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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

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File: 1663510400788.jpg (961.66 KB, 4096x9107, Refugio 8chan.moe.jpg)


Hello. Im the BO of 8chan.moe/hispol

I want to ask if is possible to become partners, our community is rebuilding since our home (hispachan.org) was killed by AW admin.

Not a mod, but if you're genuine about your offer that sounds like a cool idea.

Interested. Last I checked hispa was pretty right wing.

If you are somewhat serious you should try the matrix chat.

Thanks, hope it works

Hispa /pol/ is pretty neutral with anons of diverse ideologies

How can I acces it?

>How can I acces it?
look in the pinned thread at the top of the main board

File: 1663526881258.png (1.65 KB, 434x44, ClipboardImage.png)

try this

>"8chan" in 2022
Nice CIA pedonazi honeypot
>Interested. Last I checked hispa was pretty right wing.
If they're right-wing, why would we be interested in partnering?
>since our home (hispachan.org) was killed by AW admin.
AW as in Andrew Watkins? Watkins was administrator for hispachan??

Fuck off.

>Hispa /pol/ is pretty neutral with anons of diverse ideologies
Classic. No it isn't.

It'd be pretty funny to form a "partnership" with a fash shithole before other actual leftist spaces like BaI. But al in all I think partnerships are fucking stupid.


he's talking about Bienvenido a Internet

Gracias, comrade

I'm in favor of it to proletarize and save any future school shooters who are falling through the schizo rabbit hole.

You can do that on your own already.

Joder, me hiciste acordar que esa mierda si ha pasado contado en latinoamerica

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