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26 results in /leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect


Yeah it's only getting worse and more mask off. Not surprised how the Iraq invasion happened with a developed world this reactionary


Sometimes Marx is worth quoting as sheer literature.
>Hegel remarks somewhere[*] that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce. Caussidière for Danton, Louis Blanc for Robespierre, the Montagne of 1848 to 1851[66] for the Montagne of 1793 to 1795, the nephew for the uncle. And the same caricature occurs in the circumstances of the second edition of the Eighteenth Brumaire.

Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past. The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living. And just as they seem to be occupied with revolutionizing themselves and things, creating something that did not exist before, precisely in such epochs of revolutionary crisis they anxiously conjure up the spirits of the past to their service, borrowing from them names, battle slogans, and costumes in order to present this new scene in world history in time-honored disguise and borrowed language. Thus Luther put on the mask of the Apostle Paul, the Revolution of 1789-1814 draped itself alternately in the guise of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire, and the Revolution of 1848 knew nothing better to do than to parody, now 1789, now the revolutionary tradition of 1793-95. In like manner, the beginner who has learned a new language always translates it back into his mother tongue, but he assimilates the spirit of the new language and expresses himself freely in it only when he moves in it without recalling the old and when he forgets his native tongue.

>When we think about this conjuring up of the dead of world history, a salient difference reveals itself. Camille Desmoulins, Danton, Robespierre, St. Just, Napoleon, the heroes as well as the parties and the masses of the old French Revolution, performed the task of their time – that of unchaining and establishing modern bourgeois society – in Roman costumes and with Roman phrases. The first one destroyed the feudal foundation and cut off the feudal heads that had grown on it. The other created inside France the only conditions under which free competition could be
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>Gantz and Eizenkot claimed the longer Israel waits, the harder it will be to get international legitimacy for a counterattack
I would say "mask off" but honestly the mask's been off for anyone paying attention lol


Lenin just criticises the machists for being idealists, but also says they are secretly materialists. He never gives a full definition of what matter is except this:
>matter is that which, acting upon our sense-organs, produces sensation; matter is the objective reality given to us in sensation, and so forth.
I feel like this is typically tautological and fallaciously dichotomous; as if idealists dont believe in external sensation.
Lenin also talks about 'externality' in regards to matter which is pure rhetoric. But Lenin gracefully references marx's transhistorcism by saying that there are basically 2 trends in philosophy; materialism or idealism, and you must pick one. Althusser also had this opinion, where he saw science as revolutionary and philosophy as always being sophistical and masking ruling power.
So Lenin here is just being an empiricist talking about sense-certainty and whatnot. So a marxist materialism here clearly takes off from the liberal tradition's own codefication of science as a liberating tool. And should we be surprised considering marx and engels' project was "scientific socialism"?
> I just said, it's things that exhibit metaphysical extension with some room given to things that defy that categorization.
Word Salad
>You've still only appealed to a mechanical materialist perspective.
The newtonian universe is mechanical. The einsteinian universe is dialectical.
>It's not that it isn't "liberal enough", but that it's inherently premised upon faulty ground.
In anti-duhring engels (wuth oversight from marx) describes how the french revolution was potentially an event organised by pure reason, but its potentials were held back by class interests. Communism is supposed to just be the french revolution 2.0 that rights the wrongs.


No offense, this opinion reeks incredibly of Neo-Liberalism, and I'm an anarchist myself. Its not like mainstream opinion was perfeclty middle-ground between the Left and Right, there has "always" been a wedge towards the Right in issues, due to the lingering effects of redscare and the general overton window being slightly-right. A couple twitterfags punching retirees based btw is bad? I guess for the look of "Antifa", but its important to note there is no Antifa, this is a reactionary notion to create a boogyman of twitterfags who put on black masks and LARP as red warriors like the Weatherman, when in reality there is no centralized Antifa, on the same levels of a centralized effort such as Proud Boys. Returning to the point, this violence you allege did not just suddenly turn everyone pro-fascist, likely is they were already pro-fascist to begin with, the fascists just look more like typical Americans than twitterfags ever did. They wear suits and have dogwhisltes and speak in dumbed down, emotional tones to suede further support to their cause.


i was wondering how long it would take you to start taking the mask off, when you get bored of this site i want you to remember one thing.

You should kill yourself, now.


no. class struggle, ever heard of it?
mask off about what? i critically support the soviet model. your logic is baseless


Mask-off moment, HAHAHAHA
Just wanted to wait until you cry about the USSR.


