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 No.19194[View All]

>Inb4 go to >>>/meta/
I already did for the last month. However for one, basically no one uses /meta/ unless they also get complaints about moderation. And secondly, the administration has completely dropped the ball when it comes to feedback, thus /meta/ is practically useless at this point.

And as dumb as it is knowing the contents of the thread, I also appeal to the janitors to not forcibly migrate the thread, or just to delete it entirely.

Ever since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the janitor staff has went berserk with its moderation policy towards the discourse surrounding this topic. Any opinion veering towards supporting Ukraine, calling out Russian crimes, doubting certain enforced naratives that originate from Russian state media or daring to commit the ultimate sin of suggesting that perhaps this time NATO is the lesser evil, is subject to bannings.

First of all, not one of the positions I described above violate any leftypol rules (which so ironically get linked every time you see the ban notification). Not only rules are not linked, the ban "reasons" half the time state non-reasons that just boil down to "I don't like what you said", or vague "glow" responses. If, say, the rules were updated, like with the Covid denial rule, then at least it would be understandable - "alright, guess we aren't a non-sectarian leftist board for all denominations anymore", I'd say, "but at least the staff has the curtesy to say it out loud that we are all now expected to be putinbots".

Secondly, not once have I received proper feedback in /meta/, the board for giving moderation feedback, over the nature of these bans. And not just me, but other anons who got similar treatment over the pro-Russia frenzy of the administration. In other words - janitors literally aren't doing their job, refusing to elaborate their bans on posts that don't violate any rules and are intent to keep silent pretending like Brezhnev just died and we all are now supposed to listen to Swan Lake on loop.

And finally, out of the five or four bans I have received over the past month, all of which were for posts that are practically identical, at least 2 of them were overturned on appeal. No explanation was given once I asked why these were overturned but not others, or why is nothing being done about powerabuse. So we can only guess that the moderation team doesn't it self know what is supposed to be done about the Ukraine moderation policy, they also are completely fine with bogus bans remaining half the time.

I realize I might be quite unpopular for my anti-Russian position now, however this problem is wider than Ukraine war question. I am not even debating what should be the correct position on it, actually I even encourage the moderation team to openly endorse Putin so that some clarity about moderation could be found. No, the problem here is that janitors have openly shown how little they care about their own rules, how they don't care about their duty to give feedback and to be open to the users. Its only a matter of time until some other issue, one where perhaps I'll even be on the same side as the moderation team, arises, and they will decide to keep the same sort of arbitrary moderation style as now to police away wrongthink from "THEIR" board.

Thus I openly propose these ideas:
1) Mandate moderators to state in every ban which rule was broken
2) Update the rules accordingly whenever a new ban-worthy position that is not accounted for by the current rules is found
3) Temporarily revoke moderation privilages on repeated successful appeals to their issued
74 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


There has been polling done on dick size and I.Q on 4chan.
Also show it.


Real takeaway from the polling discussion is you don't understand the medium. D*scord would be more your speed.


>he says posting daily in matrix
fbi.gov is no longer allowed here because it under minded the mods gatekeeping grip on the place so I wouldn’t know soz


The polling on 4chan shows they are a bunch of teen Mexicans and hapas, that has been the meme forever, obviously you are new


I don't chat, I could not give a shit about the plight of the d*scord user.




Actually the board is thriving, more posters than ever from all around the world, all authentic working class revolutionary leaders, all down to the excellent work of our moderators

Yes I am the one living outside of reality


>asked to show "proofs", this is the result


What you want me to dig up random polls from 8chan done 8 years ago and compare them to now?

Everybody knows it, it’s been commented on multiple times by various posters. You equally have no proof that everyone is older and more working class these days.

So less work with what we do have proof of, there are less posters, engaging less. I asked why, the response was everyone is older, no proof given.I wasn’t the one who brought age etc into this, that was you mods.


Keep in mind I never took a side as I have no interest in baseless speculation (from where I am sitting it looks like several people have engaged in such, the fact they are on different sides is altogether meaningless, as is the discussion itself, I am only interested in the assumptions).
It's normal to show "data" and acting indignant about being asked to do so does not inspire confidence. That's all, you can continue with your regular discussion.


I wasn’t the first to claim such things, merely denied it.

I would like to focus on the info we do have, which like I said is the low engagement, which the mod admitted to originally


Eminent physicist Wolfgang Pauli is said to have coined the expression "Das ist nicht nur nicht richtig; es ist nicht einmal falsch!" (This is not just incorrect, it is not even wrong).
I think about that a lot.


