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"No chin, no right to speak."
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New year same shit edition

Old thread: >>599351
550 posts and 68 image replies omitted.

>Why didn't ypu get her contact info?
forgot to post:
>she was wary of sharing her phone#
because she seemed roughly as paranoid as I
sad frog


Respectfully refrain from posting lewds of my wife, thanks

Two different things, newgene. Have sex.

My 2025 resolution is for you to kill yourself

You have sex. And yes they are two different things. But people expect them to go hand in hand

LeftyPol showing that they're just 4chan.

>telling reactionary retards to kill themselves is just 4chan
Leave this place then uygha you're not welcome here

Thanks for proving to me that LettyPolnis just another 4cha.
Calling others reactionary for not appealing to their opinions or sympathising with their entitlement.

I was just raped.

By Jadey Anh??

stop making fun of my friend newgene

>search up the name
>find pic related
Jadey Anh anon wtf is this??

This is legit making me suicidal.


Jadey is BBC only, get over it, Chud.

Who was in the wrong here?

Unless you are 10"+ yourself you will never be the biggest any girl ever had.

Those Y00unglings from today, all they think about is SEXO


I'm at a gay club and I find nobody attractive.

Life sucks, don't you know uyghur?

I think I'm a defective male I don't have zero standards.

Does the gay misandrist who talks about how excess males should kill themselves still post here?

Yes. But hes more active in the LGBT thread.
But there's Newgene, the obnoxious anti-idealist

Does newgene do hard drugs? I feel like newgene does hard drugs.

If weed counts as hard drugs then yes.

What is Newgene's favorite sex position?

Telling someone you're <18 on a hookup site is definite fed behavior. If they were really that "mature for their age", they should have known better.

I can only have sex with people I don't respect (and think are stupid). The more I start to like someone the harder it becomes for me to have sex with them. How do I change?

Me too anon.

So you understand that sexual desire and romantic desire are different?

newgene is RevCel

newgene is fucking like crazy actually.

he speaks the truth which is why he is hated

I think I have a crush on Newgene.

For a time I was
Nope. I don't have enough dedicated to that. But I will say I'm not bothered by dry spells.
As long as I got five on it.

Wrong. It's because I counteract their autism with mine.
They annoy me with their TFW no gf and exaggerated age sensitivity and I counteract it

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I will bust a fat nut of thick gooey ropes inside your wife and you can raise the baby

love should be blind. It isn't but it should be and steps should be taken to make it so.

I think newgene does krokodil or something based on some of his posts here

Black women are so beautiful good God

If simping is wrong why does it feel so good?

Parasocial relationships make you feel as if you're actually dating the e-girl when you're not

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I always wanted to eat a parter out but since the squirt thread taught me female squirts are 60% piss i feel conflicted about it. How do I reignite my pussy eating drive?

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become reddit

All women are whores and I hate them.

lol gtfo bitch

All women are queens and I love them!


All women are IRS agents and I will not be paying my taxes

I asked my wife and she confirmed this is true.

Unique IPs: 30

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