This is what I meant by anecdotes don't matter. I don't give a shit about your liberal elections or whatever example you want me to give so you can break it down.
It is more than obvious that they're metaphorically drilling holes into the brains of newgens to be hailing Hitlers catholicpilling themselves into killing the 'troons' and 'nigs' as they fend off the 'woke left'. But yeah, obviously the internet cannot have an effect on the real World or people, because it just can't according to you. You need those sources and facts and logic, because you cannot just state an obvious observation and say it is. It has to be backed up by the authors of your choice in a nice long bureau-speak with tons of clapping and applauds. Obviously Neo-Nazis indoctornating 14 year old kids, starting with skull mask Wojak profile pics to going out on the streets and stabbing migrants by the they've turned 17 is just memes and doesn't matter. Because it has to be proven by the sources and statistics and not just be singled out cases that have accumulated to a point of pattern-recognition, it just has to be OFFICIAL right?

The very language itself used in political games right now stems from the internet, but obviously it does not, the internet just doesn't matter and has no effect on the real World. Because it just doesn't right? Its not like cultures develop on the internet. And even though internet creates cultures then cultures don't have an effect on the real World right? Its all memes. Funny pictures and sounds cannot possibly have influence right? And if someone says they do then just compare them to those old congressmen who used to complain about how videogames are causing violence (ignoring the metanarratives and critical theory of Neo-Nazis showing kids actual gore).


New Data: Long COVID Cases Surge

Experts worry a recent rise in long COVID cases — fueled by a spike in winter holiday infections and a decline in masking and other measures — could continue into this year.

A sudden rise in long COVID in January has persisted into a second month. About 17.6% of those surveyed by the Census Bureau in January said they have experienced long COVID. The number for February was 17.4.

Compare these new numbers to October 2023 and earlier, when long COVID numbers hovered between 14% and 15% of the US adult population as far back as June 2022.
The Census Bureau and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regularly query about 70,000 people as part of its ongoing Pulse Survey.

It's Not Just the Federal Numbers
Independently, advocates, researchers, and clinicians also reported seeing an increase in the number of people who have developed long COVID after a second or third infection.
John Baratta, MD, who runs the COVID Recovery Clinic at the University of North Carolina, said the increase is related to a higher rate of acute cases in the fall and winter of 2023.
In January, the percentage of North Carolinians reporting ever having had long COVD jumped from 12.5% to 20.2% in January and fell to 16.8% in February.
At the same time, many cases are either undetected or unreported by people who tested positive for COVID-19 at home or are not aware they have had it.
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Hiding the 'ratio': Israel conceals 200+ troop deaths on Lebanon front

Since 8 October, more than 230 Israeli soldiers have been killed by Hezbollah fighters in cross-border operations against the occupation state, according to field data obtained by The Cradle.

This suggests that the Lebanese resistance has achieved parity in the number of forces killed by both sides during the past six months of military clashes.

This feat is as significant as it is impressive, given that "relatively poorly armed and usually outnumbered popular resistance forces never achieve a 1:1 ratio against high-tech, heavily weaponized colonialist and neo-colonialist forces," as noted by one analyst in the aftermath of Israel's 2006 war on Lebanon.

While Hezbollah honors the martyrdoms of its fallen fighters by disclosing both name and number, the Israeli military tightly controls its casualty information flow, masking the true extent of its losses and downplaying the significance of crucial Israeli installations struck by Hezbollah drones and missiles in the country's northern front.

Recent reports suggest 258 Hezbollah fighters have been killed since 8 October, while Israel has claimed only 10 fatalities among its forces - a highly improbable figure given Hezbollah's extensive dissemination of war footage showing its Israeli troop targeting operations.

In comparison, during Israel's 2006 war on Lebanon, which lasted only 34 days, Hezbollah's losses are estimated to be around 250 dead fighters versus Israel's declared 121 troops deaths, although that number is believed to be significantly higher. Ten Israeli deaths on the Lebanese border after six months of ferocious clashes makes little sense in this context.

Tel Aviv adds to this “fog of war” by employing Bedouin and Druze troops on its frontlines to make concealing army deaths easier.
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>suddenly became a fascist when he began violently suppressing the Left.
the entire HISTORY of fascism is that of violently suppressing the Left you fucking retard
Fascism = Capitalists throwing off the mask and deciding to just kill everyone demanding a better life. This is the Marxist explanation - the only true explanation - and there is no historical fascist regime or figure you can cite to counter this understanding.


