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File: 1643213387476.jfif (7.29 KB, 275x183, mental.jfif)


Can we open a mental health board? Some of us has deep problems but won't go to neo-nazi filled imageboards. We might discuss our past traumas, lives, mental health there.


Ah yes, a space for the mentally ill to wallow in their misery, sounds great. This is how you get places like r9k.


They don't necessarily have to be misogynist or neo-nazi. But you are right. A space for mentally ill to wallow in their misery is not something we should have. It shouldn't exist in all of the internets. Because it creates a vicious cycle of misery that never ends. Maybe if those guys could go outside and talk to someone they wouldn't have been the same.


But something r9k'ish(where misogyny, racism etc. is prohibited) could be a little fun nevertheless. We don't have anywhere else to tell personal stuff on an anonymous board.


I made a therapy thread in /hobby/ you might be interested in >>>/hobby/22545


fuck no


>A space for mentally ill to wallow in their misery is not something we should have. It shouldn't exist in all of the internets.
Too bad /siberia/ exists

Suggestion to the mods: delete /siberia/ permanently

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