Since I made a thread about WV anon I thought it was only appropriate to make another thread about our other resident right-winger, TheThingNoticer. Basically, does anyone know anything about him, I know he's shown a interest in cartoons. Anyone got those pics to that website he once linked. Also is it me or does he not post here anymore?
Soooo, now the TTN is back, how do we mess with him? I guess shit talking cartoons such as in post
>>20800 would do it.
>>20861I agree that he's most likely a teen.
>>21123my post
>>20908 linked to a post by a mod basically stating that TheThingNoticer is recycling IPs and that the mods would just start permabanning those IPs. So unless he is able to get new IPs or still has some that haven't been banned yet then it may be possible that he won't be back. Tbh he'll probably be back, just not as regularly as he did before.
Unique IPs: 23