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Since I made a thread about WV anon I thought it was only appropriate to make another thread about our other resident right-winger, TheThingNoticer. Basically, does anyone know anything about him, I know he's shown a interest in cartoons. Anyone got those pics to that website he once linked. Also is it me or does he not post here anymore?

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he was posting from John K's blog one time, it was hilarious

He got really mad at people laughing at him for being so invested in cartoons, that's the last time I remember him posting.

so we angered him enough that he left

Occasionally posts with screenshots of twitter monologues by anime pfp rightoids show up, I'm quite certain it's the same guy. He used to make inane commentary too but seems to have stopped after /leftypol/ goons kept making fun of him. Curiously his posts were often about various petty-bourgeois concerns.

Another part-time resident rightoid deserving of investigation is that one who is obsessed with interracial relationships, having been bullied about it in college per his own admission. His posting style comes across as very insecure.

>Another part-time resident rightoid deserving of investigation is that one who is obsessed with interracial relationships, having been bullied about it in college per his own admission. His posting style comes across as very insecure.

I have no idea who that is. Do you have any screen shots? When was the last time he posted here?

>being this new

I probably subconsciously do know who they are its just that I'll need a screen shot to remind me

>>>/leftypol/1007091 Possibly TheThingNoticer. He might be back?

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Soooo, now the TTN is back, how do we mess with him? I guess shit talking cartoons such as in post >>20800 would do it.

"Like sharks to blood, normalfags will congregate to beat up the weekly approved sandbag. Yesterday it was the white person who called a nog what he is, today it's the cartoonist who put out better out than most of his contemporaries have been able to for the past three or so decades."(lol)

Inspirational words. I cri everitaim…

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TheThingNoticer is definitely a teenager high school kid. I can't fathom an adult being so stupid and twitter addicted. Even blue check mark libtards pay less attention to twitter than he does.

Most /pol/ cucks are. That was one of the reasons that made me leave /pol/ years ago, realizing at one point that you're arguing about politics and serious topics with literal teenagers who just play videogames

if you listen to them describe their lives they are actually boomers that never matured past junior high

you sound like an anime villain lol, not surprising since you follow a gorillion anime pfp twitter accounts.

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Bros… Is this… Is this the end of TheThingNoticer?

Did he diededededed?

No. TheThingNoticer is out there! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop… ever, until you are dead!

I agree that he's most likely a teen.

my post >>20908 linked to a post by a mod basically stating that TheThingNoticer is recycling IPs and that the mods would just start permabanning those IPs. So unless he is able to get new IPs or still has some that haven't been banned yet then it may be possible that he won't be back. Tbh he'll probably be back, just not as regularly as he did before.

Thuletide might be him.

Unique IPs: 23

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