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/siberia/ - Off-topic

"No chin, no right to speak."
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File: 1736600753746-0.jpg (36.38 KB, 640x627, 1736592472988457.jpg)

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Some piccs are too short or empty to be posted in other threads. But that doesn't mean that they can't be good piccs. So post them here, those lonely piccs, and maybe if there's something wrong with them, we can fixx them.

yes, just dump your random ass stupid pics for laffs

File: 1736619132062-0.jpg (111.14 KB, 677x680, 1736618628555522.jpg)

File: 1736619132062-1.jpg (113.96 KB, 1290x1587, 1736616690083855.jpg)

File: 1736619472091.jpeg (306.91 KB, 1290x2841, bilenin.jpeg)

Is this Heterosexual Lighting?

File: 1736622335675-0.png (195.41 KB, 614x486, 1736619121666150.png)

File: 1736622335675-1.webm (3.11 MB, 720x1280, 1736620570531116.webm)

Is this the subhumans that Engels wanted to abolish?

File: 1736627943409.png (466.48 KB, 584x591, 1734918078389.png)

You seem kinda triggered my man

File: 1736631978137.jpeg (118.66 KB, 1115x1280, GgYGWHhXMAAqf4j.jpeg)

A mathematician will look at 1+1=2 and ask to show your work, meaning a whole thesis proving 1+1=2.

average thrembo denier's argument

Boy howdy do I fucking loathe both of them.

Future employees at Elsagate

I wish someone would love me despite me lacking any personality or will.

File: 1736634069071.png (466.48 KB, 584x591, 92d3c57da257bd71.png)

File: 1736634444025.png (283.03 KB, 649x505, pic.png)

>and maybe if there's something wrong with them, we can fixx them.
What's wrong about this pic is that there is no continuation of it.

File: 1736643463437-0.jpg (31.08 KB, 456x496, brony tattoo.JPG)

File: 1736643463437-1.png (353.56 KB, 1080x1080, job depression.png)

File: 1736647136664-0.png (187.98 KB, 512x512, 2453234523456.png)

File: 1736647136664-1.mp4 (13.48 MB, 1920x1080, 16800826067280.mp4)

File: 1736648860701.jpeg (120.79 KB, 649x505, shit.jpeg)

i fixed your pic

File: 1736654914397-1.jpg (174.93 KB, 884x972, 1736653670496011.jpg)

File: 1736658144167-1.jpg (52.31 KB, 663x751, 1701109356561.jpg)

File: 1736658144167-2.jpg (230.91 KB, 640x759, 1704320510388.jpg)

File: 1736658144167-3.jpg (38.13 KB, 500x500, 1705105331846.jpg)

File: 1736658144167-4.jpg (75.14 KB, 1079x1050, 1706715086546.jpg)

based on that feet chart i give myself the uygha word pass

File: 1736658885204.gif (1.88 MB, 374x280, 1734555349049.gif)

heh guess I'm greek, ev&doe I'm from latin america
can you grab things with your feet though?

File: 1736662082857.jpg (203.04 KB, 1326x1318, 1736662081322.jpg)

>can you grab things with your feet though?
NTA I was surprised when my dad told me he couldn't, me and my mom can.

File: 1736680336882.jpg (Spoiler Image,142.89 KB, 818x1229, 211788-lupe-fuentes-nude.jpg)


File: 1736682798373.jpg (186.42 KB, 1027x1439, 71WOubUw1uL._SL1439_.jpg)

tfw no allies

File: 1736683380661-0.jpg (27.58 KB, 429x714, 1736654630091058.jpg)

File: 1736683380661-1.png (42.97 KB, 687x239, 1736661309474103.png)

File: 1736684011872-1.jpg (81.32 KB, 600x800, 1736635789849943.jpg)

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File: 1736684011872-3.jpg (176.48 KB, 750x905, 1736615444480054.jpg)

File: 1736684233437.png (411.5 KB, 640x630, his pronouns.png)

File: 1736686582144.png (560.63 KB, 800x534, ClipboardImage.png)


maam this is the tanzanian embassy we didn't ask you anything yet

File: 1736687676468.png (107.61 KB, 300x168, ClipboardImage.png)

hitler got rejected from the vienna art school and became the patron saint of nazoids, what do you become if you got rejected from this school?

