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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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I see a lot of talk about how Russia n China could shit on the west with hypersonic missiles. which is cool af but I also don't know if thats even true or what a hypersonic missile even is(I assume it goes faster than sound?). Are they a big deal? I really do hope the hype lives up this time
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The funniest thing about this missile is that by making it an external mount for the F-35 (because it's probably too large for internal mounting, or if not, will only fit one such missile) it completely negates the F-35's stealth, because of just how much pylons fuck with that.


Why would it be any harder for a faster missile to correct course? It still takes 1 second for it to travel the distance it travels in 1 second. If anything it means you can make smaller adjustments because the extra distance you are moving per second will magnify how much that changes your final destination. Potentially it would be harder to calculate corrections on the fly, but given the payload these things carry that shouldn't be that big of a deal.


Checked for another F-35 'L' moment

>Says this
>Posts a MiG-25 and Belenko's defection
What did he mean by this?


>This is cope. It is impossible to stop a nuclear warhead once fired, because not only do you have to hit tens of thousands of decoys
Don't exaggerate, at most a couple thousand, see >>3401
>Hypersonics are a fucking meme unless you're fighting an asymmetrical war against a target unwilling to open pandora's nuke box.
Its a weapon that both helps guarantee MAD in terms of a retaliatory strike and as a conventional missile capable of hitting well defended targets.

NTA but
>The plasma blackout that >>2817 is talking about also prevents the missile from receiving incoming communications
Is incorrect. Plasma makes it HARDER to receive or send signals but not impossible. Furthermore, the plasma effect also masks the missile from RADAR, meaning that the missile will be hard to target, let alone actually intercept, as demonstrated when Patriot missiles failed to shoot down Kinzhal's and got taken out by them.


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China has demonstrated its Aero-Ballistic hypersonic missile. It is obviously a copy of the Russian Kinzhal.


 No.1345[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What can we learn from the Russian invasion of Ukraine and this example of relatively modern warfare? Strategy, tactics, operations, geopolitical responses, information warfare, civilian pov and response. Anything related. Not the thread to talk about "who is in the right".
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>One 155mm M107 shell weighs about 38 kg of steel and 7 kg of TNT.
Yes and where are you going to get the TNT and Steel? How much is available. Steel used for shells is different than steel used for civilian production, the composition, the methods, etc. That's a lot of infrastructure to restore or replace and civilian production lacks military capability, unlike Russia, where many civilian Soviet factories were constructed SPECIFICALLY to double as military production lines in times of war (For example Russian cigarette production facilities from the USSR, were made that they could be easily converted to making ammunition for infantry weapons).


Excellent news everybody!
With the advent of drone warfare, machine shotguns are definitely no longer a categorical war crime.

Quantity has a quality all of its own.


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Russian EW has made the GPS guided Excalibur shell similarly lose efficiency. Krasnopol wins again!



Not only has Russian air defense successfully been intercepting ATACMs barrages, targeting Crimea, but their counter-battery fire has taken out HIMARS systems in return.



A /k/ope I've seen online about American tech being lost in Ukraine is that "it's not the most modern/an export version" which is kind of a cop-out given that they dismiss the same argument relative to Soviet tanks in the Middle East. While this can maybe apply to the M1A1SA, this really does not apply to the Bradley's. The M2A2ODS, while not the most modern is still a version from the late 90s-early 2000s that was used in the 2nd Gulf War, and which does not significantly have protective differences to current M2A3 and M2A4 Bradleys of the US Army, despite what is claimed. More importantly Russian troops captured an M3A3 CFV, a recon version of the Bradley that is the second most modern modification, with the M3A4 only coming into service 4 years ago.



Hello comrades I'm a transwoman who owns a Bersa in 380 (pic rel) that I purchased in more prosperous times. Is it suitable for home defense? I live in a pretty crap apartment and am concerned about over penetration and efficacy. I don't have much money for another option. Please advise.

TLDR trans femme comrade needs caliber advice



A crossbow would be better, but that seem like it'd work fine.


1. A gun you have is better than one you don't.
2. A gun you are adept at using is better than one you just have.
yeah sure that's fine.
>concerned about over penetration and efficacy
looks like you got hollow points which reduces penetration and increases tissue damage. don't waste those on practice shooting though, just get some cheap boolets designated for target shooting.


It'll kill people for sure if that's what you're wondering. Cheap ammo and easy to carry as well.


define "suitable". will a .380 kill a man? yes. is it wise to shoot indoors? no, few guns are. hollowpoints are safer though
find a good range and practice. get some click rounds (not sure what the term is in English but blank rounds you can fire without damaging the firing pin) and practice loading, unloading, safing, unsafing and handling it in general


Since tank warfare is a hot topic right now I'll drop some good tank vids.

First vid is a long one covering American tanker school.
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One of these tanks has been recovered from the frontlines after Russia shifted the front-line forward. The damaged American M1A1 Abrams tank is a unit from "Magura" the 47th Mechanized Infantry Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (47-й ОМБр ВСУ) near Berdychi.



