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What are your guys thoughts on archiving threads ppl like and wanna save and how it is done so far? How could it be improved? What is working well atm?

Also what do we think about an /alt_archive/ board to store threads from /alt/ such as hobby, games, or music? We have one for siberia >>>/siberia_archive/ and one for leftypol >>>/leftypol_archive/ already that you may wanna check out.

Are there any alternative archiving methods or past archives of leftypol projects that you would like to discuss?


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what makes a thread qualify as being "worth" archiving
hard no because i dont want my stuff lasting forever because of the whims of a few assholes

>Are there any alternative archiving methods or past archives of leftypol projects that you would like to discuss?

if someone really likes a post for whatever reason they can press ctrl + S on their favorite web browser or the PrintScreen key (seriously)
web browsers these days can automatically take a screenshot of a whole thread too with a single command


>Also what do we think about an /alt_archive/ board to store threads from /alt/ such as hobby, games, or music?
i hate newfags so much




It's a good way to preserve threads that have tons of images. Just like i intend on having the reaction images thread on /siberia/ archived when it gets filled.


If I wanted my posts to last forever I'd join social media.


>i dont want my stuff lasting forever because of the whims of a few assholes
Then that should motivate you to make better posts you're not ashamed of.
>if someone really likes a post for whatever reason they can press ctrl + S
That's selfish. The point is redundancy and making things available for people to search back to. The entire Ukraine videos thread'd be lost alongside all its content because archive.is and wayback don't archive videos at all and cannot archive pdfs from leftypol due to robots.txt


This isn't N00bshit you cancerous autist.


That's not the point of archiving threads.

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