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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.742065[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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>Are you really gonna continue this charade?
yes (pic related). i take it u hve given up and realize u shouldn't post retarded comments to put ppl down. good job.
>Does "w" mean why. The standard way to shorten that is "y" and there is a reason for that.
no is short for "win" as in "[to] win [is the act of] reading"


Thank you for the support (and your past service!).
Feel free to hop on matrix if you want

 No.1574396[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Leftypedia lived - Leftypedia lives - Leftypedia will live!

Greetings, comrades. Leftypedia, the radical encyclopedia, should be back in a usable state. We have more moderators, which will help with spam from now on, and images are slowly being repopulated for your viewing pleasure. The new domain has been up and running for a while at https://wiki.leftypol.org, and we've imported the vast majority of content that was on the old site while adding a lot of new stuff. I hope that Anons can come back and fill in any content that was lost.

For those unaware, Leftypedia is an original /leftypol/ project dedicated to combating the disinformation of mainstream media and academic sources, as well as discussing leftist history, theory, and practice from a multi-sectarian viewpoint. We welcome additions from different leftist perspectives provided that they are properly sourced and well argued. In addition, we maintain a separate space, tentatively titled "Essays", for more subjective or polemic work.

The original thread is here: >>>/edu/3780
You can find Leftypedia at: https://wiki.leftypol.org
Help for new editors: https://wiki.leftypol.org/wiki/Leftypedia:Community_portal
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RedParabola is a new user who's been making great contributions to the site's general look, including the front page and the Vector skin itself, as well as finally implementing a Featured Page functionality. We hope to keep customizing the way the site works and looks and are open to feedback. Thanks also to the Devs for their help in making this possible


Thanks mate, we appreciate the work

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 No.1842286[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Down with imperialism, down with capitalism, down with zionism. The protests are spreading beyond the US. Don't let up the pressure, make sure to strike when the iron is hot.
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>It's not irrelevant to the global proletariat.
It is, I'm afraid



Why does it surprise you that they protected the murderous fascist from left wingers? This is literally their entire ideology.


marxs immiseration thesis only states that wage growth decreases RELATIVE to the total output of the economy, which any lib screeching about stagnant wages should agree with? the living standard of the working class may rise but since productivity tends to increase all the more, the workers from the point of view of their situation as a class, in relation to total wealth, are actually becoming worse off

engels and he described absolute immiseration in the manifesto but the relative immiseration thesis was part of capital and im gonna hold that one over the other as it was written later

relative immiseration makes complete sense to me and is what has been happening these centuries

remember when cops shamelessly protected maga clowns?


This is going to happen with other schools. More evidence that these protest tactics the students are using WORK and anyone who tries to convince you they are useless or counterproductive is effectively a police propagandist, even if they don't realize it.


I'm gonna delete that because I was having a rerarded moment and I meant… oh what's the word for those reactionary regressives…

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 No.805130[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

🗽United States Politics🦅

Absolute State of America Edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth.


State mandated propaganda livestreams:
CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
Bloomberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp8PhLsUcFEegalitarianism
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>Police respond to mental breakdown


>why do i have to choose between wolves and burger
Cause this is America. Everything comes down thing or a burger


Because they don't and haven't since the early 20th century. It was very particular to Europe and Britain in particular, and didn't even map on to how everyone else saw social class and the institutions. There was never really an American "bourgeoisie" just as there wasn't an American "proletariat". Cheap land and slavery made a very different environment and incentives for the people here.

The ruling power today isn't rooted in the cities or industry, and in many ways it never was. Finance, corporate government, imperial intrigues, occultism, all figured into the British construct. The bourgeoisie was the overt "base" that was detected - or placed atop an understanding many already had about what ruled over them, in which many things would be conflated and conveniently omitted. The proletariat was politically outside of the system, and all throughout capitalism, the bourgeoisie and rulers were openly democidal towards the workers. The proletarian never had any leverage of their own - their labor could be sorted and segregated, and the dim hope of a proletarian was to "make it" by the social mobility that did exist, which wasn't about working hard or earning anything. So far as it had relevance, it explained the thing the worker was trying to join - the societies of the city attached with empire - and how to fuck with institutions.

I don't see it as a failing of Marx so much as it's a failing of people who really don't have political sense, and got so used to lying that they don't know anything else.


The idea that revolution would happen at all had fallen on hard times. Republics don't leave an opening where there is a vacancy to be filled, and this is why the socialists gave up on the idea that there would ever be a revolution in the capitalist world. The people who would be pissed off about their taxes are already ruling and would vote themselves unlimited money if they had to, and that's exactly what they did in the 1930s.

