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"No chin, no right to speak."
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We are doomed to die on this fucking planet:

>Anecdotal reports of human exposures to lunar dust during the Apollo program suggest that lunar dust has toxic properties. After each EVA, the crew modules were heavily contaminated with dust; many astronauts reported coughs, throat irritation, watery eyes, and blurred vision that likely reduced their performance. A flight surgeon exposed to the capsule interiors after recovery developed what appeared to be allergic reactions to lunar dust that worsened after each exposure. The apparent toxic effects of lunar dust were never comprehensively studied after the program, and the concentrations of dust that contaminated the spacecraft are not known. In each case, symptoms resolved within 24 hours, and post-flight pulmonary testing found no permanent impacts in the astronauts.[29]

>A 2005 NASA study listed 20 risks that required further study before humans should commit to a human Mars expedition, and ranked "dust" as the number one challenge. The report urged study of its mechanical properties, corrosiveness, grittiness, and effect on electrical systems. Most scientists think the only way to answer the questions definitively is by returning samples of Martian dirt and rock to Earth well before launching any astronauts.[8]

>Although that report addressed Martian dust, the concerns are equally valid concerning lunar dust. The dust found on the lunar surface could cause harmful effects on any human outpost technology and crew members:[20][21][22]

< Darkening of surfaces, leading to a considerable increase in radiative heat transfer;

< Abrasive nature of the dust particles may rub and abrade surfaces through friction;
< Negative effect on coatings used on gaskets to seal equipment from space, optical lenses, solar panels, and windows as well as wiring;
< Possible damage to an astronaut's lungs, nervous, and cardiovascular systems;
< Possible increased risk of spacesuit arcing due to small dust grains' exposure to the space environment.

>The principles of astronautical hygiene should be used to assess the risks of exposure to lunar dust during exploration on the Moon's surface and thereby determine the most appropriate measures to control exposure. These may include removing the spacesuit in a three-stage airlock, "vacuuming" the suit with a magnet[23] before removal, and using local exhaust ventilation with a high-efficiency particulate filter to remove dust from the spacecraft's atmosphere.[24]

>The harmful properties of lunar dust are not well known. Based on studies of dust found on Earth, it is expected that exposure to lunar dust will result in greater risks to health both from acute and chronic exposure. This is because lunar dust is more chemically reactive and has larger surface areas composed of sharper jagged edges than Earth dust.[25] If the chemically reactive particles are deposited in the lungs, they may cause respiratory disease. Long-term exposure to the dust may cause a more serious respiratory disease similar to silicosis. During lunar exploration the astronauts' spacesuits will become contaminated with lunar dust. The dust will be released into the atmosphere when the suits are removed. The methods used to mitigate exposure will include providing high air recirculation rates in the airlock, the use of a "Double Shell Spacesuit", the use of dust shields, the use of high–grade magnetic separation, and the use of solar flux to sinter and melt the regolith.[26][27][28]

Basically if you even solve the atmosphere problem, the lack of heat problem, the gravity problem, there's still the fucking dust that kills you in a day. If you ask me this is one of the main arguments against a god figure "creator". Why not put terraformable planets or moons in our solar system? We live on a 1 in a billion chance planet and the rest are just deadly orbs.
>inb5 we will live in cities built on fart clouds on venus
get real

It's just another problem to solve.
As to the dust = no terraforming part, terraforming would be the ideal way to fix the dust issue, because it would mean erosion that wears the dust down to be less harmful and plants holding soil together that could absorb dust over time as it accumulates.

If we terraform then dust wouldn't be an issue, also this is just 'possible harmful effects', we don't even know if they would really be harmful, who cares at this point? It just needs more study as the text says

>we don't even know if they would really be harmful
it's silica, iron, and titanium dust, ofc it's fucking harmful

i wish i had a life so comfortable this was one of my priorities

Well just make sure to wash off your suit before you come inside then… not that hard

…wash with what? all the water is frozen on the moon

With the water you take with you obviously, and you can mine more ice for water.

>can't go outside for long periods
>constantly have to heat, wash, oxygenate yourself
>the water needs even more energy to be thawed out
>planting plants to cover an entire planet takes 2000 years minimum
>no atmosphere, oxygen just escapes the planet anyway
>suboptimal gravity, you run out of bone hurting juice

building a huge space-station is more realistic than this terraforming nonsense – at least you can control the environment from the beginning

Yeah there's big limitations and obstacles, but I see no reason to declare it's impossible without even trying.

The problem with a huge space station is that at least with a planetary base you can mine useful resources for construction from the planet itself.

Terraforming to make a planet habitable was always one of those things in sci-fi that I found insufficiently thought out. Rarely is the question of "why" answered, writers basically assume that humanity would take on such an absurdly massive multigenerational undertaking as part of its manifest destiny. I remember somewhere reading some critique of science fiction that pointed out how idea of space colonisation is rooted in colonialist ideology of age of sails.
Realistically, what gain is there in the most expensive real estate development project in the galaxy? There are only two reasons why you would ever need to land on other planets, science expedition, and mining operation, neither require or justify lifeseeding a planet.

Methinks the lunar dust toxicity is more due to it being an isolated geochemistry that lacks any organic compounds and unicellular organisms that's present on earth

I mean at a certain point humans will not be struggling to survive various crises like we are now, why wouldn't we terraform just for something for humanity to aspire to? Also it would mean we could return Earth to a more natural state if more people moved offworld. I basically feel like the reason for it is just 'why not'.

In vidya i just command the terraforming ship to do its job and its done

Terraforming is morally wrong because it involve spreading the unimaginable amount of wild animal suffering on Earth to other planets, and I hope it never becomes feasible. The much better option for expanding beyond Earth is to dismantle planets to build dyson spheres around stars that power universe simulations where quintillions of sentient beings live lives of deep meaning and orgasmic bliss. Terraforming is like the modern day equivalent of those 1950's futurists who imagined the future as being just another patriarchal suburban society but filled with robot slaves. If we had the power to do something like it, we would have the power to do something much better and more sensible instead.

just remove your boots and shake them off before stepping inside. simple.

do you think we should end all life on earth then?

>If you ask me this is one of the main arguments against a god figure "creator". Why not put terraformable planets or moons in our solar system?
Not to mention the universe is expanding and faster than light speed travel is most likely impossible. The Earth is a prison and we're waiting for our sun to die, then its game ogre.

>I mean at a certain point humans will not be struggling to survive various crises like we are now, why wouldn't we terraform just for something for humanity to aspire to?
Because there is no "humanity", there are people, good luck convincing millions to take additional shifts at steel mill for 50 next generations so that 1000 years after their death Mars becomes habitable.

I think you should tell Elon Musk about your revolutionary technology

Don't see why it would take 1000 years, and if people don't want to do it then fine but I think you could win a lot of people over with the dream of spreading life across the solar system/galaxy

>Don't see why it would take 1000 years
How long till you restart a planet's core? To plant its entire surface? To have sustainable energy and oxygen supply?

Basically you have to industrialize a whole planet

Technology will keep improving and make things easier

Space is bourgeois.

