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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Why does software gets slower and slower despite hardware getting faster and faster?


Latency issues connecting to the NSA data centers.


corporate bloat creating the illusion of progress in the software industry by slapping several gb of libraries and scripts on a pile of shit to make it look pretty, attract investment and extract surplus value


You answered it yourself: Software is getting slower because hardware is getting faster. We're also becoming poorer, so we don't get access to the new hardware that can easily run the new software.


Use lighter software most of the big bloat software is corpo stuff that you shouldn't use anyway.


This only applies to web browsers of which there are no alternatives because web standards are a fuck.


What about stuff like Android?


Why don't programmers just make slow software fast?


It's more fun to drive slow software fast than drive fast software slow


slightly strawmanny vid but has truth


not gonna waste 22 minutes on some game"dev"


It's not like you're coding anyway, so that's a useless spook.


From what I got skimming it, he argues clean code makes it harder for compilers to fully understand what you are trying to do thus won't make as efficient machine code from it.


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his point is that some abstractions that trade performance for maintainability are not worth it
that thought alone is rather worthless, but the video, although it doesn't addresses it explicitly, points to a more important question:

>are our tools smart enough that we can write high-level code and expect the end product to be good?

they obviously aren't but the materials conditions are so, that producing and adopting better software isn't economically viable

>does this mean that we have reached a point where capitalism is obstructing the development of the means of production?



One day the dream of a sufficiently smart compiler will finally come true. Until then, do programmers actually care about what a compiler can optimize and what it cannot? For example I know of this and it sounds awesome but I wonder why it does not seem to be adopted anywhere else: https://docs.racket-lang.org/optimization-coach/index.html?q=compiler

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