Pray tell, what economic system operates within these imperialist countries? Do they make any internal use of human labor? How, exactly, do they make use of human labor?
>screeching about the viability of revolution in general
The rise in left wing sentiment in general and the breakdown of conditions and systems in the post-neoliberal era is a sign of an opportunity forming but it will likely only come after hellish reaction and nothing can happen without adequately solving the problem of building resilient organizational systems that can wield power in a crisis. It's difficult but it's happened in the past so it might be possible.
>Mask off. Not even socialist organizing, let alone communist.
Do you think that you can do communist organizing without people organizing socially? Are you being a deliberately obtuse wrecker or are you just retarded?


>serves as a basis for social organization.
Mask off. Not even socialist organizing, let alone communist.


Ben Barka Was a Lost Leader of the International Left
Mehdi Ben Barka was a leading figure in the Moroccan nationalist movement against French colonialism. After independence, he became the focal point for opposition to the autocratic rule of King Hassan II and a driving force behind the alliance of national liberation movements that came together at the 1966 Tricontinental Conference in Havana. However, Ben Barka never made it to the conference. On October 29, 1965, he was approached by two police officers on his way to a well-known brasserie in central Paris. They led him to a car and then he was driven to a villa on the outskirts of Paris. He was never seen again. It is likely that Ben Barka’s assassination was ordered by King Hassan II and carried out by his interior minister Mohamed Oufkir, who was convicted of the murder in absentia by a French court in 1967. Supporting roles were played by President Charles de Gaulle’s secret services, a network spanning parallel police forces and the criminal underworld, masterminded by his dirty-tricks fixer, Jacques Foccart, and by Israel’s national intelligence agency, Mossad. The full truth behind the murder has never come to light. Successive French presidents from De Gaulle to Emmanuel Macron have persistently obstructed justice in the name of secret défense, a perfectly legal and very effective means of covering up state crimes.

Workers' rights have not improved since the P&O scandal – quite the reverse
Despite a flurry of cosmetic outrage from Tory ministers at the time, they have done nothing to deter employers from copying P&O by dismissing workers en masse to replace them with cheaper labour, and have further undermined workers’ rights through draconian anti-strike legislation. There are few clearer examples of the impunity granted to corporate crooks than the P&O scandal. Boss Peter Hebblethwaite actually admitted in Parliament that the firm knew it was behaving illegally when it sacked 786 seafarers by video link (claiming that they were being made redundant, though they were in fact being replaced) and then had them escorted off their ships by masked goons. P&O simply calculated that the cost of breaking the law would be outwePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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>Angelic Materialism and its Enemies
>"…the victory of materialism in Russia resulted in the complete disappearence of all matter."
>Essential to the politics of retreat is a (covert) certainty of their own failure to achieve anything, the enjoyment of a lost cause. One unifying and determining feature of these orientations is the logic of exponentially compounding grief, positive feedback ever-intensifying into a malaise that renders all political activity utterly hopeless: 'Nothing Ever Happens'. When the cause is lost it is 'pretty', whereas revolutions are always 'ugly'. But the 'Party' can't be just the realisation of a negatively-determined 'politics of advancement' against the retreat - it must be the satisfaction of the desires expressed by the unhappy consciousness of its enemy. The task of the 'Party' is to uncover the fundamental unity of joy and grief, to 'convert' or reveal the grief as joy… Perhaps in order to understand the objectives of this politics it's necessary to look to somewhere outside the so-called 'declining' West, somewhere where these psychic hang-ups don't dominate. Look East: a political aesthetics is rising, one dwelling within that same determinant "subjective realm" as our native politics, which embodies the 'artistic' and the 'religious' while overcoming (rather, side-stepping) the Western trap whereby grief becomes the singular totalising transcendental structure of political thought. This aesthetic locates itself in a wholly novel iteration of Partisan activity: Lebanon's Hezb'Allah, the Party of God.
>Before discussing Hezb'Allah directly it's necessary to outline its genealogy. In August of 1920 the Executive Committee of the Third International held the Congress of the Peoples of the East in Baku, Azerbaijan. At this gathering Zinoviev, Chairman of the proceedings, declared outright that the common task of the communists and the peoples of colonised asia was Jihad against Western (in particular British) capital: "Arise, peoples of the East! The Third International summons you to a Holy War against the carrion-crows of capitalism…, propagate the idea of a federation of oppressed nations… create a union Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


I named those subs as the places in my experience you're the most likely to meet "developed" patsocs, imo they represent the two faces of patsoc, nationalist "socialists" that long ago embraced specifically negative integration strategies to get western proles on board for "socialism" (enhanced welfare) that is stupidpol, and the intense cultural chauvinism and nearly mask off fascists that are RSP; see I realize something, these people, in an ideological sense, are like the original fascists but as farce

See, communists get too into the reeds in their rivalry with the fascists to the point that we forget, the original fascists mutated out of fringe interwar socialist parties; the OG fascists pretended to be socialists for quite a long time, even the only true revolutionaries

In every way, patsoc, and a lot of the anti-idpol left, are more ideologically fash than polfags, they've literally reconstructed fascist ideology piece-meal accidentally, vs polfags that are just normal brain dead bigots


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>>1769169 (contd)
Take a look at Phasid's manifesto. Masked off as the typical Americanised suburbanite interested in furries and gun ownership.


