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Add this so that anons can opt out of leftypol JS history which is currently obfuscated through the contemporaneous 'Options' user-frontend; which lacks any mention of this functionality tracking a user, potentially across sessions, for years.


Thanks for linking the updated script, I'll test and add it. It should be done in <48hr.

Clarification for people unaware of what this is talking about, vichan necessarily creates a local storage variable called 'own_posts' in order to store which posts get (You)s, if (You)s are enabled by the site configuration.
This is not a bug so much as a missing feature for people wanting to easily opt out of (You)s for privacy reasons, I assume in case their computer is seized or leftypol.org software is replaced with malicious code in the future. While the 'own_posts' variable is never sent across the network by leftypol software, local tracking is still a valid privacy concern for some rare but real possibilities.


Thank you.


The suggested change has now been added (see /tech/ thread).


<I wake up and I see the update implemented on-site now

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