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>but I think you could win a lot of people over with the dream of spreading life across the solar system/galaxy
Unlikely,, because it would be a lot of boring monotomous labour they would never see fruits of, especially if you imagine some post-scarcity society where they could do literally anything else instead.
All of this is assuming it would require human labour of course, rather than just making a robot that does it all for you. That would be realistic, you basically drop an AI with automated assembly factories on the surface, have it mine local resources, expand production, mine more resources, expand…, etc, until it has means to reshape entire planet.

>An AI robot magically mining all the minerals you need without human oversight is realistic.

Are you familiar with the Drake Equation?

Or maybe God intentionally made earth the only cosmic harbor of life within a thousand light years because seeing how destructive humans are.

>God is etarded, creates killing machines
<But also he is all knowing and morally pure

Once you get a translunar economy and a martian economy going and growing it's just a matter of housing people and building infrastructure more and more until the point where it makes sense to do some planetary engineering, it's far away but that's how I'd see that kind of thing happen.

The Europeanised Christian portrayal of God is inconsistent. That's why we need to look at the ethnocultural roots of Christianity which is the Levant, not Europe

space is gay as hell

I thought the moon was too small to pregnant on? Like we need a certain amount of gravity to pregnant.

You can probably get pregnant but I'm not sure the foetus would develop right

It's over for bourgeoisie trying to escape global warming / pollution, guess they'll just turn them into mining outposts.

Babby is kill?

You'd have to basically farm indoors and stay indoors 24/7

defeat contamination with this 1 weird Japanese Trick!

no more rednecks?

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>muh moon bayse

In the beginning the mars bases would be rough for sure with people going on 2 years shifts but astronauts are insane and they can take it. Then it's a matter or digging and building archologies that offer decent living conditions and emulate parcs or whatever is needed for people to settle more permanently and be the local work force for manufacturing and research. Given the living conditions ot a lot of people on earth it could actually be an upgrade for most if done well.

I don‘t see how anyone would seriously believe this when ecological collapse of the only planet we are living on doesn‘t motivate enough people to do the necessary work. Now you expect humanity to come together to what essentially amounts to a vanity project that takes even more work and foresight than just changing the mode of production.

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Just build an O’Neill Cylinder

It would not happen as a "vanity project" or it would be a small component of it, think how we made very hostiles zones such as marshlands into dry areas where people could live and cultivate food, or how the Netherlands are accomplishing huge infrastructure projects to claim more land from the sea. If people end up living on Mars permanently and its economy and demographics are growing there will be a point were going for this kind of project makes sense, depending of the technical means available.

As opposed to mastering the building of space stations it basically is a vanity project. Look up ideas on terra forming. You still have to find at least somewhat suitable planets, it takes centuries to be done, the results are still speculative because ecosystems are complex and the end results may still be less than optimal for a human being not wanting to be cumbered by unique adjustments.

obviously actual socialism is a prerequisite for this.

Just go in venus. It's the only planet with the right mass

This is sad and all, but it's hard to care. I got work in the morning

Venus is an even worse option than Mars and Mars isn‘t even that good either. Those are all pop-sci clichés, guys.

What's even in space that would make you want to go?

good thing only morality stands in our way, we can just ignore it

Building massive space stations that can simulate artificial gravity is also a stupidly hard endeavor that at this point is a vanity project for people like Bezos, and then what? What will you research and what resource can you directly extract from the void? On mars you have a place with potentially a shit ton of useful resources, water, natural gravity, ways to shield yourself from radiation with dirt or even by putting a magnet in L1 etc. And again the terraforming would only happen after technical and scientific breakthroughs combined with a big enough population and economic base to justify it.
In any case planetary/moon colonization and space stations building wouldn't be opposed, on the contrary having manufacturing/refining plants and research stations in space would contribute to a space economy which would enable to move more people and more resources to Mars and other bodies that could be candidates for colonization or even terraforming in the long run (Titan?).
Of course a lot of it is speculative and we need to do much more research to make it all happen, and by the way I think going to mars and problem solving ways to live there and make self contained ecosystems would also improve our understanding of earth. As opposed to the stupid argument about how we need to fix earth first.

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when will leftypol read the required terraforming theory?

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>Building massive space stations that can simulate artificial gravity
Not necessary. Use genetic engineering or nano machines to stop bone and muscle atrophy.

>What will you research and what resource can you directly extract from the void?

Who said you are in the middle of a void? You would settle in any solar system you like, probably in orbit around a planet or star. Meanwhile, terraforming makes you dependent on only being able to settle in some solar systems with planets that meet your criteria which then also takes a shit ton of time you would spend to terraform them.

>On mars you have a place with potentially a shit ton of useful resources, water, natural gravity, ways to shield yourself from radiation with dirt or even by putting a magnet in L1 etc.

Life on a planet that isn‘t terraformed would be miserable. I don‘t see why one would be so adamant at trying to make this happen if not for the sole reason of romanticizing being a pioneer.

>In any case planetary/moon colonization and space stations building wouldn't be opposed

I never said they are opposed, I am saying with the two options available to becoming an interstellar species that settles other solar systems mastering building space stations is preferable to making terraforming as your main focus. As said, with terraforming you will be limited in your options, it takes a lot of time, and I wouldn‘t underestimate how uncomfortable life could be on a planet that won‘t exactly be like Earth, which a fraction of a minority of planets will be.

>on the contrary having manufacturing/refining plants and research stations in space would contribute to a space economy which would enable to move more people and more resources to Mars and other bodies that could be candidates for colonization or even terraforming in the long run (Titan?).

I have similar ideas, only that my focus is to live in space indefinitely and have networks of space stations, space high ways and drones across the solar system gathering resources and building whatever we need in space. Terraforming would be something done on the side line and as a serious option for settlement only a rare occasion.

You can't exactly criticize terraforming as a wild idea while on the same post defending your a crazy concept because it would get solved trough nano machine magic. Tbh at the point we can send people to other solar systems we would be at such high levels of tech it would be too difficult to ponder the why and how.

Me I'm more interested into how realistically this kind of thing could happen, so with our current mode of production, and you really have to take the economics into account first. Yes when we get permanent bases/settlements on mars it will be miserable at first, but this is not a problem because there are dozens or even hundreds of thousands of people who want to be astronauts and could fit physical and psychological criteria, and would be willing to do 2 years shifts over there for a fair compensation. Capital would not be lacking as it will first be invested by states for prestige, universities for science and then the private sector will take most of it over when the initial investment has been enough to begin to make a buck. Really the only thing lacking for now is launch capability and with Starship coming online with other states following suits it's a matter of a short decade before this process really begins. It's less about people wanting to make that happen and more about the planets of capitalism aligning.

The fact is you're looking at permanent settlement on the moon and on mars very soon, and although it's not certain it will able to be sustainable and grow, the stations you speak of are still a complete pipe dream that would require far more than what we can do now to get going. Bezos mentioned a plan of having factories in space, which could be great, but we barely know how to do anything in micro g, while on other bodies digging archologies and planting food under artificial light all rely on known tech and can be done partly with in situ materials.

Terraforming would only come after the economic base of such settlements would then break some unknown barrier, and I would bet it will happen long before we're trying to settle in other solar systems.

It's not wild, rather terraforming is too much effort for too little reward.

yeah just solve the problems retards

Terraforming a planet takes millenia. Building a space station is like building a skyscraper, but much much easier as there is no gravity.

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Yeah and thats a good thing

It is now, but it could not be at some point.

