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"No chin, no right to speak."
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Post more specimens like this / gamblecore edits

I'm going to pathologize your enjoyment of these kind of videos, just give me a minute.

How many shitcoins did you lose today?

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proletarian activity

my sides



>stands up
>removes his door
>checks if his hair is still aerodynamic
>remembers that he forgot to buy crack
>oh NO NO NO

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What a depressing and cruel thread.

Fuck gamblers lol

here, have a wholesome and funni gambler crash

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I once spent 10 minutes listening to a homeless gypsy's story that was begging for money, telling me he will feed his sons and whatnot. I gave him the equivalent of 20 USD. Five minutes later I see him buying scratch off tickets. No fucking mercy for gamblers. I would rather trust a crack addict with my money than a gambler.

That's obviously because he had way more children and desperately needed more money. Instead of asking him "how much money do you really need" you took the wrong lesson and now hate poor desperate people who only need a bit more money than you are willing to give.

They're so bad at this, laughing hard. Smoke a joint or something god damn

He said he will buy a large pizza and shit, bought scratch offs instead. Why would it matter if I gave him more money? He would've just bought more scratch offs lmao.
>now you hate poor people
I don't.
>he had way more children
Gypsies here make more children to claim benefits, then leave them out on the streets or teach them how to do insurance fraud jumping in front of cars. You don't know shit.


You defend him for 'having way more children?'

>buying overpriced pizza for children instead of dirt cheap bread and butter
you fell for it

you are a gamble yourself. you gamble in gipsy hope

it's not his fault he has more mouths to feed than you are willing to sponsor. He bought the lottery tickets because otherwise he would have to choose a child that will not eat and die of hunger. He tried his luck so that he could feed all of his children.

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ur right

They don't fucking feed their children retard. They make children to claim the benefits for themselves and then leave them out on the streets.

skip to 24:04


You'll believe in anything won't you?

because of heartless beasts like you

>>608042 (Me)
Seriously, when westerners romanticize this shit its obvious they don't know anything. Come to eastern europe and see it for yourself. Gypsy kids running around the streets after 12 AM with no parents. Then they write all this noble savage fiction "it can't be that bad", it really is.
>because of heartless beasts like you
I literally work with migrants and you try to spin this off >>608036 as me being stingy lmao.

This is why I advocate for mandatory criminal and health screening for breeders.
Parental rights my ass

Man, I'm just messing with you. Just admit you eat homeless gipsy children for breakfast and your debt is paid.

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I fell for the bait

They ain't that savory!

What they think is gonna happen

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Ёбаный рот этого казино, блядь! Ты кто такой, сука, чтоб это делать?

This must be how 99% of BMW drivers drive.

I had another vid like this saved, but I can't find it right now, might post in 2 days

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Gamblers fighting in their natural habitat

Okay now show the other half of the time when they become millionaires!

Thread is about gambling addict rage. I don't think anyone has raged over becoming a millionaire.
But they're not real gambling addicts if they don't gamble the millions away right after winning them.

you ain't a real gambler until you lose a million to gambling

Gambling is based, bourgeoisie don't know the value and the blood sweat and tears it takes to make a dollar so they gamble it away like retards.

'It's just like having an affair with a person' way to tell on yourself roastie

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go easy on her, she must have lost at a blackjack table, that can make people spew things they don't mean. fucking hate it when the dealer just pulls a clean 21 out of his ass that's rigged as fuck. makes you want to have an affair with his wife to spite him

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is dis gambling?

>The Pokies
closed, downvoted, reported

>going all in with anything under KK in hand

is it true that zoomers are getting ruined by online casinos?

yes, in a span of 2 years i've seen at least half of my "friends" turn into online gambling. tbf i did play blackjack with them but we never bet money, we just did it for fun as blackjack is kind of fun imo. most of them now have apps for online gamebling directly on their phone, though none of them lost big amounts of money yet. there's a massive amount of advertisement for gambling online through memes and such

These sound anecdotal

i dont do online gambling and i see advertisements for gambling every day on instagram

Zoomers have lower attention span and worse impulse control due to being the first iPad baby shark doo doo doo doo generation with even more severe socialization issues than the generation TV brought up. Also, we used to have laws against advertising gambling to children that online ads can easily circumvent, and while you won't be let in a casino IRL, a 14 years old kid can easily just register to any of these sites.

These are the kids that grew up on vydia that had inbuilt gambling elements and "surprise boxes" and shit.

Yet more genpol.
"Muh impulse control is damaged due to iPads".

You could say the same about millennials with video games.
Also, we had kids doing gambling games back in the old days.

