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Technically, it is counted as graphical art and has created some innovative hits, as demonstrated by this content from the Russian TikToker and Youtube maker DFB.
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I still don't get why they're doing that. They also ended all official large scale updates as far as I know, with only community updates being made to prevent bots. It's a damn shame. Half-Life 3 tier bullshit.


>Pencilmen robot slaughters a village because it cannot discern actual human beings from a living toilet with an uncannily grimacing human face
What did DOM Studios mean by this? Biting social commentary on AI racial bias? Or just an unnecessarily edgy plot twist to turn the Alliance into the bad guys of the series?


>last TheParryGod vid was a year ago
Feels like forever for some reason. I really love his smooth animation and camerawork, knocks many big budget CGI movies down a peg.


Weren't the comics a substitute for the cartoon that never was? And it also got intentionally put on hold. Fucking Valve.


Skib 73 is complete. One of toughest and violent fights in the series so far, even if it is not as impactful as Ep. 70.
Camera and Speaker titans get knocked out in the battle, but GMan gets badly mutilated by them and loses almost all his new equipment before using his shield projector to escape TV Titan trying to finish him off. Camerawoman loses her right arm while observing the fight, but is alive.

 No.15074[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

PV for the adaptation is finally out.
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I am fairly sure I remember it was at some point explicitly stated that the authorities are censoring Devil incidents in order to keep their power in check.


Communism that doesn't include devils is revisionist and counterrevolutionary.


Communism that doesn't include devils is revisionist and counterrevolutionary.


I think Fujimoto is trying to comment on the tendency of people ignoring their problems. It doesn’t exactly seem like the whole censorship thing is actually helping, 7 out of 20 people die due to devil attacks. Ignoring shit doesn’t actually help, people are just keeping their emotions and true feeling hidden. And the death devils seems to be coming whether or not the censorship stays.


Somehow of all the deranged things the past few chapters have thrown at me, the panels of Famine just clamly gorging herself on any food she can find with her bare hands is somehow the most deviant thing in there. Real David Lynch shit

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Is it the best Shonen?
I like to think so. What are your opinions about HxH and Shone in General
88 posts and 25 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I disagree. Anime fucks up the tone for all arcs before Greed Island. Chimera Ants narration is better in written form.


>Is (HxH) the best Shonen?
>What are your opinions about HxH and Shone in General
HxH feels too much like a video-game later on in the series and it jumps the shark a bit too much for my taste.
Shonen is fun but it's hard to do a good shonen that isn't low-brow schlock, and in general the genre gets a bad rep from pseudo-intellectual retards.


Although I don't like HxH for several aspects, its still a series from the Big Three generation, and anime/manga of that era tended to give more detail and explanation and complexity to their lore and fighting; Naruto, Bleach and One Piece have a ton of such examples. The fact that Quirks in BnHA are waved aside sa genetic mutations means it rarely happens and often doesn't make sense from a biological perspective; like Bakugou's ability to produce nitroglycerin because of his mom's quirk evolving into his makes sense and has explanation that could feasibly make sense, but how the fuck do we get characters like Cementoss? The man is a living block of cement FFS.


wake up, togashi posting new pages


wake me up when he finishes a chapter.

 No.23154[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Why do people constantly call the saga of Tanya Mangaka a communist? just stumbled upon the guy's feed and it's full of boomer takes, SDF shilling(this is the complete antithesis of the JCP), and anti-communist retweets.

On top of that, Riyoko Ikeda(The Rose of Versailles) who was a member of the Japanese communist party in her youth is now doing interviews with LDP and butt buddies with a senior member. The Riyoko one is far more shocking than the nazi anime girl
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Okay yeah she does sound legit self-hating & not just a garden variety radfem; nevermind. I try to at least give people the benefit of the doubt that they're not self-destructive!


This is more surprising than >>24530
Angry gays being transphobic about trans folk encroaching on their space isnt shocking especially if you hang around BL circles. Always a new daily callout post for some transphobe artist there


>I don't imagine it's as freedom-loving as we are told
Idk how you read it and don't realize it's both-sideing the fictional conflict. One of the reporters who gets jailed for talking shit about the country is seen fabricating evidence like making kids dive into a dumpster to show that everyone is poor and starving.


It's funny when intersectionalist liberals are shocked time and time again whenever petit-bourgeois "minorities" are reactionary, which is like all the time. Almost like class matters more.