We don't really know how much it would take, it would depend on how much stuff is thrown at the problem, we don't even really know what the problem looks like (a few robots aren't enough), which is something we will be closer to identify in a few years with the sample returning and then when operations begins on Mars (with a lot of luck in 2029, most likely in the 2030s)

>space debris and meteorites fall into it

>live on the fart cloud planet

we have little space on Earth

there's much more space in space

>Not necessary. Use genetic engineering or nano machines to stop bone and muscle atrophy.
of course why didn't we think of that obvious solution

Space for us = land. If you can build space colonies you can build floating continents.

>double click on Stellaris.exe
>New Game
>research "terraforming"
>research done
>select planet
it's that simple guys

and lemme guess, you cover it with force fields (tm) which is totally a real thing

>your bones get smushed in low gravity conditions

sci-fi is religion

>and lemme guess, you cover it with force fields (tm) which is totally a real thing
Huh what did that have to do with anything? Let me guess you have a vibrating dildo up your ass right now

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>Google, how much did the ISS cost?
<Google, what is the max occupancy of the ISS?
>Google what is 150 billion divided by 7?

$21.42 billion per person who are going to die of osteoporosis in a little over a year. This is surely a viable solution to overpopulation.

>Huh what did that have to do with anything?

<*builds cheap ass ballistic shielding*

I wasn't saying building floating continents would be more cost effective than space colonies. I repeat what did that have to do with anything?

>I wasn't saying building floating continents would be more cost effective than space colonies.
my bad *was saying. So I don't know why you are trying to bring meteors up to deboonk me. Meteors are the least of their worries.

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The ISS was expensive because the components were built on Earth and then transported up to space. You need to realize how cheap zero-g manufacturing is when you mine meteorites for metals and asteroids for water and fertilizers and then assemble your space station in zero gravity factories. Space mining and colonization go hand in hand, it would also fund itself, theres alot of demand for fertilizers, water and precious metals slumbering in meteroids.

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>ou need to realize how cheap zero-g manufacturing is when you mine meteorites for metals and asteroids for water and fertilizers and then assemble your space station in zero gravity factories.
<you need to realize how cheap a completely theoretical manufacturing supply chain is

You have no argument? Got it.

Wowzas, everything is so cheap theoretically when we've never experienced the many untold expenses, difficulties, and roadblocks, we don't even know about yet because we've never done it!

>You have no argument? Got it.
Yeah I have a solid argument. Your plan is complete fantasy. Go to a bank and get a loan for this endeavor. Just because you believe your bullshit means nothing.

>You need to realize how cheap zero-g manufacturing is when you mine meteorites for metals and asteroids for water and fertilizers and then assemble your space station in zero gravity factories
oh, yeah, let's just totally do that

<lacking technologies [6201]

Its not like every retard is lining up to suck Muskrats dick because of those new shiny reuseable rockets.

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Look at your fantasy graph. Mind you, I know nothing about maths and statistics, I'm just not a fool. Now we know there must a floor. Because nothing is free. So you draw an arbitrary extrapolation of the data leading to a floor at completely arbitrary point. How was that point determined?

What lacking technologies?
The trend will not continue ok, I lack an argument beepboop.

>The trend will not continue ok, I lack an argument beepboop.
Doot do you know anything about math? Can you describe that curve mathematically?

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My goodness too. Space elevators by 2060. Can you show me where one is in development? They said we would have flying cars and robot naids in 50 yeats too. We didn't even get Sealab 2020.

space travel will not get cheaper because…. because it just won't okay

>What lacking technologies?
>zero-g manufacturing
>meteorite mining
>asteroid fertilizers
basically every second word you used in that sentence was fictional, and to get to those fictional technologies we need thousands more stepping stones

Wait, I recognize the OP its the same faggot that makes those shitty military, climate change humidity & space doomer threads and always gets bodies in the replies.

Drones are unattainable alien technology.
But, stop moving the goalpost: you said that space travel is le expensive: >>606958
But its clearly getting cheaper:

1. 50 years ago only giganormous state enterprises like nasa could afford space travel
2. today humble billionaires can afford space travel
3. in a few decades the regular proletarian will go to space for vacations

and i can put these projections on a graph, so its facts

>>606983 (me)
i agree! great post!

Why is the cost it going down? My thread is supposed to be doomermaxxing this can't be happening.
This but unironically.

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>still no reply
Spacechads have won…

>Drones are unattainable alien technology.
nobody said that
>moving the goalpost
this is what you are doing
>>606990 (you)

I'm so trained by futa hentai that I mistook the OP image for a breeding mount.

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Look I know space freaks are completely unserious charlatans. They have no rationale other than sci-fi is cool and it makes them feel like our shit civilization is progressing towards something. If our civilization is progressing towards the void, god help us.

>there's still the fucking dust that kills you in a day.
Seems like a stretch to think this is some kind of problem that couldn't be overcome especially compared to creating an atmosphere that's a gigantic endeavor.

Gravity is the biggest problem. Mars has 1/3rd gravity. It will shorten your lifespan by at least a 1/3rd.

We evolved over billions of years to live in 1g. Not .33 g.

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>heh ISS was expensive
<here is why it was expensive to build 30 years ago and it would be 90% cheaper now and its gonna be way cheaper in the future

Gravity isn't the biggest problem.
The thin atmosphere along with it being nine tenths carbon dioxide is the problem

The Soviet Union was the first to both identify the usefulness of space travel and make it there.

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Literally the only solution to the gravity problem is to live the majority of your life in a centrifuge. There is little to know way to this make this happen on Mars. The only way this can theoretically happen is in O'Neill cylinders. That's why the retarded Musk is about Mars and the less retarded Bezos is about O'Neill cylinders.

>The Soviet Union was the first to both identify the usefulness of space travel and make it there.
What use did it provide them? Did it contribute anything that helped their society not collapse?

>Mars has 1/3rd gravity. It will shorten your lifespan by at least a 1/3rd.
Gravity directly transfers into health points, lul.
Vacuums haven't been invented yet, we are doomsed.

did you know earth has earthquakes? this makes it extremely difficult to build bases on earth

>Gravity directly transfers into health points, lul.
Do you have a contradictory information?

>Mars has 1/3rd gravity. It will shorten your lifespan by at least a 1/3rd.
So if we go to Jupiter, with 317.8 g's, we can live for 317.8 times as long.

Name literally one advantage to space. There is none. You know it. The only argument you have is is it will be a fraction of the monumental waste of resources it already is in the future. But it will still be a monumental waste.

We only know how the human body behaves in prolonged zero gravity. Why shouldn't human anatomy adapt to weaker gravity?

>look at all these space station factories mass producing space stations

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It works both ways by proportion. Anyways I hope you would all go to Mars instead of being here on Earth and shitting it up. Just take the noose portal and you can get their quicker.

Space (its in the name)
Alot of space
ALOT of space
Alot of ressources
ALOT of ressources
Cheap travel

>Gravity isn't the biggest problem.
your bones turning into bone juice seems like a big problem to me

There are no resources in space. I have studied this in depth because I wanted to create a realistic sci-fi game and then I realized why no one has ever done anything remotely realistic, because there is no way to make it make sense.