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The T-55 gets slept on a lot because its so old by now and obviously not up to modern MBT standards. I think people forget just how groundbreakingly scary this tank was when it was introduced. Even in the T-54 variant that lacked CBRN protection and stabilizers, it was a formidable weapon capable of penetrating almost every Western tank at ranges far exceeding their own and having frontal armor specifically designed to be basically immune to 88mm Pak-43 guns even at close range, which meant that the 90mm tank guns of the Patton tanks and any caliber below it was useless. It's why the 105mm gun was introduced. That's just the T-54. The T-55 CBRN defended, had gun stabilizers and so on, and this is in spite of the fact that the T-55 is a Medium tank, not an Main Battle Tank. So it punched above its weight.

Even if it is no longer capable as a front-line tank, it still retains the roles of a tank, capable of smoking any other armored vehicle frontally and even being able to penetrate a more modern tank from the side with an ambush, as Iraqi export models did to American tanks. The 100mm gun has decent HE-Frag ammunition and it's high velocity means it has good range with it. The sturdy platform also makes it excellent for being a platform for just about anything else such as autocannon mounts.

The T-55M modifications in the 70s also boosted the protection and sight-systems of these tanks, resulting in a fairly well protected artillery vehicle. They're used as secondary attack forces by both sides, such as recently at Rabotyno

To this end, despite mockery in the media, even the Ukrainians are well aware of how useful it really is. It's why they accepted the M-55S and were trying to make modernizations of the T-55 prior to the war like the T-55ABM



The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in the USA has developed a new autonomous tank called the RHP as part of its RACER program. This tank can travel at speeds up to 50 km/h through challenging terrains without human assistance. DARPA aims for it to support a fleet of smaller autonomous robots in military operations. The tank features intimidating green lights, but their main function is to indicate its self-driving mode. While the RHP is impressive, the final product is still in development.


The research into disabling autonomous vehicles like this has been done years ago, probably by the same companies that create them. Things like hyper-sticky wire or chain nets would jam the tracks.


-Personal Armour
-Vehicle Armour
-Structural armour

Instructions, specifications, theory.
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Against the common shitty hollow points used by random cops, yeah possibly, especially when they don't hit it in the middle.
Against the average militarized units, absolutely not, but it might make it safer to lob grenades around still.


See >>2099
But since I know (You) won't listen - How To Make AMAZING Body Armor For $30?! on youtube. Guy uses fiberglass resin to create a fairly durable Level III plate.

sage for potential glowies


Anyone have these old 'future' military stuff? I remember there being a site for it, but it's gone or something.



The Russian special forces titanium helmet, yes.

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i’m from >>>/pol/. my assumption would be AK larps, but i am genuinely intrigued.
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two bolt actions rifles for hunting, a side-by-side, a combination gun and a 10/22. might replace the rifles with a semi-automatic like the SFAR in the future because the Mauser M96 action isn't the most secure and because 7.62 NATO is more standard


this information seems useful for updating the Glowiepedia article on Soviet gun laws: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_control_in_the_Soviet_Union


Don't bother. I tried and it was scrubbed from the site - it's glowiepedia for a reason. It would be better to make a proper leftypedia article on it. I have more information on the subject, so I'll form a more coherent document to use at a later time.


so i shall wait.


idea: writing well-sourced articles on leftypedia then copy-pasting them to wikipedia, especially for abandoned stub articles. if they stick they stick. if they don't, then at least we have them on leftypedia


Want a gun but its impossible to get a gun license in your country? Buy a repeating crossbow. These things will nail the target in a wall behind them.

<Tactical Repeating Crossbow – Maybe this is the biggest innovation in the crossbow market ever – this weapon changes everything.

<The 7.5 inch arrows (or bolts) have screwed-on field points and reach a proud 30 joules at 130 pounds tensile weight. The arrow speed is approximately 78 m/s (256 fps), which makes the Adder accurate even at distances up to 50 meters (55 yards). In our tests, the standard field tips penetrated through several layers of clothing and a thick layer of ballistic gel, then perforated a coconut poured into the gel block. By using the special High-Penetration Bodkin tips, which have razor-sharp edges, this penetration power can be further increased.

<The removable tactical rear stock is adjustable. The weapon can also be used without the rear stock, which makes it even more compact if required. The all-metal red dot visor supplied with the weapon can be adjusted vertically and horizontally.

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>Dehumanizing the enemy is good lol
No anon. I have no sympathy for Porky but to say this shit is equivalent to those /pol/fags that cite that Polish Nazi about "I've never killed people, only communists"
Socialists seek to rise above their ideological enemies and not stoop to their level, that is a path to fascism and Populism. Even in WW2 and the height of the Cold War, the Soviet government never damned the people under fascist regime, but the fascists themselves, it's why Nazi and CIA propaganda tried so hard to propagate the image of "sub-human Easterners coming to rape and pillage!"
Mao, Stalin and Che among others talked about this.