I am feeling a certain level of comfort that comes from not knowing what you're even referring to, pic related.


I have talked to "most people" about it, and they're all cucks for nato. I'm concerned about supposed communists being cucks for nato.


listen listen how about this for dialogue.

I will stop complaining entirely, for 6 whole months, if each mod, with their trip on, simply admits these two things.

1) I, sage, was right about Haz
2) Mods, all mods, .org mods included, were wrong about haz, and they gave him preferential treatment and banned posters calling them wreckers and feds for oppossing haz.
3) this had a detrimental effect on the board and the leftosphere at large.

If you can all admit these things, which are objectively correct, without blaming somebody else, minimising, or otherwise deflecting or being insincere, I won't post in meta for 6 whole months.

How is that.

All you have to do is tell the objective truth one time, each of you.


This uygha doesn't know about epistemology.


I am trying to learn people things, I am not part of the discussion as such.


we dont negotiate with terrorists


>I don't care what the facts are, I will never apologise for America

>burger clapping sounds


Here's a counterproposal: go choke on a bucket of pig cum.


you seem to have confused me with Caballo


hey if you wanna ERP then buy me dinner first


>lie to inflate my ego


where is the lie?


>it was all mean leftychans fault


>actually haz is cool

either way, you fucking suck and you know it


What if [false dichotomy]?
What then, leftists, huh?


Where is the lie jannoid.

Was it all leftychans fault? Or is Haz actually sthuper cool?

Which jannies up in here pretending they weren’t pro haz lmao. Bet you feel fucking foolish. Bet it was pasquale, given his is a fanatical weeb dengoid


>untrue thing
>debate this jannies
<random user on overboard replies
You are arguing with random users once again sage. You are just acting schizo to feed your need for attention and ego maintenance. Not to mention if you actually had contention with 'mods treating infrared too well' or something you wouldn't be letting them live rent free in your head all this time when most people have forgotten about them by now. And of course there was mods opposed to infrared starting drama here, in fact none of the current mods here supported letting them make a bunch of threads to spam the site or whatever your stated point of contention is. The people that actually simped for infrared for a while, mainly zer0 and comatoast have self exiled. This is pretty dumb and kind of sad.


A majority vote by janitors created those threads lmao.

The absolute cope


>Your opinion is a minority opinion and dominates the thread discussion with repetitive arguments.

Get fucked retard. That thread is just filled with the most fucking insane goalpost moving of vatnik retards high on fucking pro-Putin cope it's outstanding. You idiots are literally beyond fucking InfoWars Sandy Hook shit here.
Also how are us Antiwar people "Repetitive" while none of you vatnik United Russia retards can explain how making NATO the most popular it's ever been, having Finland and Sweden join, and Europe rearming, is somehow better for "anti-imperialism", oh wait, it isn't so you just ban instead.
>That's a dishonest way to frame it. Discussion is hindered because of NATO apologia, for example. If rightoids were allowed to spam their ukraine nazi shit, surely you'd want them banned because they are disruptive to the conversation.
Yeah those of us trying to discuss things neutrally are those ruining the discussion, not the fucking constant goalpost moving and "GLOW GLOW GLOW" of vatnik chauvanists like yourself.
>That's what getting you banned…
And yet, it's not actually in the rules fuckhead.
Face it, you're just a think skinned Putin cocksucker who has incredible thin skin and can't stand anyone disagreeing with you like the old transhumanist BO's retarded reactionary Rojava position.


>us anti-war pro-NATO uyghas


"If you're anti war, then you're pro NATO!"
Point made, you people are literally temporarily embarrassed Neocons.


And once again, the Janitors ban anyone who criticises the Russian invasion.
This is becoming fucking ridiculous, why in fuck do all of us on the left have to be fucking Russian cocksucking chauvinists? Where is the fucking BO? These bans are for things that are literally not against the rules.


Are you that glowing bitch that made the anti-russian ukraine thread with a marx flag? Just checking here to see if you posted any cope and seethe. Your seethe is juicy and delicious


>posts reuters and rfe/rl links
>gets banned


You fucking retard. The link was PRO your pro-russian fucking cocksucking position you dumb fucking piece of shit.
Oh my seeth for being a fucking Socialist and not some fucking bloodthirsty Russian vatnik Neocon fuckhead like you pro-capitalist imperialist psychopaths are?