>There are no resources in space
resources on earth were the product of "resources in space" colliding you literal retard

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>my home

gravity is HP
background radiation is MANA

>be earth dweller
>erfquake wrecks my hut
>cut down some trees
>build a new hut
<be moonfag
<moonquake fucks up my base
<die due to lack of oxygen

Are you for real? Obviously I meant exploitable resources in our solar system. Do I have to explain out every statement like you are 5 years old?

>You have too much salt you die
<you have too little salt you die
Is it really so hard to understand?

I mean shit how bout water. You have too little water you die, you drink to much water, you can die immediately even.

you just launch a mining probe into a planet that sucks up all the minerals and sends it back to your spaceship – easy

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Yeah fair I'm just being silly.
I should probably use tone indicators here.

You are the only one with a brain in this thread. That is exactly the conclusion I came too. All remote shit will be 100% automated. There is no reason to try and put any human or habitat or no nonsense in space or on another planet. It doesn't work for a sci-fi story, but it might work for reality.

>exploitable resources in our solar system
there's shitton of rare earth minerals and all that crap on other planets

the problem is getting them

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i have more respect for sport ball commentators

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Like I just said in the previous reply, if it ever happens, it will be 100% robots. There is no reason for a person to leave Earth. We got to stop living in Flash Gordon fantasies. It's about time.

>in our solar system
not even remotely true and this is a made up limitation, there's no reason to believe we'll be stuck in our solar system forever

there's no reason for a person to dive deep into the ocean, we could send a robot down there
guess what though, we still do it

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>not even remotely true and this is a made up limitation, there's no reason to believe we'll be stuck in our solar system forever
Lol LMAO. How is 4.246 light years ever going to be a surmountable distance to a human?

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>We got to stop living in Flash Gordon fantasies. It's about time.
I'm not ready. Sci-fi gives me hope. I'm ideologically dependent, existentially coping, in my lane, moisturised.

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>there's no reason for a person to dive deep into the ocean, we could send a robot down there
>guess what though, we still do it

Google ur moms pusseh

>there's no reason to believe we'll be stuck in our solar
…the physical impossibility to travel faster than light?

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Lol LMAO. How is 11,617 miles ever going to be a surmountable distance to a human?

Technological progress will stop okay, there will never be generational ships

except flight is physically possible while faster than light travel is not?

with our current understanding of physics, you're so fucking retarded it hurts
the laws of physics aren't "the laws of nature" or whatever garbage you believe, they are our current understanding of how things work, and that understanding changes
physicists decades ago used to believe that if trains went too fast it would create a vacuum and kill the passengers

>material limitations aren't real
>tech is magic

>>material limitations aren't real
the ones you're proposing aren't, yeah

OP getting raped in the replies rn

>how is 11,617 miles ever going to be a surmountable distance to a human?
<how is 25,066,500,000,000 miles ever going to be a surmountable distance to a human?

Google what is 25,066,500,000,000 divided by 11,617?


So what it took us a few thousand years to reach those 11k kind of miles. Maybe in 2,157,742,962.9 times 1000 we will get there.

explain faster than light travel

Dayum space has atmosphere speed limitations…

>technology progresses linearly
you really are a retard
explain nuclear reactions in the 15th century

>2,157,742,962.9 times 1000
that's like 1 billion years until our sun dies, giving us a comfortable time period to travel to another star system that will also die

we will live forever, btw

>I don't have to explain shit cuz… CUZ I JUST DON'T, OKAY?!
religion-tier retardation

>uhm do you have a peer reviewed study on how theres a new continent past the Atlantic?

To all sci-fi cultists: how do you technologically counter the heat death of the universe?

>lol LMAO explain to me how you're going to talk to chinese people in real time with live chinese ←> english translations across the globe

How do you counter your own death? You will return to nothing and everything that will remembered is the clean-up crew carrying you out of your moms basement.

>here are a few more bullshit reasons why I don't have to explain anything

Dayum you can look up how long it will take us to cross 4 light years with our current and even theoretical technology.

let's assume heat death will happen 1 week from now, why would this prevent us from living out that 1 week we have left?

About three fiddy, oh btw, you still didn't explain how space travel won't get cheaper.

dayum you can look up how long it will take us to go from europe to the new world with our current and even theoretical technology

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>With current rocket technology, the fastest we could reach the nearest solar system, which is Alpha Centauri, would take tens of thousands of years, with estimates ranging from around 25,000 to 80,000 years depending on the spacecraft design and propulsion methods used, making such a journey essentially impossible with current technology due to the immense travel time involved.
Imagining a spacecraft could be maintained and repaired and work for 25k-80k years and not miss its target shooting fish in a barrel.

Sci-fi is a religion, this thread convinced me.

Those fuckers mess up trying to hit Mars even. Yeah I remember the customary vs metric incident. I am a JPL aficionado I took many tours.

And it could carry up to seven (7) people too!

>shooting fish in a barrel.
Lol I meant the opposite. Maybe we don't have an expression for that.

>goes back to jerking off about the heat death of the universe (theoretical concept that is at best 1.7×10^106 years away from today)
Flood detected; Post discarded.

I walk to the church in the town centre.
The fastest I can walk and reach that is 5 minutes, and swimming that distance would be slower.
The New World is atleast 100.000 times that distance.
So why should anybody ever settle in Amerigo?

How hard do you guys think Thunderfoot cried when Starship touched down?

>The end is not real because it is very far away
<spends his personal life in denial of his own mortality
<has a hysteric breakdown when doctors diagnose him with fatal condition at age 78
<makes the life of his relatives a living hell because he fights the inevitable in a pathological manner

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>Yeah I remember the customary vs metric incident.

idk it sounds to me that you hate your own life, skill issue tbh

Reminder that the IP count isn't going up, OP is unironically samefagging rn

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>cost of the mars climate orbiter = 193.1 million USD

the things we shoot into space are bought at walmart
the government goes to walmart and buys the space probe, then shoots it into space, so humans will forever be limited to whatever walmart puts the price of the space probe components at

>5 minutes x 100,000 = 500,000 minutes
>500,000 minutes = 8,333.33 Hours = 0.951 year
wow, that is totally in the same ballpark as >>607076

I don't get what you're saying, but what I'm saying is these people wast $200 million dollars and many years on stupid mistakes. You think they could accomplish a plan that would take 10s of thousands of years?

>>5 minutes x 100,000
HAHAHAAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAH oh my fucking god you have to be trolling

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Its funny because this literally happened before, the exact same problem with measurements. Yet the world was still sailed and explored.

where did I hear this line before?
>if you don't love God that means you hate yourself!
ah, got it

>my life is as real as sky daddy
drugs, not even once

>>607094 (me)
just in case it needs to be explained: you don't walk across the atlantic ocean, the whole point is that different forms of travel make reaching things previously thought impossible possible

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>science: even getting close to light speed is physically impossible
<sci-fi: hurr, i folded spacetime and ended up in the other part of the galaxy like in da movies, durr
>science: sorry, I didn't realize I was talking to a Marvel enthusiast
>sci-fi: batman goes boom boom

This mf pulled out the calculator
bro has autism

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>>science: even getting close to light speed is physically impossible

>Yet the world was still sailed and explored.
<the "world"

>science: space travel is getting cheaper
<sci-fi: hurr, i poop my pants and samefag
>science: sorry, I didn't realize I was talking to a Marvel enthusiast
>sci-fi: batman goes boom boom

