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 No.524393[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


the FINAL animal election of 2024 will be on MAY 20!!!!!!
that's right MAY TWENTY!!!!!!!

these on the image are the OFFICIAL CANDIDATES!!!!!! let us know if u'r unhappy with ur candidate being eliminated

EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: the preliminary election was probably STOLEN!!!!! but I must warn the cheaters that on the FINAL election there'll be NONE of this MONKEY BUSINESS!!!!! A STRICT measure will be put in place to ensure that the FINAL election will be 100% LEGIT
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So the current thread will hit the limit soon and I can't decide on the theme for the next one. In the spirit of this election year, I'm making a poll that runs from today to the 30th. Here are the options:
COVID nostalgia
Trump-JFK Jr. 2024
Vote here:
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shit his pants




im afraid to die
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Then kill carry on, carry on, carryalion


I'm afraid of never getting to live.


Death isn't scary at all decades of suffering and misery without any self actualization that's terrifying. I love mortality with all I have I just don't want to waste the time I have. Probably is we get stuck in cycles of poverty and hopelessness. We get cornered with no way out and before we know it the clock comes to our ends and that's all we know.


We die infinite deaths, for we are ships of Theseus. Even in the continuity of our entities, we can die before the true death. If a man wakes up with amnesia, has not a great part of him died? Aye, in the silent chambers of our souls, pieces of who we once were lay to rest, replaced by the passage of time and the ebb of experience. But fear not the specter of death, for in every death lies the seed of rebirth. From the ashes of our former selves, we emerge anew, reshaped by the hands of fate and the whispers of destiny. So let us embrace the ever-changing tides of existence, for in the dance of life and death, we find the rhythm of our truest selves.


Ambiguous endings really are the best and I’ll never understand the kind of person who craves a clear cut answer.
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I dont have a problem with a few side quests or a coiple twists but it can get to be a bit much.

Then throw in philosophical takes into the mix.

But whats even worse us the fanbase that further philosophise it and whining about any pandering.


i ag


it's no wonder there's a glowie-curated cottage industry of reviewers who tell you fiction is bad when it's "unfocused" or "doesn't move the plot forward" or "tells instead of shows" or "tries to tackle too many subjects". It limits the ability to make a political statement with a work of fiction. How dare you bash us over the head with your class conscious message? It's supposed to be buried under a mount of implications that can be selectively ignored by a viewer who disagrees with it!


I was wondering when someone would arrive and say that engaging narratives are actually the work of the FBI.


>inb4 glowie
I'm not the one pretending to do a heccin communism with fucking media under capitalism!

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 No.484014[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

ITT, we post our favorite Youtube clickbait thumbnails
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there's also "educational" videos demonstrating what happens to thin white shirts when they get wet. and there was some lady in florida who got arrested for oiling herself up and breastfeeding her child (among other things; don't read the rest of the article if you don't wanna know)
>A Florida woman who has already spent nearly three years in jail for posting racy breastfeeding videos on YouTube was acquitted on 33 out of 34 charges earlier this week. A Tallahassee jury of six found Leigh Felten, 34, guilty of one count of lewd lascivious performance, a second-degree felony defined as “intentional sexual performance in the presence of a child younger than 16.” In the 10 videos presented as evidence, Felton was seen breast-feeding her then-18-month-old son.


what the fuck. shout out to the soccer mom who got this woman's kid taken away because she was mad at her husband watching fetish videos


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if you want it to be


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Based Florida
Her fault for using her child as a sex prop, fuck breeders.

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What's the most one person could do to get us closer to revolution?


Me of course

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What if I don't really want to be part of any movement? I know what fascists in conjunction with the bourgeois media can do to you if you are slightly left of centrist liberalism and it's scary. Sadly any kind of "left" ideology is heavily ostricized in the reactionary shithole I live in. And honestly, even without that, I'm just deeply anti-social. I will never have real comrades because I can't get on with people just because we have the same ideology or just any kind of common interest or activity. I have couple of petit-bourgeois friends whom I know very well and I don't think I want to get to know anyone else. I just want to become a petit-bourgeois like them or at least try. Become the normiest of normies. And then maybe start reading some weird books (communist or not) to pretend that I'm more than that. I've made my fair share of mistakes and I will need some effort to get my shit together, but I think that even just trying will be worthwhile.

