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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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Any LaRouchies want to dissect this song?

NLE Choppa is a conspiracy theorist who is anti-vaxx, believes essential oils cure autism, pushes the "Dr." Sebi diet, and a whole slew of other things. So, when he made a song celebrating the UK, I was quite shocked, given how the "big conspiracy" these days is how the Queen secretly rules the world and the British have infiltrated the American deep state or some shit.

Can anyone detect any hints in this banger?

If any rapper is a British agent it's 21 Savage

What's the sample used in the beat? It sounds Bulgarian.


The UK (like a lot of western Europe) has good drugs. That's the first thing I think wrt this tbh. Actually, honestly, the UK kind of kicks America's ass in a lot of ways - it sort of disproves a lot of American lies about everything. The drinking age is lower, but drunk driving is also way lower, there's a lot of spending on public services but it hasn't resulted in British people being super-sheltered babies or whatever America thinks would happen if we had more extensive public healthcare, and even the strict gun laws (which I disagree with btw, for reasons unrelated to this) massively reduced gun violence rather than just giving criminals a total monopoly on arms like Americans like to predict. The UK sucks in a bunch of ways, but when you look at it as an American loser it's kind of interesting.


Americans are pseudo-libertarians.
They like to shit on public services and what it, but will revolt if you shit down their precious fast food and actually delegalize student loans for college.

>The drinking age is lower, but drunk driving is also way lower,

Interesting to note that I read in an article that most drunk driving cases in California is usually one teen for two adults.
Also, countries that initiate the young into the real world earlier show less accidents.
Americans are so hebephobic that they think teens hanging out by themselves without chaperones is delinquency.
They think kids having jobs is exploitation, yet they will punish children for defending themselves against bullies.
They think technical skills are solely the parents responsibility despite most parents not having the time nor knowledge to pass off life skills.
It's no wonder why the maturation rates have slowed down.
Vicenarians are now akin to preteens.
Preteens are now infants
People in their thirties and forties are more like frat boys.

File: 1657844892049.jpg (187.65 KB, 1080x1350, good-to-drive-summer.jpg)

TBH I don’t think he cares about economics enough to give a shit about LaRouche. Song is fire though.


Drill music is toxic. People literally get killed over rap songs.

Drill music is toxic.

Maybe not in the UK but in the US it's getting people killed.

idealist take
>base: poverty stricken ghetto with violent crime

>superstructure: Drill rap

drill music doesnt get people killed, people are killed and then drill is made

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