>we just grab da black hole and attach it to da space engine
gronk goes zug zug

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it's impossible bro

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Oh my god its so big (like me penis)

>you don't walk across the atlantic ocean
maybe you don't. if janny were to geolocate my ip they'd find i just passed the rohan seamount. i'll be colonizing eastern america within a year, screencap this post

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A human made probe will never reach Saturn

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You don't understand anything about space. 😭 There is no wind in space. There is no islands and land to water ratio in space like Earth. OMG. Play this game all you wannabe spacefags.
This is the only dude to give you a glimpse into real rocketry and orbal mechanics besides Kerbal and Simply Rockets, but I think his is better because he tried to take a realistic extrapolation of rocketry technology assuming built in space and yadda yadda. It takes YEARS for interplanetary travel. There is no maneuvering in space. You barely plot your course with the available fuel.

we just grab da fire and attach it to da metal tube and fly away!!

we go thru the blackhole like in Interstellar (2014) and tingle the space-time fabric to send back love messages to our daughter back in time, for real

you really have a problem understanding scales

the least realistic part of your post is the idea that you'll ever have sex

Bro pulled up elementary shit.

yes, fire in tube is the same as blackhole in tube

no contradictions

>heh, sci-fi is so stupid
<btw all my knowledge comes from trying to make a game and playing space simulation games on steam

>Bro pulled up elementary shit.
Pull up the advanced shit so I can get advanced like you. Anyways for real. Unless you are literally a rocket scientist or you've played one of the three aforementioned games you don't even understand orbital mechanics and interplanetary travel in the slightest. It's not like how you imagine.

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>wobolabadopdop we are le doomed to die on Earth *hits black tar heroin*

AI overview

>advanced shit

where does your knowledge come from? You are the dumb Brazilian posting about UFOs. Call me when Brazilians get to space.

What is lel? The dichotomy proposed was my shit was basic. So where is the advanced shit you are judging my basic shit from?

My spermcell getting ready to penetrate your eggs

UFOs are real objects detected by radar and other systems on earth
your dollar store schopenhauer "UGHHHHHHH I HATE LIFE" dogshit is just that, dogshit

Bro you literally know nothing about space. Tell me all you know about space.

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>What is lel?

>if you criticize sci-fi you hate life

Isn't sci-fi all about doomsing like OP? (you)

Anyways for you:
It's a simulation. It's all math. Anything you're talking about also comes from mathematical simulation. I was just telling you about a mathematical simulation you could get your hands on right now and learn something.

At best sci-fi uses a future setting to criticize current social problems. At worst sci-fi is an escape-from-reality fantasy to dorks like sandanista anon helping them cope with their shitty lives.

>bideo games simulate real life physics
Please, stop, close the thread.

anyways for you:
it's a simulation. it's all math. anything you're talking about also comes from mathematical simulation. i was just telling you about a mathematical simulation that shows you that sailing across the atlantic ocean is impossible because of all the sea monsters.

Are you going to disprove their simulation? What makes it inaccurate?

>disprove my bideo gayme ARRRGH

>What makes it inaccurate?
the fact that it's unreal engine slop and not our actual universe?

Prove you understand the mathematics better than the people who made the model.

It's really simple math bro. Newtonian physics isn't that complex. But you don't even understand that. Like I said even if you do, it is another matter to play with plotting space trajectories interactively.

Prove that you are human.
A picture of your hand will suffice.

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>dude I played universe sandbox thats almost like a PhD in theoretical physics

I am a mathematical simulation that is smarter than you because I can do math and you can't.

>Newtonian physics isn't…
…accurate, it's already being broken down with quantum mechanics

The funniest shit about this is that even if we did our best and calculated all that is necessary and could somehow survive 25k-80k years of space travel we could still end up millions of miles away from our intended target and basically be unable to do anything about it.

There's a pretty shitty (sadly) sci-fi movie about this (picrel) with the plot line that while traveling to mars the colonist's ship get off course and they will have to die in space in a few decades travelling aimlessly. They turn to shitty copes like religion and hedonism and all that crap.

Bro did basic algebra wit the google calculator💀💀💀

I know there are some actual science degree leftypolers or there were and I would like to think they are laughing at my hs educated ass holding the fort against you also probably hs educated(I hope) retards.

>muh silent majority
but we're the religious, of course

That explains alot

Where did I say majority? I implied a handful who may or may not be still here you illiterate.

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sci-fi is the opiate of the masses

You literally are uneducated. It is a marvel you can read or write at all and I applaud you for it.

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Damn, an edited Marx quote. Its so joever.

not the point of the analogy, what you're doing is invoking some unknown people that are educated and agree with you
but they just don't post in threads related to their interests and education because…?

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we are doing this

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No I'm doing this.

The comment wasn't for you self-centered uneducated faggot. I am just hoping the quality of the board hasn't degraded this far and there are still some science-understanders left.

>I got my diploma on the streets, know what I'm sayin?
is a typical "urban" rapper line in burger movies. ITT:
<I got my diploma from Hollywood sci-fi movies, we gon put da black hole into da tubes, batman goes boom boom

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Areospace engineers are NOT using Kerbal to design serious stuff, it's just the silly thingamobob making game, and are slowly stopping playing since articlerel dropped.

they're probably too busy simulating the universe with kerbal space program

A mountain is so big next to me. I feel so insignificant bros… we will never cross the Alps…

Aren't you the mf quoting movies and video games?

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movies? no of course not, i get my knowledge from physics simulators such as super mario bros for the NES

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He is falling down just like in real life. This is a 1 to 1 real life simulation of newtonian physics.

even approaching 1/1000th of light speed would disintegrate any known material object, but that's totally like climbing a mountain

are the ufos in this room now?

>still didn't explain why space travel won't continue getting cheaper
Its so over 4u

>“Rail travel at high speed is not possible because passengers, unable to breathe, would die of asphyxia,” said the Irish writer Dionysius Lardner in 1830.

>physics ain't real because people said dumb shit in the past

>>physics ain't real because people said dumb shit in the past
yes that's literally what that means, our understanding of physics evolves through time instead of being set in stone

>Video games are real but movies are not

You could have zero cost instant teleportation pods between Earth and Mars and terraforming still wouldn't be feasible, technologically even remotely possible, or "cost effective."

>there are no material boundaries, we just need to think different
I mean, you are ultimately an idealist, let's be honest here.

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Why travel between Earth and Mars?

>calling me an idealist while pretending our current understanding of nature is perfect

>This is the only dude to give you a glimpse into real rocketry and orbal mechanics besides Kerbal and Simply Rockets
Are you retarded?

Are there material limitations? Yes or no.

yes and they are not fully represented by our current understanding of nature

>the universe is just thought
>you change the thought, you change the universe
check mate, Marx

You are the one that pulled up video games.

>if i keep putting the word "material" before everything then it's real
you've never read marx first of all, second is that you're the one pretending that our current ideas represent the material world perfectly, so if anything you're the idealist

The more we learn about the universe the more and more limitations we seem to discover, it seems to me. The whole "every obstacle is a new opportunity" angle is ultimately an entrepreneurial scam mindset applied to the universe for copers.

