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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Why do physicists use Python so much and prefer it to most other languages? Is there something special about Python in physics/biology/science in general that makes it better for scientists?


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>Why do physicists use Python so much and prefer it to most other languages?
I thought that Julia was the script language that scientists liked the most.

>Is there something special about Python in physics/biology/science in general that makes it better for scientists?

Scientists probably care about special libraries with optimized code bits that make certain programming logic run faster.
Maybe Python has a lot of those ?

Maybe they like the syntax, although once you grasp the concepts behind it, that becomes less important.
It could just be one of the things that became de-facto standard because it was good enough when the community adopted it and now it's propelled by legacy and network effects, and the fact that other options don't offer enough advantages to justify the change.

I ask again, I've seen a lot of scientists use Julia tho, so are you sure it's python ?


I think Julia is slightly newer so maybe it hasn't caught on 100% yet


it’s a standard and it has a pretty no-nonsense functional math library


it's an easy language to pick-up, has good compatibility with C and has a fuckton of math/modeling libraries.


Reminds me of another language



cool but we're talking about shit that actually is commonly used. Alot of things COULD be used


Scientists typically aren't as comfortable hopping between languages as professional programmers are. Python is targeting novices, and it's been around long enough that it has s lot of useful packages available made by and for scientists. There are other languages targeting scientists, of course, but python has momentum.


lua doesnt have enough functionality, a lot of shit is contained in non standard libraries which makes it great to have a small compiler/interpreter to embed it in larger programs, but bad for general purpose programming.


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It's cause of libraries like numpy pandas and scipy which are implemented in C that let you process humongous amount of data and do simulations quickly even in a scripting language


I agree OP. These heathens should be using Common Lisp and emacs because that's what reddit and lainchan use, or Julia because Paul Cockshott uses it. If Paul Cockshott uses Julia, that means Julia is communist, and that would mean real communists would use Julia. How dare she use a language for its shorter learning curve and massive library ecosystem.


bro it was just a question chill 💀


python is for noobs and its good for processing data
i like python btw


look at this dude lmao

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