Also, I see more older people playing gambling games on their phones than zoomers.
Also, you wanna talk about attention span?
Millennials were pathologised as having lowe attention span due to video games.
And iPads are an evolution of GameBoys.

Also we have tighter regulations against children particioating in gambling now.
We used to have laxer laws on kids buying cigarettes.
And Millennials grew up with surprise boxes in video games.
Also, socialisation is affected by stranger danger/me too movement not the tech.

>You could say the same about millennials with video games.
I do say it, but the amount of damage is not the same. You couldn't just take your pc everywhere with you. Zoomers grow up with a dopamine machine on their person 24/7. They get their first phones ate age 6. It's insane.

Millennials grew up with GameBoys and PDAs.
Ofc knowing you guys, you'll downplay this.

It's amazing that you guys complain about genpol against millennials but will not hesitate against zoomers or alphas.

Also, gambling was a much more serious problem back in the pre Internet era. Kids were raised playing gambling games especially in ghettos.

those shits lost battery power in one and a half hour, bro.

All I'm saying for millenials there was no 24/7 dopamine_machine access. How is this even controversial? Millenials got their first mobile phones at like age 14, and it was a shitty Nokia with snake on it, and they mostly used it for writing SMSs to discuss where and when to meet. Now kids have 3D multiplayer games with constant messaging apps and advertising thrown in their faces via apps.

China is blocking child access to this shit for a reason.

>Kids were raised playing gambling games

Millennials still took their GameBoys with them everywhere
And China wanted to regulate video games because of that.

Also millennials had indie chatrooms they would spend hours on

Yes. Actual card games. Or dominoes.

>Now kids have 3D multiplayer games with constant messaging apps and advertising thrown in their faces via apps.

Minus the ads, what's so bad about it within itself?
Millennials did grow up with IRC and cell phones for chatting and calling.
I remember back in the 2000s when cell phone usage amongst teens was considered controversial due to phone bills showing too many minutes being used.

This whole genpol concern trolling is just hypocrisy.
For every pathology you assign to your juniors can easily be pointed back to you
And millennials spent more of their recreational lives in virtual media than in physical media.

Adults think childhood years are the only origin of affect, that anything after doesn't matter

Millennials had TV and video games and Internet.
While they weren't mobile they were dopamine machines with enough convenience to match.

We also used to have arcades.

>Adults think childhood years are the only origin of affect
Scientists think that childhood provides the formative years for socialization, develops abilities for self-expression, and so on. It's literally not contested that you have a window of opportunity of something like 4-14yrs old to get these basic skills, beyond which you are fucked.

Yea but you can also still be affected after those years.
In fact I think this moral obsession over childhood development especially over the media formats is exaggerating any effects.

I'm not saying tech doesn't have effects but most of this "zoomers are this, zoomers are that" is just knee jerk reactions rather than genuine observation.

Go back fifteen years and the same exact pathologising was done to millennials. Word for word.
Hell. Fifteen years before that, it was Gen X

>Millenials got their first mobile phones at like age 14, and it was a shitty Nokia with snake on it,

That was probably the early Gen Y.
We also had LG EnV and Blackberry

it became public news in my shithole in 8am news "gambling, the destroyer of youths without purpose?"

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Found it earlier

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bumpin nice thread

nice anon we knew you could do it

didnt know gambling accelerationism was a thing

No different from the bath slats craze or fentanyl craze.
Usually they hype up outlier events involving young people

Bath salts users are like Keynesian economists compared to gambling addicts

kek, so what's the Marxist tier ?

No as in the way they manage their budget.

so then sobriety

Sobriety is for reactionaries.

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Alchohol and Tobacco apparently.
Marx was a heavy drinker and smoker.
Impulsive, choleric, and of fragile health, it is likely that he began to indulge in alcohol in his youth in Bonn. Starting from 1849, Marx suffered from chronic ailments related to the liver and gallbladder.
A heavy drinking student
Marx acquired a reputation as a turbulent drinker at a young age in Bonn and later in Berlin, where he pursued his university studies at the age of 17. Some biographers theorize that he even became the president of a drinking society, but this is not entirely accurate, considering that most student societies inherently engaged in drinking.

However, we know that it was precisely due to his bar-hopping escapades that Marx’s father, Heinrich, compelled his son to leave the city of Bonn. A Prussian intelligence agent described the young Marx as follows: “He leads the life of a true Bohemian intellectual (…) Washing, grooming, and changing his clothes are things he rarely does, and he enjoys getting drunk.”