Aren't you the one coping with moon dust

What was the response ITT to such a mundane problem as moon dust, btw?
>just wash your boots, lmao
<just use non-existent tech, bro

Talk about cope, bruh

it's literally the opposite but ok, the more we learn about the universe the more we achieve things that were previously thought impossible
i don't know how you could look at humans today and say we are more "limited" technologically than humans 50, 500, 5000, etc years ago
maybe you just hate life and can't see the good things around you? i don't know

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Space travel has always been a domain of immense curiosity and exploration for humanity. However, the high costs associated with space missions have limited the accessibility and frequency of such endeavors. The good news is that advancements in technology and innovative approaches to space travel are making it increasingly more affordable, paving the way for a new era of space exploration.

Firstly, the development of reusable rockets is one of the key factors driving down the cost of space travel. Traditional rockets are disposable, which means they are used only once and then discarded. This results in significant waste and high costs. However, companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin have been working on developing reusable rocket systems. These systems involve launching a rocket into space, landing it back on Earth, and then refurbishing it for future missions. This not only reduces waste but also significantly lowers the cost per launch as the rocket does not need to be replaced after each mission.

Another factor contributing to the cost reduction of space travel is the increasing use of private funding and entrepreneurship in the space industry. Companies like SpaceX, Blue Origin, and Virgin Galactic are investing heavily in research and development, driving innovation and competition in the field. Furthermore, advancements in propulsion technology are also helping to make space travel more affordable. For instance, electric propulsion systems offer greater efficiency than traditional chemical propulsion systems. These systems use electricity to ionize gases and accelerate them to high speeds, allowing spacecraft to reach high velocities with less fuel. This results in lower costs as less fuel is needed for the same journey.

Additionally, the use of 3D printing technology is revolutionizing the way spacecraft components are manufactured. By using 3D printers to create parts on-site, the need for extensive supply chains and transportation of heavy equipment is eliminated. Moreover, the miniaturization of technology is making space travel more accessible. Smaller satellites and spacecraft require less fuel and resources to launch and operate, reducing the overall cost of space missions. The rise of CubeSats, which are small, modular satellites that can be easily launched into space, is a testament to this trend.

Lastly, international collaboration is playing a vital role in advancing space technology and making it more affordable. Joint missions between countries allow for the pooling of resources and expertise, leading to faster progress and cost savings.

In conclusion, the future of space travel looks promising as technological advancements and innovative approaches continue to drive down costs. The increased affordability of space travel will open up new opportunities for exploration and scientific discovery. It will enable more frequent launches, allowing for better monitoring of Earth's climate and environment, as well as enabling us to study celestial bodies like asteroids and comets in greater detail.

Furthermore, the decreasing costs of space travel will also make it possible for more people to experience space tourism. This not only offers a unique and exciting experience for individuals but also generates revenue for the space industry, further driving innovation and growth. Additionally, the potential for commercial exploitation of space resources, such as mining asteroids for precious metals, could provide significant economic benefits. These resources could be used to manufacture goods on Earth or in space, potentially revolutionizing industries and creating new ones.

In summary, the cost reduction of space travel due to technological advancements and innovative approaches will have far-reaching implications. It will enable more frequent and diverse space missions, drive innovation in the industry, and open up new economic opportunities. The future of space travel is indeed bright and full of potential.

next paragraph
>In conclusion
next paragraph
next paragraph
>In summary
here's your "AGI" bro

You are talking about a completely different thing. I'm telling you there's no escaping the pull beyond the event horizon, I'm telling you there's no approaching the speed of light without material objects completely disintegrating.

You are telling me that in the future (tm) they'll have secret anti-event horizon cream to apply to spaceships and secret reintegrator juice.

You are a literal fucking idiot who thinks that the fact we have iphones and laptops proves we can bend the laws of nature with our minds.

put da black hole in da tube -> spaceship go fast

joker hit the streets -> batman goes boom boom

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As we move forward, it is crucial that we continue to invest in space exploration and research. By supporting the development of new technologies and promoting international collaboration, we can accelerate progress and ensure that the benefits of affordable space travel are shared by all.

Moreover, we must also address the environmental concerns associated with space travel. As the frequency of launches increases, it becomes increasingly important to minimize the impact on our planet and develop sustainable practices for both launch and re-entry.

In conclusion, the future of space travel holds immense promise. By embracing technological advancements and innovative approaches, we can make space travel more affordable, accessible, and sustainable. The pace of progress in the space industry has been incredible over the past few decades, and there is no doubt that we are on the cusp of a new era of space exploration. However, there are still challenges to overcome. We must continue to invest in research and development, foster international cooperation, and ensure that space travel is conducted in a responsible and sustainable manner.

By doing so, we can harness the full potential of space travel and unlock its countless benefits for humanity. Whether it's advancing our understanding of the universe, spurring economic growth, or inspiring future generations, the future of space travel is truly boundless. As we look to the stars and dream of what lies beyond our own planet, it's important to remember that space exploration is not just about scientific discovery or economic gain. It's also about fostering a sense of wonder and curiosity in ourselves and in future generations. By making space travel more accessible and affordable, we can inspire young people to pursue careers in STEM fields and engage the public in the thrilling adventure of space exploration.

In conclusion, the future of space travel is filled with promise and possibility. By embracing technological innovation, promoting international collaboration, and ensuring that space travel is conducted in a responsible and sustainable manner, we can unlock its full potential and usher in a new age of exploration and discovery.

You're the video gaymer.

Most modern sci-fi don't even try anymore explaining how they were able to bypass basic physical limitations. It's like
>we have da red blackhole juice collected in a orb and if you put this into the space drive we go wooosh

>Most modern sci-fi
Its called science fiction, video game retard

yet all your solutions to the moon dust problem are fictitious


movies are actually more accurate than your gamer slop, they had real physicists and accurate black hole models for interstellar

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Op, did you unironically never used a vacuum?

OP was killed by this post and has been moving the goal post ever since. Its truly tragic.

True af, this guy is now arguing about batman marvel while pulling up kerbal space programm tf is he doing lmaooo😭😭😭 like he dropped the same batman bing bing wahoo and sci-fi bullied me in school eight times already lmaoooo

there's dust on earth and we're currently terraforming it into a desert you meme loving fuck

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Did you ever use a sponge

>they had real physicists and accurate black hole models for interstellar



batman goes boom boom

OP is currently losing his mind.

that's the "unknown" and speculative part of the movie because we don't know what happens to things that fall into a black hole
but the black hole model they created is realistic and they had real physicists go over everything to make it as realistic as they could
it's a movie that will be remembered and rewatched for generations, your gamer slop on the other hand is shit and will be easily forgotten if it isn't already (big if)

Ok thats it I tried to have a nice discussion about space dust but you fucking assholes ruined my thread

haha rocket go brrrrrrr

>speculative part
<soap opera is sci-fi now

>the opponent I'd like to argue against

soap opera is more accurate to reality than your video game simulations, let that sink in

Its literally science fiction, you retarded gamer brain.

Op got raped by a vacuum cleaner… this is so sad.

Why do we even bother with rocket fuel? Just fill up the tank with love. Or black hole juice. That oughta do it.

you didn't watch the movie

here's your science, bro

love is fourth dimensional lizard juice

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no one loves you which is why you're bitter and pessimistic

Everyone on this website with a brain knows you are retarded. Who are you trying to prove it to?