That reporter is described as believing everything that he reports though

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 No.845[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This is a red-blooded Soviet mech. Say something nice about it!
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There's a channel that does 2D Metal Gear animations that are pretty damn metal: https://www.youtube.com/@MitchellHammond


That's a very cool ninja turtle. Which one is it? Donatello? I can't tell…




>amuro: demsoc
>bright: trot
>char: maoism
>sayla: ML
>kai: post-left
>kamille: syndie
>judau: ancom
>shiro: anarcho-pacifist
>kou: "apolitical" vaguely-shitlib centrist
>seabook: too poorly characterized to get a read on
>banagher: shitlib


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ACAB except these folks. They seem fine.

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but it won't be great without a banger mecha anime and something really gar.
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why did netflix switch from releasing Dungeon Meshi every week to dumping episodes? it's way better to pace it out for enjoyment and discussion. who wants to binge a season before they can talk about it with anyone?


I know people who refuse to watch shit if they can’t binge it. They are obsessed with watching shorter stuff and complain when there is “too many” episodes. Capitalism has absolutely destroyed peoples ability to enjoy art we are encouraged to optimise/maximise our consumerism and this has lead to people binge watching slop trying to consume as much as possible.


>I know people who refuse to watch shit if they can’t binge it.
Amateurs. There's nothing you can't binge. Nothing. Such thing does not exist. If there are "too many episodes" you simply slice them into large chunks and watch them like that. I fully complete anime series that way. Oh, wait, they want Netflix to make these chunks for them? As I said, amateurs.


brb gonna binge one piece



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 No.2912[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Who the hell is even the target audience for this cringeworthy shitshow these days? I'm seriously curious.
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I find it interesting that Toriyama himself called out the tired repetition in shonen anime today as taking from Dragon Ball or other older Shonen without being original. Naruto, One Piece and Bleach have some DBZ influence, but were clearly their own thing. Black Clover's beginning takes a lot from One Piece and Naruto (I'm going to be Wizard King! vs Hokage or Pirate King).


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Remember how People in Latin America aired DBS Episode 130 to the public in stadiums and theaters? I didn't know this but apparently there was a massive potential scandal because Toei not only prohibited it as a copyright violation but when Mexicans ignored them, sent a diplomatic note on the topic, demanding these screenings be criminally actionable.



That's fucked up.


Yep, good thing the Mexican people did not give a flying fuck.


Chad Mexicans watching anime on big stadium screens while in a traffic jam. Wish my country had those, such a based way to introduce more people to anime. Fuck copyright.


opinion on Gate? can it be defined as JSDF recruitment propaganda?
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I was expecting something like that at first and so it just being the Japanese Warcrimes show got really boring really fast. Like how are you supposed to think these people are heroic when they come in and gun down a bunch of basically defenseless screwheads armed with bows and arrows using apache gunships? Or when they slaughter several entire armies with HE artillery without even coming into visual contact with them. You might have had something if the empire shut the gate and you had a limited contingent of the jsdf trapped there having to make do, but instead it's just curb stomp after curb stomp.


I enjoyed it enough for what it was, but it's definitely JSDF propaganda.


>I enjoyed it enough for what it was
<inb4 "Sword Art Online wasn't so bad actually"


So the gate anime is an isekai cheat fantasy for the JSDF where their cheat ability is "commit war crimes without any repercussions."


It's pretty much Japan vs the world now. It's dumb.

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Why are ugly bastards so popular?
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>muh zoom zoom
>most tricenarian males are butt ugly irl
>i live ugly bastrds bcuz im one

Bruh if you look like shit in your thirties its because youve not been taking good care of yourself.

I meet guys in their forties amd fifties whom are good looking.


>most men are butt ugly so they like ugly bastrards
>only gay/bi men like bishonen



Bastard-prettifier AI model when? i-it doesn't already exist, does it?


I don't like seeing males in my porn at all unless they're ultra-feminine so the only reason I'm unsettled by ugly bastards is that it sometimes implies coersion like in OP. But that's obviously not exclusive to uggards.


They look funni.


Why do we have hands?

Pat the moff
Adore the moff
Cherish the moff
Sacrificd all material and spiritual possessions to the moff
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Who is the Moffin' man?



i haven't kept up with the manga in years and the last i read she ripped off her arm and ear. did they grow back in the meantime? also, should i pick up the series again?


>should i pick up the series again?
I never liked the series but from what I heard of fans, they disliked the later plot being repetitive.


Like unironically that's what actually happens in 1-2 chapters from there.
I still recommend to at least finish the arc. It has been the slowest so far but the author managed to make it pay off

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