It's entirely possible that the reason why I started larping as a communist online is precisely because I felt out of place among my peers (and I wasn't enough of a misanthrope to blame everything on the Jews and women), but what is it that I can do? It's not like we are on the brink of a revolution. The reality is that despite all the upheaval in the world, class struggle in the strict sense isn't on the rise. All we are seeing is that elite groups are trying to rearrange the relations of power between themselves, and in a way that seems to be much more equal and equitable than anything we have seen in the last couple of hundred years. Sometimes this lends itself to to an alliance between the left-wing of the bourgeoisie and certain popular forces because they both rely heavily on the state. At other times all we can see is further societal decay without any solution in sight. You may not like it but that's how things are. I know that I won't be the person who will turn things around and I don't see any people with the capability of doing that.


Focus on yourselves. I feel I'm no use to the movement until I'm at my best or anyone is at their best. It's ok to want to seek that petite bourgeois life. It's not gonna convince you capitalism works. For so long and till this day still a little I was afraid. I was afraid if I ended my poverty I'd end my association with proletariat class aims. Id become bourgeois in mindset that I'd betray what I loved. It's important to trust you heart that capital won't change it, once you have the capital to really live outside poverty. In the shackles of poverty you can do nothing but survive. I can't afford a sign to display, I can't afford a punching bag to learn to fight. In this state many class conscious comrade can become obsolete to the cause. Your not gonna carry your nation on your back to salvation. Every comrade should look at their participation as if they will NEVER be the Lenin. We are all, all things considered the nameless red army soldier that died without recognition. We all must accept this sacrifice without recognition. We all must accept that we won't see the promise land. We are all Moses dying before the milk and honey. May we all die knowing we did are part that it was in sight!


Easy, you aren't part of the proletariat, as communism is a necessity for them. I don't mean this as a moral attack, obviously.


volunteer ur time at soup kitchens, tape posters to walls, do bare bones shit. even in the dsrk we hve numbers and if u make ppl's lives better u'll do better than most "revolutionaries".


>I will never have real comrades because I can't get on with people
Comrades usually ain't your friends, they are people you fight alongside, you don't need to get on with people to do that.


why do you larpers like saying "comrade" so much


Like how do you find political organisations, events, likeminded people? No idea where to look, no idea how to join, what could I bring to the table.
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Shooting cops


Start praying to Allah (SWT), make friends with the bourgeois police/military apparatus, read the Quran and the Green Book, and hopefully coup your country.
Obvious /s


the hardest thing about activism isn't getting involved, it's

1. finding the free time in between work/family/free time (especially if you're a parent and/or take care of elders/disabled)

2. not getting in the way or accidentally being a wrecker


Political activism is separate from the class struggle and refers to shit like veganism. At least under marxism, I don't know if anarchists make this distinction too.


>how do you find yadda yadda
one of the main reasons to read theory for me is to be able to recognize pb parties that only want liberal reforms instead of strengthening the proletariat as one united force against capital

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from a leftist standpoint, what is the best guide to survive or even thrive in a US jail?
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Is this thread gay fanfic or we actually get to suck hot jacked dudes in american jails?


>The sink didn't work and nobody ever used the toilet for anything but piss
where do you shit then?


The guards would let you use what would best be called as a communal toilet, basically a set of stall shitters kind of like an outhouse.


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get into prisoncore (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ


This is the best advice here

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Xi Jinlore
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its no different from classic slapstick movies


Yeah yeah, that's what they all say


I must say, I was not excpecting the Lil John "WHAT" soundbite from an old chinese man's comedy tiktok



How would Salahuddin react to this?

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