"god is love" – einstein

"I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a Christian economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward the love of God." – Albert Einstein

prove what to them? what do you think i'm trying to prove?
proofread your posts you drunkard

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>movies are actually more accurate than your gamer slop
Cinephiles and their superiority complex again. Games are no less accurate
than movies. That is, most are bullshit, some are pretty accurate, some are mostly accurate.

You are literally a ban-evader. Also retarded. And your shit is all fucked up.

>play Stellaris
>find a suitable planet for terraforming
>check planet details
>moondust content: low (6.3%)
>seems good to go
>send out terraforming vessel
>10 years later
>terraforming is complete
>all the fucking indicators on the planet are flashing in red
>WARNING: population growth impossible
>1 pop immediately dies
>my new colony has no inhabitants anymore

>play hearts of iron
>find slavic lands ripe for lebensraum
>check details
>industrial content: low (communism doesn't work)
seems good to go
>send out the tanks
>10 years later
>conquest is complete
>close laptop
>remember that history was the complete opposite
>cry and shit my panties
video games are not real life

>watch Interstellar (2014) starring Matthew McConaughey's thick accent
>earth is dying from all the moondust
>"we can't grow crops no more" – Matthew McConaughey
>children getting asthma
>everyone dies
>jump into a blackhole
>send facebook likes back to earth in a morse code
>wake up
>"thank you Jason Statham for saving the world, here is you're daughter, she's 121 years old."

This is the only rational interpretation of Interstellar, btw:
>Matthew McConaughey is floating towards the blackhole in his spacecraft
>the forces rip him and his spaceship apart
>in his last moments his brain releases the hallucinogenic compounds and Matthew McConaughey hallucinates about him entering the blackhole in one peace and saving humanity
all other interpretations are religious copes

OP is made for BBC

Who cares about moon dust


Wear a mask or clean it up

>clean it up
It's what the moon's made of, you can't just clean it up.
>Wear a mask
there's no oxygen on the Moon. Are you suggesting they should wear masks inside the moonbase? That certainly would suck big time.

>just wear a mask bro
>just wear a mask all the time bro
<be settler
<go to moon
<blowjobs are forbidden because you can't get off your mask
<sex is forbidden because moondust irritates the vagina
<die of blue balls

this is the price we must pay if we want to colonize our galaxy. me? i'm a simple man, i prefer blowjobs in earth, simple as

Are you retarded? How the hell can you read “wear a mask” and “clean it up” and your train of thought instantly goes to that Spongebob episode where Spongebob vacuum’d all the water

You’re literally clinically retarded, the fuck

where do you put it after you cleaned it up? do you put it in a trashbag? what you are essentially doing then is relocating the moon into trashbags. eventually the entire planet will be in trashbags.

congrats, you turned the entire moon into a dump

Stfu didn’t read
Your thread is on fire because you are antagonizing every new poster

make a mini dumping spot that connect to the outside and gets ejected when you open it because of the difference in pressure ?

Nolan is a Lynchian cock slut, yet will never get close to making a Lynch film, no matter how hard he tries and how much money he sinks into his Oscar b8 slop.

>and they had real physicists go over everything to make it as realistic as they could
Its like when they make a historical movie, they always get real historian for consultation so they can put that in their promotional material while ignoring anything s/he says.
>Mr Nolan, Im a big fan of yours, pleasure to m…
<Yeah, yeah. So, could you use black hole to teleport or travel through time?
>Ehm, no? You see, the way a black ho…
<Well we are going to do it anyway, it was nice working with you, goodbye.

>Mr. Professor, we have just one question regarding black holes.
<Go on then.
>Can we use the black hole to go inside it unharmed and send messages back in time through gravity using morse code?

>t. didn't watch the movie or "the science of interstellar" 50 min bluray extra

>you didn't consoom the extra parts therefore you are an inferior consoomer and thus wrong
only the original star wars movie trilogy is canon

>The visual representation of the black hole in the film does not account for the Doppler effect which, when added by the visual effects team, resulted in an asymmetrically lit black and blue-black hole, the purpose of which Nolan thought the audience would not understand.
Nolan has you for too much of a dumb-dumb to even bother making visuals somehow accurate.

Also, on topic of space dust, you could make Mars into a swamp planet, that way the dust turns into mud and you dont have to worry about breathing it in.

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>Nolan has you for too much of a dumb-dumb to even bother making visuals somehow accurate.

sandafagista anon really likes that interstellar pussy, huh

Imagine if every movie had a 50 minute narcissistic extra titled "why this movie is correct in every way." You just fell for self-serving propaganda like a dumbo.

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>this kills OP

you didn't solve the
>go outside
>die of asthma
part of the equation.

Having a vacuum cleaner on your base but not being able to go outside isn't terraforming. It's failure.

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why would that happen? why can't we wear oxygen helmets?
>inb4 they're bulky!!
so were phones, but we made them smaller

OP is about terraforming. It has a definition. Look it up. Why the fuck do you post ITT if you haven't even read OP?

yes and the definition of terraforming is to make a planet habitable to humans, not turning it into a 1:1 copy of earth

You didn't terraform shit if you can't live like on the Earth. It's in the fucking name, bro. Terra - earth, form. A spacestation isn't terraforming just like how having a moonbase isn't terraforming.

so basically you want a base that surrounds the entire moon's surface but the moon itself is still a atmosphereless desert?

yes, that is terraforming

makes sense, would be most realistic way of making the moon habitable

we don't live like humans used to 50 years ago, why should we live on the moon/mars/etc like we do today?
"I WANT TO BREATHE OXYGEN BARE NAKED ON THE MOON OR ELSE IT'S NOT TERRAFORMING" shut your fucking mouth, if it's habitable then we've already done the job

>only the original star wars movie trilogy is canon
Typical. The new trilogy by Lucas and even the Disney movies are superior to the original space opera. They are more scientifically accurate and moved away from "space magic" to scientific explanation of the force (medicloreans). It is all explained in the bluray extra you poors can't afford.

check your oxygen privilege

you know you can download files people rip from blurays, right? you don't have to pay for movies
also quit falseflagging and address the "take off your shoes" solutions already, bum

Looking forward to watching future news report about how all 300 million citizens of Megacity 8 suffocated to death due to ventilation system malfunction.

stop calling it terraforming then? call it bare-minimum-forming

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It was addressed already. it's not terraforming, and you redefining the word won't convince anyone.

supply chain/technical malfunction leading to death? oh wow that's a horrible thing that never happens here on planet earth

why can't it be something done in stages? live there while we figure out a way to create a better atmosphere, easy

Who the fuck would want to live there if you are being honest to yourself?

it would be something like
1. create atmosphere inside moon base
2. terraform moon base that surrounds the entire moon
3. somehow create magnetic field
4. open up moon base to integrate it slowly with moon

>why would you go to the moon? why would you explore the ocean? why would you enter this abandoned temple? why would you study the pyramids?
you wouldn't understand

>we can't terraform so why don't we just forget terraforming and live in a prison base in the middle of death desert?

your house is a "base" too, you don't grow your own food, you buy it from the commissaries (walmart) and you drive through checkpoints to get there

Scientists go to Antartica for reasearch for a few years yet they always return to their respective country of origin. That's NOT "living there". That's not having a life or family there. That's tolerating hell for as long as you have to for a cause and a paycheck.