Also this just touches on my point, my thread was completely neutral, if anything, the header actually sided with a more pro-Russian position than 99% of people in the West atm. I had links on NATO expansionism, leaked NATO documents showing NATO did know it's expansionism was a thread, tonnes of links on Ukrainian Neo Nazism, war crimes against donbass, as well as only 3 fucking links discussing the rise of Russian right wing chauvnism in it's foreign policy.
Yet I get banned for fucking "glowing", because dumb fucking retards like this shithead couldn't even be bothered to click a link that war reporting on the UKRAINIAN FAR RIGHT RAPING AND MURDERING CHILDREN IN DONBASS. Oh no, it was Reuters and RFE, it has to be glowing.
Meanwhile, these cocksuckers in the "Ukraine thread" (sucking more Russian cock than a conscript in a hazing thread) can post all their bullshit clearly FSB rightoid Russian chauvinist propaganda, MoA, RWA, RT and it's perfectly fine!
The fact you faggots never even bothered to click on the link that showed THE UKRAINIAN FAR RIGHT MILITIAS RAPING AND KILLING CHILDREN IN DONBASS, shows that you faggots are knowingly completely acting in bad faith.


Mods, you have in posts still on the board said, "if you want a pro ukraine thread make one of those but that is not what the ukraine thread is for"

Now he makes one and you delete it.

Come the fuck on. As you know, as all post history suggests, I am by no means pro Azov. Again, it was me who first dropped the bioweapons news here. However, as you also know, stunting discussion like this is dumb

This isn't genzedong, this is leftypol. Its supposed to be none sectarian, this is straight sectarian moderation


My thread wasn't even Pro-Ukraine, at no point am I supporting fucking retard Zelensky and his corrupt ass joke puppet Government, hell I even support Russia moving into the DPR/LPR since you had groups there like Tornado making literal sex snuff films with children.
My position has, and always will be anti-war between Capitalist powers and this conflict has been a disaster for the left, as it's essentially erased the past 20 years of US/NATO fuckups and has countries like fucking Finland joining NATO when arguably, NATO probably wouldn't have existed in 20 years if this didn't happen. (France was already pretty NATO weary)


Average decelerationist


Seethe more ukrop, all your threads are shit and hope you are too retarded to evade your ban


These same autistic retards who scream the loudest about muh vatniks and muh russia are just a vapid minority of 2-3 ultraleftists, instead of writing anything of substance about Ukraine, their OPs are always full of links to bourgeois outlets and links to RFE/RL.


Lmao, you Vatniks are so thin skinned you literally can't take any criticism of Russia nor accept any Leftist being anti-war, because again, you're temporally embarrissed Neocons.
>And you’re there, in hostile territory, stuck in your armored vehicle, unable to tell civilians from the enemy, an easy target to anyone with an RPG or Javalin. Yeah, you sure are gonna be rational about things, aren’t you? And you’re not gonna be jumpy and unload your massive caliber machine gun on some poor sap riding a bike in your direction.
>There is a sad kind of predictability to people on this staunch denialist side. They’re basically the exact inverse of the rabid neocons running America’s foreign policy and media machine. To the neocons, Russians are savages and barbarians, no matter what. They’re always to blame. To the denialists, the Russian side is always telling the truth and Russian solders never do harm because to they’re liberators and on the right side of history.

Even Yasha, one of the most Pro-Russian/Russian sympathetic commentators out there finds you Self hating Neocons cringe as fuck.
Again, I used RFE because it was reporting on Ukrainian far right militias raping and murdering children in the Donbass and telling Zelensky to go fuck himself. Something the rest of the MSM was completely ignoring. No-one who isn't a delusional Vatnik could have thought my thread was pro Ukrainian dipshit, I was literally posting internal NATO documents showing they absolutely knew that their expansion into Ukraine was going to cause a war and I provided like 10 different links on Ukrainian war crimes and how NATO lured Russia into this war.
But oh no, I'm not a Vatnik Neocon who thinks Putin is some holy saviour of communism so I'm 100% a fucking "glowie" while you cunts aren't totally just assmad Russians.


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Also "ultraleft" lmao, not even China is supporting this. The most advanced Socialist project today.
I'm the fringe Leftist for siding with the position of the CCP and numerous Socialist and Communist orgs the world over. While you, the guy defending a far-right mafioso who launches a war with a speech shitting relentlessly on the great and kind Lenin and the CPSU are the true leftist!


kill yourself


Love how not a one of you Vatniks have a single coherent point aside from screaming insults and "glowie".


no both of you kill yourselves


Still no proof that Russia is "imperialist", just more sloganeering and russophobia. Yawn


there is you just ignore it because you are circlejerking about the Russian state for some reason


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