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20 results in /meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in


The constant new OPs about EDrama and US culture-war politics in >>>/siberia/ are clearly /isg/ and /USApol/ leaking out. This containment leak ought to be plugged.

I was also initially against a seperate /nsfw/ board, but honestly I'm seeing the appeal. It's tiresome to open up /siberia/ and seeing people post substandard political takes that are below quality even for a shitposting board like si/b/eria. It's not even fun shitposting, just tiresome.


> every other month someone asks the mods here to make a separate /nsfw/ board.
There has been 1 such request


One of the new commie alt-sites has just put 'no porn' in their rules, and every other month someone asks the mods here to make a separate /nsfw/ board. It's real and people notice it.
We haven't reached /pol/ level NSFW/goreporn posting yet, leftypol is at least SFW on the image side of things, but that sex-obsession culture has definitely been normalized and it is a bit fukken boring.
And before anyone accuses me of being a prude, my yiff art is on MSG.


/nsfw/ would be more flexible than /porn/ tho. Porn mostly implies live action, and not all nsfw content could even be considered pornographic in a strict sense, take the /paws/ and tf sequence threads for example.


>I think the hypthetical /nsfw/ board would be about as active as /tech/

There should be LESS boards, in fact. This type of multiple divisions is useless and makes this place feel abandoned


This is a general purpose imageboard prominently featuring a leftist political discussion forum, and rules that are conductive to that which apply to all boards, creating a novel environment to discuss a wide range of topics. Particularly art, which one must allow nsfw content to get a full picture of.

Your argument holds for live action stuff, since there's not really anything to discuss there–exceptions would need to be made for artistic nudity, as well as a clearly defined way to differ it from porn–but you're being disingenuous trying to pretend there is such thing a hard political / apolitical dichotomy–that there cannot be useful discussions that emerge from the later into the former, and you are being immature by calling it gross or calling any who engage in such gross in doing so.

I think the hypthetical /nsfw/ board would be about as active as /tech/, given current nsfw activity on /siberia/, while the remaining activity would put it on par with /leftypol/. It'd be fine. Don't most people here use the overboard anyway?


sex and porn are two different things, sex isn't pornographic, it's the act. being normal about sex would make sense if it were IRL in a nightclub, which is a completely different thing from doing it on an internet forum, which is like sitting in a chair and typing/posting content, completely different. sorry to break the fourth wall/immersion of this site for a moment there.
puritanism is a religious thing and this site isn't religious in the slightest, neither am I.
pls lets keep it respectful, the anon actually gave a honest opinion here

the raiders would disobey that though, actually I think the raiders would do it regardless of anything put into practice anyways… but I think this >>31803 approach would be better since people inside /nsfw/ wouldn't have to worry/learn about spoiling their posts, it would be easier to moderate too(but the raiders would simply post gore or whatever anywhere anyways…)

also vote for the /nsfw/ board everyone!! :


I think it would be better if porn was only visible inside the /nsfw/ board, but outside of it like in overboard/catalog, the images of /nsfw/ would be all spoiled or posts would be hidden+spoiled so that people would have to actively have the /nfsw/ board tab open to be able to see porn on this site instead of relying on the overboard in which posts of /nsfw/ would either be hidden or completely spoiled outside of /nsfw/.



It actually excludes/distances ace(asexual) people ( ) from your site if you don't have porn separated in a safe manner like in a /nsfw/ board, so that people will only see porn if they want to, and not on accident.

shouldn't a leftist forum be inclusive? because having porn everywhere is actually a way of excluding ace(asexual) people from this site(ace people that does not want to only talk about politics in /leftypol/ but also visit the rest of the site like /siberia/ and etc)

it should be inclusive for both people that does like porn and for people that dislike porn as well.

this is real constructive criticism, no jokes.


no but jokes aside, banning porn would be bad for the people that like it and it is not the point, the point is making a /nsfw/ board so that they can have their own space for porn, it's not a form of banning it nope, it is a form of separating it from people that like porn and from people that dislike porn.


>many of the most active threads are dedicated porn dumps
this is more than enough reason for a /nsfw/ board to exist. alright I'm making a poll.
VOTE if leftypol should have a /NSFW/ board:


I think I overexagerated there
>While I'm in favor of a /nsfw/ simply because there's enough threads to justify it's own board
true true
>Sex positivity, and especially kink positivity is like citronella candles, keeping the chvds and corps away.
I'm not against none of that and all of this is good for the people that enjoy this stuff, hence why I'm not against it BUT I think they should have their own space for it, to separate it from people who do not want to engage in those threads and from people who get genuinely disgusted, it would be better for both sides that like porn and dislike porn
>it's reactionary to be disgusted
bro stfu


>It's le gross
While I'm in favor of a /nsfw/ simply because there's enough threads to justify it's own board, this however is a stupid excuse for it, and probably a reason to keep things as is.
Sex positivity, and especially kink positivity is like citronella candles, keeping the chvds and corps away. You might not like the smell of citronella, but at least you aren't being mosquito bitten as much.

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PLEASE MAKE A /NSFW/ BOARD TO SEPARATE THE PORN THREADS FROM SIBERIA, IT'S DISGUSTING!!!! it's disgusting specially for people who visit /siberia/ for other threads such as the royal colony(doesn't matter if it's has softcore porn in it, it is ignorable and it is mainly for aesthetical/memey purposes anyways) and also other threads as well.

I feel like the mods have to bleach their eyes everytime they have to moderate siberia and see a goatsee equivalent every nanosecond there. mods, do yourselves a favor if you value your eyes lol.

thanks for listening to my honest REACTION of visiting siberia


Why is this on /leftypol/ and not /meta/?

/monarchy/ - for Graceposting
/nsfw/ - SEX
/eo/ - Esperanto
/praxis/ - Like the old "anarchy"/"revenge" stuff in textfiles


Can we please get /nsfw/ next?
Or an economics board, even an economics and policy/statecraft board


Someone wanted an /NSFW/ board also.


OK, so for the moment we've had those proposals (including those from the matrix chat):

1 - /long/
OP's must be over 300 characters long and replays must be over 150 character long, maybe do not allow images.

2 - /lifestyle/
basically taking stuff like cooking, fitness, being outdoors, ect and make it into its own distinct thing, which would free up /hobby/ to be mostly about tv, movies, comics, ect

3 - guns and weapons board

4 - transport & city planning

5 - paranormal

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Next month for No Nut November we should have /nsfw/ as the topic.

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Here we suggest themes for next month's /roulette/ board topic.

/roulette/ topic for the month of December is:
/spoox/ - Paranormal, horror and the occult

/AK-47/ was made into its own board: >>>/AKM/

Proposals for January:

1 - /long/
OP's must be over 300 characters long and replays must be over 150 character long, maybe do not allow images.

2 - /lifestyle/
basically taking stuff like cooking, fitness, being outdoors, ect and make it into its own distinct thing, which would free up /hobby/ to be mostly about tv, movies, comics, ect

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