File: 1736687736653.png (1.74 MB, 1024x768, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1736799697616.png (839.48 KB, 1040x1378, 1736794740193280.png)

How many of the replies are bots though? Boomers get catfished by AI slop and millennials get catfished by fake boomer bots making it look like more of them are getting catfished by AI slop.

Did this guy have a meltdown on xitter a while ago

>How many of the replies are bots though?
The bots imitate boomer posters who can't tell the difference between AI, bots, and real people. My grandma is subscribed to every AI cat video/piccy facebook group there is and she interacts with this crap.

File: 1736860945935.jpg (792.4 KB, 4672x2232, 1736828876504810.jpg)

Is that a new variation of troll guy?

File: 1736869613226.jpg (220.21 KB, 1080x1577, No angel.jpg)

File: 1736869723806-0.jpg (512.69 KB, 750x748, Oppossum power.jpg)

File: 1736869723806-1.jpg (148.58 KB, 708x789, Godzilla gun.jpg)

i always got the feeling that him and krupskaya were both asexual revolutionaries and their marriage was for appearances

Bertrand Russel did it over the course of only 300 pages in Principia Mathematica

>how dare there exist an average looking happy couple in a long term relationship, I have to seethe about it. I bet she missed out on catching STDs from random gangbangers in club bathrooms

File: 1736870253128-0.png (285.89 KB, 595x669, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1736870253128-1.png (351.99 KB, 615x1167, 5d6.png)

File: 1736870253128-2.jpg (36.1 KB, 398x298, 5bvfcml1fsz81.jpg)

File: 1736870253128-4.jpeg (59.82 KB, 450x300, 5d4c816dcd41a.jpeg)

File: 1736870348792.png (316.88 KB, 640x613, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1736870521543-0.webp (263.48 KB, 640x518, 81dt5g8k2cn81.webp)

File: 1736870521543-1.jpeg (140.09 KB, 1002x752, 61c636d33fbf4.jpeg)

File: 1736870521543-2.png (567.69 KB, 640x770, 61e3t5608sh81.png)

File: 1736870521543-3.jpg (29.57 KB, 640x637, 64.jpg)

>opossum mage vs. flaming bone dragon
i want 2 play that vydia

>happy HR marriage with reddit wife
sechuan sauce, pickle rick

where did the black israelites get that ridiculous idea for that uniform

it looks like what disney would cook up for Aladdin or something

File: 1736884149126-0.jpg (72.2 KB, 675x844, 1736870696732431.jpg)

File: 1736884149126-1.jpg (161.71 KB, 1024x1024, 1736871433496209.jpg)

File: 1736884149126-2.jpg (207.25 KB, 1024x1024, 1736871382487662.jpg)

don't understand the hate towards them. yeah the idea of a couple summit is absurd but if it ain't broke don't fix it

nick fuentes


it is broke

What an absolute dogshit apartment building if they can hear the smoke detector beep from inside one unit.

File: 1736953429450.jpg (1.5 MB, 1600x1067, 1736892583271957 (1).jpg)


why is her coochie exposed like that? she's completely open to enemy fire. dumbass

File: 1736962563281.jpg (159.62 KB, 800x1371, 20241023_112233.jpg)

nice thread you got here

would be a shame if

I saged it

holy shit

File: 1736967907759.jpg (758.3 KB, 1520x2618, 20240921_121322.jpg)

File: 1737032126164-0.jpg (61.53 KB, 720x960, 1736997208433418.jpg)

File: 1737032126164-1.jpg (114.91 KB, 1179x1306, 1737021586386086.jpg)

File: 1737032126164-2.jpg (20.95 KB, 572x674, 1737001238290666.jpg)

File: 1737037562502.png (864.48 KB, 800x400, ClipboardImage.png)

found on a website that i guess used to be a leftwing graphics archive

File: 1737062360963.webp (166.79 KB, 1231x1514, img_7328.webp)

Unique IPs: 37

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