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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Was browsing an obscure infosec online store and they were selling a pack with two old phones, each preinstalled with firmwares and roms all about the security. These were extremely popular flagship phones from 5 years ago.

Whats the benefit of buying a package like that and where could I get the software without buying the package?

I got one of these phones.


Propably for people working for a larger organization, I know the cops here figured out why a big drug distributor didn't have any contacts expect one when they stole his phone, he a separate one for every liutenant.



Interesting. This pack was 2 refurbished identical old phones, exact same model number. I can't find the site now but the phones were loaded with security software.

Where do I find out about this, don't say xda. Is there anywhere I'm likely to find an installable security focused rom like what they are selling?


>each preinstalled with firmwares and roms all about the security
If I wanted security I'd do this myself.


Dawg, I just post here. Not an expert on this sadly. I would personally start by looking at some r*ddit threads about security-focused roms and work from there all the way to obscure forums like usual.


Oh yeah and if the site has any more of this stuff look if they list any of the software they have and use them as keywords.



You're right of course. I've gone as far as I can go with that though. Pre built and compiled security and firmware roms exist for this phone. I've just hit a wall trying to find them. Been in this position for months.


Thanks anon. I've been doing that for months, no shit. It's like search engines don't work any more, even with complex search terms.

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