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Recommend removing (you) functionality to further disorientate and confuse the incoming kf rapefugees

This will make them more open to suggestion


Recommend adding a (You) counter in the corner of the screen that pings every time someone replies, and a high scoreboard of (You)s right next to that so (You) can see how (You) compare to the best posters on the site.
jk just posting to bump


I don't think many will come here, for several reasons.
1. They used a forum. Many will be drawn towards something with a similar interface.
2. Among imageboards there are several available dedicated to the tracking of eccentric people online.
3. There also wikis (yes, again plural) about eccentric people.
4. I'm not entirely sure about this point, but I don't believe they actually talked about the recent Maupin drama. Which means that the overlap of people posting on both sites is probably very close to zero if not exactly zero. The only overlap that is certain is a few people active here who are/were read-only over there. And you got no plausible argument that even these few are new here. Occasional links to Kiwifarms have popped up on /leftypol/ since the 8chan days.

Counter-proposal: Adding a big and colorful (me) when people link to their own posts without manually adding the (me).


>Counter-proposal: Adding a big and colorful (me) when people link to their own posts without manually adding the (me).
I really like this proposed feature


mmmh it double as anti samefag measure too. why not


>Adding a big and colorful (me) when people link to their own posts without manually adding the (me)
That is actually a good idea.


File: 1662806722219.png (854.76 KB, 694x743, reagan eyebags.png)

>Adding a big and colorful (me) when people link to their own posts without manually adding the (me)
good idea anon


>Counter-proposal: Adding a big and colorful (me) when people link to their own posts without manually adding the (me).
Hey I like that, I self reply a lot for multi part posts and because I'm too stupid to edit posts with spelling mistakes.

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