>be earthling
>go outside
>not die

why couldn't you take some of those hikikomori guys in japan and shoot them to mars? what's the difference of staying in your apartment all day playing games and doing the same thing on mars?
that's because the place is not habitable, if we made it so then people WOULD live there, that's what we do in every place that is habitable

>yet they always return to their respective country of origin
that's because it's illegal to live in antarctica

It would naturally develop the same way settlement develop on earth. You start with a mining colony, because there are people working there you add amenities, which requires additional workers, people bring, or start, their own families, requiring more services related to raising children, more people, growth of potential consumer and worker base justifies branching of economy outside of mining, etc.

Seem like that would take significantly more effort than building a mega-station from scratch in space.


>It would naturally develop the same way settlement develop on earth.
except you can't breath, your bones turn to liquid because of lack of gravity, you probably can't reproduce properly because the fetuses can't develop on non-earth G, and the moonsand is constantly eating away the walls of your moonbase while fellow explorers who go outside in spacesuits spontaneously combust because spacesuit arcing – that is TOTALLY like vikings going to the arctic and becoming eskimos dude

These are all secondary issues, the primary is - is it economically viable?

>your bones turn to liquid because of lack of gravity

bones turn into bone hurting juice in low G

technically 1/6 of the gravity here

just replace bones with prosthetics made out of steel, problem solved

Maybe we can harness the power of BBC to terraform Mars‘ surface

>is it economically viable?
You sent the scum and prisoners of society to Australia and they made it an economically viable modern country. You send people to the moon they can't survive and can't reproduce and they die. I would call that economically unviable.

You can put a research station on the moon that could function for a few risky decades, but that's pretty much it and that too is being technologically optimistic.

We are nowhere near terraforming or long term habitable colonies.

why is this thread so active?
anyway, my two cents is that space is gay, there will be no permanent off-earth habitation and nobody is leaving the solar system

>why is this thread so active?
because people consoom sci-fi as a means of coping with the realities of life

>anyway, my two cents is that space is gay, there will be no permanent off-earth habitation and nobody is leaving the solar system

the most likely scenario, yes

how many years do you think the human race has left? your answer has to be in the double digits if you don't believe we'll send people to live on the moon/mars/etc

>and nobody is leaving the solar system
you're underestimating my will to be the next human laika

>permanent off-earth habitation

yes, you don't think that'll EVER happen? not even a thousand years from now? how many years do you think we have left?

>how many years do you think we have left?
like 200 years before earth literally starts melting from climate change if we're being optimistic.

>yes, you don't think that'll EVER happen? not even a thousand years from now?
The task at hand doesn't scale. Terraforming an entire planet would take thousands of years by itself even if we had the tech.

we need to instead of trying to terraform planets, we need to adapt to their conditions instead, such as not needing to breath oxygen(mars' atmosphere is CO2), we should all become robots if we ever want to leave earth. why restrict ourselves with biological limits?

200 years

we need to instead of trying to take the ring to Mordor we need to become wizards instead, such as not needing to walk anymore (Gandalf can call the gryphons any time), we should all become wizards if we ever want to leave The Shire. why restrict ourselves with hobbit limits?

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absolutely mindbroken

I have a feeling that OP never used a vacuum

Yes, a complex large enough to house 300 million people has a single ventilation system. Back to playing Kerbal bud

You started a thread but you don’t even know why moon dust is so toxic? Pro-tip, it has something to do with the lack of water and erosion.Gotta play more bing bing wahoo Space Engine Mr. Gigabrain.

>why can't it be something done in stages?
Thats how Terraforming would work, OP is too retarded to google basic stuff and instead triple replies to every post of yours.

>this is how it is in fiction
we don't have the tech, there's nothing to plan

You're the same mf that thinks he is intelligent when he says that space has no wind, stfu

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space doesn't just have winds, it has farts, honey

This is a quarantined thread.
OP is a well known thread spammer on /games/, /weapons/ and /leftypol/.
If you see a shitty W40k, Starship Troopers, Fallout or other sci-fi thread barely related to the board and about a topic nobody fucking cares about, then it is most likely OP.
Examples of threads by OP are:
<Why da Imperium of man is da epic
<Da starship troopers are le epic
<Da drunesss are like my sci fi broo


So its confirmed that you’re OP samefagging?

Autists like OP are pillars of imageboard community.

no lightspeed travel
no terraforming

numbers confirm! (chekem)

inspect element

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Would people pay to live in a moon bunker? No gravity, shit food, shitty internet connection, have to constantly exercise so that your bones and muscles don't go to shit, no sex, and prison like conditions with the same handful of people.

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Doomer bros… you won.

Turbulance testing sattelites be like

That Caron can **** herself

op be like
>bing bing wahoo
bruh megacringe, 10 years later and quentin still gigaowns /v/irgins

Moon dust: A hidden danger that will cause harm to colonization

The Moon is surrounded by an exosphere, an extremely thin layer of gas. That is, the atmosphere there is so thin that it is often neglected. But astronaut activities, resource extraction, and rocket launches can upset this equilibrium, raising large amounts of regolith above the surface. This can damage both missions and equipment.

Rosemary Killen, a planetologist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, emphasizes the danger of tiny dust particles. Moon dust, formed by collisions of space rocks and the impact of the solar wind, is a threat because of its finely dispersed structure. Dust can damage lungs, electronics and machinery, as well as obstruct visibility.

Additional sources of pollution, such as vapor emissions from spacecraft or life support system leaks, will also affect the environment. Even small amounts of water or gas can spread over significant distances, settle in shaded regions, and alter the chemical composition of ancient frozen ice deposits.

An important task for scientists is to analyze the pristine ice in the craters, where water may have been stored for centuries. However, water vapor created by human activities can mix with natural stocks, making data interpretation difficult.

The missions of the Artemis program, which NASA runs with commercial partners, involve the active use of large vehicles. Heavy landings by such vehicles can lift dust to high altitudes, creating short-lived “atmospheric” pockets of gas and particles. Space agencies plan to minimize these effects through careful selection of landing sites and optimization of flight paths.

However, even a few seconds of rocket engine operation can cast dust over significant distances, polluting remote regions. Moon dust can damage astronauts’ lungs, scratch spacesuit surfaces and clog mechanisms. It has properties similar to coal dust, which is detrimental to the health of miners.

There is also a risk of dust transfer into the living modules. Dirty spacesuits, tools and Mars rovers can bring it into airlocks and rooms, creating additional health and engineering hazards.

Missions to the Moon promise new discoveries, but also remind us of the importance of responsible exploration. Efforts by space agencies, scientists and private companies are aimed at minimizing the impact of human activity, preserving the moon’s fragile environment and ensuring the safety of researchers.

In the future, smart soft landing technologies, controlled resource extraction, and global cooperation will pave the way for exciting discoveries, preserving the Moon for generations to come.

so basically
>you are not allowed to mine for shit or just land or build or whatever, space dust is there for eternity and gon fuck you up

these news are 1 week old, btw

OP was right. we are stuck on earth for ever

I had no choice

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So when are we going to terraform the planets and moons in our solar system?

Immortality will be discovered exactly day after I die.

In Sumerian mythology the Gods of their pantheon were jealous of mortal human beings because they saw that limited existence endowed meaning to their lives as opposed to swamp that was immortality.

So good for you, I guess.

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