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/music/ - Music

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This shit is ass
When will mere virtuosity stop being fetishized

I have no idea what this is.

LP released by a “child prodigy” duo, one of them on drums and the other on keyboard
They were trained like monkeys from early childhood to play perfectly quantized notes by hand and now they’re big on YouTube

Now get them to drop acid and start a jam band.

>quantized notes
What does this mean?

have sex
They are already. It’s boring

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>They were trained like monkeys from early childhood to play perfectly quantized notes by hand and now they’re big on YouTube
<Why did Adorno "Hate" Jazz?
> If the salon style is responsible for the supposedly individual element in jazz, which Adorno sees as merely a socially produced illusion of freedom, the march represents a "completely fictive community which is formed from nothing other than the alignment of atoms under the force that is exerted upon them"
>Adorno generalizes the argument to suggest that all dance, as synchronized movement, has something in common with the march.In the admixture of salon music and the march, bourgeois individuality,as expressed in movement-the casual gait of individuals from the salon- appears to oppose the strict order of the march, to release the dancer from the prison of strict form and give expression to the arbitrary nature of everyday life, a life which, Adorno argues, is not escaped through dance but playfully transfigured there as a latent order.
>Popular jazz music's apparently liberative gestures-those improvisatory movements that account for its success-express only the attempt to breakout of the fetishized commodity world without ever changing it. The formula to which Adorno repeatedly returns is that of the commodity that must be simultaneously"just like" all the others and yet "original"- the hit tune that must unite an individual characteristic element with utter banality on every other level.
>Adorno identified the characteristic element,what one might term the "virtuosic element," in jazz with performance and with the art of the arrangement that is associated with performance.What is essentially banal,as composition, is given a "make-over" in reproduction.
> Adorno's criticisms of the claims of jazz performance center on the fact that he believes this claim to freedom to be illusory.The interjection of the performer/arranger in jazz does not permit any real altering of the material in order to realize a genuine subjective freedom
> To Adorno, who was drawn to the ideal of collective creation in art, "the division of labor in jazz merely outlines the parody of a future collective process of composition
>Jazz is fashion, according to Adorno and, as with all fashions, what is important is show
and not the thing itself. The studied effect, the solo instrumental,the extended drumbreak,
is polished with all the flair of the circus act and incorporated as a more or less self contained entity without possessing any meaningful relationship to the composition as a whole. The "cliche forms" in jazz are all seen by Adorno as interchangeable,with no organic or developmental coherence.

Yup, "improvisation" in jazz is literally just substituting chords in otherwise standard chord progressions
There was that infamous Quincy Jones interview from 4 years ago where he mentioned that every Bebop musician copied melodies from Slonimsky's Thesaurus

I usually like jazz and I'm the retard who spams fusion on /music/ but I tried to listen to their album but I do find it lacking, can't quite put my finger on it, perhaps a lack of swing? I don't know theory.

It's lacking in zazz.

Sounds more like live DnB with jazz chords. I usually don't like listening to music this high tempo but it sounds alright. Reminds me of Thundercat.

I'm dumb, lol no wonder it reminded me of Thundercat, that's Thundercat playing.

Weird, actually he's not credited on this one:

Still sounds like him.

I wouldn't hire Thundercat. He's good but everything he plays on ends up sounding like a Thundercat song, same with the Flying Lotus stuff with him. I guess Fly Lo brought his signature drums to Thundercat albums as well.

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Speaking of nu-jazz youtube prodigies, the one I really don't like is Jacob Collier.

It’s boring as hell. They just spam the most boring anesthetic riffs on and on.

Could they perform this live?

A part of me can't fault him for being adventurous, but his albums are overstuffed and he could use someone else as a producer.

And for someone that named their first album after The Beach Boys, he consistently has some of the most artificial and unpleasant vocal harmonies I hear.

That said, he seems like a nice enough guy.

>improvisation" in jazz is literally just substituting chords in otherwise standard chord progressions

No, that's not literally all it is. Even if it was, chord subbing is a nearly infinite way of improvising in itself.

>There was that infamous Quincy Jones interview from 4 years ago where he mentioned that every Bebop musician copied melodies from Slonimsky's Thesaurus

The only thing I'm finding on this is that he saw Coltrane with a copy. Not even sure why that matters. Adorno is garbage and hates music.

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Lol, this may be the dumbest take I see today. What does this even mean?

he means notes that are perfectly timed instead of being, deliberately or accidentally, a bit off.

It sounds like a stripped down BBNG, probably they came too late and are missing some spunk in the production.

When an actor follows a script and after some takes the director says to improvise, and you think the result is good, umm guess what dipshit, that was merely substituting some parts of the script for something else.

When a cook improvises, ooh you think that is new, no that's just substituting some ingredients. You are like a child.

When rapid improvements in the steam engine were made, so that according to you the so-called "Age of Steam" happened, uuuuh no! you ugly, piece of shit, n ☻ g g ☻ r, those were just substituting some components and design patterns for other components and design patterns and the result shown in power output statistics were just about the same (after substituting some numbers).

Are you retarded? Goddam this is what happens when you don't read real theory like Adorno and Pitchfork.

>When rapid improvements in the steam engine were made, so that according to you the so-called "Age of Steam" happened, uuuuh no! you ugly, piece of shit, n ☻ g g ☻ r, those were just substituting some components and design patterns for other components and design patterns and the result shown in power output statistics were just about the same (after substituting some numbers).
Wow that was a really bad facetious metaphor, kept trying to figure it out and what it had to with jazz but it was just a spiral into the void

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