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/siberia/ - Off-topic

"No chin, no right to speak."
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I cannot let go of my rage. My partner has suffered greatly in life. He's autistic, massively into DND and Wrestling, he has been diagnosed. I am not, I can't stand what normal people have done to him over his life, because of something he didn't chose, he has suffered greatly, he has been denied work and is now in his mid-30s and assuming he will end up dead before he finds a proper job over in burgerland.

I hate people, I hate them all for what they did to him, he is the sweetest, kindest and compassionate big fuck of a man, and normal people physically attacked him, denied him employment and made his life hell. I want to murder them, my blood boils at the thought of what he has suffered because of his autism.
I hope anyone who has ever harmed him dies.

that sucks, man. Is he getting disability checks? I've googled it and it seems like you can get that government pocket change if you've been diagnosed with autism. It's not enough to give you a dignified life or anything, but it should help a little bit

>annoying person, """neurotypical"""
<omg so fucking annoying
>annoying person, autist
<poor little smol bean :((((((((((((

He's applying for disability, but it's a long arduous process. I support him where I can, so does his mother and friends. I can't stand this, I can't stand thinking about the hardships he faced, due to his condition. I hate them anon, the people who attacked him as a child, the people who denied him employment the government officials who make his claim a nightmare. I hate them all and hope they die painfully. Fuck

May الله hear your plea and smite them

Now you know the plight of autistic kids.
As a HFA I can say that autism is a curse.
Even childhood leukemia patients have a better fate.
You can die gracefully at fifteen.
Autism is a sign that God has forsaken the human species.

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i wish i had somone who cares that much about me as OP cares about his bf


Maybe your boyfriend is just an asshole?

Stfu breedoid

It's probably a guy

Best post here, being annoying is the greatest transgression against society.

>massively into Wrestling


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We watched the Eddie Vs Ray Custody over Dominique match a few weeks back. I have never wanted to cling to someone more the that. I've offered to pay for drugs and the like but he refuses.

You'll find someone. I found him talking about belle weapons and he basically info dumped and I fell head over heels for him,

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>I've offered to pay for drugs and the like but he refuses.

May your enemies be smited in a horrific fashion

>I want to murder them, my blood boils at the thought of what he has suffered because of his autism.

Fucking mental people man

Denholm Reynholm.
He's what I wish I would be as an autistic adult male

OP is a gigachad regardless of gender.

Do not aspire to get with someone like OP.
Aspire to be like OP.


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