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RIP Marx, you would've loved destroying sobriety

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honestly we can laugh at this guy but the casinos give him free money to do this shit

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>loses 95% of his money
>yeah, I'm getting off dude, im so poor rn
<closes game
>yeah, im poor for a few days
<opens game again
<makes one more bet
<loses again
>yeah, i'm getting off dude

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Marx calling soberites alienated lol

he lists like a dozen things you should do with your life and the addicts on this board will go "based" and do one (1) thing with their lives: to live for addiction – which is totally not alienating, btw

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>hey mom can you give me 1k I need to play dragon cash

Sober addict, drink the wine

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Bitch ass soberite KKKracka gambler thinks he can tell us what to do

man just keeps going


This but unironically, kids play their clash of clans knock-offs on their phones and buy virtual cash with their parents credit card and then log on their computer to gamble for lootboxes on online casino sites to get some new ass twerk skin 9000.

Lets hope that was tempered glass 🥶

lol im so glad bossmanjack got mentioned here.
anyone else follow his antics? DAMN THAT PUSSY NICE

he got arrested again or is that from the first arc?

50% of sports twitter is people bitching about their parlays not hitting now

Literally every other instagram meme is "gambling is cool".

Algorithms work based on your preferences.

Just goes to show that no matter what drug we have out there, the most abused ones are booze and cigarettes.

Lol someone make a Marx Cheers edit.

zawa zawa

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dunno who this muki is supposed to be but she looks like putin

you guys are just afraid of success

this dude made $32 million from gamlbign

Really sad to watch this. Doesnt he realize that gambling is 100% a scam?

The worst part about gambling, is having to hold in the poop while at the table playing poker and your anus and stomach gurgle because you want to shit, but you know that the bathrooms aren't clean enough to take a shit and that home is too far away, so you hold your shit for 12 hours making farts and grimacing in discomfort as you lose all your chips because your stomach is trying to make you lose the game even though you're a pro and can totally do it, so by the end of the night you're down 12,000$ because you wanted to take a shit in a clean toilet that has the feel of home. They put laxatives in the drinks to keep you from winning, so moral of the story is that you don't eat or drink anything they offer you. But even if you don't, your stomach will act up and small itches of anger with the nerves acting up and dandruff will get to you, so as you're about to make the right choice to call or fold, the dandruff actives anger and you lose.
So moral of the story is, don't have skin. And don't be alive. They want to sabotage you from the big win.

Casinos purposefully turn up the heat on the air conditioners above 16 °C (60.8 °F) because they know the human brain can't function at a temperature that is a degree above that. And that warm air actives anger and dread.

>human brains can't function at room temp

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This reads like a paragraph out of Infinite Jest

Author of that beat his wife and hanged himself.

not his fault he had food allergies

Ok and?

And invalidated.

you're not a writer unless you abuse romantic partners and kys. shoutouts to the one dude who slammed a bottle of aquavit and walked into the ocean.
(this is why writing needs to be abolished)

Walk the royal path of temperance not teetotalism, even Buddha new the virtue of moderation after living life of opposing extremes.

>person W did heinous acts Y and Z therefore person A can't compare person B's writing to person W or it's hecking invalidated according to person C
Peak radlib logic

imagine not only acting like this but having this accent in the year of our lord 2025, it's impossible to conceive

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>says how much he hates this over and over
>does not stop playing
>door is broken
>video is sponsored by gambling site

we live in the bad timeline i'm sorry

>falling for streamer baits
It's all an act for views.

My ex's gambling addiction cost me everything.
Gambling should be banned and people facilitating it shot.
There's a vid itt of a dude doubling his initial balance and instead of quitting for the day he keeps going until he loses it all.

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yeah, brah, they are actually winning!

the weirdest thing, imo at least, is how they talk about it.
>yeah man we tried
>yeah we'll do better next time
how? you cant do better next time, it's not a matter of skills, do they not understand this?

I did some research and this is some fucked up shit.
Basically the dude gets "paid" to gamble by an online gambling site. A thousand dollars an hour (as long as he doesn't run out of funds for the day) which is how he's able to lose "millions". There's no risk of a payout because he's an addict and will lose it all anyway the same day.

Yea its advertisement to get others hooked. Basically free for the site.

the casino gives him free money to play with, he didn't actually 'lose' that money

ahem I just wanna point out i already said this

Missed it. Went down the rabid hole checking the title of >>610430
Genuinely evil form of advertising. Christ this is filthy

these are so fake
I like the helium voice tho
it makes him sound so smug

it sounds like this

Why is Dimitrus like this?

Poor mother

Its fake lol. Also cursed trips.

you can actually hear him shitting himself at 00:13

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