Besides, are you going to wage a revolution against something that will exterminate 90% of humanity simply because they find poor people unsightly? Revolution was closed off for good when the world wars were allowed to happen without ending in a decisive victory against this beast.

Maybe some day humanity will say what this was. There are people saying exactly what it is now, but the dominant ideas are to keep lying until they get the world they want. They're not going to like the result, but they don't listen to us.


>only 1.2 Million
thats like a house and 8 years of living expenses in burgerland

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 No.1836100[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨

• Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/3/8/israels-war-on-gaza-live-60000-pregnant-women-face-malnutrition-in-gaza

• Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

• The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

• Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-march-09-2024/ (trigger warning)

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have they started bombing rafah?


Rafah has been being bombed for months anon…


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actually, anarKKKists have been fighting alongside the nazis on the front lines the entire time.

here they are proudly holding the flag of their fellow fascists, the Belarusian Central Council, a nazi collaborator organization who was responsible for most of the anti-partisan warfare in Belarus (read: mass murder) until they were broken along with the UPA (who also, not at all ironically, i should add, uses the red black flag of anarKKKists) by the First Ukrainian Partisan Division named after Sidor Kovpak.

then as now, bandits stick together. the only difference between an anarKKKist and a nazi is courage, a nazi will show their face, while an anarKKKist has to hide behind their masks. at the end of the rope, it's all the same, and that's the only place either of them belongs.


Why should one care, Bordiga?

 No.1841747[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

So you think you are a worthless NEET? Let's see what uncle Ted has to say:
>The people whose behavior is fairly well under the control of the system are those of the type that might be called “bourgeois.” But there are growing numbers of people who in one way or another are rebels against the system: welfare leeches, youth gangs, cultists, satanists, Nazis, radical environmentalists, militia-men, etc.

NEETs are rebelling against the system! We are part of the rebellion! Ted is based!!!
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They literally just use the word anarchy for the military chic. There were nazis not too long ago who used the Antifaschistische Aktion logo called Autonome Nationalisten.


fuck off retard, not every book is worth reading (arguably most arent)


bored college students love their useless philosophizing


you wound me

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The Muslim brotherhood are coming back aren't they? El sissy destroyed the country and every year he leaves fewer options than revolution.
The Muslim brotherhood are strengthened by the sheer fact that their constituents have tripled in number since 2013, because they breed like rabbits and they're the only ones willing to defend Palestine. Also they're effectively organized like a Leninist party and their persecution by the hands of the government gives them more legitimacy
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What's done is done anon.


Either that or something worse will emerge.


You're ignoring that a significant part of would be mb members are in cahoots with the military right now. The entire administration of Al Azhar would switch sides the moment the military collapses.


Lmao that was in 2015.
They've moved passed that and have restructured.
They've gone through an ideological shift. The latest strategy by hamas is proof of that .
Even in 2013, when the brotherhood was in power during the Syrian revolution they had reinstated diplomatic ties with Iran



>99% of reservists are civilians who hate the army and will defect if given a chance lmao
Just like they did last time?

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For example Franjo Tuđman was a Yugoslav Partisan during WW2 that fought against the Nazis and collaborators and was a communist most of his life. Him like many others embraced Nationalism in the 80s/90s and committed the same atrocities he fought against.
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A lot of them were always nationalists first. Yugoslavia was a pan-national state so all of these guys remained loyal to their individual republics.


I think Mobo Gao provides a useful framework for thinking about this. Though he's talking about the Chinese context it could just as easily apply to Party bureaucrats of 1980s/90s Europe:
>Deng Xiaoping and many like him were not really Marxists but basically revolutionary nationalists who wanted to see China standing on equal terms with the great global powers. They were primarily nationalists and they participated in the Communist revolution because that was the only viable route they could find to Chinese nationalism. The two themes of nationalism and class struggle worked together well before 1949 (Dong 2006). But after 1949, the two themes could not fit together so well. For Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping class struggle was more a means to an end of achieving national unity and dignity. Once that goal had been accomplished the class struggle theme of the Marxist paradigm became irrelevant and the class struggle of the Maoist paradigm was seen as disastrously erroneous. The theme of national unity meant that political control had to remain tight, or democratic reform would lead to national disintegration. The theme of national dignity meant that China’s economy needed to catch up with that of the West. Therefore, to embrace market capitalism was a natural course of action for them.
These people didn't become nationalists after the destruction of their respective states and parties. They already were, and their membership in the party was tolerated to a point thanks to a limited alignment of interests and (particularly in Europe) the continuing right-opportunist degeneration of Marxist-Leninist parties. This degeneration promoted a mentality towards economic construction which easily aligned with nationalist politics and mindless "pragmatism" over internationalism. This trend continued to advance until it reached a breaking point in the Soviets, where the mindless "pragmatists" and opportunists like Gorbachev (who despite their revisionism had some degree of attachment to the Party) could no longer find unity with nationalists like Yeltsin. In that moment the liquidation of the Communist Party was inevitable, with the nationalists having no need for it and the opportunists no longer having any kind of real organizing basis within the masses that could maintain their grip on power. And so the Party was not oPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


