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"No chin, no right to speak."
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>internet trying to convince me all leftoids are punk pink-haired bi fat women like the meme
>never met any of those, however most "left-wing" people I've seen where i live look like this instead
life is wierd like that

im a city boi so i mostly see pink haired lefties but every now and then i go to traditionally left wing remote areas for festivals and i met a fucking socialist goat herder

Most Americans are fat. I have no idea why having fat people in your political tribe is considered shameful when most guys in the US are obese, its like trying to shame people for being short in Japan

In my country far-left movements are next to non-existent, but the handful of socialist and anarchists we do have got radicalised in the 90s/early 2000s, so now they are middle aged men.

Fat is a relative term.
I rarely see obese people but I do see a lot of overweight people.
Also, why do you only include guys but not gals?

Honestly, yeah. They kind of look like that. Only other socialist I know lives out in the woods and is a hermit.

Washed up hippies and dyed hair cosmopolitans = liberals and lifestyle anarchists

No contradiction.

The hippy in his youth
>this society suxx
>im gonna oppose its values where I can
>gets tattoos, dyes hair blue, gets piercing

the hippy in his oldth
>bruh, i just don't give a shit anymore
>dye fades, too lazy to put in piercing, tattoos stay
>generally unkempt person

Hippies generally were about being natural so piercings, tattoos and dyed hair wasn't much of a thing which is why they look unkempt

in the end these middle aged nature-focused people arent that bad. either they work for a cooperative (which i believe is not a bad thing) or they are big into unionization, they're usually pretty in touch with organizing even when they live in remote areas. sure they're often idealists but wathever

Old people are inherently leftist, unless they have great wealth.

Nobody is inherently leftist.
Everyone is either liberals or rightists.

I have yet to see an actual leftist country.
The closest we had was USSR and Cuba for a time.

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>mfw i'm gonna end up like the OP in 30 years
better start saving for a bike and forget about shaving

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