Funny enough I’ve been watching a lot of Star Trek (classic and TNG) with a friend lately.

Okay this is gonna be really cringe, but if we’re talking media and values, I’ve got to say one of the best depictions of existentialist themes I’ve seen in media recently is in the latest expansion for FFXIV. The entire plot of the expansion is about suffering and nihilism and how you confront it, and it’s a one dimension villain of all things that serves as the rebuttal to this question of “why are we born if we’re just going to suffer and die?” And funny enough he probably becomes the best fictional example of Nietzsche’s Ubermensch that I can think of.

His entire motivation, his reason for being, is just to have the ultimate fight of his life. He even admits it and mocks a character for thinking all the people he killed and suffering he unleashed would matter if he had some “better” reason. He doesn’t try to mask his intentions or justify himself, and as a result he’s completely unphased by things like the threat of death or despair. He genuinely doesn’t care because he decided on his own that the purpose he gave himself matters more than any of that. He’s willing to end the world just so he can get his fight. Death is meaningless to him because his meaning is a literal fight to the death.

And yes, it’s fiction. However it goes back to what I was saying about having a kind of transcendental faith in something. I recall a story about some Philosopher in India that tried teaching a Raj about solipsism; he goes on and on about how reality is an illusion, nothing in life matters, and death is meaningless. Well the Raj gets tired of all this solipsism so one day when the philosopher is out in the courtyard, he orders an elephant released and it starts to rampage around the court. The philosopher sees this elephant charging at him, and he screams and climbs up a tree to escape it. For all the guy’s high minded ideals about the meaninglessness of life and how all that we see is an illusion, the sight of a rampaging animal made him fear for his illusory, meaningless life and try to preserve it.

For a more modern example, you’ve got the nihilists in the Big Lebowski constantly tauting “Vee believe in nussing, Lebowski” but they throw a temper tantrum and whine that it isn’t fair when their extortiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


If humanity is going to go extinct anyway when capitalism collapses harder than socialism ever did (again the USSR didn't collapse it dearmed itself and sold itself off, same with multiple so called failures) because bigger they are harder they fall law, then I would rather risk humanities extinction on a gamble for socialism that is fairer than capitalism instead of well, capitalism.
>What if capitalism doesn't collapse.
Buddy you really want to live life wearing a gas mask working 12 hours a day to afford protein bars?


>One patient who asked for an ADA accommodation at another hospital says she woke up postoperatively to find herself unmasked. So were some of the nurses. She had tested negative for Covid-19 before her admission and became ill shortly after that. Hospital-acquired Covid-19 carries a higher mortality—33% in one study and 10% during the Omicron wave. This is from worse underlying disease (e.g. cancer, CRF, immune status and generally older patients).

>Other patients expressed anger at policies like MGB’s which state, “Patients can ask, but providers determine when and if masking in a particular situation is necessary.”

Some patients noted that they felt safer during the pandemic when everyone in healthcare settings was masking.
One woman complained of a physician abruptly removing her mask to examine her without her consent. She felt assaulted.
A recurrent theme was frustration that medical staff are ignoring the science—that repeat infections increase the risk of long Covid, that everyone masking is safer than one-way masking, and that N95 respirators are more protective than leaky surgical masks.

>Another major complaint is being asked to wait long periods in unmasked waiting rooms for appointments, whether in the hospital or medical clinics. Patients are angry that they are refused permission to wait outside and be called in when it’s their turn. If restaurants can give people buzzers to call them in, one would think hospitals could master the technology.

>Vulnerable patients are rebuffed when they want other people in a waiting area to mask—being told, “We can’t tell other people to mask,” yet if there were a case of measles, they could do so. Similarly, in an oncology or rheumatology office with many immunocompromised patients, the staff’s “right” to go unmasked trumps the patient right to a safe environment.

>Patients fear retaliation and dismissal from a medical or dental practice, especially when no other options exist. Pantea Javidan, a Stanford sociologist and attorney stressed the difficulties patients experience “due to a power imbalance with physicians. They depend on doctors' expertise and can't easily question decisions such as mask-wearing.”
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Rampant COVID Poses New Challenges in the Fifth Year of the Pandemic

<How would you describe the overall state of COVID at this point in the pandemic?