> In my country most members of the current ruling party were dirt poor peasants who were only able to get a university degree because of communism, later joining the party. They or their parents saw their social status skyrocket and today they are all hysterical anti-communists.
> In my country most members of the current ruling party were dirt poor peasants who were only able to get a university degree because of communism, later joining the party. They or their parents saw their social status skyrocket and today they are all hysterical anti-communists.
Kicking the ladder. There needs to be an analyses on these types and a consensus on how to deal with them (preferably with intense violence in our roblox servers)


stalinoids started doing united frontism in the 30s amd 40s. lots of post-ww2 marxist-leninist governments were formed of bourgeois nationalists who had gone with the flow after soviet occupation. as for yugoslavia, many nationalists joined communist partisans because of the whole being occupied by german nazis thing, then dropped the act once the old partisan leader tito died


Tito was the professional tard wrangler, once he died it was over.

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 No.941093[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A thread focused on discussing the parasocial relationships cultivated by the Almighty Algorithm to generate profit off of our atomization and society's commodification of petty internet drama.
Brace through the hyper-real lacanian void together with the Leftypol Twitter account:

Reminder That None of This Is Real!
ɢʀᴀʙ ᴀ ᴘᴀɪʀ ᴏꜰ sᴘᴇᴄᴛᴀᴄʟᴇs


>The Society of the Spectacle (1967) by Guy Debord
📖 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/debord/society.htm
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0blWjssVoUQ

<The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1936) by Walter Benjamin

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>buy game on steam
>game requires PSN account
>creating PSN account requires you to use "trusted" email domains like gmail/outlook
>creating a gmail/outlook account requires phone verification
>to buy a sim card you need to show ID


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Petitions online be like:


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I hate rightoids so much.


watch all the breatubers and streamers who have been decrying the decline of twitter for years still stay on the site


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some fashoid eceleb is posting like he's literally about to kill himself

 No.1792730[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>Says Capitalism has created intolerable poverty and immiseration for the masses
>Blames Capitalism for the climate crisis instead of coping with the Book of Revelation
>Orchestrates meeting of both Christian socialists and actual atheist Marxists and anarchists to discuss society's contemporary issues
>Chastises US imperialism
>Chastises Israel
>Says gays are okay and can get married
>Tells Zelensky to quit coping and put his people first by surrendering
Tf is with the current Pope? Does he know he's gonna die soon or something?
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Didn't know marraige was a one way relation like that.


>supporting religious and bourg notions of legal contract monogamy
>crying about non forthcoming blessings and approvals from priests
Liberals. Lmao.


>critical support for vatican
Chad having harem of voluntary women is eugenic-leninist?


I was talking about marriage in general. In the specifically Catholic case I agree with that portrayal of the Church's perspective. These days, with little potential for property ownership and no particular individual responsibility to reproduce the species (on average, other people take care of that), there isn't much point.
But, if there is an arc over history in the form of a law of human social development, the study of marriage as we don't know it today might help reveal it.

It really depends on the expectations that you have set for the relationship. Under present material conditions in the industrialized countries, there isn't any particular reason for a relationship with a single breadwinner role to necessarily seat a man in that role. And women do have more power in interpersonal relationships, in part because girls, especially but not only of the upper and middle strata, are being raised to assume leadership roles, but also in part because they can participate in the bulk of possible economic activities on approximately equal terms to men, which makes the ideal genders less dependent on one another, and relationships less binding and "serious". Some people find that tragic; others do a materialism and make history with what they got. The increasing intensity of labor power exploitation may find its social correlate in the intensity of relationships, which is something opinion writers have observed and I have seen in my travels, and that seems likely to carry over into lower phase anarchists may skip this step and possibly, with amendments, through into the higher phase.
For now, as the mode of personality shifts "from status to contract", consent culture provides one set of tools by which individuals can negotiate and renegotiate the nature and conditions of their own relations just as they have a mind; importantly, through the act of deliberate negotiation, people also debug their own desires and locate self-contradictions so they can be handled productively. The better the real sexual vanguard (not scenesters) design these relations, live them, and propagate them, the less likely that tragic flaws will make personal relationship forms and mores more noxious than is necessary.


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Atheism is a safe bet on the long run. Religious people are struggling against reality with their fantasy stories. There is no need for some kind of religious communism in 21th century.

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