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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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Bombard the headquarters.

Expose and defeat people in positions of power (i.e., mods) taking the capitalist road.

Keep in mind, mods and gatekeepers taking the capitalist road are always metaphorical compradors. They hold no real power themselves. Instead, they slavishly toe the line of the international monopoly capitalists. Their role is always to work within revolutionary movements to stifle the people's resistance to monopoly capitalism. Discuss.

Websites aren't countries.

>"websites aren't potential circuits of capital"

who are you quoting
doubly, for some reason

>w-w-whoo are you quo–

bit much I suggest turning it down a bit

forum moderator is the most counterrevolutionary role you can fulfill.

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