>COVID’s not in the news every day, but it’s still a global health risk. If we look at wastewater estimates, the actual circulation [of SARS-CoV-2] is somewhere between two and 20 times higher than what’s actually being reported by countries. The virus is rampant. We’re still in a pandemic. There’s a lot of complacency at the individual level, and more concerning to me is that at the government level.
>Lack of access to lifesaving tools such as diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines is still a problem. Demand for vaccination is very low around the world. The misinformation and disinformation that’s out there is hampering the ability to mount an effective response. So we feel there’s a lot more work to do, in the context of everything else—[we no longer have a] COVID lens only, of course, but using masks for respiratory pathogens that transmit through the air is a no-brainer—plus vaccination, plus distancing, plus improving ventilation. People are living their life; we’re not trying to stop anyone from doing anything, but we’re trying to work with governments to make sure they do that as safely as possible.
>We don’t know everything about this virus. Even in year five, there’s still a lot of research that needs to be done.

>I also don’t think we’ve mourned the loss of the more than seven million lives—that we know of. [The figure is] probably three times higher.

Why So Quiet about Long COVID?

>He reminded the politicians that long COVID can affect the young and old. It doesn’t care what colour you are. It can follow severe as well as mild disease, and usually involves multiple organs.

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I refuse to do the succdem "billionaires" jargon which implies that sub-billionaire bourgeoisie don't exploit

Capitalists (whether billionaire or not) regulate insofar as the regulations in question enable them to accumulate capital and drive competition from the market and disempower workers and they deregulate insofar as the deregulations in question enable them to accumulate capital and drive competition from the market and disempower workers. So a capitalist will support a regulation like Taft-Hartley which weakens labor unions, while also supporting a deregulation that allows capitalists to treat workers worse. Government in a capitalist political economy is a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie as a class, because they are the ruling class, and are able to lobby, bribe, threaten, and coerce "elected representatives" to represent them instead of their communities and constituencies. Politicians vomit up rhetoric meant to please the working class in public, while in smoke filled back rooms they take bribes from capitalists, and as regulatory capture by the bourgeoisie becomes more complete, they become elected representatives themselves, eliminating the illusion of democracy, and taking the mask off of the capitalist oligarchy. Someone like Dick Cheney getting a $100 million severance package from Haliburton and then becoming vice president immediately afterwards represents a huge conflict of interest. Obviously all political actions as vice president were designed to benefit himself and the people he had schmoozed with his whole life in the private sector. Privatization of the public sector itself through "public/private partnerships" is meant to decrease confidence in government, and increase the perception that the solution to "bad government" is to run everything like a business, and hand over what scraps remains of public property to the bloodthirsty pigs of the private sector.


Kind of, he left before he even got banned and got his posts removed. I don't know if he was a /pol/tard wearing a mask or not, but he certainly went full mask off towards the end when he said
>>Why not oppress and chew each other instead of idling happily?
I assume at that point, or at least I like to believe, he realized he was just another 12 year old who still thinks third positional theory is "when you are an epic white guy from that mens cologne commercial and you are strong, le strong man, fuck the weak, so you stab black people lololoolol." and had to step back and self reflect once he realized what he'd done. At least I hope he did if he has any semblance of rationale left.
He seemed to try and use some left wing arguments here or talk about how Che was racist but apart from that as he got talked down to he just sort of gave up and kept repeating the same thing over and over once each talking point he had gradually fell under scrutiny.
Poor guy, I hope some day he gets over the trauma of his 8mile situation of living next to a black ghetto neighborhood and getting called a whiteboy so he actually learns about black people outside western lenses.


>And trying to seize power in January 6
When people say "Republicans", they usually don't mean the fringe caucus of mask-off fascists, they mean the general view of the party.
And that is an important distinction, because the party is broad, some of them do consider themselves, in a twisted logic, to be pro-freedom and pro-democracy and won't support a Trumptard coup that centered around a chant to hang the Republican Vice President. While on the other hand, encouraging a financial crisis while Democrats are in power gives their whole party leverage (ability to raise the debt ceiling) and reputational power so I'd say it would be more likely to see wider strategic support than the failcoup.
>Maybe the decline of US global hegemony is leading to a shift in the balance of power toward the national bourgeoisie
I'm not economist, but the government losing power seems great for the national bourgeoisie who fantasize about le free market small government.


Siegefags är nazister som går full dödskallemask. Typ:
<Han som skrev Siege är en holllywoodnazist som är straffad för barnporrsinnehav, läs hans bok!
Verkligen vinnande sätt…

Och vet någon vilken svensk altblöjas sexchatt som skärmdumpades?