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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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Post chill house, dnb, and other electronic mood music.

LoFi House Mix

one of the best modern remixes of a 90s classic ive' heard in a while

But /mu/ exists…

sorry I meant /music/

based rave rune with piano

Damn. This song is so upbeat. I love this. Thanks anon

Sauce me the OP pic in full resolution, that wizard's cool and image search gives zilch.

thats the fullest resolution it gets unfortunately. It's a poster in Steve's room from the series "American Dad".

Oh, sucks, it's pretty rad

this is a bonus track from, what is possibly the greatest dreamwave album of all time

new album by lord seiborg:
good late nite/early morning listening

Ruffkutt - I Can't Take It (Harmony Remix)

is this new? sounds like 1990s jungle. OR is it just meant to sound retro

Tom & Jerry - Maximum Style

Stardust - Music Sounds Better With You

Cassius - 1999

Janet Jackson - Go Deep (Masters At Work Thunder Edit)

Ashford & Simpson - Bourgie Bourgie (A Director's Cut Exclusive)

Get Involved (Director's Cut Classic House Mix)

Holy Brune - JoyRide

HolyBrune - Catching feelings

Jenevieve - Baby Powder

The Internet - Girl (Official Video) ft. KAYTRANADA

A Tribe Called Quest - Find A Way

ATCQ - Like It Like That

ATCQ - The Love

pretty good track, reminds me of steely dan but crossed with ronald jenkees

supre chill 90s classic 'Dissolved Girl' by Massive Attack

real bladerunner vibes

full album of this

These were made with a Fairlight

Gábor Csupó, one of the creators of the Rugrats, contacted the artist after hearing these songs and commissioned him for the theme song, which was probably also composed on a Fairlight

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me(a silly goofster) preparing for a long joyous day of mischief and shenanigans

Kelbin - Do What U Want (Dream Cast)

Actually a banger

Pretty good set by Yousuke Yukimatsu.

this thread needs more

Britney Spears - Toxic (DJibouti Dub) (Official Audio)

Unique IPs: 34

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