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"No chin, no right to speak."
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money and finance talk is incredibly gay (pejorative) I can't stand it

everytime I see some soyboy talking about hedging, alpha captures, premiums, """"risk"""" and other buzzwords it makes me gag violently

You have developed physical aversion towards wealth. Your body is sick and rejects richitude and embraces povertude. Not cool, dude. Just invest 100$ every month into a hedgefund and you'll be a millionaire in 20 years.

I thought it was $500

<How to get rich (by the time you're like 50):
>Earn a high salary (at least six figures)
>Live on 20-30% of it
>Save 10% in a HYSA
>Invest 50% in stocks, namely index funds
>Keep the remaining 10% in your checking account

The percentages vary depending on upcoming events, but it's literally too easy. You can't fuck it up if your eye-queue is above 110.

And I recognize that-unfortunately-most of you will be filtered by step 1. I'm deeply sorry.


1st step is enough to be rich

Until you are no longer able to work your job. Whether that means being fired, your position eliminated, or simply being tired of it.

being a guilty middle-classer is fucking stupid. just own up to it, just make sure to actually study class struggle instead of being a leftoid

If u can get 6 figures, you can surely get another job. If you get disabled and cannot do the job anymore, then it's shit luck. If the injury is work related you should grt something at least.

Why do you think you feel this way?

It takes way less time and money to get rich. You can use compounding interest calculator for this.

>doesn't realize most people don't earn 6 figures
You college people really are fucking retards.

Six figures meaning minimum $200k+. You can't live off of 30% of $100k.

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