: 1639413390888.png (1.25 MB, 900x929, xmas-beach.png)


I want the jannies to check their northern hemisphere privilege and fuck off with this snow shit while I (innocent global south prole) sweat myself to dehydration in the heat of summer.

If you disagree you're a first-worlder PMC and probably wh*te too.


Actually, you're depriving us non-snowy winter people of our virtual snow. Check your privilege, snower.


shut the fuck up a*stralian


File: 1639422428826.png (75.13 KB, 919x737, aussies.png)




ever since the snow, does anyone else find the 'Go to bottom' button isn't working?


That "country" is a literal desert. Actual summer is in Chile, Argentina and southern Brazil


Works for me.


How the hell do you turn it off? Don't the jannies realize that loads of chan users are using 10+ year old thinkpads that can't handle the effect?


you will render the snow and you will like it


I hope the snow ends up as a theme like the spooky one.


localStorage.snow = "nothanks";


Use the Options menu.


You idiots need to look at a map. The whole TROPICAL BELT has summer all year round.
t. lives in the tropical belt

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