50J starts being enough for hunting the kind of small game you can with a .22, from a legal perspective (rabbits, pigeons etc). but because the bolts are so heavy, I expect it might also work for things as big as roe deer. an added benefit of crossbows is that they're silent
he should make one with a motor for cocking


also I recently learned that in Finland trappers would hunt squirrels using blunt bolts so as to not damage their fur. the name for money in Finnish also stems from the name for squirrels



its regulated as any gun here and you also need to be apart of registered hunting club

 No.3080[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Navy thread
Thread for all naval, maritime, ship, submarine & water craft discussion, seas, oceans, lakes, rivers & other bodies of water. Soviet & American shipping alike is welcome, as are civilian vessels. Video & images encouraged. Ekranoplanes & other marine aircraft also count.

Russian / USSR Naval sites: https://flot.com/

US / Western Navy sites (consume with copious amounts of table salt): https://www.naval-technology.com/

P.S. Be civil on this Polynesian raft-roping forum.
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That's just a slightly upgraded M4! I want my fish gun!


>>4856 >>4859 >>4857 >>4858
As OP This belongs in the AR thread.
That being said: the Marines' replacement is just a modern H&K, not significantly different. The XM-8 and others looked cool, but it has severe overheating issues when firing and it doesn't appear to be very modular, meaning any jamming or need to clean the weapon is going to be problematic. Electronic sights are also pretty temperamental at the moment.


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An article on the (re)formation of the Dnepr Flotilla. The USSR had some pretty rad Mad Max type river gun-boats, I've got to make a post about it sometime.




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The Russian Navy is slowly modernizing its fleet of Oscar and Oscar II class submarines into the Project-949AM standard. The modernization replaces some electronics, overhauls the structure and most importantly re-arms the submarine with newer cruise missiles such as the hypersonic Zirkon. Most importantly it also raises the number of such missiles carried to 72 per vessel, meaning that a single Oscar-III (presumed new NATO name) would be powerful enough to rain hell on an entire Carrier Taskforce and now, also have the capability to singlehandedly launch a massive barrage on a land target, all while under-water, which means that counter-measures will have a much harder time taking it out and countering the suddenly appearing missiles, as their lack of time in the air (by comparison to surface or air-launched versions) means they're on RADAR for much less.

So far one has been completed, another is in the process and the plan is to make at least 6 of these, with the possibility of decommissioned ones also being put back into service. Pic rel is the Oscar-II which is already a formidable SSGN in its own right.



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Thread to talk about drone warfare in general.

There are many ways drones can be used but I would like to talk about their potential use in protests and riots in the west.

In my experience something that is sorely lacking in protests going wild is intelligence about police postions, while the bad guys usually have a QG with plenty of operators gathering and distributing intelligence to police officers trough cameras, helicopters and, you guessed it, drones.

So, what's keeping us from using drones? Those for kids which are 50 bucks on amazon could do the trick, it would take a team of two, one pilot and one operative relaying intel trough a phone or a radio to someone in the front of the protest.

I know there are anti drone weapons, but they don't work that well and these aren't well established yet. In case of capture though it's good to prevent or render difficult a trace, so it would be smart to buy those drones trough proxies and false adresses, and scratch whatever number they have on them.
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A new super-low drone detecting RADAR was released in Russia, we'll see how effective it'll be. Paired with specialized anti-drone MANPADS could make this a viable defense, comparable to current infantry anti-air against helicopters and CAS attack aircraft.


To add on, while this is true, it's not a permanent measure, as drones are developing rapidly, so Helicopters will probably need to adapt with specialized anti-drone weapons or attack measures, as well as defenses.


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The Mini-gun armed Mojave drone has been successfully tested in CAS trials recently. It kinda reminded me of the Hunter-Killer drones from Terminator (yes that's been brought up before ITT, it's relevant given the advent of AI). The drone aspect is the only new part of this, despite the hype about the Mini-gun equipped DAP-6 system, it's not new either. The USA had such mini-gun pods on UH-1 attack modifications in Vietnam and the USSR had special pods for the Mi-24 and for attack aircraft that had THREE rotary-barrel machine-guns.





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A drone mounted flame-thrower… looks like something out of a B-grade sci-fi movie about machines taking over.



An analysis of the X-62A and how it's still far from true AI vs Human combat (simulation). The AI is essentially using existing commands for the basis of its responses and actions, which means its reactive and not creative.



An analysis of ground-based drones in future conflicts, in light of the fight in Berdychi.


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 No.222[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Meme thread for /AK/
Post memes, stories, funny shit and /k/ screencaps.
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File version

Full shell for pic 1


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you vs the cartridge she tells you not to worry about


>Embedding error.
File Version here

Also just realized the OP I made 3 years ago has 222 GETS… for a MEME thread lol


Also similar vibe.
>Self-defense: Point-blank Shot Dodge + Submission

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